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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 05/08/2024









Chen Tianbao patted his thigh and sighed, Oh, it’s a pity that Professor Su is a professor of stateowned famous medicine and finally waited for his class but didn’t expect to miss the opportunity.

Yang Feifan almost laughed. Chen Tianbao became so eager to learn. He should be happy for Chen Tianbao. However, this kind of smile is not because he is happy, but because Chen Tianbao is stupid and cute.
Why do you smile like such a thief? Chen Tianbao and Yang Feifan are so good brothers that he always feels that there is something wrong with Yang Feifan’s smile.
I lied to you. It’s only seven o’clock early. Just now, Yang Feifan deliberately said it was twelve o’clock, but he didn’t want to see a Chen Tianbao reaction.
I didn’t expect to dare to cheat the old man because you are so honest. Chen Tianbao picked up the pillow and threw it at Yang Feifan.
Ahem, it’s just a joke. Don’t be serious. Yang Feifan gently coughed two hands and gently caught the pillow and threw it back to Chen Tianbao.
Now Yang Feifan doesn’t need to allocate energy to nurture the future elves, not to mention a mere pillow, even a big axe, which he can easily catch.
Chen Tianbao raised his right hand and raised his middle finger, then quickly ran to wash his hands, brush his teeth and wash his face.
Yang Feifan smiled for Chen Tianbao indecent movement is just a laugh.
Chen Tianbao is not bad in quality, but sometimes he will say some rude words and do some indecent moves.
So Yang Feifan never takes him seriously.
Not long after, Chen Yan and Su Yueying came to the ward with breakfast as usual.
After breakfast, Yang Feifan checked Chen Tianbao’s wound, changed his medicine and accompanied him back to Luoyuan Medical University to attend classes.
When all the students saw that the famous Yang Feifan would come back to class, they all showed strange eyes.
Even Gao Yang, a medical doctor, actually came to class, and many students finally understood what learning is like.
Some students even think that Professor Su’s profound medical knowledge will make Gao Yang, a medical doctor, go back to school to attend classes.
In the form, Professor Su’s popularity has increased a lot. There were dozens of seats left, and then they were crowded with classmates. These departments were all thanks to Yang Feifan.
Professor Su looked at Yang Feifan gratefully and nodded with a smile.
夜网论坛Thanks to Yang Feifan, even Chen Tianbao’s popularity has risen several grades, and many beautiful girls have cast envious eyes on Chen Tianbao.
At this moment, Chen Tianbao finally understood the meaning of this sentence.
During the class, Chen Tianbao patted Yang Feifan on the shoulder and smiled. Yang Ge thanks you. Today, several girls asked the old number, hehe.
Don’t forget that we are good brothers. Yang Feifan almost laughed when he saw Chen Tianbao’s face full of pride.
Just now, Yang Feifan listened to the girls who asked Chen Tianbao for the number by opening his eyes, and knew that those girls had other intentions long ago.
They don’t want to approach Yang Feifan through Chen Tian Bora or ask Chen Tianbao for Yang Feifan’s mobile phone number.
Because just now, no matter who asked Yang Feifan for the number, he didn’t tell them all the girls so as to start with Chen Tianbao.
Poor Chen Tianbao asked him for his number because these girls liked him.
Yang Feifan didn’t want to attack Chen Tianbao and didn’t tell him what he knew.
Yang Feifan and Chen Tianbao met Professor Su when they passed the campus lawn.
Professor Su wears glasses in his early sixties, tall, thin and gentle.
Yang Feifan, thank you for coming here to pay tribute. It’s a great honor. Professor Su smiled while shaking hands with Yang Feifan.
It’s very kind of you, Professor Su. It’s my pleasure to hear your old man’s lecture in Yang Feifan.
By the way, Yang Feifan, I want to ask you a question.
Professor Su, it’s very kind of you to ask for advice. Just ask your family directly if you need anything.
Do you think the anesthetic effect of western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine is good? Professor Su asked seriously.
Anesthesia depends on the effect as well as the weight. Yang Feifan smiled and put on an inscrutable look.
So you mean Professor Su looked at Yang Feifan in confusion.
