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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 13/09/2024













Su Wen and Xiao Jia got into the car together, and Xiao Jia did her duty to help her set her hair.

Zhou Xiaochuan noticed that Xiao Jia asked her, Do you look familiar as a stylist?
She was busy explaining that this is not my stylist, but brother Feng
Zhou Xiaochuan is even more surprised that everything in the circle is ambiguous, and there have been many such scandals before. This is really a taboo.
Because Zhou Xiaochuan, the exclusive stylist of Tianwang, is also kind to Xiaojia.
She took another call. It was Liu Zheng from the airport.
As soon as Su Wen picked up her mobile phone, she turned her face away. Did you get off the plane?
Well, I want to see you. The man’s deep voice is sexy and magnetic.
Su Wen’s face turned red and her voice became smaller. Work later.
Shall I pick you up?
No, it’s inconvenient. You just got jet lag. Have a rest first.
See you later, then. The man was spoiled by Nai.
Hang up the words, Su Wen is still a little dazed. Zhou Xiaochuan looked at her for a long time and she didn’t respond.
Is the girl in love? He suddenly asked
Ah? Su Wen was suddenly startled to deny don’t talk nonsense
Zhou Xiaochuan ha ha a smile, It’s good not to, or your company will know that the broker has to repair you.
He was joking and threatening her, but her face was really white
Xiao Jia stared at her thoughtfully, and her heart was miserable. Brother Feng, I’m afraid you have to pay for this by mistake.
In the evening, Su Wen, a banquet hall of a starrated hotel, appeared in the heart holding hands in jakieyang’s customized gift, and they had just made a green play and announced that they had entered the hall, so they dispersed separately to find acquaintances to get together.
Su Wen naturally followed Xue Shaofeng to see her come in with Zhou Xiaochuan, but instead of saying anything, she showed her approval. The girl knew who she could fry noodles with.
Xue Shaofeng is really loyal enough to introduce everyone. This is our company. Younger’s singing and acting are very powerful and promising. Please take more photos later.
Su didn’t ask many questions, but she was natural and graceful and smiling, and everyone didn’t resent it. Everyone thought she was a fledgling little sister and gave her a hand if she could.
This kind of activity is really meaningless. The rich second generation wants to take advantage of the rich second generation’s potential to benefit each other. Although this kind of activity is often mixed with a certain color and followed Xue Shaofeng for a circle of faces, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and her face was almost stiff with laughter.
Xue Shaofeng measured her, Let’s get something to eat while you are tired.
That’s what she wants. She changed her clothes from the store and came here. She hasn’t had dinner yet.
Worried about cakes and soft drinks, someone called her Miss Nie behind her.
As soon as she looked back, she was forced by a sense of oppression. She is not short. Today, this pair of highheeled shoes is at least inch, or it is overwhelmed by the northern male momentum in front of her.
Xue Shaofeng was not far away, and immediately came to her rescue. This is Mr. Yan, the city’s Yan Jiagong. Today’s banquet exhibition jewelry is Mr. Yan.
Su Wen nodded and they knew each other. Before she could speak, Yanbei said, Miss Nie and I are friends.
This change Xue Shaofeng a face of surprise.
Su Wen smiled, which is regarded as the default to say that friends are really her highs. At most, she met him once through Liu Zheng as a boyfriend friend … which is also a friend.
Lu Zheng returned to China today, didn’t he? Yanbei took the waiter’s hand and casually she chatted.
Well, if the plane just passed, it should be jet lag now.
Yanbei took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to her, explaining that there is the address of my Yanjia jewelry counter in Beijing. Sometimes I ask Lu Zheng to take you around. Take a fancy to which one to sign my name and count me as a gift for my younger siblings.
I’m really flattered to say this, Su Wen. It’s not that I don’t accept my business card in my hand, nor that I don’t accept it.
Yanbei probably saw her naked today, and she was not afraid of losing the battle among her actresses. However, Su Wen really couldn’t afford those expensive jewelry gifts, and it was impossible to say that people borrowed jewelry again.
However, Su Wen didn’t expect that Yan Bei, who was taciturn, also had a dark side. Through this sister in law, he automatically upgraded to someone’s elder brother …
When Liu Zheng knew the truth, Xiu Chang’s eyebrows slanted and he smiled, but he directed the counter salesman mercilessly. This whole set and that one are all wrapped up … Yes, remember your general ledger.
It is said that the sales of Yanjia Jewelry showed a negative growth in that quarter …
After Yanbei left, Xue Shaofeng asked her, How do you know Yan Shao?
She thought about it and euphemistically said, Friends are not particularly familiar.
What did he talk to you about?
Nothing, just gave me a business card and told me to visit their counters. Su Wen honestly gave the business card to Xue Shaofeng to have a look. This is her brother in her eyes.
Xue Shaofeng saw at a glance that Yanbei gave her this personal business card, which is obviously different from the business card submitted by the general banquet occasion. Seeing her eyes is not much a few minutes.
Give her the business card back. Xue Shaofeng said, Since you are a friend, you can keep it, but if someone gives you jewelry later, remember never to accept it.
Don’t worry, I haven’t received any gifts except fan gifts. She still knows that there are some things that I really dare not accept.
It was very late that day when the activity was over. When Su Wen came home, he knew he had come back when he saw Lu Zheng’s shoes in Xuanchu.
Changed slippers and crept into the room. light in the bedroom put out a big bed with his back lying on his side.
After a busy day, I came home knowing that I was not alone, and suddenly I felt very calm and my mouth was unconsciously raised.
Knowing that it was hard for him to adjust the jet lag, Su Wen didn’t wake him up. He went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed his pajamas and got out of bed quietly from the other side.
Just lying on a long arm, I passed through her waist and held her warm breath firmly. Her neck was intoxicated and beautiful in the dark night. Come back?
You didn’t sleep? Su Wen turned to the darkness and wanted to see him clearly.
Lu Zheng kissed her nose. How can you be willing to sleep before you wait?
Fiftyseven cold war
a brief separation makes the couple feel like honeymooners
夜生活Last night, the passion made Su Wen feel a little flushed in retrospect, probably because she really missed her own initiative. Both of them were a little carried away with a kind of ferocity that was bound to drain each other. It was like playing crazy all night in college and forgetting the entrance guard until Li Shi was sweating and hugging each other.
Early element asked to get up first because there was nothing to do, so I took a shower and cooked in the kitchen. At about noon, Liu Zhengcai woke up and sat in the bedroom big bed, looking at the busy little figure in the kitchen and smiling.
He got up and opened the drawer of the bedside table, where there were two boxes of condoms. When he first moved in, they bought them at the supermarket together one day, but this kind of thing felt like it was not the second time that they could stop living together for so long.
Watching her stay with her like a little wife, cooking and putting bath water on her own, sometimes she will be careful to please herself, and she will have expectations unconsciously.
Maybe they can always go like this, always together.
Maybe they want a child so that she won’t leave her again …
Hungry at noon, so suddenly, my mind slowly became warm.
Lu Zheng walked out of the bedroom, asked Su Wen, and set the table to see him up and immediately beamed. It’s just right to eat, so go and wash up.
Broke out in a sweat. Liu Zheng simply took a shower and changed his clothes. When he came out, Su Wen was not in the living room. He turned into the bedroom and saw Su Wen squatting to pack his suitcase.
Even the small alarm clock she likes to put on the bedside table is no exception.
Where are you going?
The abrupt sound startled her, and she looked at him with dark clouds under her eyes.
She tries her best to organize her language quickly and rigorously. Lu Zheng, there’s nothing I haven’t told you these days. I don’t think it’s convenient for us to live together like this …
Before she finished, the haze in Lu Zheng’s eyes became thicker. Where is the inconvenience?
It’s not inconvenient, it’s … Su Wen began to talk incoherently.






1. 雷峰塔下的“湖畔茶楼”


2. 断桥附近的“一勺西湖”




1. 南宋御街的“南宋御茶楼”


2. 解放路“茶颜悦色”




1. 九溪烟树的“九溪茶庄”


2. 灵隐寺附近的“灵隐茶室”



I shook my head and sighed, At that time, my dad practiced for many years, and ten thousand fighters came back alive … there were less than four thousand people. I don’t remember the specific data. Anyway, it seems that Marten’s team died more than six thousand. But Lyu3 bu4 suffered only two or three thousand casualties. When I remembered the corpses lying all over the valley, I was dying.

