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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 16/08/2024

Wow, fluency skills cooperate with minefields to restrict the land exhibition from walking. Snowball slows down. I’m afraid that a wave of bombers Q and E can knock out half of the blood of the fire man. I’m afraid that this fire man will be lucky even if he can’t die! Xiao Zhao quickly explained.

She said that she was right. After being limited by two skills, Lu Zhan really had no chance to fight again.
The minefield was covered and the flash of the land exhibition was released at the same time. After the flash was released, he didn’t step on a ray, which was equivalent to nullifying the skill of Bomber.
Yeah, he didn’t flash in the direction of the tower, but the bomber
Play fierce incredibly reverse flash! But can you get any benefits from this? The fire man has a snowman to slow down, and it is easy to be passive when he flashes past, Xiao Zhao said in surprise.
Everyone can see that the goal of Lu Zhan is a halfblood bomber, and the bomber himself knows that after Lu Zhan landed, the bomber realized that he had lost a W skill in his foot. It was the bomber’s displacement skill, and he could blast himself to the side by pressing one.
At this time, the bomber waited for the landing exhibition to raise his hand and asked Lu Zhan to release his skills, so he would bounce himself off and hide from Lu Zhan’s skills
If you want to hide from one of W and Q, you won’t faint him, so the skill effect won’t come out.
But he didn’t wait until Lu Zhan W Lu Zhan first released the E skill.
The fire is burning!
Directional e skill hit the bomber, leaving the bomber unprepared.
Pa A bomb man was hit by Lu Zhan, and his body ignited a fire.
At the same time, the bomber exploded at a fixed point, and the bomber was bounced to the other side. He was afraid of being hit by Lu Zhan’s Q skill and could give the rest to the snowman.
It’s not that easy to leave!
Lu Zhan smiled. The bomber’s landing position on the left is his death!
When the bomber was in the middle, Lu Zhan’s fire man had already shot, and the fire man raised his hand and the flame of Q skill also smashed out along the straight track.
The bomber’s landing flame brand just hit like a precisionguided missile, which stunned the bomber.
After the combination of Lu Zhan’s skills, there is no gap flashing. E and Q hold the bomber like it is calculated. Even if the bomber tries to escape, he is still stunned.
This ….. fire man skill is long eyes? How can you shoot so quickly!
Xiao Zhao exclaimed that not only was she surprised, but the audience at the scene also gave an exclamation.
That’s amazing. This god predicted it!
Well done!
But Lu Zhan, wearing soundproof headphones, couldn’t hear them, and he continued to fuck himself.
In fact, he did calculate the Q just now.
Lu Zhan also played with the bomber, who knows this hero very well. The bomber’s W skills are similar to those of a hero, and he can grasp the distance in which direction he will be pushed away.
Just now, Lu Zhan had already taken a good look at the bomber’s position on the left side of the mine, so it was easy to guess his landing position.
Faint to the rear, the fire man attacked the bomber one by one, and then he made his W skills, and the bomber’s feet ignited a circle of fire.
Anyway, the bomber can’t run in dizziness, so it’s better to make passivity more effective and make W.
The bomber has been completely stunned by three skills, and his blood is rushing away. Soon, when the dizziness is over, he has no resistance and flashes directly to the tower.
Before he flashed, the fire man had hung the ignition on him.
At this time, the director was wise to give the bomber a shot and turned on the bomber’s blood volume to ignite and the fire man to be passive while the bomber was burning.
One, two, three, the bomber is dead!
Lu Zhan successfully got a blood.
The snowman went crazy. He didn’t expect to come to gank himself, but he let his side die first.
After Lu Zhan finished, he killed the bomber under his nose. You know, until then, Lu Zhan’s snowball deceleration just disappeared.
The snowman moves quickly and walks to the land show. All the skills of the land show are light, and the position is still close to their tower. It is best to kill the snowman and will not let him go.
The snowman w accelerated for a long time and disappeared for a while. The snowman chased Lu Zhan with red hands.
But it’s not easy for him to catch up with a fire man who has got out of his shoes when he accelerates at the first level.
The fire man leaned forward and walked into the grass first, and the snowman lost his sight.
When the snowman tried to chase him in, someone came out of the grass.
It’s not the fire man but the emperor!
Zhang Xihuang finally arrived at his EQ, picked up a snowman and stuck to it.

Monks are the mainstay of the finch empire. They belong to the emperor’s direct control and belong to the category beyond the ordinary army and the legal system, which is special to be continued.