Chapter 94 Acupuncture anesthesia
At this time, don’t say that Professor Su looked at Yang Feifan in confusion. Even Chen Tianbao was puzzled.
However, Chen Tianbao has known Yang Feifan for so long that Yang Feifan is not a boastful and unrealistic person. Even if he has doubts, he will not doubt what he said.
Yang Feifan laughed. The common anesthetics in western medicine include procaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and sevoflurane; The best anesthetic effect of traditional Chinese medicine anesthetics is hemp boiling powder.
Professor Su nodded his head. These anesthetics are familiar to other departments.
Chen Tianbao didn’t interrupt but listened quietly.
If these anesthetics are too heavy, they will do great harm to the human body.
Yang Feifan continued, I personally think that both western medicine anesthesia and Chinese medicine anesthesia are better than no acupuncture anesthesia.
What acupuncture anesthesia? Professor Su was completely shocked. It was not that he had never heard of acupuncture anesthesia, but that there were very few people who really understood this stunt in the era when Western medicine was prevalent.
Even in ancient times, there were not many people who knew this stunt, and few people were willing to learn it because acupuncture and anesthesia were difficult to learn.
Longstanding acupuncture anesthesia has gradually been forgotten by the world.
Can Yang Ge acupuncture really anesthetize? Chen Tianbao asked curiously.
Tianbao, do you want to try it? Yang Feifan squinted and smiled at Chen Tianbao.
Old and you are the best friends. Professor Su may not believe it if you try it. Chen Tianbao was stunned. He was afraid of nothing but pain.














They knew that Qin Xiong couldn’t form the first attack and his back was to the front sector of the goal. He had to stop and control the ball in the middle or go to the receiving point outside the penalty area!

Then Chelsea’s defense will probably be thrilling this time.
But just when everyone thought so, Qin Xiong did something that surprised the audience.
When the football bounces to the ground and flies to Qin Xiong, the heel of Qin Xiong’s left foot will be less than half a meter from the ground, and the football will knock back!
Claude Lampard was shocked to see that the football seemed to bounce off the ground and then the football bypassed their heads!
They turned their heads and saw that all Chelsea defenders looked dumbfounded. Cech hurried from the front of the goal to the back, but he couldn’t come!
Toure defended the original man at the back, but after Pires’ corner kick, Chelsea’s defense was readjusted. No one thought that it was impossible for Toure to touch the ball at the back. At this moment, Toure easily headed the ball!
The football flew into Chelsea’s goal without hindrance! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a contradiction before it is drawn]
Arsenal equalized the score! No one expected that Toure would help the team score the key goal! What’s even more incredible is that Qin Xiong completed an artistic assist! Look at him picking up Pires near the bottom line of the penalty area. When the bad corner kick passed him after the football bounced to the ground, he didn’t stop the ball, but completed a gorgeous half turn with the football’s forward trajectory, and at the same time, his left heel knocked up the football with a low amplitude, which made Chelsea’s defense line unprepared for assists! Chelsea’s defensive line is very stable, which is vividly reflected in the Premier League this season. It takes more creativity to break through their doors. Will the surprise attack by Arsenal be a tactical arrangement? I don’t think it’s possible. This is Qin Xiong’s improvisation and has received very good results! Now the score is 1:1, which is still bad for Arsenal. We can expect what will happen next.
After Toure scored, he was surrounded by his teammates and gave an assist. Qin Xiong was also praised by his teammates.
Wenger looks better, but he doesn’t know that the team has played a dazzling and wonderful attack, but he always feels a little bad at heart.
As if victory depends on luck.
It is an ironclad fact that Arsenal may not be able to grasp the same opportunity when it comes. From the overall situation, Chelsea is more advantageous. After all, Chelsea has a wider attack.
But just like the Bayern Munich game, the adjustment of the home team is very small after the visiting team advanced the goal. If everyone wants to score, win and win more goals!
Mourinho accepted the reality that the team conceded the goal with a straight face. He has long realized that utilitarian football will be strong, but it doesn’t mean that utilitarian football can dominate all day. Don’t be angry, don’t panic and don’t lose your mind when opponents are more creative to break down steel barriers!