Liu Xie heavy eyebrows locked so …..
Although I spoke these words very casually, as if my brother were chatting in his spare time, I would never really say that my brother had to leave room for whatever he said to the emperor. I wouldn’t specifically tell him that more than 6,000 people were dead, and I wouldn’t tell him that if he rode a tiger and leopard now and added some appropriate tactics, I don’t think Lyu3 bu4 would have a chance.
I am willing to let Liu Xie Lyu3 bu4 cavalry natural enemies and my elite cavalry can always fight the peasant army.
After expelling Guo Li, I am afraid that I have been scolded by a dog in the ruling and opposition? I smiled wryly, I don’t want to do anything. Jiuqing didn’t expect an unexpected fire to fulfill my desire to be released outside, but it didn’t come to me … I don’t know who suggested that I should be driven directly to the Saibei grassland.
Liu Xie didn’t speak so that I could continue to talk about Fortunately, the bloodless man recovered the merit of Shuofang and moved to Zhao Guoxiang. He originally wanted to govern the people in Zhao for three or five years in peace … Unexpectedly … I was so sinister! I punched the palm of my left hand.
I have seen Lombardi before … He finally said.
ha? Have you seen him? I’m surprised
It was four years ago that Dong Zhuochu came to Luoyang with the intention of monopolizing the imperial court … He recalled the past. At that time, Yuan Shao’s integrity refused to give in, but he fled back to Hebei to gather the rebels. It was really hateful for Dong thief to put more than 20 members of the Yuan clan in Luoyang to death in anger.
It’s also my fault, Brother Yuan Shao. Didn’t you two know to inform your elders before you fled?
It caused the death and injury of the parents in the family, and the influence in the central court was far less than that of Xun’s Yang. If one of his two fathers was still alive, let alone Jizhou secretariat, he would be promoted to state animal husbandry directly, and no one would talk about it.
Are you sure you want to enlist Liao’s heart? Liu Xie suddenly changed the subject.
This topic has long been questioned by Zhang Wen, Lu Zhi and others. In the face of the emperor, I can behave in a confident way. There must be no problem with Lu’s adult in the rear cooking bureau.
He nodded at ease. That would be great. I don’t know how to reward you when you come back from Liao.
I laughed. I haven’t left yet. Have you thought about it as a reward?
He smiled and said, The achievements of the three counties in Liaodong … probably need to be distributed to Sun.
桑拿论坛Sun? I grabbed Ba. I have a daughter now. Can I share it with her?
Daughter? He hesitated to shake his head. I’m afraid this … I can’t … I’ve never had a daughter who was appointed as a food city in the 400 years since the founding of the country …
I bit my lip to get a local tribute only if I have a royal daughter … Why can’t my daughter?
But you have three or four thousand food cities. Is there any problem with raising a daughter? He joked with a smile
Ah, it’s also my daughter’s home. After all, I want to marry someone else … I no longer consider this question.
Pursuit Longevity slowly approached the bow and waist. The Queen Mother and Princess are coming …
Oh! Liu Xie hold the case a few up I’ll go out to meet he gave me a look love you …
Ah … I got up in a panic. It’s getting late, and I dare not bother.
It’s getting lateit was dark when we went out.
He nodded and waved to Gao Shou and pointed to the iron box. Send someone to send this armor back to Ma Fu.
Nuo bowed again and then gestured to me, Master Ma asked the old slave to send someone to carry the armor.
Thank you. I bowed at will and stepped out of the door.
As soon as I got out of the yard, I saw a dozen people moving over hereconsidering the speed of the queen mother and princess, of course, I have to use the word move
Wait, the queen mother? !
I was just about to wander around these women when a question suddenly popped up. I have never remembered this character in these three years! What queen mother? ! Jump out from where? !
Gao Gonggong? I grabbed Gao Shou and ran to one side. What’s the name of this queen mother?
ah! ?” He was frightened to disgrace. Ma Daren, you … the queen mother’s name is Wang …
It suddenly dawned on me, Yes, yes, yes, the Queen Mother? Why not the queen mother?
If Aiqing is not busy, Liu Xie called behind me, why don’t you come and see a mother?
Busy! There are important things in my family that I dare not disturb you and the queen mother! I dare not look back at him and run to the south.
Your mother and your sister … I * * things!
22 Baojia sends heroes
The carriage and iron box with silver armor lay quietly at my feet.
Ma Daren has arrived at the mansion. Four guards stopped the carriage in two rows.
I jumped out of the car and said, Thank you for sending me.
Someone asked enthusiastically, Which room is Master Ma’s suitcase going to move into?
I moved my shoulders and shook my head. No need, I can move in myself.
Move yourself? !” Four people agreed, This box is almost 300 Jin. If one person can move it?
I knocked on the door first, and then I started to work. When my arms were stuffy, I held the iron box in my arms.
The four people behind him even marveled, It’s really admirable that Lord Ma has extraordinary powers!
Four … I turned my head hard. Farewell! Exposure and ran towards the inner courtyard.
Silver armor is heavier than adding dozens of kilograms of iron suitcase, which is already unbearable for ordinary people. However, I am gifted and have been practicing martial arts for many years before I can barely walk as usualthe speed is about two meters per second.
I’ll go to master you … Pass by Pang Gan’s strange way. You can’t run with such a narrow box? !”
Why don’t you try it? My one mouthful true qi leaked out, and the chest suddenly became heavy, and my feet could not help but slow down.














Then what?

Then he took the sugar, hesitated for a moment, and stepped on my foot … The herring looked a little angry.
Zhou rhyme leng for a while, immediately charming smile, looking at the big screen in the lobby on the first floor of the audience were also made to laugh, the atmosphere is hot.
There are indeed two brushes for herring’s explanation skill.
The herring wanted to continue the lecture, but when he saw that the screen had entered the banp, he slapped the table: The machines on both sides should have been debugged, and now they are officially entering the banp screen!
In this first game, Sirius team is in the blue side and Z team is in the red side.
Sirius team firsthand ban lost the Yellow Emperor in the desert. This hero is really annoying. His long hand is not easy to be crushed, and he can still make an explosion output later.
Yes, Z team firsthand …
Let’s ban the bull’s head in the first hand. The other side’s road is very stable. It’s best not to let them get a hero with strong protection like the bull’s head, otherwise there is no way to break through. Lin Qi said.
Immediately, Meng Fan sent the bull’s head to ban.
The other side ban dropped the hero of revenge spear.
夜网论坛Lin Qi thought for a moment and then said, ban has three hands.
Victor, a hero, used to be very unpopular, but this year, he appeared in the competition.
He broke out, had control, could fight AOE, and became the overlord hero of China.
Meng Fan will ban Victor, and the other side will ban Dreven.
It was Lin Tian who sent Devon to ban. They didn’t expect it.
It seems that these guys studied you. Fat said to Lin Tian.
Lin Tian nodded: Well … this Draven ban is really decisive.
Lin Qi didn’t join in the discussion. She looked at it for a while and finally said, Let’s ban the little fisherman as the last hand. We can take the men alone.
Meng Fan nodded, but Han Xiao was awkward and finally shook his head.
Team Z coaches, although most of them make training matches, will also join the analysis.
Xiao Han can be more experienced than Lin Qi. In Han Xiao’s view, this third hand is best to ban Ike.
First of all, this hero is very hot and strong in the wild position now, and secondly, … Team Z rarely sees such a hero in the training match, and has no preparation.
But Lin Qi has let Meng Fan ban lose the fisherman, and Han Xiao is not in the mouth.
But Han Xiao knows that this third hand is actually a must for ban Ike.
The other party took people on the first floor very quickly, so Xiao Han directly locked Ike as expected.
Lin Qi didn’t feel a little careless, but there are still many heroes released now. On the first and second floors of Z Team, the two heroes, Ma Lun and Hammer Stone, were robbed.
Lin Tian actually refused to take out these two heroes, but Lin Qi said, The other side is also developing AC steadily, so just hold it steady in the first game.
This sentence put Lin Tian suppressed back, let him some nai.
Subsequently, the other two or three hands took out the Titan and the male gun, and directly lit up the road combination.
Lin Tian’s side responded to Lin Qi’s request and took out barrels and troops.
On the fourth and fifth floors, the other party took out the single card and Shan Ruiwen.
When Riven, the hero, took it out, there was a cheer on the first floor, which was heard by several people on the second floor, Lin Tian. It was really deafening.
While Meng Fan pursed the lips, took out his own heroine snake lady.
Twosided array determination
Chapter 24 Magic
The Z team took a lot of new ideas in this array.
This array can be regarded as the strongest array, and there is also a place here, but some heroes have been weakened.
After the new reform, Shan Shen has now returned to the single position, while other positions have not changed much.

Tell me if it was your fault that my brother died in the previous great turmoil.