21 auction
Monks are different from priests. Priests are loyal to the gods, but monks are loyal to themselves. They explore the mysteries of the body, and various secret methods are developed by them. Although monks are rarely deployed, every deployment is definitely a bloody affair.
Wearing a white robe and black belt and sturdy deerskin boots is no different from ordinary people except that the national emblem of the bird empire is engraved on the neck.
Monks explore the potential of the body, but they don’t inspire fighting flames and magical energy. They inherit the most primitive and mysterious ripple energy of human beings thousands of years ago.
Ripple energy belong to a very mysterious and huge energy body.
At the beginning, I just heard that when Master Shan came close, the ancestors of these monks were travelers.
Their practice of ripple energy is very similar to that of Master Shan’s previous qigong, which can increase physical strength, and if it reaches the level of ripple release, it is more powerful than magic and fighting flame.
Master Shan looked at it a little and then withdrew his eyes, because those monks were very sensitive and paid more attention, which attracted their attention.
Wandering around for a long time, Master Shan ate some special products and bought some gadgets for Ksenya Goryachova Camilla, then went to the auction just to find out.
It is said that today is a large auction in January, which has captured a lot of novelty and even many welltrained slaves of all ethnic groups.
Master Shan has been stuck at the peak of the fifth grade for some time. He has been busy. This time, he is ready to go to the auction house to see if there is any magic material promoted.
There is no requirement to enter the auction, the only requirement is more money.
You need 20 gold coins for the admission ticket. Ordinary small rich people and businessmen are afraid to come in.
Magnificent and luxurious
The ground is covered with thick flanging blankets, and a large suet crystal chandelier reflects the auction.
Master painter’s handwriting
The sky is engraved with a large and elegant scroll. Next to everyone, there is a handsome or beautiful person who comes here for the first time to explain the general rules of the auction.
Master Shan’s palm gently kneaded the beautiful beauty in front of him, which was quite clever. The fragrant breath of the other side fell on Master Shan’s face from time to time. In a few minutes, he explained clearly all the places that should be paid attention to in the auction and stuffed a gold coin for the other side. Master Shan sat in a corner and waited quietly.
It seems that there are many precious promotion materials and magical objects in this auction, which is the biggest auction after the invasion of the HalfMagic Man.
Frost wine slid down the throat, and Master Shan squinted slightly at the people around him.
There are military representatives with a strong military atmosphere, businessmen with a wealth of money, and even a few elegant women with veil temperament.
Especially in those women who stayed slightly for a moment, Shan Ye recovered his eyes and continued to wait.
Sorry, Mr. Sam has an urgent notice for you! Just now, the beautiful woman who explained the matters needing attention to Master Shan came to Master Shan with a face of apology and said
Mountain ye slightly lock eyebrow don’t understand what? Is there any change in the auction? There is a little dissatisfaction wrapped in the sound.
The woman gently leaned her body against the arm of Master Shan, and her voice became more delicate. Oh, look at what you said. Our auction house is rich in royal support. How can something happen? After a pause, I saw that Master Shan’s face was getting better. But this auction did have a little thing because the finale of the auction was changed to the Millennium Moon Water Institute to inform you.
One thousand moon water? !” Master Shan’s face expression is wonderful. I gave the woman a strange look and waved her hand to indicate that the other party can retreat.
Different from Master Shan’s strange expression, there are a few surprises in the eyes of those photographers around him.
桑拿网  title=Was the moon water in one thousand? Our royal auction house does have something! A paunchy middleaged man with a shiny face and a proud face said
A veiled woman next to her flicked her white fingers and agreed, This time the empire is really a big deal. It’s really rare to hear that the border town is making a lot of noise! The euphemistic and quiet sound is very cultured
Everyone talked about it. Master Shan pressed the brim of his head into the corner.
To tell the truth, Master Shan didn’t expect to meet the Millennium Moon Water again. I heard that the auction in the border town was quite a shock.
Elves led a large number of blood warriors and elves to attack the border town auction house on the spot, and the border town did not show weakness.
A large number of black armor Warcraft soldiers with elves blood unexpectedly tied.
This force has been hidden in the border town, which attracted worldwide attention when this black armor Warcraft brigade suddenly appeared.
The two sides explored and fought to the death.
The elves need this victory to lay their own foundation, and the border town of Green Sea Elf Weiyi is forced to take out the cards to protect their auction interests.
Both sides have reasons why they can’t lose. They want to show their strength, and a competition ends in real fire.
In the end, people know that both sides have their own losses anyway. If both sides understand each other and reach an agreement, it will not be known to ordinary people.
To tell the truth, Master Shan really didn’t expect that the moon and water would meet again after going out from his own hands for thousands of years.
All right, please be a little quiet! A middleaged host with a staff of sound amplification stopped at the auction table at random.
The crowd gradually disappeared, and the middleaged horse with capable temperament announced the exchange of the finale, and then apologized to everyone that the auction was reduced by 1% as compensation for everyone.
Suet crystal chandelier is everyone’s excited face.
Many people were angry because of the sudden change of the finale, but they didn’t make any noise until they heard that it was the Millennium moon water.
An elegant woman who is also sitting in the corner is covered with light green tulle and vaguely sees the beautiful outline. Bizheng is looking at the auctioneer with a gloomy face.
If you lift the gauze, you will find that this beautiful woman is actually a semielf. If Master Shan sees this woman, he will definitely exclaim because she is helping the semidemon attack the Green Sea Elf and has been lurking in the Green Sea for more than 60 years.
Because she has exposed her identity, Sobel has to veil her face lightly.
The line of sight was withdrawn from the auctioneer’s body, and there was a flash of hatred in Bai Sha’s eyes. There were dozens of Bai Sha lurking in the green sea elves. It took a lot to kill all the elves, but when the halfmagic man got the branches of the world, he actually relaxed and took a temporary truce on the elf offensive.
This makes Bertha, who has been eager to kill all the elves and drink the blood of the elves, resentful, but at this time, the halfmagic man has had Bertha’s words from time to time 50 or 60 years ago.

Newcastle United 3 points

Arsenal 37 points
Although Tottenham may compete for the championship, Fleet Street finally recognizes that Tottenham still belongs to the role of Champions League qualifier, and the championship competition is still a game between Manchester and Liverpool.
Unless Tottenham Hotspur can wash away the decline of the past few years and get rid of itself in the middle of the league, White Hart Lane is known as the shame of threepoint lane
Otherwise, even though Tottenham is 5 points away from Liverpool now, the gap between them will be widened after Tottenham plays Manchester City duo Liverpool and other teams.
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a front, and the four lines go hand in hand]
After a lapse of three days, the 24th round of Premier League matches.
Liverpool face Tottenham Hotspur challenge at home.
Liverpool, which consumed a lot of energy in January, also experienced ups and downs.
Tottenham Hotspur is expected to enter the Champions League this year. They are far behind Chelsea and Arsenal.
Old Redknapp led his team to Anfield and fought back very hard to get an ideal result.
Gareth Bell made a big splash in the Premier League last season. He became the main scorer of Tottenham Hotspur and played a key role in many winning games.
In order to crush Bell and limit modric’s play, Liverpool had to make more fuss about defense.
As a result, the team weakened on the offensive end. Qin Xiong and Suarez each missed an excellent opportunity. Finally, Tottenham played a game at Anfield: a draw.
Redknapp praised the team after the game, saying that Tottenham Hotspur has changed its face and is no longer afraid of the top teams in the Premier League!
The evidence he quoted was that other powerful countries lost by a big margin here and Tottenham could take away a draw.
It’s a fact, although it’s a little ambitious.
夜网论坛It’s impossible for Liverpool to go hand in hand on the four fronts, as it has been in the past two seasons, and to continue to play well in off the charts when the schedule is under great pressure!
Defending champion Tottenham Hotspur was flat in the mutual restraint match at Anfield, but the other games were shattered!
Manchester City won Fulham 30 at Etihad Stadium!
This game is nothing new, like Manchester City and Liverpool winning three goals in the season, which is a guarantee. Once you score a goal, you can’t stop.
And scored 1 point in four league games in Emirates Stadium in 212. Arsenal finally killed!
In the face of last September’s 43reversal victory over his enemy Blake, Arsenal returned to their home. With Van Persie’s hat trick, Walcott scored a hat trick, Chamberlain scored twice, and Artta scored a goal. Henry scored 71 points in stoppage time and bloodied his opponent!
At the same time, it also declared the determination and fighting spirit of the team to the world. 212 is not the end of Arsenal. The gunners must return to the top four!
Arsenal finally won, so don’t go four ways ahead.
The round of focus wars was held at Stamford Bridge.
Chelsea vs Manchester United!
The trend of this game is staggering.
Chelsea scored a 10 lead at halftime in the fantasy game, which was just 23 seconds after the game, and then expanded the lead, and scored another goal five minutes later!
Everyone thought that the Red Devils would be crushed by the Blues at Stamford Bridge, but I didn’t expect the Red Devils to come back from the edge of hell and kill Chelsea almost to lose their armor!
At Stamford Bridge Stadium, Manchester United launched a Jedi counterattack in a desperate situation with three goals behind. From the fifth minute to the fourth minute, they chased three goals and drew Chelsea 33 away!
Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United coach, expressed his views on the game to Sky Sports after the game. On the one hand, he was pleased that his players never gave up, and on the other hand, he regretted that the Red Devils failed to beat the Blue Army to score three points.
Ferguson said, I think we lost two points because we played really well. Except for one minute before halftime, we suffered a terrible game and lost two goals. I think we were better at other times. It was not easy for that team to get the score back in three situations. Our players made great efforts. It was definitely a great game for a neutral audience. It was really fantastic. Chelsea also played a great role. Although I think we are the better team, Chelsea made this game interesting for all the audience. I am satisfied with our players.
Ferguson specifically praised Rooney, who scored twice on penalties. Wayne has done a lot of training since he missed one of his penalties, and I think his efforts have paid off.
Ferguson also said, It is reasonable for us to get two penalties at halftime. We should get four penalties in this game.
Although the team conceded three goals, Ferguson still highly praised the performance of goalkeeper Degea. I think he saved the 91st minute Matayi ball, which was incredible. The ball went straight to the right corner of the goal. In addition to this save, he made 23 outstanding saves. There is no doubt that he did his duty. I am very happy because we have seen the talent of this boy. We must believe that in 34 years, we will finally see his talent mature.
Ferguson also said, It’s because he made one or two mistakes. English football has always been strange to him. It’s different from the football he is familiar with in Spain, but today he showed that he is ready to integrate into English football. He made two wonderful punches and he did a great job!