There is nothing to complain about being destroyed by the opponent’s gorgeous attack when the defensive counterattack has occupied the commanding heights of the attack.
Chelsea didn’t show any signs of panic after losing the goal. They were more calm and calm than Arsenal expected.
After the game resumed, Qin Xiong tried to find Henry Pires Ljungberg directly in the midfield. They sent a very threatening direct plug ball. After half a season of runningin, they all knew Qin Xiong’s ability and knew that Qin Xiong should cooperate with him.
夜生活But if Qin Xiong wants to send the scalpel directly from the middle, he will always come back. Makelele is an insurmountable barrier. Today, Chelsea’s back line is impolitely four central defenders. Their defensive habits tend to be closed, which greatly limits Arsenal’s mainstream play in the ribs.
As a result, Arsenal pushed the attack from the midfield to the forefront, and it was often Pires or Ljungberg who controlled the ball on the outside of the wing, and the closer it was to the dangerous area, the less combined it was. Because Chelsea contracted the defense line, the attack was very effective.
At the end of the 11 halftime, the two teams played well for a period of time and scored goals respectively. Now the situation is a little unfavorable for Arsenal. If Chelsea hold the draw, then going to Stamford Bridge in one round will have a great advantage to advance to the semifinals of the Champions League!
When leaving, Henry trotted to Qin Xiong to discuss the details of the game with him.
It is difficult for us to penetrate the Chelsea defence vertically.
Well, I’m aware of this, too. The opposing defender’s line is very protective of the restricted area, which is different from the combination of two fullbacks and two central defenders.
As the name implies, the role of fullback will pay more or less attention to outside defense, although it has the responsibility of assisting in the defense of the restricted area. However, today, all four defenders of Chelsea’s back line have the attribute of central defender, which makes them less enthusiastic about outside defense, so it is difficult to appear ribs.
Arsenal communicate and try to find that code to break Chelsea’s defence.
Wenger also finetuned his offensive strategy in this regard at halftime. He asked Qin Xiong to directly threaten the opponent’s restricted area more actively. Vieira was responsible for stabilizing the ball to the side. For example, Arsenal’s offensive foundation is the combination of the side and the center, which cannot be abandoned.
At half time, the two sides changed sides and fought again. Chelsea seems to have not changed. They still rely on halftime tactics to shake the Arsenal defense.
This set of anticounter tactics has been honed by Chelsea, and it is almost a success!
Barcelona was destroyed by Chelsea’s counterattack storm.
Arsenal paid more attention to flank attack at halftime.
Its hardhitting efficiency is not high, so it is better to force a shot from the side to threaten and then force Chelsea to adjust! Then catch the opponent and adjust the process may expose flaws!
In the 57th minute of the game, Qin Xiong Vieira cooperated with him before and after halftime, and then Pires collided with the wall on the left side. After dumping Lampard, Qin Xiong cut the middle road from the left side in front of the restricted area and shot without giving Makelele a close chance!
The football bypassed Gallas and flew straight to the right corner of the goal. Cech bravely saved the ball!
Cech turned Qin Xiong’s goal away! Chelsea’s defensive stability cannot be separated from Cech’s excellent performance in the season. He definitely has the strength to become the world’s number one goalkeeper!
In the sixth minute of the game, Drogba once again challenged Senderos. After the collision, the football lost control and became 55 for the opportunity. Fortunately, Ashley Cole cleverly returned to the restricted area from the side to clear the football foot, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.
Senderos became the main target of Chelsea, and he worked hard to bear the pressure, but Drogba inevitably made him feel dangerous as the Vietnam War became more and more fierce.
In the 64th minute of the game, Qin Xiong made a twotoone match with Ljungberg on the right, and Ljungberg returned the football to Qin Xiong, which was destroyed by Huth.
The fans in the stands felt that the game was too fierce because of the shocking battle between the London duo. Chelsea’s defensive strength made the fans eyecatching, because most of the time Chelsea played some middleclass team games in the league, and not many neutral fans were willing to watch it because the game was too chatty.
It’s no accident that Chelsea can become the best defensive team with the least goals in the league, especially in the top five leagues in Europe!
Today, Arsenal has the strongest offensive firepower among the five major leagues in Europe.