No, absolutely not.
We can take the oath of heaven. Absolutely not.
It’s Ling Susu, the woman with this quota, who let your brother blow himself up and want to catch the Qian Shan Xueyan people.
Everything is Ling Susu, a snake woman, who has hooked up with Qian Shan College. If you trust this group of people, you will definitely follow in the footsteps of your brother.
Four people denied it in a stack.
Oh, really? Jun Kuang was ready for this favor, and he was sold.
Ling Susu came to attack them, and the scroll of antiquities had already been handed over to sake and others by him, so now there is no even the most basic evidence; The residual energy outside is, of course, the explosion of the man in Shangsiyuan, which I believe is clear to the three people in Shangsiyuan; The four people arrested in Yuanfeng College, however, can prove that the status of Yuanfeng College is much higher than that of Ling Susu.
Chapter seven hundred Joint 2
If the senior brothers in Shangsiyuan think it’s me, I can argue. Ling Susu stuffed the hand dragon into Fan Luo’s arms.
I thought that the four people in Yuanfeng College would not recognize the pot, and I was ready to be crazy by you. Now I feel a little disappointed. She is not secretly annoyed that she is too worthless and easily bought off.
It is not difficult to see from the comments made by a few people just now that they have a long-standing feud with Ling Susu. It is impossible to collude, let alone save the United States, right? Jun said with laughter. Ling Susu is a Xu person, let’s not talk about it for the time being. Do you think she can make such a big storm alone?
Three people in Shangsi Hospital can almost burn people through their eyes and stare at Ling Susu. Don’t they start thinking when they hear this?
They blindly recognized that Ling Susu, who had repeatedly attacked and harassed various colleges, was the first figurine, but they never thought about the ability.
A monk, who is ordinary and powerful, can’t have such a strong power, and it is even more impossible to provoke a weak shock in the ruins of the whole god burn; This situation may be that there is an array plus explosive energy, which is probably the beginning of driving array.
They entered the Shenhuang ruins almost at the same time and arrived at the open-air tournament. It is reasonable to say that they will not be much worse, so Ling Susu will arrive earlier at most.
And more than ten days before the great turmoil, it was said that Ling Susu’s preparation time was limited so short. Is it really possible to create such a strong array with personal ability?
Even if an individual has the ability to make such an array, even after entering the ruins of the God Burn, he will start to decorate his roots and make contact with others. What’s worse, his brother has been walking with Ling Susu for a long time, and his love for Ling Susu is definitely not an illusion.
It is not difficult to see that Ling Susu does not have the ability to prepare such a powerful array, but it is more likely that the other four people will frame him.
I’m waiting for one thing but I don’t want the girl to solve the problem. Rong Yu gently coughed. My brother and girl will be in the hands of the four of them again.
Things developed to the point that Ling Susu didn’t suddenly understand and cooperate with this crazy monarch to arrange drama for her. On that day, we were attacked by four younger brothers in our college, and I was slightly injured. He chased after it from now on.
Ling Susu’s tearful performance won the sympathy of the three people in Shangsiyuan, and the three turned their hatred to the four people tied together.
Four people, a cold shiver and a pile of arguments. Four people speak together and say that the voices overlap, which makes people feel very noisy and not interested in listening.
Since all of you in Qian Shan College can bury the hatchet with Miss Ling, we are not petty people. In the end, the most reckless character also nodded, I still hope that the girl will be good after herself.
These are the belongings from their bodies. Jun Kuang will hand over the contents such as the spirit device from four people to Reilly. I have given your brother’s things to Ling Susu as relics. If you want to get them back, let her take them out.
Smell speech is still boss courtyard three people exchanged a glance, color by the oldest ChaoShi to this is not necessary, brother gave us all the good things, otherwise we wouldn’t be according to this, these things will be left to miss ling to do a good job.
They are not stupid.
No matter how good the other disciples are, they will all be rivals in the future, and maybe even turn against each other. Every day, for them, the means to save their lives must be grasped more.
Some of the things collected from Yuanfeng College are one-off, but after all, the attack power is strong enough to serve as their cards; And you dare to take it out and tell them that people in Qian Shan College can’t look at these things. Their enemies in Qian Shan College are not wise.
It is better to be well-informed than to deal with these people and make others unhappy. It is obvious that only by maintaining the necessary peace can we leave.
Then it’s a date. Jun gave them a laugh. These four people were left to Ling Susu.
I have a discussion elder brother Fan Luo glanced at Jun Kuang with a smile. Some people involved in this matter don’t know when to speak properly.
If you have anything, just say it. It’s a big deal. Jun Qian’s half-open joke succeeded in making the three people in Shangsi Hospital change their faces.
Seeing Fan Luo’s bone fan in his hand, he gave two smiles and looked at the three people. It is said that after our four colleges are divided into high schools, there will be various big doors and aristocratic brothers to join in. He coughed. Our four colleges have always been deep and it is not wise to consume each other at this time.
桑拿As you mean, Rong Yu hurriedly asked.
It is very simple that we should learn to unite with our four colleges to compete with the patriarchal clan and aristocratic families.
Fan Luo’s proposal can be said to be very bold and very leap forward, which even monarchists have to admit.
However, people from Lingcheng College didn’t show up today, and it’s not clear whether Brother Zhenchen agrees with us. Raleigh’s eyes flashed a hesitant look at Chao and Rong.

Night ling laughs without saying a word, slams the door and leaves behind the sound of early summer and autumn.

Ward and quiet to early summer and autumn quietly lying in bed looking at the ceiling with a sigh.
Well, anyway, if Ji Hanmo really blames her, she can go with him.
Carefully turned over a whole body, made a comfortable position in early summer and autumn, lying in a mess in my mind, and many figures flashed before my eyes.
Ji Han mo Yan Shao Luo Haobo quiet soft night ling and so on her eyes flashed suddenly she was shocked
She suddenly found a very serious problem. Every time she seems to have less inflammation, she has to take it for granted. She never cares if he will be angry or afraid of hurting him. Moreover, she seems to like being taken advantage of by others.
桑拿按摩This is unusual. She has felt unusual since Yan Shao paid attention to her.
It’s Yang Xiaoning who likes less. Why doesn’t he love it? Before he had something to do, he always let a group of people who were somewhat like Yang Xiaoning. What could he watch before him?
In early summer and autumn, I think this is abnormal. If it is because she is Yang Xiaoning’s sister, she can have many compensation methods, such as giving her a large sum of money. This is the most direct, effective and neverending method.
But Yan Shao didn’t call her to the prosperous time from that day, and Yan Shao’s attitude came to a turn of a hundred degrees, which caught her off guard.
What did Yan Shao call her to do that day?
Is there something he’s not telling her? Early summer and autumn frowned, and she still felt that it was weird to have less inflammation.
There was a sound at the door, which made the hair stand up in early summer and autumn.
Luo Haoboyin, even if she dies a hundred times, she won’t forget it.
Early summer and autumn took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down and shouted at the door, Please come in.
The door was pushed open from the face, and Luo Haobo came in from the outside with a faint smile on his face and a flower basket in his hand.
The younger brother guarding the door kept a watchful eye on the door, and his sight fell tightly on Luo Hao’s body. Judging from the expression on his face, he regarded Luo Haobo as a danger.
Nothing, you go out! Wave to the younger brother in early summer and autumn.
The younger brother is still a little uneasy, but he obediently obeys the door, but for safety reasons, the door is left unlocked.
In early summer and autumn, Luo Haobo was tightly clenched into a fist by his face.
No matter how many times she has to face Luo Hao Bo, she still tries to calm herself down and roll back in that hatred.
She wondered what she thought of Luo Haobo at the beginning.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down in early summer and autumn. I looked at Luo Haobo’s face. Is there anything wrong with General Luo?
The sound is faint and does not carry feelings.
I heard that you had a car accident. Come and have a look. Luo Haobo smiled. I’m sorry for being late these two days.
Luo Haobo put the basket of flowers at random and found a chair to sit in sight and cast his face in early summer and autumn.
Once again, I was shocked. She really looks very much like Yang Xiaoning.
It’s okay, you’ve been bored enough these two days, said Xia Chuqiu. I can understand that the wedding was besieged by reporters and the company’s stock fell and it had to move.
These two days are really busy.
Luo Haobo had a faint smile on his face and didn’t feel embarrassed at all, as if he were talking about other people’s affairs.
In early summer and autumn, I have to admit that Luo Haobo’s shameless kung fu has reached perfection.
Mr. Luo’s psychological quality is really good. If it were someone else, I’m afraid it would have been burned. In the praise of early summer and autumn, there was no secret of ridicule and irony
That’s because others are not calm enough, Luo Haobo said calmly.
Manager Luo said that I really want to learn from Manager Luo. Hey, it must be hard for Manager Luo to move out of our house. I stabbed a Luo Haobo in early summer and autumn.
This doesn’t belong to me. It’s a little condensate. I’m just taking care of it for her. When you come back, it’s just returned to you. Luo Haobo said it was a matter of course.
Then give me back the shares of Junwen Company? Early summer and autumn, halfplaying, halfseriously said
Luo Haobo smiled blankly and opened Miss Xia is really joking
Do you think I’m joking? Didn’t my sister give you your shares? If you are sincere, give me back Junwen Company, said slowly, staring at Luo Haobo in early summer and autumn.
You don’t understand the company things, but I don’t trust your sister’s hard work in your hands. Luo Haobo smiled and refused the early summer and autumn.
Company things don’t understand you can teach me. This is our Yang’s company. I can’t always give it to an outsider, can I? Mr. Luo, do you think it makes sense for me? Ask Luo Haobo with your eyebrows raised in early summer and autumn.
Luo Haobo’s eyes flashed. Do you want to go to Junwen Company?
Can’t you? Early summer and autumn rhetorical question
Luo Haobo smiled, You can come to class anytime if you want.
I will, said a face of earnest in early summer and autumn, with a smile that made Luo Haobo guessing.
Luo Haobo was stupefied. He felt a danger approaching him. This man was either someone else or this woman opposite him. He had a hunch that he might really defeat this woman in the future.
You can’t stay in early summer and autumn.
Luo Haobo fundus quickly flashed a yoshimitsu.
In early summer and autumn, I didn’t ignore the flash of fierce light in Luo Haobo’s eyes. Mr. Luo, you shouldn’t have any thoughts on me, should you?
I wonder what Miss Xia means? Luo Haobo asked.
Don’t you want me to die? In early summer and autumn, my face smiled even more. I want to think of a higher, more malicious and more subtle means, so I can’t die. You have to think of new ways again.
Luo Haobo’s face doesn’t change color. Miss Xia must have misunderstood me. How can I miss you when I think of Xiao Ning and a younger sister who I like all the time?
That’s best. Early summer and autumn smiled and stretched out his hand and yawned.
Luo Haobo got up with a wink. Miss Xia has a good rest and I won’t bother.
Don’t send early summer and autumn simply said 1.
Luo Haobo smiled and nodded. As soon as the door left, he went out in early summer and autumn and Luo Haobo secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.
Early summer and autumn face smile replaced by a cold meaning.
Is it that a person has changed so much in three years, or is she wrong? Luo Hao Bo has to deal with it more than she thought.