How much will the team pay as a sparring partner when he adapts to the Premier League?

People are always selfish. Two years ago, Qin Xiong was willing to grow and develop with the club, but after two years, he has personally experienced the magnificent sea. Who wants to always endure in the stream?
Little Dane smiled and looked at Qin Xiong in meditation and talked about Kan Kan.
Arsenal’s future depends on Henry, but the team still needs to expand, not to weaken your position and Henry’s position, but only to ensure that no one wants to see Arsenal become vulnerable and unable to move when you or Henry is injured.
Qin Xiong nodded. He can understand the concerns about team building in vain.
He doesn’t want the team to be so fragile that no one can turn without it.
That would be too dangerous.
Seeing Qin Xiong has a positive reaction, Xiao Dane grasps another level in his heart.
He is going to add another fire.
Further show your energy.
He leaned forward slightly and smiled. After Pires Campbell left, it seems that Arsenal’s salary will be huge, but it’s not because the players’ salary is rising every day, which is faster than Arsenal’s initiative to control it!
And the salary expenditure is a long and slow process, not a oneyear salary to the players, but the signing of Arsenal is a direct expenditure!
Arsenal will spend more than 150 thousand pounds in summer
Giving some players a raise is no different from the past.
The problem Arsenal encounter is that many powerful players are willing to play for Wenger after winning the Champions League, but the club will not risk spending a lot of money on famous stars.
In the world, most powerful enterprises will leave a crisis in their budgets to prepare for the worst.
Arsenal’s longterm healthy management foundation club should also leave enough financial reserves to cope with the crisis, and they will not be generous when you renew your contract.
Because in the eyes of the board of directors, you should satisfy a player who came to Europe from Asia, you should be humble and grateful, and care more about Arsenal giving you opportunities and giving you a career environment. In their eyes, most of your achievements are due to Arsenal, including your fame.
But I don’t think the core of the problem is here!
But in public ability!
Everyone knows that Henry has the possibility of leaving Arsenal in the past season, but almost no one has accused Henry that Arsenal people are begging Henry not to abandon them!
What about now?
Even if they are as stingy as Arsenal, do you know what they just did?
Qin Xiong took a deep breath and made a gesture of listening.
Little Dane’s smile became brighter, which made Qin Xiong look very proud.
Loyalty Reward Arsenal gave Henry a bonus of 50,000 pounds! And it will be announced two days later that Henry has renewed his contract and his weekly salary has further increased to 130,000 pounds!
Qin Xiong’s pupil is miniature and calm, but he has a great shock!
Little Dane suppressed his greatest pride, and he was so excited that he withdrew his body and leaned against the back of the seat. He opened his hands and said, Because Henry is my friend and my client, he won it from me! to be continued
喝茶约茶[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. Goodbye]
If Qin Xiong once idealized football with the simplest and best understanding, today he has realized the complicated side of football circle.
It’s not just as small as the operation department of a club in Arsenal. The explosion of Serie A on the eve of the World Cup made the world peel off the beautiful coat of football and witnessed the dirty side behind football!
And this may still be the tip of the iceberg.
Little Dane observed Qin Xiong’s expression after saying that and found that Qin Xiong had returned to that indifferent state. He didn’t believe that Qin Xiong was not shocked and unmoved!
He showed his energy!
Qin ambition is, of course, a little shocked, and the hot heart has been completely cold since before, and there is no temperature at all.
It was Henry who gave a little hint of leaving Highbury. No one would accuse him. Everyone would speak for him. Everyone would say that he paid so much but didn’t get enough in return.
All Arsenal people will be sad to keep him and be more enthusiastic to impress him and let him stay.
Qin Xiong, on the other hand, never showed that he was going to simply negotiate with the club to renew his contract, but he was accused of being taught a lesson and now he is threatened!
Yes, in fact, he has guessed what little Dane is going to say.
It’s a threat because he never regarded Freddie as an outsider!
Hurting his interests and hurting Freddie’s interests makes no difference in his eyes!
The football circle is so complicated!
When Qin Xiong closed his eyes and appeared in front of little Dane, he was heartbroken and numb, but it was not.
Qin Xiong wants to end this meaningful talk early.
The result is already there.
Little Dane said confidently to Qin Xiong, Now you have reached the height of a superstar, and you are sought after by the European market. Believe me, my network can help you make a splash in Europe! You don’t worry that you will be forgotten when you retire. You can become China Beckham, and you don’t have to worry about how much salary you can get from Arsenal, because your business income will be many times and ten times higher than that income!
I know you’re an agent now, and you’re fine, but business is business. What’s the result of his talk with Arsenal for a year?
If I help you for two weeks, you can meet your requirements. At the same time, I just said that Henry is my friend. I can guarantee that you will have no problem and become the strangest partner in Arsenal’s history. Although it is full of strange colors, it is only one season. You must also want to continue to work with Henry to continue this strange period, so that I can help you. All your wishes can come true.
Qin Xiong, we will be the best partners!
Little Dane reached out to Qin Xiong and seemed to be waiting for Qin Xiong to have a historic handshake.
Qin Xiong suddenly bowed his head and smiled with his eyes closed.
Smile sarcastically.
Keep saying help me?
Isn’t this a fair threat to blackmail?
Do you have to sign a warlords to play for Arsenal?
You have to go into little Dane’s door?
He looked up and opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly recovered. He finally stared at little Dane’s eager eyes
He took out his mobile phone from his sweatpants, and his line of sight didn’t move. He directly pressed the speed dial key and pressed the No.5 key to make a preset number.
Little Dane’s eyes became dignified, but his hand never came back. He didn’t know who Qin Xiong was going to call at this time.
Wenger? Or father Dane?
Hey, Kyle, I’m telling you seriously now.
Hear Qin Xiong field white Dane instantaneous smile in the face bloom again.
Kyle Freddie!

But she was happy to learn that she was pregnant.