This is really a contradictory war! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. Skywalker is persistent for 37 days]
The sideline ball destroyed by Huth rolled into the hands of the caddie. Ljungberg ran to serve the sideline ball, but he found that Qin Xiong took the football from the caddie before him.
So Ljungberg turned and walked towards the stadium. Huth wanted to keep an eye on Qin Xiong. This attention came to Ljungberg. After all, Ljungberg was closest to Qin Xiong.
Ljungberg turned his back on Qin Xiong. He was actually walking. He looked at the distance and his teammates were far away. It was estimated that Qin Xiong should wait for Vieira or Lauren to meet him before serving the sideline ball. After all, he was trapped in the middle and front. Makelele had Huth on his side. Maybe he would be closely watched to prevent harassment when the sideline ball came out.
But even Chelsea player Ljungberg didn’t realize the situation. Qin Xiong threw the sideline ball directly!
Huth watched the football fly to Ljungberg consciously, but after running for a step, he was shocked. Ljungberg didn’t look back. He suddenly felt it!
Ljungberg was really startled.
He felt that he was hit by a football in the back, and then he looked back. It was Qin Xiong who rashly threw the sideline ball, and the two did not form a cooperation.
But when he looked back, he saw that the football had been controlled by Qin Xiong, who stepped into the stadium and stopped the ball
He consciously threw the football at Ljungberg’s back!
This is a cooperation that Ljungberg didn’t realize and was absolutely unexpected.
Huth is a little embarrassed at this moment. I don’t care about Qin Xiong’s reaction. Just start his left foot and kick the ball in Huth’s direction. Huth consciously merged his legs, but it was still late!
The football rolled over his legs.
Qin Xiong passed him at the same time!
After the unexpected sideline ball hit the wall, Qin Xiong passed through the crotch and broke through Huth!
Huth has been clean this time!
He was really played by Qin Xiong!











The Los Angeles Clippers sent chris kaman and corey maggette to Ron Artest, Shareef AbdurRahim and Francisco Garcia for a twoyear secondround draft from King Sutramento.

As soon as the news of the transaction came out, the Los Angeles media generally believed that the Clippers had made a compensation deal. Even Clippers fans thought that their team had lost two masters and a young main center who was not injured in exchange for a player who beat the fans, an old man who was going to retire with injuries and a role player who couldn’t remember his name. It was simply lost to grandma’s family. What good players could there be in the last draft or the second round?
Although the media mocking the Clippers’ braindead account for more than half, there are also different opinions. For example, Taliban Ge Ping, the sports section of USA Today, holds different opinions on this. He wrote that every team must have the courage to cross the rubicon if it is not successful! The price of trying to get both ends meet may be nothing in the end. mike dunleavy is well aware of this, and he has not dragged his feet at all. He has sent chris kaman, who is in conflict with the position, to Yi Wang, and at the same time sent the team’s two masters away together, completely clearing the obstacles. The only question left is whether the Chinese twins have become the core ability of reconstruction. Can we see the success or failure of the transaction after the regular season? It is still too early to say.
Ji Guo was ashamed to know the news, but there was still some pain because he had just made a lot of friends with Maghetti. I didn’t expect Maghetti to be traded away in an instant, so suddenly he still had some reaction.
The Clippers want us to rebuild? Ji Guo shame at home to his brother silly asked
Nonsense, Kaman has been traded away, don’t you think?
Well, I’m sure I can’t recover from that kind of injury at Brand’s age. His contract year just expires. Our boss is so stingy that he won’t renew his contract with him at a high salary. Ji Guoshi was very clever at this time and analyzed it clearly
Ji Guoqiu wondered, Our boss is so stingy, so why is he willing to sign james posey beyond the salary cap this year?
Ji Guo’s shame turned over his eyelids and said, You are really stupid. You don’t want to think about how much money Rockets boss Alexander can earn by relying on Yao a year. The two of us add up to Yao Qiang, right? That old goat and Grandet knew that we couldn’t help him make more money until we entered the playoffs, so he would uncharacteristically increase his investment in the team. Is this king egg treating us as lucky cats?
It’s good to ask our boss not to be stingy with the signing of the team.