Five million? This year, I just accepted the endorsement of Aston Martin sports car and the recent sneaker contract. This year, my income is twice as low as yours. Do you think I can raise you? Ji Guo’s shame may not find out the enemy’s income, but he confessed himself first.

Taylor Swift suddenly remembered something and asked suspiciously, You play basketball in the United States, and Europeans don’t watch basketball games very much. Why will the British car speak for you? Ji Guo’s shame hasn’t come yet. Taylor Swift’s brain is not small, and he seems to have remembered something. He leaned his face together and turned angry and asked, And I remember seeing the British bitch news the other day. Emma Watson also endorsed Aston Martin. Let me think … Yes … That’s right … Is this card? Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Ji Guo’s shame is dumbfounded. How can Emma Watson be involved?
Wait … I speak for cars and Emma? Besides, she also endorsed Aston Martin. Why didn’t I know that? ?”
Taylor Swift stared at Ji’s humiliating eyes with a grimy face and asked in a sharp tone, Just pretend. How can you endorse the same card without informing each other?
Ji Guoshi suddenly laughed, pulled Taylor Swift into her arms and hugged her to prevent her from resisting the play abuse. Because we are ordinary friends, we said less than ten sentences before and after, how could she contact me? Do you have any misunderstanding?
Taylor Swift was held back by Ji Guo’s humiliation and resisted by the law. She just stopped and snorted, What’s the misunderstanding? You’re not my boyfriend.
Ji Guo was ashamed to slap her ass with one hand. Say it again, is it a boyfriend?
Taylor Swift exclaimed that a woman’s sexual exposure was more humiliating than Ji Guo’s, and she took the initiative to open her mouth and bite the fox’s lips.
Pain …!
Ji Guo was ashamed and furious. Taylor Swift didn’t kiss him, but bit his lip so hard that it bled.
Mom actually took the old blood first, and I will execute you on the spot now!
Ji Guo shamed Taylor Swift hard on the sofa and bit the little singer’s bright red lips …
The two adulterers and adulterers said a few words, but they bit each other on the sofa. Ji Guo was still taking the opportunity to take off Taylor Swift’s clothes. The latter wanted to refuse and welcome them. They were so horny that they turned into animals and quickly developed in the direction of rolled sheets …
The doorbell of the little singer’s house was very careless. Ji Guo was ashamed to take off his pants and Taylor Swift sweater in the middle. Damn it, the doorbell rang!
Wait …
What are you waiting for? It’s hard to get to this point. Maybe it’s to send a courier and let him press it …
If you don’t have a fingerprint lock on my ladder to send a courier, it must be someone I know.
Taylor Swift pushed the sperm brain to discipline the national humiliation, and quickly put on the sweater that was half taken off. She looked at the sofa with her face flushed and her pants were half taken off.
Let’s take a rain check. I’ll go and see who it is first. Taylor Swift blushed and lost her face. She quickly turned and walked to the door to see who rang the doorbell.
Ji Guo’s shame severely slapped the floor, and he almost swore in Fox’s heart, Knock on the door, king’s egg, I curse you for having children, no little brother, daughters and long little brothers …
Oh, my father?
Taylor Swift actually cursed the doorbell ringer in his heart, but when he went to the door and saw that it was his father, his blushing face turned white!
Future fatherinlaw? Ji Guo was ashamed to hear Taylor Swift’s words, but he quickly got up his pants and silently retracted what he had just said. It would be nice to have a baby without a little brother, and never have a little brother when having a daughter.
Taylor Swift was so scared that she ran back to Ji Guoshi’s side, pointing to a pile of red lip prints on the fox’s face and asked Ji Guoshi in disgrace, What should I do? If my father sees you like this, you will be killed by him!
Ji Guo’s shame doesn’t believe in the heart. Your father can’t kill me even if Schwarzenegger is my physique.
Is it that serious? I’m not a street thug. I have young people, okay? Unless your father is a street thug!
Taylor Swift pointed to the room deep in the corridor and said in a hurry, Now you can’t see him or you. Go to my room and hide. I haven’t told my father about you. He doesn’t know I’m in love. Always hide. I’ll tell my father about you and I’ll ask you to have dinner with him in a few days.
Finally admit that I am your boyfriend? You kiss me first, and I’ll hide inside. JiGuo shame smell speech smiled gently and took advantage of it.
Taylor Swift rolled his eyes, but quickly kissed him again on the lips, and then quickly pushed Ji Guo’s shame and pointed to his room.
品茶Ji Guo was ashamed to gesture ok, raised his pants and hid in Taylor Swift’s room.
Taylor Swift saw Ji Guo’s shame, first took a few deep breaths and then quickly adjusted his clothes before he came to the door and knocked on it.
Hi, Dad, I missed you so much.
Taylor Swift’s father, Scott Kingsley Swift, is also more than 1m tall and wide. Because of his age, he is a little fat. He saw Taylor Swift for almost a minute before frowning and saying, Is your boyfriend in there?
Taylor Swift was so scared when she heard the news that she never thought her father would see it without even entering the door.
Scott Kingsley pointed to his lips and asked, Did you bite him or did he bite you?
Taylor Swift quickly touched her lips and there was a trace of blood on her face. This is the wound caused by the dogeatdog just now. On the other hand, the intensity of this prelude is really beyond the average person’s ability.
No, you think too much. This is juice or strawberry juice!
strawberry juice?
Of course, Scott Kingsley didn’t believe this nonsense in his heart. He walked into the house and glanced at the shoe rack without making a trace. Some bitch No.52 sneakers were on the surface. This size is not a model that people can wear when they are 2 meters tall. However, Scott Kingsley didn’t see it when he saw Ji Guo’s shameful sneakers, but he didn’t say anything. He just took off his shoes and walked into the house.
During this time, your mother always kept saying to me that you are boring me to death. You didn’t go back to Pennsylvania in the last month. Let me see if you have a boyfriend in Los Angeles? Scott Kingsley walked into the room, glanced at the tea table and sofa that Ji Guo was ashamed to touch, and said to his daughter
Coffee? Taylor Swift bit her lip, and her hands were cold sweat.
What kind of coffee does your boyfriend drink? Scott Kingsley said with an expression on his face
He drinks …
Taylor Swift was easily found out the truth by her father, and her face turned red and she hung her head and stopped talking.
Scott Kingsley snorted. It’s as stupid as your mother. How can I trust you to find a boyfriend outside alone? What if he is cheating?
Taylor Swift quickly said, No, he’s not lying!
Scott Kingsley shook his head and felt that his daughter’s IQ seemed to be lower than before. That’s a good trick.
Fool, whether he is a bad guy or not, I ask you … did you do it? Scott Kingsley wants to know if his precious daughter has suffered at the moment.
Ji Guo’s shame is now lying at the door eavesdropping on his heart and cursing, If you come later for a while, you will get it in minutes and get you a little fox.
Taylor Swift quickly shook her head and turned even redder.
Sit and talk! Scott Kingsley pointed to the sofa and asked his daughter to sit down.
Scott Kingsley knows that Taylor Swift hasn’t suffered too much yet, and there is still plenty of room for redemption. His daughter will become a new generation of musicians at any time. Of course, he can’t let others take advantage of him casually. He needs to meet the guy hiding in the house first.

Defending champions Liverpool have established an advantage at home and now they are moving towards the Champions League final for the third year in a row!