Listen to her. As soon as there is a commander in the lounge office, she will do it.
Then the commander said that since she was pregnant, she would mainly focus on administrative training for more than a year, and he would arrange another person.
Ouyang Xianqian has no objection to this arrangement.
Two people went on to say that the veterans retired.
The discharge season must be faced at the end of each year.
Determining the list of veterans is a huge and complicated task.
If she’s in charge of the school’s adult political commissar.
She had reached all the rows before the National Day.
It is estimated that it is now specific to each class.
After the National Day, the list of each class will be handed over to her.
She said to wait until she checked the list before giving it to the commander.
The commander has always been at ease with her.
Of course, no problem. She arranged it
The army is an efficient place. It says it will arrange an office for her.
Her new office has arrived that afternoon.
The new office is next to the commander. Although it is not big, there is a lounge. The most important thing is that this office is a long distance from her original office, which is now the staff office of Fang.
This can reduce the chance of two people meeting, which is very agreeable to the adults of the school.
The office equipment in the new office is all right.
Adults need to move their brains and files in.
Her entourage, Xiao Du, is a guy with a good personal relationship and gently called for one
A few people helped her move everything to the new office and put it in order.
After komori left, Ouyang Xianqian looked at his new office in a good mood.
Just arrived. Mr. Tiger took time to call her.
The school adults simply asked him about the army and learned that their team had a high center of gravity in the past month, that is, the tacit understanding of each member, that is, the team training has not been arranged yet
It’s no surprise to arrange the school adults like this, so there’s nothing to say and ask.
Then she briefly told her husband about changing the office.
Mr. Wang said he was very happy about it.
He knew that little women didn’t have any feelings for each other, but he was still very sympathetic when he told his wife to work in the same room with a man who had fantasies about her for a long time.
Now this is just what he wants.
Both of them are not bored and have a lot of things to do. After talking simply, they hang up.
Section 595
Just after Mr. Hang up, Ouyang Xianqian’s cell phone rang again.
This time, I picked it up and saw that it was the master’s landline number.
Ouyang xian Qian will pick it up.
Good afternoon, Grandpa!
You and Xiao Er are so powerful that Grandpa is not only good at noon but good every day, hahaha!
The arrival of the little guy can make Grandpa so happy. It’s worthwhile for me to ask her to slow down for three years.
All mothers are great.
But this arrangement for the past three years is no worse than that of the troops.
It is also necessary for you to take the opportunity to slowly recharge your feet in the future.
From the perspective of two extraordinary achievements in military and political affairs, you are still very young now.
I’m only 35 years old in three years, and then I’ll fight for the position you want. There are still many years to struggle.
In the past three years, you will accumulate strength and let’s have a good accumulation later.
Grandpa, I’m still waiting for the day when you completely broke out.
To put it mildly, both military and political affairs have power, but he really knows that the main power of the family is still the political achievements of the military department
Aside from that, he never thought that politics would be more accomplished.
However, Ouyang Xianqian appeared, especially her family’s blood made him have a home, and maybe she can make extraordinary achievements in politics.
桑拿网He really holds greater expectations for this grandson’s wife than for several grandchildren.
She makes every decision by herself, and the master can see that she is really farsighted
I have to say, this is really a strange girl who is in a dilemma.
If you don’t have enough courage, you will never slow down at this time to have a second child belonging to her.
After all, she has a very good son now.
Even if you don’t have children, you don’t worry about afternoon problems





















If Carter kills at level 6, he must ensure that all the skills are blue enough

Zhang Hao found that he couldn’t get the first move. Carter was too flexible. If he wanted to finish, he had to wait patiently for him to move first.
Carter’s dagger is still flying out of the sixth level, and the blood volume of the fisherman is worrying. This time, Zhang Hao is not sure that he can complete the antikilling like Lulu.
After all, Fisherman doesn’t have the blood skills to think. Carter has already moved first.
At this time, many people gathered around and looked at the residual blood fisherman who was still in the tower and didn’t go home. People in Zhang Hao were a pit.
桑拿按摩I think I’m going to die if I don’t go home.
Carter must be dead. There’s a fire in his hand. If I were you, I’d just hang the fire and hold my head steady.
Everyone around us is talking about the situation, and Carter is still very decisive when he enters the tower while taking advantage of the line of soldiers. When he reaches the fish’s body, he ignites and hangs up the big move and dies. Lotus flowers fly and Zhang Hao’s blood volume suddenly drops to less than one hundred.
It’s not good for Zhang Hao to whisper. Indeed, he has overlooked Carter’s ignition situation
However, Zhang Hao didn’t panic at the critical moment. Now that Carter has handed in E skills, Zhang Hao has reason to E skills.
When Carter got close to him, the fisherman made a big move and the shark drifted to Carter’s foot by mistake.
One moment, the fisherman jumped high, making Carter’s big move lose its goal, and then the shark flew Carter away, and Zhang Hao slammed Carter’s blood volume, and a lot of blood was scattered instantly. Carter was also on the verge of death
Zhang Hao didn’t hesitate to start the W skill. The sea stone trident Q passed through Carter’s place and then received a flat A. After all this was done, Carter ignited and finally burned a fisherman with less than 5 blood.
However, Carter did not have the heart. Zhang Hao ignited and bled on Carter.
Although Carter refreshed his E skill D after killing the fisherman and successfully jumped to the small soldier to escape from the tower, the double blood loss effect was really unruly.
Carter didn’t expect to be hit by a bloody little mermaid.
At this moment, Carter has some nai in the same place.
Carter watched his blood volume plummet as if a knife had crossed his mind. In the fifth second, Carter died and followed in the footsteps of the fisherman.
There’s so much blood to play with. A guy behind Carter screamed decisively, knowing that Carter’s blood volume was close to 7 o’clock, while Zhang Hao Fisherman had less than 2 o’clock at that time.
This strength gap is naturally clear at a glance.
Of course, Zhang Hao also has his own considerations. If the residual blood goes back to the city, Carter will easily gain an advantage. After all, it is not good to lose money and experience.
After consideration, Zhang Hao decided to use the line to successfully seduce Carter and made a move to change his life. Although it was not too highend, at least it did not expand Carter’s advantage
After level 6, the fisherman will have the antikilling capital. After all, before level 6, Cattell’s blue stripe advantage poke is very restrained. The fisherman plus Carter e skills are flexible and instantaneous, naturally playing with the fisherman.
When Zhang Hao finished a wave of killing, he felt unstoppable. Once again, he had bought two Dolan rings and a shoe.
While Carter let his guard down, Zhang Hao jumped twice in a row, and a Qskill naughty blow crossed Carter and instantly knocked out nearly 4 points of blood.
Zhang Hao smiled and the massacre seemed to happen again.
Chapter 223 There is power!
Chen Yi looked at the five people of the Buffalo Team and shook his head and went to other places to watch the game. Without Zhang Hao, playing the Buffalo Team can be an idiom.
Fight separately
Although it is feasible to crush the opposite side by technology, when each level rises to the same height, such tactical doubts are suicidal.
So it’s no exaggeration to say that Pan Sen didn’t form an effective support in the middle of the road, and kept waiting for the sixth grade, but fighting wild monkeys on the opposite side was successful many times on the road
Every time it’s Li iss.
At this time, Erhong had a little trouble.
Carter can’t play an advantage in the middle, so it’s natural to look for opportunities in other ways.
The barrel became his target, and the tauren team was a double ap array, a fatan barrel and an ap assassin. Once formed, it would make the opposite side very uncomfortable, and Carter naturally chose the road.
Carter left the line after Zhang Hao disappeared, and when Zhang Hao was paying attention, he had already disappeared.
It’s a little hard to face the cautious cask. Once I was killed, I was cautious in all aspects, which adds up to a big gap.
The monkey jumped out of the dark and opened the barrel, and was instantly shot away.
Then a taunt struck Shen, and the barrel was taunted until the two of them joined forces to encircle Erhong.
Erhong came to rely on his own displacement and was not afraid of the two people across the street, but after Carter appeared, Erhong was a little anxious
Carter threw a dagger into the barrel first, and then Carter instantly stepped into the barrel body. W skill: After an elegant rotation, the dead lotus Huaqi spun rapidly, and Carter slowly bloomed like a budding dead lotus flower.
Some barrels can’t carry it. At this time, Gao Chengfeng arrived at 6, and directly started a big move from the blue buff to the road to seal the back road of the three people opposite, and Zhang Hao also left the blue buff to support Erhong.
Erhong, it takes us time to come to Malaysia. Gao Chengfeng’s urgent command is to give two seconds for Pan Sen to cooperate with the fisherman to enter the arena, which can definitely be countered.
I can’t do it. Erhong is very angry. There are too many people across the street, and this ya is so awesome that he loves to point at the road.
As we all know, South Korea is famous for taking care of the road. Looking at the contest, South Korea is not good at taking care of the road, and this monkey likes to catch it like South Korea.
Er Hong said that he had seen no less than five outcrops in the past ten minutes, which of course also created a good development opportunity for Zhonghe Road.
Zhang Hao said that there was never a monkey outcrop in the middle of the road, and Lu Wang Dongdong and Zhou Qiang almost forgot that there was still a wild field opposite.
Only Erhong Alexander became an attractive firepower. After being ridiculed by Nai Erhong, he handed over a flash and lured the enemy deeper.
However, after five seconds of hesitation, I chose to pursue. After all, the barrel is a residual blood. It is not costeffective to give up at this moment.
Two macro smile can do one last thing.
A huge barrel bombed Erhong, successfully blowing the hunted people back in the direction of the defense tower and winning valuable time.