On January 31, after the Los Angeles Clippers traded, the list of 14 people has been formally formed
Pg sam cassell, Brevin Knight, Smush Parker, shaun livingston
Sg Cuttino Mobley, Francisco Garcia, Quinton Ross
Sf Ron Artest, james posey
Pf Ji Guo Shame, elton brand, tim thomas, Sharif Abdurahim
Ji Guoqiu, paul davis
Ps: I don’t know what you think of the transaction, and what do you think of this array? If you don’t have much opinion, this is the base of the season. Before the competition in the western region in the 77 season, it was tragic. Do you think it is reasonable for the Clippers to rank in the western region?
Welcome friends to read the latest, fastest and most popular!
Chapter 35 The first game of new teammates
November 2, 2007 is the first regular season game of the Clippers. The Chinese media paid high attention to the two brothers. Because of their excellent performance in the summer league and preseason, the American media also gave them a good evaluation. Many media recognized that the two brothers had the ability to enter the star rookie competition.
A high degree of attention means that nba players with high pressure should learn to decompress themselves. The way to decompress themselves is to play games and watch movies.
There are two consoles, ps3 and ob, in the living room of the apartment. There is a console with a brain and a table to put psp2. In this generation, he is also a model tyrant, and he is no longer called host dog or P dog …
I said that you were really a singer when you hit a woman that day. Look at people’s eyes. Ji Guoqiu found that the new singer reported in it was very similar to being humiliated by Ji Guo in a bar that day.
I knew that a few days ago, I also took a photo of her to vent my hatred! Remember, don’t remind me that she always has to go to the community to make those king eggs, and even let me take out the garbage, mow the lawn and wash the public toilet. The king eggs must be Lakers fans. What an asshole!
Ji Guo was angry when he was ashamed of this woman. He had to go to the public toilet for a while. When he thought about it, his heart would be filled with anger. One million dollars a year old, ten million dollars in the future, nba stars will go to the peak of their lives, and now they want to wash people’s toilets?
The Clippers’ first opponent in the regular season is the last preseason game against Golden State Warriors.
The match between the two teams was arranged at 19: 03 p.m. and 1: 03 p.m. in Beijing.
V5 this year’s broadcast arrangement is in the order of 1:2:3:4, that is, Lakers account for 10%, Clippers account for 20%, Bucks account for 30%, Rockets account for 40%, and then nothing happens to other teams.
Today, the Clippers game happened to be broadcast by the Rockets, Magic and Lakers in the v5 broadcast plan, and only the twin brothers did not appear on the stage.
Sun Yuexian doesn’t show that although the Great Sage was selected by the Lakers, he hasn’t really landed in the nba yet. It’s a waste for CCTV to give the Lakers 10%.
Milwaukee Bucks played on the 1st, and they were two days ahead of the Clippers.
It’s too easy to mix as well as the two brothers. The first game has to be played first and attracted 100 million ratings in China, which directly scared the bucks’ management and made the Clippers’ stingy boss donald sterling happy.
Of course, this rating is purely a fool of the Americans. 100 million ratings are bullshit!
Tai Yi scored 9 points, 5 shots, 4 free throws, 4 free throws, 1 free throw, 3 rebounds, 3 mistakes and 6 mistakes in the 25minute game. This data is a relatively good result for a rookie, except for too many fouls.
The two brothers also watched the game at home and saw their compatriots’ performance. Like Yao, who was in the rookie stage, Yi Jianlian, a freshman, was also more photographed by the referee.
In the Clippers locker room, there is half an hour left before the game. They will hold the home team entrance ceremony. Today is the Clippers’ home game at Staples Arena.
Their new teammates Artest, Garcia and Rahim have all joined the team. These days, all three of them have taken care of their accommodation. Artest has bought a house in Los Angeles and invited his teammates to dinner after they are ready to pack.
In this deal, Maghetti and Kaman are both losers. They don’t want to leave the Clippers, let alone Los Angeles, but the team can’t help but pack their bags and leave.
Among the Kings, Artest is the happiest. Playing in a big city like Los Angeles when his contract expires in nine years will give him more attention. If he performs well, his attention will be equal to his salary. Then he can seek a bigger contract or sign another long contract.