Defending champions Liverpool have established an advantage at home and now they are moving towards the Champions League final for the third year in a row!
夜网论坛  title=If Chelsea are struck by lightning, they rely on strict defense!
In the first leg of Barcelona, Chelsea beat Barcelona 10 at home and drew 22 away.
It can be said that Chelsea have no advantage at home in Barcelona except that Torres finally put a lot of pressure on Barcelona at Camp Nou to get a single knife to tie the score.
The same is true at Anfield.
But the worst thing is that Chelsea conceded the goal first!
Koman immediately made a gesture to the team to defend and counterattack after the team led!
Liverpool contract as a whole Steven Gerrard retreats to play the edge guard Cabaille retreats to play the center guard Qin Xiong and Suarez play the forward.
Liverpool immediately changed ranks.
Dimatteo didn’t expect Liverpool to change so fast and so utilitarian!
Fight against the counterattack immediately after taking the lead.
This is driving Chelsea to the wall!
I’m afraid Chelsea will run out of luck if they want to play positional warfare.
Dimatteo dare to gamble?
Dare to gamble at Anfield?
Dare not!
Chelsea people don’t dare!
Liverpool will naturally not care about whether the team’s play is too utilitarian at this time because they want to compete for the championship.
Chelsea continue to defend Liverpool closely and shrink their defense.
This makes the game extremely boring.
Almost both teams infiltrated the other team’s restricted area to create a threatening offensive.
The scene is extremely dull.
Intense confrontation is more than offensive threat.
After halftime, the two teams returned to the dressing room. Coleman gave the team instructions simply, just hold your horses!
How severe the environment of Liverpool’s team is now.
A little carelessness may lead to line collapse.
Steven Gerrard and Qin Xiong also delivered speeches.
They have worked hard for a season and overcome many difficulties. If they fall down at this time, no one will be reconciled.
So everyone continued to defend and counterattack at half time.
Chelsea wanted to see if Liverpool would pursue the goal of expanding the score at halftime, but Liverpool showed a foursteady posture for Chelsea to do.
Liverpool fans in the stands continued to cheer for the team, and they did not have any complaints about the team’s play.
On the sidelines, Coleman carefully observed the changes in the game.
It’s enough for him to know Chelsea for a long time and control Liverpool. He thinks it’s enough to kill Chelsea with one goal!
It’s a ball leading and then playing against it!
It’s not how bad Chelsea positional warfare is, but if Chelsea take the initiative to attack, then Liverpool’s fast break and counterattack will definitely defeat Chelsea’s defense!

On the morning of June 1st, President Kaka officially transferred to Real Madrid on the morning of June 9th, and his value was 650,000 euros.

In just one week, florentino finished the seemingly impossible task, and he thanked Galliani afterwards for making Calderon look so stupid.
It’s the same as the real Madrid president’s economic resources. Why is the gap so big?
Two days ago, people were still regretting that Kaka’s worth of 650,000 euros failed to break Zida’s world record, but soon florentino offered an even more amazing contribution of 940,000 euros, and the first person in new world football was born.
It is Calderon, the former president, who signed a contract with Manchester United as early as last summer.
However, it is equally admirable that florentino has the courage to implement this contract. You know, it is no longer possible to take out 100 million euros to buy a player today when the ball economy is in recession.
According to Marca, florentino also hesitated, because in his opinion, Kaka is the player who best meets the requirements of Real Madrid in terms of technical and tactical ability and image. Although he is also excellent, he has no reason to be higher than Kaka and is nearly half higher.
Mr. President had hoped that Manchester United could hold a consultation to modify the contract and reduce the transfer, but after the proposal was rejected, florentino made a decision to pay the full amount of transfer to maintain the image of Real Madrid.
Now the top four players in the world football rankings are written by florentino.
Figo Kakazi’s total value in Daroga has reached 209.25 million euros, which is about 400.95 million dollars at the current exchange rate. What is the concept?
At present, the price of a3, the most luxurious airplane passenger in the world, is only 300 million dollars, and the price of Hummer is only 500 million dollars.
The success has shaken the confidence of Real Madrid fans and brought about the crazy effect of the transfer market, so that Real Madrid has three of the top five best stars in the world!
品茶论坛Qin Xiong Kaka Ronaldo
The outside world doesn’t even go to see Real Madrid. Other players can already imagine what a wonderful dream it is!
In the eyes of many Real Madrid fans, florentino is not a man, he is a white miracle! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. 992 China capital]
Florentino not only signed two heavyweight signings after coming to Taiwan, but also renewed Qin Xiong’s contract. This summer, the club must solve the top priority!
As Qin Xiong has returned to Asia to participate in the preliminaries, florentino did not send a message to Qin Xiong, but directly informed Freddie that he hoped that Qin Xiong could personally negotiate the renewal of the contract at the end of June and promised to give Qin Xiong a satisfactory contract.
Head coach pellegrini also wanted Qin Xiong to have an exchange later, but his call was answered by Freddie. Qin Xiong was preparing for the war and could not make a call.
Now meaning communication is what Qin Xiong is avoiding.
Pellegrini law determines how Real Madrid will have in the new season. Naturally, he hopes to say that Qinxiong Club will renew its contract, so Real Madrid will have strong paper strength in the new season.
Before the plane landed in Seoul, South Korea, Qin Xiong closed his eyes and asked Freddie a question across the aisle.
How many times is Ronaldo’s annual salary Raul?
Freddie looked stunned and immediately said, Twice as much as you, three times as much as Ramos!
Qin Xiong smell speech revealed a indescribable smile, and then took the belt to wait for the plane to land safely.
If he had signed a contract with Calderon last summer, his weekly salary would be about 50 thousand pounds less than Ronaldo’s, and now Ronaldo’s weekly salary is 20 thousand pounds!
Florentino said that he would give Qin Xiong a satisfactory contract. Qin Xiong didn’t care much, but now he is also waiting to see how florentino, who has always been a big spender, will balance his Ronaldo salary.
China dropped to Seoul.
In fact, the preliminaries have ended. In one round, China defeated the United Arab Emirates and scored three points. After the Korean team lost two points in a draw, China was already ahead of North Korea by three points. Even if China lost to South Korea in the last game, North Korea could not reverse China’s usurpation of the second position of the group and advance directly to the World Cup.
The opportunity left to the North Korean team is to play the playoffs.
However, the South Korean team still attaches great importance to this game, because in a World Cup qualifier and the Asian Cup stage, China has performed better than the South Korean team in the past four years.
For this reason, China won a surprise victory at home of South Korea. In the 21 ST South African World Cup qualifier, South Korea played very hard at home of China, and finally avenged itself at home of China.
However, Qin Xiong missed the game due to injury. Now Qin Xiong led the China team to the Korean team site. Korean football attaches great importance to fear that China will make waves at home, which will fundamentally shake the dominance of Korean football in Asia!
Because if you lose to China for two consecutive home games, it won’t be the Asian Cup. China won the championship for two consecutive times because the Korean Japanese trainer can act as a fig leaf.
June 17th Seoul World Cup Stadium
The final match of the World Cup preliminaries of South Korea and China started.
China’s mentality is obviously more relaxed than that of South Korea. With Qin Xiong present, China doesn’t know anything about fear of Korea.
On the contrary, the South Korean team played extremely conservative and cautious at home, fearing that the China team counterattacked and paid most of its troops to defend Qin Xiong in a targeted manner. This layout was quite successful.
Qin Xiong did not create much threat in the game, and the South Korean team also invested more offensive troops because of Qin Xiong’s containment method.
The game ended in a fierce confrontation and stalemate for 9 minutes
The two teams finally shook hands at the home of South Korea and joined hands to advance to the finals of the 21 ST World Cup in South Africa.
After the game, China returned to China with the joy of reaching the World Cup finals for the third time.
Call for the World Cup Celebration in Beijing
The leaders of the celebration speech praised the performance of China team’s athletes and reminded China team to guard against arrogance and rashness and strive for a breakthrough in the 2008 World Cup.
Qin Xiong and Xi Weiya sit together, and Qin Ye crawls around in his parents’ arms alternately. Many people will tease him when they come over, and Xiao Qin Ye will give him a red envelope. Some teammates and wives will hold Qin Xiong and kiss each other.
Just as Qin Xiong was preparing to take Sylvia Qin Ye back to the hotel to rest first, Freddie suddenly came up behind him and leaned over his ear and said, Someone wants to meet you.
Qin Xiong turn head gently asked; What is it?
I don’t know yet, but I think you should meet that man.
Qin Xiong looked at the door of the banquet hall and saw a young man in a plane. His dress was not particularly formal but very decent.
He asked, Is it that young man?
Freddie shook his head and said, No, that’s a man who took you there. His name is Wang Sicong. The man who wants to meet you is one of his father Wang Jianlin’s ten richest people in China.
Qin Xiong wanted to think and then nodded, Wait for me.

At this moment, the Donetsk miners have become a little nervous from the high spirits at the scene.