Who is stronger while the iron is hot?

Houston rockets looking for McGrady!
Ji Guoshi gave the Black Parker Clippers a quick break and counterattack immediately after the basket beat Argentina’s older rookie Scola to get the rebound and land.
Quick counterattack is a point that old Deng Liwei emphasized today. The Rockets’ line defense speed is slow, which the league knows; Rockets guard line McGrady’s defense awareness is bad! The alliance also knows this; Battier and Alston can come back to defend, which leads to the lack of defensive strength when the Rockets switch between offense and defense. It is the most vulnerable team in the western region to be hit back.
Black Parker dribbled all the way to the top of the Rockets’ threepoint line. Alston stopped to get the ball and immediately threw the basketball at the basket and made a relay …
Ji Guo’s shame is not fast enough. Scooby Artest is fast enough to kill the ball from the back row and catch it easily. After dunking with both hands, he hangs his body in the basket and seeks cheers from Clippers fans.
Staples Arena immediately sounded deafening cheers and alarm sound effects after the slam dunk of Ji Guo’s shame. The rocket field was filled with a basket by two brothers in two rounds, which made the majority of rocket fans in China feel very complicated.
After coaching the Rockets, Adelman was criticized by the Rockets fans for his onthespot reaction. The fans always felt that his onthespot reaction was slower than the other team’s.
Clippers fans feel the same way in this situation.
In the eyes of fans, the stars are all good at other people’s homes; Coaches are also good for others; Even the cheerleaders are from other people’s homes, and their bodies are better!
Adelman didn’t call for a timeout. He hasn’t figured out how to solve it. In fact, Adelman is not without a way to get McGrady back, but he can’t and can’t do it. Don’t worry, and the Yali Mountain Conference is the first to jump out and stop them from playing. They have strict requirements for McGrady, at least not less than 36 minutes, that is, the third quarter.
Moggi, who is good at calculating, thinks that it is unforgivable that the seating rate of the leading star is not good when he enters the stage for less than three quarters, and the tickets will not be sold.
To be honest, McGrady’s offensive end is now a mess of assists and shooting percentage. After there is no sharp breakthrough, it is easy for defenders to defend him. It is difficult to judge how fast the clippers’ backcourt is composed of Artest and Posey. It is difficult for backcourt stars to get high scores against the Clippers, not to mention that there are less than half of their skills.
Percy let McGrady go. McGrady didn’t force him to play pickandroll with Yao again
Yao made a header when he followed McGrady after covering. It was a wonderful goal.
品茶Ji Guoqiu and Yao defense. He didn’t rush to reach out and break the ball. McGrady’s ball skills are not inferior. It is not easy for some excellent point guards to break the ball. Once they fail to break the ball, they will let Yao people defend it.
The panda warrior clung to Yao, but when the little giant made a push, the panda was immediately pushed to one side. After Yao caught the ball, he easily threw and hit the board to get two points.
I can’t handle a Scola in the double bag alone.
Ji Guoqiu directly turned to his younger brother for help after Yao scored the goal. He could limit Yao by going around, but if the little giant hit the roll, he would be able to do it. In the final analysis, his health was too bad. If he had to weigh 25 pounds, he wouldn’t be so easily knocked aside.
This time, the two brothers doubleteamed Hans Robert Jauss Cora to get a shot in the middle of the two wings.
Adelman is not without foresight. Scola hasn’t started the Rockets before this game. The starting power forward has always been Hayes, but if you let 19m Hayes start his toes today, you can imagine what game it will be.
Scola’s comprehensive strength is far stronger than Hayes’s. The Argentine didn’t adapt to the rhythm of nba at first, but now he has gradually adapted to the intensity of nba confrontation after more than a dozen games. Adelman gradually gave him more minutes.
Today, the distance between Scola’s wings hurt the Clippers very much. In the first quarter, Scola was killed by two shots in the middle distance by Argentina. Scola also succeeded in singles in the low post. The Argentines carried him with gorgeous back steps and made dreamy steps in the low post. Ji Guoshame easily turned around and made a basket.
In the first quarter, 3 minutes and 2 seconds, old Deng Liwei called a timeout.
The score is 12, and the Rockets lead by two points. Yao has not been replaced, and he is still on the scene.
Adelman said that he didn’t like Yao’s letting Yao play more than 36 minutes every game since he took over the Rockets. It can be seen that Adelman died regardless of the little giant’s physical problems.
Yao has averaged 3 minutes per game this season. JVG has never let Yao play for such a long time in previous seasons.
After losing his job, Fan Tu has become an espn commentator and commentator. He has discussed this issue several times. He thinks that Yao has too many small giants on the court and should be controlled for 35 minutes. Overdrawing and overworking will make Yao more vulnerable.
Old Deng Liwei doesn’t have this problem here. The two brothers’ physical strength is very good, and their recovery speed is faster than that of the small players. They play 36 minutes in each game. There is no problem at all. Instead, they deliberately control the twoperson field and worry about injuring the two brothers too much.
This is the difference between the first and the second. Yao is not Adelman’s place, but he is dead or alive. For Adelman, the socalled including McGrady is also a terrible thing!
Make up the defense quickly. Ron and James make up the Scola file. We have to rotate … and run. Old Deng Liwei is not satisfied with his team’s rotation speed. Doubleteam Yao will encounter a loophole in the number of defenders and actively rotate to make up for the number disadvantage. He can’t give the Rockets a chance to shoot.
The players of the two teams returned to the court, and Yao did not rest. Adelman wanted the little giant to play the first quarter.
Boss Yao is getting bored. Am I going to doubleteam?
This is not the fourth quarter. Yao is not so fragile.
Ji Guo smiled in his heart. When it comes to the fourth quarter, the rockets are always in fear every time they watch the rocket game in the fourth quarter. I wonder if we will make a big comeback in the fourth quarter today?
Ji Guo Qiu Yu asked, What should we turn over? Wouldn’t it be better if we were ahead in the fourth quarter?
The Clippers’ frontcourt ball, Ji Guoqiu’s heart, and the slightest sign suddenly made a direct relay out of bounds …
Ji Guo’s shame suddenly started, rushed to the threesecond zone before the Rockets responded, and then quickly took off and reached out to the lieutenant general’s basketball. A little orange elf immediately obeyed and bounced off the backboard into the box!
Staples Stadium is boiling again, so that they can often be seen in the league, which is both ornamental and demoralizing. This is the exclusive tacit cooperation between twins.
Ps Sanjiang period continues to have the cheek to ask for collection, recommendation and Sanjiang tickets.
Chapter ninetynine Experience
After Ji Guo’s shame landed, he raised his hand to signal the Clippers fans to speak louder.
Scola was so cunning that he quickly picked up the basketball serve when he encouraged the fans to be ashamed of Ji Guo.
The rockets attack quickly, and Houston people are ready to take the opportunity to sneak a sneak attack while Ji Guo’s humiliation is on the sidelines.
Ji Guo shamed hurriedly and awkwardly to speed up the catchup. Fortunately, Yao couldn’t run fast enough to catch up with the little giant, so they played a lot.
The Rockets couldn’t fight back quickly with Yao, and McGrady wasn’t fast there. Two slow guys made the Rockets fall into position again this attack.
Yao is a little slow this time, but he is finally in the right position. Experience will firmly stick Ji Guoqiu behind him and raise his hand to ask his teammates for the ball.
Alston waved the basketball twice and directly gave it to McGrady, the latter …