Garcia traded him for an Ruosu, which is his third season. In the first two seasons, the older rookie didn’t get the weight, but he didn’t play high when he was a substitute for the main team. It was all the same to him.
Rahim, a 76yearold former star veteran who was seriously injured several times, has already been overwhelmed by his knee joints. He just arrived at the Clippers for the first time to join the team to practice his knees, and he won an arrow for reimbursement in the season!
Fortunately, old Deng Liwei didn’t intend to pay attention to him early in the morning. He waited for the contract to expire in the last year and then dumped the glass man.
In the new season, Old Deng Liwei has decided to play the Twin Towers, and the tactics of the team will revolve around the Ji family and the two brothers. Among them, Ji Guo’s hatred is even more crucial. The coach intends to train him into a Duncanstyle center with strong highposition coordination and ability to stand, as well as excellent lowposition singles, accurate midrange shooting defense and rebounding. This is to train him as a superstar and ensure that he will laugh at a lot of people.
Deng Liwei, the enemy of his younger brother Ji Guoqiu, temporarily decided to take him as Nowitzki’s training. If all the training is successful in the end, the Duncan+Nowitzki combination picture is too beautiful to watch!
Artest soon knew what the team thought after he came to the Clippers. The beast didn’t try to challenge the status of the two brothers. This guy was not as scheming as he seemed. Yesterday, he planned to invite the two brothers to a nightclub to cultivate a relationship.
Ji Guoqiu never likes to go to that place. Naturally, Ji Guoqiu declined, but he was still concerned about such things as nightclubs. When he heard the word nightclubs, he couldn’t help shivering. The first thing in his head was to wash the toilet and sweep the toilet. It was terrible …
Old Deng Liwei almost coughed when he finished arranging today’s tactics. The players immediately stopped communicating with each other. They knew that this was the coach’s pregame mobilization. They were all ready to listen to the leader’s speech.
Nonsense, no one outside is optimistic about us this season. We say that we are the vice squad leader of the fish. The management of the team is very unhappy now. Who dares to be lazy today? Don’t think about the field this month.
Old Deng Liwei turned out to be a direct threat, which shocked the players, especially when he was just about to be lazy on the defensive end and feel guilty immediately. There is always a feeling that the coach said this to him.
Now announce the starting list or that sentence, if you want to continue to start, then give me all your strength if you don’t want to start this game?
Old Deng Liwei’s voice fell and Ji Guo’s shame neck shrank. How do you feel that this is said to him again?
sam cassell, Cuttino Mobley, Ron Artest, Ji national humiliation, Ji national hatred
The coach announced the starting list and then took a deliberate look at Ji Guo’s shame, which really made the latter shudder.
How do I feel that this old thing is always staring at me? He’s not an old ass, is he?
spa会所Artest leaned in and said with a smile, It’s the first time for me to play with twins, and I can’t tell which one of you is my brother. Who is the younger brother? But I think today’s game must be very interesting. After that, some people are bullying and afraid to hit Wallace and the fans, but there is a set of guys who take the initiative to reach out to them.
The two brothers immediately reached out and punched the new teammate gently, then struck two hands, and then this guy ran to befriend other teammates …









The weight is very light. I touched her waist with one hand and put my other hand on her shoulder to turn her around slowly.

Facetoface Xiao Zhao had blushed, her ears closed and her slender charming body trembled slightly.
I gently held her thin lips together.
Girls’ lips are especially pink and moist, like immature peaches, but they are full of honey. I kiss piteously, suck the tip of my tongue, lick these two lips gently, and then knock the teeth into the sakura mouth.
Xiao Zhao tight body can light low humming.
My right hand has quietly caressed her tight little ass through the underwear.
She trembled all over and never dared to move again
The girl’s buttocks are still very green, but the tight but greasy skin makes me feel comfortable. My five fingers caress my nostalgia at the hip peak and then slide into the low valley.
The girl couldn’t help moaning when she was stimulated by the opposite sex. She was so nervous that she hugged my waist and clung to her body tightly, and my body became hot.
I am full of knowledge and experience, so I can naturally control and command two tongues to entangle in my mouth, while my five fingers continue to explore forward and inward, and gently twist them in the hills.