In Liverpool, they feel the danger of accumulating eggs because of the continuous strong offensive firepower
In the sixth minute of the game, after William dribbled the offensive in the frontcourt, Judson played as a winger. He also tried to shoot in front of the restricted area, but Skrtel Mascherano blocked his shooting line.
William tried to send Adriano a straight ball, but the intention was too obvious. Adriano’s movement was not too high. Agger blocked the ball and broke William’s straight ball.
Liverpool defended successfully!
Defensive success again and again is also a blow to Donetsk miners’ offensive confidence!
In the 64 th minute of the game, Johnson assisted from the right, and Gerrard hit the wall with the back sole away from the side, and Willard Johnson was in the middle of human interference.
The football bypassed the two central defenders of Donetsk miners and Raul jumped out of it!
The football flew directly to the middle of the goal and was very close to the goal, which made pyatov a little flustered, but Raul’s top was too straight. In a hurry, pyatov lost his balance and both hands dropped the racket and the football into the small restricted area.
Iscenko turned around in the first half, and he couldn’t find a better way because he was facing his own goal.
He wants to kick the damn football out of his restricted area quickly and decisively.
But the football that flew obliquely went straight to Johnson’s foot.
Iscenko’s clearance didn’t work. Maybe he’s already upset.
桑拿按摩Johnson once again observed the situation in the middle of the road and sent a foot again.
The football flew slightly obliquely to the arc top of the restricted area.
Where Steven Gerrard seems to be going to outflank him and take a long shot.
This made the two central defenders of Donetsk immediately rush out to defend.
However, Gerrard’s arch was padded with a football when it flew over, and he knocked it into the restricted area obliquely.
In the left rib of the restricted area, Qin Xiong rushed across his thigh to cushion the ball gently, and then skillfully controlled it on his own foot when the football landed.
Pyatov just got up from the ground and rushed to Qin Xiong.
Qin Xiong made a moderate trip to the goal in the restricted area of Donetsk miners.
When they were about to meet headon, Qin Xiong suddenly broke through pyatov obliquely and fell to the ground to block Qin Xiong’s ballchanging line. He could stretch his arm to expand the success rate of line blocking.
However, Qin Xiong passed pyatov directly from the anticutting line with a buckle.
After pyatov fell to the ground, he looked at the other side of his body and watched Qin Xiong wading through the ball easily and his pupil was miniature. He seemed to feel that his heart was being shattered. Every step of Qin Xiong’s ball was like stepping on the dignity of Donetsk miners!
Qin Xiong passed the goalkeeper!
Facing the door, he kicked the ball almost casually with his eyes closed and then the football flew into the goal!
All the Red Army fans in the Anfield stands stood up and cheered.
Qin Xiong ran slowly to the sidelines with his arms open, and his face showed proudly as if he had accomplished a trivial matter.
Koman punched hard on the sidelines and Qin Xiong scored and applauded.
The head coach of the Donetsk miner was devastated, and he could not accept the reality in front of him.
Liverpool continued to expand their lead at halftime! This time, it was the opportunity created by the continuous attack. After Gerrard met Johnson, he gave the ball to the restricted area. Qin Xiongyi was bold. Qin Xiong calmly took the attack goalkeeper pyatov and crossed pyatov to complete the goal!
Liverpool scored in a row at halftime after falling behind 1, and now they are leading 41!
Donetsk miners never imagined that the trend of the game was a nightmare after they won the dream game!
Now that they are behind to give the defending champion three goals, will they continue to fight back defensively or take the initiative to attack outside to try to narrow the score gap?
The Donetsk miners will see that the score gap is already 1:4 behind, and they know what must be done next, especially in attack.

Because … I was trapped by others! I spit out a sigh.

a trap? Cai Yan was surprised.
Rescue yecheng root is a conspiracy! They just seduce me! I clenched my fist and said bitterly, I just entered the city and the prefect of Wei County died in front of me! These bastards directly blamed me for the death! And … it happened that there were messengers from the imperial court who saw our cavalry’ contain’ Yecheng!
Jia Yu was startled. … this … who would be so intent on getting rid of you?
Yuan Shao! I squeezed two words through my teeth.
Bohai satrap Yuan Shao? Cai Yan mused, Husband, you didn’t offend him, did you?
I haven’t provoked him at all, and his purpose is definitely not in me. I stretched out my hand and braced my heavy forehead. Mr. Wenhe guessed that Yuan Shao was taking the opportunity to bring down Zhu Xi, and I was just a victim of koo.
koo? I’m afraid not Jia Yu shook his head.
I am not embarrassed?
She said, You have 7,000 cavalry and 3,000 footmen of Zhao, but it is definitely not a force to be ignored. If you help Zhu Di, Yuan Shao will definitely be afraid of three points, so … he specially turned your attention to Wei Jun in the south.
What a coincidence! I called as soon as I left Zhang Yan! I sigh
I’m afraid it’s not a coincidence. Jia Yu puckered her eyebrows slightly. Is it possible that this is also a conspiracy …
You mean … I raised my head. Is Zhang Yan Yuan Shao stirring up? !”
Not necessarily. Her eyes are deep and indistinguishable. What do you think?
I Huo Ran got up. If this is the case, Zhu Xi will be in danger! I can’t wait to send my troops to yuanshi county day and night at once, but reason tells me that the soldiers need to rest.
Sleep at least one night and then have a full meal.
Gong … The Story Of Diu Sim said softly, Why don’t you send someone to Luoyang?
I wondered, Go to Luoyang?
Find someone to intercede, she said. Don’t Zhang Taiwei and … Wang Situ all value you? Maybe …
I gave a wry smile. At that time, there was a festival envoy in the city to’ watch’ my slaughter of Yecheng defenders … Zhang Taiwei and Wang Situ, I’m afraid, won’t take care of me … How can Zhang Wen, who is so difficult to save, reach out stupidly? ! What’s worse, Wang Yun? !
She slightly bowed his head general intercession of course not …
I came for nothing. You asked me to send money? Do you know that there are not many valuables in the home … The etiquette in the DPRK will not be rare for me …
There are at least twenty million in Handan Library?
I just watched her ask me to move public funds? And you’re here to bribe? This sin … is absolutely no less than killing a county satrap!
The Story Of Diu Sim is very calm life and death also can not consider so much.
Cicada is right. Cai Yan first supported it. It is urgent to avoid this disaster.
Exactly. Jia Yu, Xiao E and Shuang’er nodded in succession.
People look down on state property …
I nodded with difficulty.
It’s not yet this time, Jia Yu said leniently. If you can help Zhu Cishi destroy Zhang Yan, maybe you can find some evidence for Yuan Shao?
I hope so. I feel a little thick in my breath. I’ll go to yuanshi county to support Zhu Xi early in the morning! It is too ethereal to take money to plead for my life. If possible, I still hope to solve it by force.
The side door of the hall was gently pushed.
Gong Xiao Zhao came in with a rewarmed meal Dine.
She bent down and set the food on the table in front of me.
Through the thin clothes, I can clearly see that she is small, white, with long shoulders and soft neck.
Just now, the heavy feeling suddenly eased a lot.
I took a deep breath. What day is it today?
Cai Yan gently snorted, If you want Xiao Zhao to accompany you, just say so. No one will blame you. Anyway, is she so generous because she has no chance?
By the day … is indeed Xiao Zhao The Story Of Diu Sim smiled.
Jia Yu was noncommittal on this issue.
Good or bad! There is nothing to say. Shuang’er can pout.
品茶Xiao Zhao blushed slightly and thrust chopsticks into my hand. Let’s eat while it’s hot!
What are you doing with chopsticks in his left hand? Cai Yan ha ha laughs
Madam, don’t make fun of others … Xiao Zhao Chen Tao.
Change the chopsticks to the right hand, I pick up a piece of fat white meat, and a drop of huge oil and water drops from the chopsticks.
Dad! Xiao he son still unwilling to call way
Do you want to eat? Wait until you are two years old. I stuffed the meat into my mouth and learned. How could I not know where a sixmonthold baby can digest this fat?
Dad! She waved her little hand persistently.
Is Yan Er hungry? My voice is a little vague. Feed her some milk.
Cai Yan put her arms around her daughter. I don’t think she was hungry and just fed.
Xiao he fluttered uneasily about his limbs, but his mouth was hehe
Don’t hold her in your arms all day. I glanced at Cai Yan’s mother and daughter. Let her climb slowly. My daughter must be three points stronger than the average person. There is no need to care too much.
I’m afraid a father like you would say such irresponsible things. Although she disagreed, she had put the child on the groundthe wool carpet was clean and very soft
Xiao Yue’s son immediately stopped flopping and devoted himself to learning the basic work of rolling and climbing.
Stuff something in my mouth when someone bothers me to hold on tight.