Thousands of miles of dikes were destroyed in ant nests.

Later, he will have to ask the monitoring room to see who has gone in to get the information.
Kong Sheng left Zhuang Nianhua and got through to Lin Zeyu.
Come to Shenhua now.
Lin Ze Yu Qiaoxiao Yan ran Manager Zhuang, I have arrived at the door.
Zhuang Nianhua looked up and Lin Zeyu pushed the door and pushed in, her posture was enchanting and her eyes were charming.
Zhuang Nianhua leaned behind the chair and shook hands to see her.
What happened to the Lins recently?
Lin Zeyu is loose and elegant, throwing her handbag on the sofa and taking a seat by herself.
Because of the influence of my mother, Lin Zexiao was also implicated. After all, some time ago, the media said that he was a new boyfriend of my mother.
Isn’t this all thanks to him? ZhuangNianHua thought of here eyes gave her a brisk look.
Lin Zeyu obviously received this signal and immediately primly.
My mother secretly thinks that the illegitimacy and the rich and powerful things are yellow. My father didn’t say anything to let him handle the influence on the family. Maybe you don’t know, my mother is my brother, that is, my first love of Lin Zeyu is exactly a crush. I can’t accept her murder. The family is sighing and overcast.
What about Lin Zexiu?
Maybe you should ask Lin Zexiao.
He asked me to give you a message to save Qiu Shui. You come to him.
Linzexiao apartment is decorated in pure white, which makes people feel very cold.
Sure enough, this warm and modest outside is also full of holes and barren places, so I like this white to a strange tone.
The servant opened the door, Zhuang Nianhua came in, and she went out to lock the door.
Zhuang Nianhua turned around Xuanlinze Xiao Zheng’s balcony to make tea while still looking at it. Looking at idleness, Zhuang Nianhua almost asked him if he was immortal.
Linze Xiao gently laughed without looking up.
There you are.
As he spoke, he picked up the purple sand teapot and poured the mooring tea into the cup. The bright brown smoke rose in response to the false sunshine in winter. It was really beautiful and chic.
Zhuang Nianhua put his hands in his pockets and decided that he was a rebellious teenager when he was a child. It was difficult to get straight to the point by letting him have tea with people he didn’t like.
Your sister’s words have been conveyed to me. What’s the clever idea?
Manager Zhuang didn’t bring an eavesdropping device to my house. It’s really aboveboard.
He looks up and says it’s a word, but he raises his hand and points to the cushion in front of him to signal him to sit down and then says
We have jammer equipment at home, and this part fails.
Zhuang Nianhua frowned. Has this Lins’ man become a fine man?
It is also at this moment that Zhuang Nianhua has faced up to the fact that manager Lin has never doubted Lin Zexiao’s ability. Many Lin Zexiao’s enterprises have become largescale enterprises today. His management ability is not underestimated, and his psychological knowledge and management skills can be perfectly integrated. This is also the reason why Lin Boss is particularly afraid of him.
If he is a worthless illegitimate child, perhaps everyone will disdain to say anything, and this kind of person has long been driven out of the Lins.
He sat down firmly, and Lin Zexiao invited him to tea.
Zhuang Nianhua refused.
I’m sorry that my father’s accident happened to me.
This is very white, just avoiding the meaning of the word.
Linze Xiao doesn’t bother to sip his lips and smile. He sips his tea and narrows his eyes slightly for a while. His eyes seem to be enjoying Zhuang Nianhua’s sitting on his opposite lip and arousing a ponder smile. Does this man really like his little mother? He doesn’t think Linze Xiao is not in a hurry, and there will be great plans.
spa会所He just waited silently for Linze Xiao to finally put the teacup during the period.
Do you want to save your little mother?
Let’s get this straight. Now that I’m here, what do you want? What can you give me?
Zhuang Nianhua’s eyes seem to have a flash of cold light, and the war spirit is not diminished. Most people will be frightened when they see it.
I want Lin Tuan. When I’m finished, I can give you new evidence of a corpse.
I when you want me to Shenhua shares that’s good to say is this lam now you still can’t turn the sky? Your second brother fell, and I guess your father will fall.

Ji Guo avenged a long basketball that crossed the halfcourt and accurately landed in front of Mobry. The old cat got the basketball very comfortably and quickly got the basket.

