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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 01/09/2024

Nonsense! I stared at him continue

Yes, he shrank his neck. As soon as he got outside the city, he saw that General Tuoba led a group of people to rush over from the north. When battalion commander Qin saw him, he forgot to go to Zhang He, bought hundreds of jars of good wine from the city and led his brothers back … He looked at his wine bowl and held it up to me. Master, you also have a taste?
I took the wine bowl and gulped it down. If you drink less, if you are all drunk, won’t someone else end it?
品茶  title=Yes, yes, yes, he nodded and picked up the jar and filled it for me. Is it good?
I well lifted my neck and poured it again.
I’m not talking nonsense, but I’ve also drunk many local good wines. He boasted about his life experience. It’s really not too many good wines that can be so mellow and strong as Congtai wine without headaches after drinking it.
I don’t have any research on drinking. Just nod Where do you think the wine tastes best?
He patted the altar and sat beside me. I Liangzhou Bar is just spicy to warm my stomach. It’s nothing good wine. Even if there is wine from the western regions, it’s sweet and astringent …
What? I stared and asked, Wine? Have you drunk? Is there wine at this time?
Hey, hey, the soldier smiled shyly. Master, don’t kill me when you heard this. After the master killed Han Sui and occupied Jincheng, the children searched a lot of good things in the old thief’s house … The little man touched two jars of wine specially for good wine …
I nodded. I’ve had a few drinks, too, and I’m not strong. That’s a generation ago …
Later, when I came to Chang ‘an, I found a lot of wine from Dong Zhuo’s brother’s barracks, and the general went to the army with a wave of his hand. He thought about it and recalled, That batch of wine was strong enough for the altar, and the taste was different. Unfortunately, all the brothers were greedy, and they finished drinking it in less than half a year.
No wonder … I muttered, no wonder I didn’t even see a drop of residue when I woke up after a year of coma …
When I arrived in Luoyang, I also drank a little royal wine, but it was very mellow. It tasted like eating raw warm water, but it was always moist, but there was always a strong energy missing. He shook his head. Then I had a small drink at Jinyang Huangfusong Banquet, but I couldn’t forget it. The whole lung seemed to burn up …
Hey, hey, hey, hey I have to wake up. He can’t ignore the fact that it’s a fart to drink in the stomach, intestines and lungs at most? !” Bullshit also needs basic knowledge!
Young master, you are wrong, he explained. Of course, you have to smell the wine first. At that time, my nose was full of wine and I felt like my whole lung was on fire!
Actually, it’s two lungs … I murmured.
Of course, drinking Jinyang wine at that time was definitely not the best. How could Huangfusong best entertain us mixed soldiers? He calmly analyzed, Young master has been counting on drinking a few jars of good wine with you since he was a child. You can’t live up to our hearts!
My forehead is cold and sweaty. The first sentence is justified. How is the last sentence logical?
He ah with one hand and one loose face upwards and fell backwards.
I quickly raised my right foot to catch the jar and gently fell to the ground.
It’s hard for him to be so calm and pour me wine and systematically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of fine wines from all over the world …
I gave the soldier a hard look and tried to remember his appearance.
It’s a pity that it doesn’t seem to stand out. The eyebrows are sparse, the eyes, ears, nose and mouth are all ordinary, and it’s really hard to remember …
There are thousands of dead pigs sleeping around me, so I just pose and practice kung fu.
I took a deep breath, and two lung lobes seemed to make a faint flame.
Snoring around me seems to have a magical power that keeps attracting my consciousness to leave me.
For a quarter of an hour, I felt my soul take off …
Body qi becomes cheerful in an instantfrom slowly flowing gurgling stream to pouring directly into the waterfall, like suddenly slamming a sluice and hoarding water for a long time at the mouth of the Three Gorges Dam.
The small flame in the lungs was not extinguished by the flood, but rose in the wind and spread rapidly all over the strange meridians.
I feel that my whole person is about to burn.
Does this mean that in the * * round of work? !
I suddenly opened my mouth and blew out a hot breath Boom!
White gas rises into the sky and is surrounded by fog on all sides. I can’t even see the nearest winespelling master clearly.
I took a deep breath and the white fog was slowly shrinking.
I continued to inhale until the white fog finally cleared.
The air and sea in Dantian are cool and the whole body feels hot and dry as if it had never happened before.
The sun is still burning impudently.
37 first
There was a cable ringing around, and the soldiers rubbed their eyes and got up.
What’s the action? !” Qin Zhen sat up with the jar in his arms and looked around.
I asked, What’s going on? !”
I thought I heard a bang just now. He jumped up. It’s like someone put a fart in my ear!
I turned and flew up and kicked him on the back. Just now, an old living man who farted? !”
He staggered back and insisted that there is definitely a strange sound
When I woke up, the soldiers echoed Yes, yes, it’s like a muffled thunder and a smelly fart …
Bastard! I became angry from embarrassment. Just now, the old man practiced a little and gently spat out a sigh. Where are the muffled thunder and smelly fart? !”
That’s what the young master has done. It’s especially loud to fart. Qin array is eloquent.
I hit him with a backhand punch.