If you like friends, please order a collection

Thank you very much.
On Wednesday afternoon, Qin Xiong was put on a match list by head coach Coleman, which made Qin Xiong realize his position in the first team although he was very excited.
Because a game belongs to the second round of the Dutch Cup, Ajax will be a guest to challenge the Dutch second team Emmon.
Firstteam players such as captain Van der Vaart, striker Ibrahimovic and veteran Garasek have not entered the competition list, and they will hardly go out with the team.
At the end of the noon training, Fan Jiaer came to the dressing room to find Qin Xiong, gave Qin Xiong an evening ticket, patted Qin Xiong on the shoulder and said, Give the ticket to your friends. Tonight is the first official game of your career, and try to leave a memorable one for yourself. It is good to have friends around you at the end.
Qin Xiong didn’t know that the first team would get the ticket department on the match day. He was grateful and looked forward to returning to waddell Street at noon to hand over the tickets to Freddie, who asked Freddie to invite the landlord, Rutmanson P, and then he called Dehaeus and them to invite them to watch the ball in Emmon later. Thaddeus readily agreed.
In the afternoon, before the evening game, Coleman went to Qin Xiong with a brandnew jersey and handed it to him, saying, But it should be no problem to try on the size now.
Qin Xiong’s eyes are as bright as treasures. He holds the jersey in his hands and feels the comfortable feel of the jersey. He puts his trousers on his shoulders first, and presents the red and white jersey on the front of the jersey in front of his eyes. He can’t help but smile and look at the back of the jersey with his name and number printed on it.
Number two!
The number of firstteam jerseys is very singledigit, and the first number is gone. Qin Xiong chose No.2, which not only means that 2+ equals 1, but also has certain commemorative significance.
The 2nd of next month is the day when Ajax officially signed a professional contract and became a professional player!
Seeing him leisurely admiring his teammates around his jersey is quite a feeling of watching hillbilly.
It is no wonder that in their hearts, Qin Xiong is a poor man, and some of his teammates will not walk side by side with Qin Xiong outside the club, because Qin Xiong always wears that cheap sportswear, which is in great contrast with their famous brand casual wear.
Qin Xiong took off the training shirt and put on the jersey directly. In fact, it is not much different from the training shirt in terms of material and feeling, but Qin Xiong just feels that his selffeeling has changed dramatically after wearing the jersey.
It seems that this brandnew jersey can give him more strength and vitality!
At the end of the afternoon training, captain Van der Vaart symbolically said two words of encouragement to the team before leaving, and then left one after another with other teammates who did not make the big list.
The first team goes to the official competition, and the whole team has higher specifications than the reserve youth team. For example, there are team leaders, team management and administrative personnel who are similar to handymen to solve all the problems during the team’s expedition. The team of doctors and coaches has increased a lot, which is professional and formal.
Emon is in the northeast of the Netherlands, which is the industrial capital in the north of the Netherlands, but the population of Emon is not large, especially for Qin Xiong, a China with a vast territory and a large population, Emon has a population of about 10 thousand.
Emmon Football Club was born more than two years ago, but its professional age is less than two years. Although its stadium has been renovated in recent years, it will give players a comfortable experience of playing football, but the number of stadiums is less than 9 thousand!
It is not the first time for Qin Xiong to come to the modern stadium to play, but today’s arrival at Emmon home with Ajax in the evening still makes him feel fresh, perhaps because of his identity. He is now a professional player.
Unlike before, when he organized a tour to Japan and South Korea in Down’s League, he had a semitourism mentality.
Before the game, they warmed up on the court. Qin Xiong played a ball game with veteran Litmanen. After fully warming up, they returned to the locker room. The coach Koeman coaching staff members were already waiting for them.
Give the players some time to change their jerseys, put on their sneakers and make sure everything is ready. Then Coleman clap his hands and let everyone look at the tactical board and reiterate the technical and tactical arrangements for the opponents in the game again.
On the professionalism of the coach, Koman is to make Qin Xiong have preparation for a rainy day in all aspects, so that the players can have a bottom in mind and make reasonable arrangements after careful consideration of the key points of the game.
Before leaving the dressing room, Koeman mobilized the morale of another team and said to them, Maybe you don’t think the Dutch Cup is important. This is absolutely wrong! We didn’t send an absolute main force to play the game, which doesn’t mean we don’t attach importance to it, but I have confidence in you and you can win the game! And you should also be confident to compete, and then don’t let me down. More importantly, don’t let yourself down. We hope to return to Amsterdam in a good mood after going back to the bus instead of torturing us to sleep in a terrible mood after losing!
Other teammates reacted. Qin Xiong didn’t know that he was listening to Coleman carefully. He couldn’t help but nod his head after Coleman finished.
He yearns for victory, which will make him happy and excited, although it won’t make him get carried away and behave like a madman, but this kind of emotion will certainly exist, and if he doesn’t perform well or loses the game altogether, even in training, there will be a long time when he can’t shake his mind and look for the reasons for the defeat.
Teammates walked out of the locker room together. In the players’ aisle, he saw eleven members of the Emmon team. They were lined up and ready to play. Qin Xiong was in the middle of the team. In front of him was Sid, and behind him was Dede. Both Dutch people looked serious, with a sense of fighting spirit and as if they had natural confidence. They didn’t look at their opponents, as if they were dismissive, saying that we were not at the same level.
The referee is at the head of the team. Today, Litmanen, the captain of the team, smiled and talked with the referee. The referee raised his wrist and looked at his watch to make sure that the required ball was coming. When he looked back at the teams of both teams to make sure that both teams were here, he stepped towards the court with the assistant referee to lead the players of the two teams into the stadium!
The light in the player channel is soft, while the stadium is brightly lit, which makes the light intensity outside the player channel form a certain dark contrast.
In the short road to the stadium, Qin Xiong looked up at the front exit and the stadium seemed to be brighter, which made his heart beat stronger.
When he entered a more light place, Qin Xiong blinked as if he had entered another world!
There was a deafening noise around, and two teams of fans broke out in the small stadium, which made Qin Xiong’s head roar. It took a little time to adapt to this environment.
This is the first time for him to compete in such a noisy environment with so many spectators.
He calmed his mind by adjusting his breathing, and then walked into the stadium, holding his head high and opening his eyes to watch the stands of the stadium.
Nearly 10,000 fans filled the stands of the stadium, and the Emon flag was flying everywhere in the stands. The fanatical fans shouted for the team to come on with excitement or ferocious expression.
Emmon has never been to the top leagues in Holland.
Being able to draw lots to meet Ajax in the cup is not only unfortunate but also lucky for them.
They can compete on the same stage in the cup, even though Ajax is the King of Holland in the league!
桑拿论坛Of course the fans are excited!
People always have ideals. What if they come true?
If we can kill Ajax in the cup!
This honor will excite the fans for a long, long time, and maybe someone will talk about this victory in two or three years.
[Text 42 Heavy gunner! ]
Thanks for the reward of reincarnation 9999 and Night!
4 votes plus more today and guaranteed two more.
The Dutch Cup is not wellknown and naturally has little commercial value in terms of broadcasting. However, there will still be TV stations in China to broadcast the game, but the live commentary will be really shabby. Even if Ajax plays, there will be a commentator to do a standup commentary.
In the second round of the Dutch Cup in the new season, Emmon, the Dutch second team, is sitting at home and facing the challenge of Ajax, the giant. Even though Ajax sent a substitute array, Ajax still has an overwhelming advantage. Now let’s introduce one and two arrays.
Emmon 451
Goalkeeper Dietwig
Defender Terje Moribrook Hovid Plinson
Midfielder Kario Walters, Jeremiah Zelat Frollo.
Striker Borg
Ajax 433
Goalkeeper Stecklenberg
Defender Trabelsi Van Damme Pasanen Maxwell