Bobby simmons chased the defense slowly and watched the basketball fall into the basket.
The score is 3627. The Bucks can’t score points in two rounds, and the difference quickly becomes 7 points.
Coach Xiao K was very dissatisfied with the speed of his players’ defense, so he shouted on the sidelines, Didn’t you have enough to eat? Vitality, show your vitality. It’s not winter yet!
约茶Ji Guo was ashamed to hear it and immediately laughed. The temperature in Los Angeles has dropped to 1 degree, and it has already snowed in Milwaukee. Is this called that the opposing coach is crazy before winter?
Bogut’s offensive end actively wants the ball to discipline the country’s enemies, dare not bypass the front defense, and can struggle to hold the opponent behind him
Finally, he has an advantage in strength, but the Australian champion Lang is still very depressed. Although he has been trying hard to get to the top, basketball rarely reaches him. mo williams and michael redd always ask him to come out to pick and roll, but the basketball roots will not reach him. Both of them voted by themselves.
Michael redd stretched out his hand outside the threepoint line and called his Australian younger brother out to pick and roll again.
The first center in the East played a little temper this time, pretending not to see it and not coming out to cover it.
The Bucks’ star player was so angry that he was half dead, but Bogut just couldn’t come out and he couldn’t help it. Then he finally remembered what turned around and waved to the China people to pick and roll.
Too easy to dare not listen to the team’s old boast that he is too thin, and his size is actually not suitable for rollandroll. The quality of this cover is naturally not so good
Artest easily squeezed Taiyi aside and then took michael redd’s handball from behind.
The referee punished Artest for hitting the beast, and he was not satisfied with it. He broke the ball cleanly.
Michael redd was angry that the team was behind, and Artest didn’t have much chance to see Tai Yi coming. He immediately accused, You are nothing but stupid. How can I give you the ball? Can you understand me?
Ji Guo was ashamed to see his own mistakes on the side, but he was too easy to pass the buck. He couldn’t help but say, It’s a guy who has a record of assists in a single game. How dare you say the ball?
Michael redd heard clearly and immediately became furious and asked coldly in the previous step, What are you talking about, rookie? Say it again?
Ji Guo’s shame is not afraid of his threat. He sneered and said, I can understand the record of the boss Bucks like you.
Michael redd choked speechless and became angry from embarrassment. Raising his fist, he would have a martial art with Ji Guo’s shame.
Artest died in front of Ji Guo’s shame. That means he has the guts to shoot me.
I really don’t want to say that although Artest performed badly in the face of Wallace, he was very intimidating to other players. michael redd didn’t come to quarrel with Clippers players after he was pulled by his teammates.
By the time the referee arrived at the scene, the conflict had been stopped by Artest.
The referee suddenly felt that a villain was even better than him as a referee, and there was an impulse to show Artest a technical foul for meddling.
Tai Yi’s face is ugly. Ji Guo’s shame is to help him stand out this time, but he can get more and more help by intervening in other people’s teams as an outsider. Now he is a pig in the mirror and not a person. I’m afraid he will be sad on Bucks Day.
You shouldn’t mind your own business. You’re hurting him instead of helping him. Ji Guoqiu said with a frown in his heart.
Ma De’s honesty is to be bullied. If you can’t stay, let him go to the old clippers to protect him and see who dares to bully him! Ji Guo’s shame also knows that he has done bad things with good intentions. The impulse is really the devil!
After this conflict, the old coach K changed his obvious state too easily and changed to Villanueva.
Good, then I will completely explode this Villanueva!
Ji Guo felt ashamed that this should make up for his own mistakes, so Villanueva was completely tragic.
The clippers fox broke out in one game and scored 3 points. It seems that this game will continue to break out.
Throughout the second quarter, Ji Guo was ashamed to face Villanuevari’s throwout team, and he delivered artillery shells to let him release his firepower as much as he could.
Ji Guoshi’s projection ability seems to be better than michael redd’s at the moment. Anyway, michael redd was extremely depressed by Artest’s defense in this game, and then he was suddenly pressed by the Clippers in the second quarter. He made three mistakes in a single quarter and made one of five shots. This performance has nothing to do with the stars.
In the second quarter, Ji Guojiao scored 6 shots, 5 3pointers, 3 free throws and 16 points in a single quarter, creating the highest score in a single quarter of his career.
Ps thank you for rewarding students. The collection has risen very slowly in the past two days. Your rewarding and recommendation are my motivation!
Chapter one hundred and ten Talent
At halftime, the outcome was almost lost. The Clippers led by 12 points at halftime, 524.
Ji Guoqiu scored a gamehigh score of 23 points and 5 rebounds at halftime. Today, Brother Fox created his own highest score in a single quarter and the highest score at halftime. Ji Guoqiu scored 9 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists, Artest 6 points and Mobry 6 points at halftime.
Today, I want to get 4 points. Everyone helps me. My brother treats me after the game. Ji Guoshi shamelessly asked his teammates for help in the locker room at halftime.
Of course, everyone will not refuse this request, and they will try their best to give him the ball.
Ji Guoshi shot 9 out of 11 shots today, and his hand felt hot.
However, nba players will ask their teammates to help them brush high scores when they encounter this hot feeling. Of course, this must be done before the team wins. Now the team will suppress their opponents in both the scene and the score, and Old Deng Liwei will not interfere with the players’ presence to brush the data. To put it bluntly, everyone is working for the team and can’t break people’s money.
Ji Guoshi’s pursuit of data is extremely extreme. Now his position is not stable. He can still win and force himself to play a little reasonably. However, in today’s situation, Ji Guoshi completely incarnates mode 24, and 1 point can temporarily stay in yy, but 41 should be no problem today.
Taiyi continued to start at halftime and also continued to take the defensive end of Ji Guo’s shame.
Michael redd didn’t even look at him at halftime, so his indifferent attitude made most bucks keep their distance from being too easy to alienate themselves.
Poor Green Arrow United didn’t adapt to it in America, and now he is isolated by his teammates. At this time, he thinks that it is as warm as home. Guangdong team is ice and snow in Milwaukee, and he doesn’t care at all.
Ji Guo’s shame came at halftime, and the fake shot shook again. It was too easy to dribble to the line. It seemed that he wanted to kill the dunk directly.








The goal is Yu Ling, that clos to Qi!

Chapter 29 Independent Zhang Hands
This ….. this is how to return a responsibility? !” As soon as the army arrived at its destination, my heart suddenly jumped. There were corpses lying littered outside Yu Ling, and there was still blood dripping from them. Obviously, I had just experienced a chaotic war.
General, wait a moment. Check it out. Du Ji gave me a hand and carefully identified it in the body before flattery. The general is not our foot soldiers.
约茶I looked up at the city with a little peace of mind.
A familiar figure wave to me.
Chengtou … is Xiao Dai? I raised my voice.
It’s Xiao Ye me! Chengtou to Qin array unbridled roar loud.
Why are you such an uneducated savage? How dare you yell at me in broad daylight? !
I hurried into the city to avoid further humiliation.
Just entering the gate, I saw Cao Cao and Xiahou brothers kneeling at the door.
I looked down at these three heads and frowned slightly. What’s the matter!
At the end of the neglect … I didn’t know there were big bandits outside the city … Cao Cao bowed his head and reported to me that our army was ambushed by the enemy just after crossing the earthen drum …
Big enemy? ! So bold? ! I can’t help but interrupt his specific description and ask, How many are dead? !”
Our army struggled to kill three thousand troops … Cao Cao did not dare to look up.
You!’ I flew into a rage you this … wreck my three thousand fine ride? !” Are you still a treacherous Cao Cao? ! I’ve never been a prostitute. How can anyone else come to seduce me? !
Cao Cao quickly defended general, general! Not our army wreck three thousand is to annihilate three thousand enemy troops …
I lowered my voice slightly and said, What about our army?
163 people were killed and nearly 500 people were injured.
One hundred and sixtythree people … My heart was bleeding. I immediately ordered Zhang Ji to accompany me, Zhongjing, please take people to the barracks as soon as possible to inspect the injuries and report back to me … we can’t lose any more people!
Although Zhang Ji was still positioned as a medical officer, I euphemistically found a name of patrolling injuries and he excitedly took more than a dozen people to carry out this glorious and prestigious task.
Cao Caoshen said, At the end of the March, I am willing to be dealt with by the general!
Get up, I looked down at the three brothers Cao Cao, who couldn’t afford to kneel down. Pulling troops out of my hand will fill the gap.
Cao Cao’s body shook but he still bowed his head and said nothing.
Meng De, I heard that … you asked Xu Jiang in Runan to comment on his comments on you … I couldn’t find the right words to express this feeling, so I asked, Do you think it is peaceful or troubled times now?
Cao Cao suddenly raised his head and his eyes shot a cold light.
I didn’t wait for him to answer the socalled smile, and then I drove my life through the snow and walked slowly past him.
At this moment, I just felt his sharp edge slightly.