The girl who has never been teased by this kind of teasing soon dripped honey. She pursed her lips and fanned her nose and gave a lovely moan.
Elder sister, elder sister? !”
Innocent, evil, pure eyes and lovely voice suddenly appear at the same time
The girl in my arms trembled and hurriedly loosened her lips and teeth and shrank on my chest.
The tongue is attached to the crystal liquid and hangs long.
I can also draw out my hand.
My right hand is already wet.
Chapter 36 The first attempt
Sister, sister?
Shuang’er just forgot to cover the fragile door at the door.
Without blinking an eye, she looked at me and her dear sister sitting at the head of the bed, and their faces turned red.
Well, I motioned for her to keep quiet. Shuang’er, be a good girl and keep the door open late.
oh oh! She was frightened like a frightened rabbit and hurriedly closed the door.
… when will you come?
I, I have just come … She said with a red face and low head, slightly lifting her eyes and quickly hanging from the public to embrace her sister …
Ahem, Shuang’er I can’t help coughing. What else haven’t I seen? It is said that although my skill is barely called a small success, I was pleasantly surprised and didn’t feel abnormal. I really shouldn’t be openminded. I just said, You can’t talk nonsense everywhere just now.
Well Shuang’er obediently agreed.
I just remembered to ask her, What are you doing here when the night is getting dark?
I, I … I’m looking for my sister to sleep … She turned red as her voice dropped.
Shuang’er is too old to sleep alone. I encouraged her to be bold. Your sister will rest with me today.
Xiao Zhao couldn’t help hugging me with shame when he heard that I was a thief.
People are timid! Shuang’er pouted her lips and ignored my suggestion that a person will be afraid when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
I am very resistant to igniting my desire and being put out by her feelings. Doby plays Then why don’t you sleep well with me?
Good! I was deeply frustrated by Shuang’er’s sparkling eyes and happy appearance.
… I breathe deeply to calm the jacko’lantern in my heart. Well, Xiao Zhao, I’ll give it back to you. You must learn to sleep alone quickly or you’ll have a headache.
What’s the headache? She asked curiously.
… I ordered her very seriously with a tight face. Little girl, don’t ask so many questions and go back to rest!
Sister? Shuang’er took a few steps to pull Xiao Zhao again.
Xiao Zhao clamped her legs, but she didn’t move in my body.
What’s wrong, Xiao Zhao? I’m a little puzzled. I’m pure now. Don’t you want to escape?
With her eyes closed tightly, her left hand clenched tightly and made an inaudible sound. It’s so wet …
I’ve been lurking in my heart, and my desire has almost ignited again.
Good boy I said to myself, Study hard and die a fair death to the people every day, which calmed the desire to move, and then the gown wrapped her tightly with one hand around her shoulders and the other across her hips, Let me take you back to your room.
Her small nose snorted gently and she bowed her head and huddled up.
spa会所I went out barefoot and moved a total of 30 steps, then put Xiao Zhao on her couch.
Xiao Zhao is still shrinking his legs as if he were holding something tightly.
I bowed my head and kissed her earlobe and whispered, Why don’t you have a little wash and continue another day?
She finally recovered her little face and was so red that she dared not answer me again.
I’m in a good mood. I reached out and squeezed her tight little ass, then smiled, Okay, have a good rest and turned around.
Shuang’er is still very dissatisfied pursed mouth male bias! You still like your sister!
Darling … I’m sweating. You’re too young to talk about this later.
I quickly strode out and fastened the door behind me.
It’s so fucking cool outside. I don’t want to stay longer than I did for a moment. I jumped into my room and fell asleep.
Who said a spring dream was scarred?
It happened that I was so wet when I was a prostitute.
The next day, it is a good time to bask in bedding when everything recovers in spring.
I woke up early and restless all night. I can’t help but wake up
After heating up, I woke up Xiao Tie and Xiao Xiu to practice guns until these two little hands and feet were too weak to lift their guns before they were willing to let them go back to dinner.
Going back to his room to wash and then eat Xiao Zhao is still a little shy.
My heart suddenly felt a little uneven. I didn’t do anything! You look as if we have cooked rice, and you need me to be directly responsible for you … Amitabha, Amitabha, the old woman is still a pure boy in this life, and the beautiful Goddess Guanyin can prove my innocence.