Chapter 37 It’s finally the referee’s turn

Ji Guo Qiu Yuan also wanted to stand in front of his younger brother, but he suddenly thought of doing this and became a whipping boy in minutes!
Yes, one thousand Warriors players treat me like a murderer? Isn’t it a fish in the pond!
Thought of here, Ji Guoqiu finally sneaked behind Ji Guoshame and was mistaken as a bad guy.
At this time, the referee separated the crowd from each other and sneaked behind Ji Guoqiu and showed him a technical foul. Obviously, the referee still admitted that it was unnecessary to punch people in the face. Do you still want to hide?
What the hell am I doing here? Ji Guoqiu was dumbfounded and was not mistaken by the Warriors, but was mistaken by the referee.
Ji Guoqiu paused for a moment and quickly pointed to his jersey. I am No.6, not No.9!
Clippers fans soon knew what happened and immediately booed. It’s really never happened that the referee actually sentenced the wrong person.
Charles barkley kept laughing in the live studio. Haha, he must have missed the number of the twin jerseys. I knew this would happen sooner or later if the twins played in a team!
Kenny smith also laughed. I’m more curious about statistics guys. How do they tell who scores and rebounds between the two brothers? Especially when they are both in the basket at the same time, these poor guys should ask for a raise.
The referee’s face was embarrassed, so he quickly canceled the foul of Ji Guoqiu and went back to Ji Guoshame to look at the jersey number and then waved it hard!
Look at that indignant look, I can’t wait to slap him when gesturing and directly kill one twin.
The poor referee will definitely take him as the background when he thinks about this embarrassing nba fun after the event on the court. How can he get along after this?
Bitlins was treated at the scene. The ferociouseyed man was also eager to slap Ji Guo, saying that he really got slapped by the other side. This revenge is an end. Latvians now want to kill Ji Guo’s shame with ak47.
The game resumed after Billings’ nose stopped bleeding, and the two teams continued to play.
The Clippers took the opportunity to replace Castle. Old Deng Liwei didn’t change Brevin Knight. He was too short to be much better for Davis than Castle.
The coach changed to Black Parker and didn’t need him. The team needed him to contribute to the defense, even if it was completed.
Ji Guoqiu took over the game and frequently caught the ball on the outside line, acting as a temporary point guard. His skill similar to Webber’s ball can make up for the team’s lack of organizational weakness when there is no qualified point guard.
Once Ji Guoqiu is in a high position, the most beneficial thing is that Ji Guoqiu and others cooperate more tacitly than others think.
In the first half of the first quarter, Ji Guo’s humiliation has scored 5 points, three shots and two shots, with the exception of receiving Ji Guo’s hatred ball and getting the chance to shoot.
Ji Guoshi’s opponent is al harrington’s excellent offensive defense, but he can’t reach the average level of the league. He belongs to the strong offensive and weak defensive player, and he has little pressure.
The Warriors’ line is not as good as the two starters. Today, they are limited by the two brothers, including excellent offensive ability. Harrington didn’t get a good chance today. Ji Guosheng is no worse than his brother when he defends seriously, especially against players who like to float on the outside line. His speed and pace plus wingspan are simply projective nemesis. If the other side has no defensive ability, he can greatly reduce the shooting percentage of these players.
The score is 15:14, and the Warriors lead by one point temporarily. That’s because Davis and Ellis are not restrained. Black Park still can’t afford Davis to play with his skills easily. This opponent Ellis is one level faster and more flexible than Mobry. These two people hit longrange shots in a row to keep the Warriors in the lead.
The Clippers called a timeout in the 6 th minute and 1 second, and Garcia changed to Mobry, hoping that this older draft could limit Ellis.
The game resumed, and the national enemy shifted the ball to the flank in the high position, and Artest asked him to play Jackson oneonone. However, this time Artest’s basket was disturbed and missed.
Bidlins was about to judge the landing point, and the national hatred had been judged in the previous step, and the landing point was stuck in a favorable position.
Latvians’ physical quality is not inferior to that of the country, but the pu in their heads is obviously not good enough, and it is estimated that it is mononuclear.
In the basketball court, the speed of reaction is also very important, and the ability to judge emergencies at the first time can be one step ahead of others. This is why some players are always a little slow in physical fitness on the court, and their brains are not very good.
Once Ji Guoqiu gets stuck in a favorable position, he can’t grab the basketball from him unless he is the same guy like Duncan and Gart.
This rebound is the rebound in the frontcourt. Ji Guoqiu chose to directly make up the buckle, put the ball back into the basket, and then grabbed the basket with both hands to see if anyone had padded his feet before falling.
What are you worried about? I’ll keep an eye on it for you. Ji Guo shamed.
Then you won’t tell me?
If it doesn’t come out, it’s no problem. If someone does something bad, I’ll wake you up.
The two brothers communicate in their hearts. This is Ji Guoqiu’s first point today, and he made up for the rebound in the frontcourt.
Clippers fans in Staples Arena praised Ji Guoqiu’s performance this time. The performance of the two brothers is good at present, exceeding the expectations of fans.
Today, the two men didn’t suffer from the crisis that Yao was too easy to foul a few days ago. The referee also paid great attention to them. However, the two brothers’ defensive ability and bad vision made them take the lead in defense, and there were few fouls when they were caught off guard.
Whether it is the fans at the scene or the fans in front of the camera, there is sometimes a feeling of watching Duncan play. The presence of these two people gives people a feeling of never being forced, as if they have been playing for ten years and are comfortable with all kinds of situations and scenes. They always know what to do and the best choice makes people feel comfortable.
Old Deng Liwei smiled and wrinkled his face like a bag and shouted in his heart, I found the treasure …
Garcia replaced the field, but he couldn’t limit Ellis much. Ellis’ speed and explosiveness exceeded 90%. Before the shooting guard was injured, he was too fast. Garcia was 21m tall and could reserve enough reaction in front of him. However, Ellis also shot very accurately. Although his three points were not good, he was very powerful after the breakthrough, especially the shooting percentage was the highest in the league.
At the end of the first quarter, the Warriors led the Clippers by two points at 3:32.
Charles barkley commented that the clippers line is dominant, and the Warriors’ perimeter is dominant. This is what happened. The fastpaced fleet was led by the Warriors, which is the reason why they fell behind.
Old Deng Liwei naturally saw the reason why the team was behind, so he changed Kassel in the second quarter. Since the three point guards couldn’t prevent Davis, it would be better to let the aliens in Kassel’s field be present to control the team’s rhythm. Defensive defects can be made up by lines.
The two brothers each made a foul in the first quarter. Old Deng Liwei was worried that the Warriors’ breakthrough would make them fall into a foul crisis, but the two men’s performance on the defensive end exceeded the average rookie’s maturity, just like the veteran who has been in the league for many years. It’s a bit weird to ensure toughness and not too many fouls when defending. Is this a genius?
In the second quarter, Deng Liwei Brevin Knight, Mobry, Garcia, Thomas and paul davis acted as the second array. The offensive ability of this array was not bad. Mobry and Thomas both had strong scoring ability. Although the defense was much worse, it was good that no team in the second echelon could have one or two outstanding advantages.
Is the second echelon of Warriors stronger than Clippers? kelenna azubuike, Petrus and matt barnes can start in some weak teams, and their defense is much better than Clippers.
In the second quarter, 15 seconds, Old Deng Liwei quickly changed the starting lineup, with a score of 32:3. The Clippers have fallen behind by 6 points.
The Warriors’ defense in this array is surprisingly good. Their defensive ability of these role players looks as good as that of the starting lineup. Old Nelson’s oneway league can always make some original ordinary rookies play other people’s unexpected performances, which is called nba coach Zhong Bole.
You say this old Nelson is also crossing? Do you think his players have been the main force of various champion teams in a few years, but now they are getting him as a substitute? Ji Guo shame field when asked Ji Guo hatred in my mind.
Have a guilty conscience, like you, how can there be so many crossings? Ji Guoqiu sneered at this.
Chapter 30 Low singles
After the suspension, the Clippers became Kassel, james posey, Artest, Ji Guo shame and Ji Guo hatred.
The Clippers’ array, except for the position control, Kassel is a short board, and the other four people are not defending for the time being. There is already some iron wall flavor in it. After the team trades, Old Deng Liwei can continue to test the team array frequently in the regular season. Which combination test is the best?
James posey is much more experienced than Garcia in the game. When Ellis is not allowed to defend three points, he directly puts the threepoint line on the other side and withdraws to the middle distance defense, which is almost standing on the threesecond zone to defend the other side.
Ellis is very uncomfortable to deal with this kind of defense. He wants to shoot, but he dare not. In the end, he will break through and shoot three points. He is not sure, even if Posey lets him go two steps away.
At this time, Posey also prevented shooting and breakthrough. Watch the opponent’s middle distance. The opponent broke through the Clippers’ defense line. More than one Ellis suddenly reached the line. He would lock the opponent in the threesecond zone to form a small encirclement to break the ball or force him to make a mistake.
桑拿会所That’s how the Warriors made their first mistake after the timeout. Ji Guoqiu online and Posey were doubleteamed with the Warriors. The No.2 Ellis suddenly came to the line and felt that he was surrounded by enemies, not to mention that he couldn’t even get the ball out of the basket and finally couldn’t get it out. He was defended by a threesecond violation in the basket!
James posey didn’t dare to use this defense method until he knew that his team’s defensive ability on two lines was excellent. This is called doortodoor shooting, which is specially used to deal with those brainpopping players
Davis didn’t have a chance to attack Dahu by himself when he saw Ellis. The opponent was Castle. Why don’t you still respect the old and love the young when you don’t take the opportunity to bully an opponent at this time?
Castle knew that he could barely defend himself. Not only could he guard against Dahu, but he might have to cultivate himself for ten days after finishing this game. So the aliens also learned James Posey’s method of preventing shooting and breaking through, and put Dahu in it and gave it to two brothers to clean up.
However, Davis doesn’t think that he has been playing nba for ten years and is much more experienced than young Ellis. Since the opponent’s line is not good, how can he go in and kill himself? Every time you break through, you don’t stop the jump shot at a distance of about ten feet, and Dahu is really accurate at this distance, and the fleet is hurt
Castle couldn’t stop his opponent. Old Deng Liwei had already been psychologically prepared to send him to control the rhythm of the team and prevent the Warriors from running with them.
The alien attack end was slowly and unhurriedly transported to the forward clippers to fight positional warfare.