Mr. Wen He, are you all right? I went straight to the front of Jia Xu and asked earnestly
Don’t worry about me. Fortunately, he looks normal. General, do you know? We met some enemy bandits who attacked and killed nearly 200 soldiers.
I nodded. Cao Cao has just said that he still confesses to me.
Jia Xu hum a what’s his crime? What’s the crime of shrinking into the army with less than 1000 men? !”
How do you say? I wondered, Didn’t you say you were ambushed outside the earthen drum?
It’s just that a group of Ukrainian allies, Qin Zhen and Ma Dai, were in flight when they attacked the enemy. Suddenly, some newly recruited soldiers were too scared and died in the chaos, he said quietly.
We’re lucky if we don’t hurt the main force of our army. He and I entered a hall. Is it … Sir doesn’t send a sentry to ride the scouts for four vigilance? You don’t know this basic practice in Jia Xu, do you?
Can the enemy simply recognize the intentional ambush of several sentry riders? Jia Xu shook his head. It’s not big for our army to move forward quickly without stopping to whistle and ride.
Having said that … but who let you run so fast … I didn’t say it. I asked, Is our army coming as scheduled? At the same time, advance on Changguo and Panyang? Or repair and go to the besieged city again and again?
Xu has let Adai bring two thousand troops to Chang Guo Jia Xu twisted up a short beard.
ha? Two thousand? I am stunned. Is this too underestimating? Two thousand even siege is not enough?
Jia Xu smiled. Daigong is just testing. Why don’t we move on when he has a letter?
He won’t die heroically, will he? I’m very worried about my young cousin.







1. 古韵按摩:以古典音乐为背景,按摩师们运用中医理论,通过按压、揉捏、推拿等手法,帮助客人舒缓疲劳,恢复活力。

2. 桑拿按摩:在桑拿房内,按摩师们针对客人的需求,运用热力按摩,使肌肉得到充分的放松,消除疲劳。

3. 茶香按摩:在茶室中,按摩师们将茶香与按摩相结合,让客人在享受茶香的同时,感受按摩带来的舒适。

4. 夜生活按摩:在夜生活中,按摩师们为客人提供专业的按摩服务,帮助他们释放压力,享受夜晚的欢愉。

品茶  title=


The emperor … Shuang’er suddenly showed no concern. There will be many wives, right?

I suddenly felt that our thinking was not rooted in a planet. Let’s not talk about being an emperor. I quickly changed the subject. Let’s talk about how to sleep tonight? That’s the urgency.
He son … CAI wenji some hesitation.
The little moths behind her quickly said, Miss, let me take care of it.
She nodded and looked at The Story Of Diu Sim again. Cicada … I’m afraid I can’t do it alone.
I couldn’t help smiling when I watched The Story Of Diu Sim nod invisibly.

After two days and two nights of hard work, I decided to take a day off and take an hour out of the busy state to deal with some business.
Then I heard the sad news.
The imperial army was attacked by mountain thieves near Liang County. Jia Xu told me with a grand report.
Mountain thief? Liu Xie is not dead, is he? My political consciousness suddenly broke out. He had an accident on my site … This will definitely make Heaven and Man find an excuse to attack me!
Jia Xu nodded. It’s very keen for you to think so. Fortunately, Huangfusong and Marten have taken precautions, and the loss is almost negligible.
I thought about it and asked, Are there any of us among them?
Of course, he didn’t shy away. Besides, Zhang Liao was there.
I almost forgot, I patted my forehead and added, This isn’t a conspiracy deliberately designed by Liu Xie or others, is it?
I don’t rule out this possibility, but Zhang Liao didn’t notice it.
I licked my lips and thought that nine times out of ten, it was the sinister trick of the imperial army to lead the hatred to our army.
喝茶约茶  title=
Two days later, Jia Xu reported to me again.
This time he looked dignified and I had to cheer up.
Jia Xu pointed to the map that the imperial army was attacked by big bandits in Bowang, and the accompanying officials suffered heavy casualties. Huang Fusong Marten’s military forces went to four or five, and a large number of officials and soldiers left on their own.
I heard a familiar place name and couldn’t help looking in the direction of his fingerthis Bo Wang is very close to Wancheng, the marching destination of the imperial army, not more than 50 miles away.
What do you think, sir? I looked up and asked
I don’t want Liu Xie to live in the world too much to determine which one. Jia Xu slowly shook his head. Hebei Yuan Shao, Cao Cao Jingzhou Liu Biao, of course, and we all don’t want this Han Dynasty to continue in other counties and counties in Shandong Province.
Which one is most likely? Liu Biao?
Not you, Jia Xu said flatly. You just occupied Luoyang and forced the emperor and officials to flee in panic. Now Liu Xie is being pursued. Who else is it?
I grass! Who is this to set me up? !” I swore.
According to a letter from Zhang Liao, the socalled bandits are good at longrange shooting, but there are not many foot soldiers. He guessed that it was probably a southern soldier. Jia Xu pulled out a piece of writing paper and handed it over.
That’s Liu Biao dry! I took a sweep and blurted out.
It’s very possible, he agreed. After all, Yuan Shao hasn’t the strength and time to send a large team to go deep behind us.
I rubbed it. Good. What’s your husband doing these two days?
Not four things, Jia Xu said one by one. One is to count the treasury, the other is to buy food from the surrounding counties, the third is to recruit civil and military talents, and the fourth is to recruit soldiers.
How’s it going?
Treasures inventory has just arrived in the middle, and it will take less than 10 days to comprehensively sum up; Buying food may not be too much. After all, there has been a bumper harvest near the Central Plains in recent years; He shook his head slightly without regret that the effect of recruiting talents … can’t be seen yet
I’m sorry, too. Nobody came?
Some of them are not famous talents, Jia Xu said. I personally persuaded Gong to belong to that year before, but none of them stayed except Han Ji and Zhang Ji.
I sighed and didn’t quite understand the big fellow is hopeless, right? Do they still fantasize that this imperial court can be revived again? !”
They don’t think much of you, he sank. They think more of Yuan Shao in the north than you do.
That’s right I nodded. Yuan Shao is really a little better than me now. After all, people have directly defeated the central multichannel Coalition forces. I just defeated Yuan Shao’s younger brother Cao Cao and his men all the way. By the way, how is the recruitment situation?
The number of young people who intend to join the army in Henan, Hedong and Hehe counties has exceeded 20,000. He finally revealed a smile. I have asked Xu Huang, Li Dian and others to carefully select and strengthen the strength of each county.
Twenty thousand … I was slightly surprised. There are still many people who want to be soldiers.
Jia Xu slightly caressed that the people’s lives are not safe, and enlisting in the army is a choice.
I kept silent in the face of such a heavy answer.
Liu Ren told Master Cheng asks for an audience outside the door.
I perked up slightly. Please come in.
Words did not fall Cheng Yu has marched in.
Is it urgent? I started at the table.
It’s not urgent. Cheng Yu took out a piece of stationery from his sleeve. I just received the grand report from Xu Huang.
Battle report? My heart is not tight. What did Yuan Shao do again?
Not Yuan Shao, but Cao Cao. He intended to let the cat out of the hand of Xihe Prefecture. After the wind leaked, Xihe Prefecture resisted according to the city, but after two days of resistance, this person disappeared. He handed me the battle report.