Of course, my heart is as clear as a mirror. The little girl let me kiss, hug, touch and get wet. I guess she will never want to marry someone else again, and she can stay with me in this life to wash clothes and cook for me, warm up the bed and hug the baby.
And sister Shuang’er is still thinking about my partiality and unfairness. As soon as she sees me, she purses her mouth and grumbles.
Although there are some gifts, they are always much kinder than before.
And this little girl’s state was returned to her original shape by me with a chopstick dish sent to her mouth.
She opened her mouth happily and chewed with relish, and then she opened her mouth again with expectation.



### 桑拿养生,开启身心之旅



### 品茶艺术,品味人生百态



### 夜生活新体验,按摩放松身心



### 结束语



&nb Of course not!

&nb How long has it been since Arsenal played the ultimate defensive counterattack?
&nb, or has Wenger turned his nose up at his defensive counterattack when he used to get rich?
&nb No one knows, but even teams like Manchester United, Liverpool, Barcelona, Real Madrid will adopt different tactics when facing different opponents to ensure that they can beat their opponents with the greatest probability!
&nb It happened that Arsenal had to take a unique path, and they naturally suffered more blows.
&nb On the one hand, the strength is not superior to all beings. Just like Barcelona, at least it has a super team and mature technical and tactical body. Watching Barcelona’s game will always have a feeling of deja vu, but Barcelona will still change in the top confrontation.
&nb Liverpool’s changeable factors are more complicated, the pressure of the stadium, the thickness of the bench, the intensity of competition in multiline battles and so on.
&nb Liverpool has done a good job in this regard.
&nb Arsenal lost the second ball, and the gunner was full of resentment.
&nb Liverpool, on the other hand, seems to be reminding Arsenal that it is necessary to be honest in the face of strong teams and fight back. Perhaps it will be a step back and the situation will make Arsenal rich.
&nb But Arsenal is surprisingly stubborn.
&nb They are still unrepentant and want to storm at Anfield.
&nb The more they do this, the more difficult it is for them to break through Liverpool’s gates. Instead, they are frequently in a hurry in the backcourt.
&nb This is a rather ironic phenomenon.
&nb, the direction of efforts and the actual trend are quite different!
&nb Before the end of the halfcourt, Qin Xiong made a pass to the penalty area after receiving a direct ball from Baines on the flank. Sagna was put down from behind in the penalty area and Liverpool won a penalty!
&nb An undisputed penalty!
&nb Qin Xiong pushed the ball into the left corner of the goal before the penalty spot and directly helped Liverpool seal the victory! to be continued
&nb145 unrepentant gun
[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. 1459 is always recorded in front of you]
Wenger may still give an impassioned speech in the dressing room after Liverpool’s 30 lead over Arsenal at halftime, or he may be working hard to make a halftime reversal counterattack plan.
However, after the two sides changed sides at halftime, he suddenly found that Liverpool was replaced!
Qin Xiong was replaced!
品茶论坛The fans were shocked!
Liverpool actually chose a substitution at halftime and played a hat trick at half time. Qin Xiong!
It’s hard to imagine what happened in the locker room.
However, seeing Qin Xiong sitting on the bench is very relaxed and there is no negative emotion written on his face.
What the hell happened?
Wait, Gerald’s been changed, too!
What the hell is Coleman doing?
The replacement field is Theo Lucas!
Liverpool’s halfcourt formation has not changed. It’s still 451.
However, the front striker became Kuyt.
Cabaille moved to the front waist position and the back waist line lined up with three defensive midfielders.
Tiaote Mascherano Lucas
Alonso sits in midfield and midfielder Cabaille echoes back and forth to control the midfield.
Wenger is a little confused.
He turned his head and looked at the sidelines. He was parallel to Coleman.
What does this mean?
Look down on Arsenal?
Or is the victory in the hands of the earth?
Coleman calmly looked at the situation on the sidelines.
He really didn’t despise Arsenal’s idea or think that the overall situation was settled.
Liverpool’s pressure is not in this single game, but in the second half of the season.
He must consider the second leg of the Champions League semifinal.
That game is more important than this league!
No doubt