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Monthly Archive 31/08/2024

Once again, when Riquelme defended against the opponent, his mind was very calm

Riquelme didn’t even move when he played with his feet.
His own speed advantage maintained the frontal defense situation. Riquelme dribbled laterally and he moved laterally to defend.
Riquelme retreated. He didn’t just relax.
Only when Riquelme really breaks through the ball forward will he have a counterpoint attack and defense confrontation with Riquelme.
This makes Riquelme a little crazy.
Qin Xiong is too steady!
Different from other excellent players that Qin Xiong has defended, other players may have the ability of forward speed. When Qin Xiong can’t defend headon, he will turn around. Even if Qin Xiong’s speed is fast, it can be regarded as a delay in turning around. Of course, he can’t keep close to his opponent when he turns around.
There are opponents who confuse Qin Xiong’s defensive prediction by running a lot of positions, so as to achieve the goal of getting rid of Qin Xiong
It happened that Riquelme was too static!
His speed is not fast and his confusing movement is a little less. He belongs to the classical front waist of walking football. If he touches a defender with strong defensive ability but unstable consciousness, he will induce his opponent to hand over his body center of gravity first with a few tempting discs or pause in rhythm, and then he will easily break through his opponent to achieve the goal of partially tearing the defense line, and then form a chain reaction to create a wonderful shooting opportunity for the striker.
Riquelme had to face Qin Xiong prematurely, but Villarreal’s attack seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.
Arsenal’s defense line is very tight, which compresses the opponent’s attack. It is difficult for the yellow submarine to reach the Arsenal restricted area like hitting a rock.
It can be said that this game is a confrontation between South American free and romantic football and European strict and disciplined football!
Arsenal rely on tactical execution ability to contain Villarreal to the maximum extent!
But containment is the foundation. This is Highbury and the semifinal of the Champions League. Arsenal must win! to be continued
[The first volume The sword has become a front before it is drawn. Who will carry the flag? ]
Even though Arsenal occupied the advantage of the scene, the game still encountered great challenges.
This challenge does not come from the opponent. When the yellow submarine’s defense personnel are in a hurry, Riquelme is frozen in Qin Xiong, and Arsenal’s season is honed, mature and stable, and Villarreal can’t create a threatening offensive.
But Arsenal missed scoring opportunities again and again.
In the 37th minute of the game, Qin Xiong received a direct ball from Fabregas in the frontcourt. In Tacchinardisena, Li Li stopped the ball and broke through the rhythm difference. Then, when Senna withdrew to make up for the defense, he changed direction and took the antitangent route, which made Tacchinardi return to the defense.
After changing the dribble twice in a row, Qin Xiong saw the right time and didn’t punch Ventura Alvarez in the ribs. He decisively sent a ball with a right foot and an outer instep.
The goal bypassed Alvarez and Alzu, and it was even more embarrassing for the goalkeeper to attack unless he was extremely decisive. Unfortunately, barbosa’s replacement candidate was waiting for Arsenal’s offensive development in front of the goal line after a long time of war.
The ball curved around two Villarreal centrebacks, and then flew perfectly to Henry’s running line obliquely inserted in front of Alzu.
The football is close to one meter from the ground. Henry shoots directly from behind Alzu, aiming to directly refract the football and fly into the goal.
But after he touched the ball, all the gunmen fans in the stands gave a shock and amazement.
Henry’s arch didn’t touch the football, but it was near the front end of the toe sole. The football flew directly to the stands and rubbed strongly. Henry expected the shooting effect to be thousands of miles.
Henry made another mistake in front of the door. It’s a pity that Qin Xiong had a series of wonderful performances! However, Arsenal have an advantage in the end and I believe they will create better opportunities.
Wenger looked puzzled on the sidelines.
His heart must be anxious. He must take the yellow submarine at home, or everything will be hard to say when he goes away.
Henry put his hands on his hips and lowered his head at the shooting place, and he didn’t know what his state was today.
Physical condition is absolutely fine, but the sense of smell in front of the door is different from usual.
Is the excessive expectation of excitement leading to the tension of keys at all times?
Henry didn’t know that he wouldn’t admit it.
But it must be admitted that this is the first time he has represented Arsenal in the Champions League semifinal stage for several years.
The first time he played in the Champions League semifinal stage was when he was still playing for Monaco.
It’s a long time ago
Europe scares several teams, but the super striker is particularly unfamiliar with the finale on the peak stage in Europe.
Qin Xiong watched Riquelme running in the midfield while watching Henry from a distance.
He won’t blame Henry, but it’s really hard to be generous in today’s game
桑拿论坛Every minute is crucial in the Champions League semifinal, and every opportunity is precious. Not beating Villarreal at home is not only that Arsenal missed the best opportunity to lay the foundation for reaching the Champions League final, but also a blow to Arsenal. It is conceivable that Villarreal’s morale will rise before.
At the end of the halfgame, Villarreal successfully held the halfgame, which made them equally confident in the halfgame.
Pellegrini temporarily relieved.
It can’t be said that Villarreal’s defense is perfect. Arsenal created a good opportunity and didn’t grasp it. This is the best result.
Henry encouraged his teammates at halftime, and he was under great pressure on his shoulders, but he was no less determined to reach the Champions League final than a teammate.

Qin Xiong immediately reject that possibility of transferring to Inter Milan.

After inquiring about other clubs, Qin Xiong was hesitant to negotiate with Real Madrid and Chelsea except to ask Freddie to inform Manchester United and Arsenal that negotiations could be held.
Valencia has been poached by Liverpool, and even the coach has no Qin Xiong. How can he decide to negotiate with the other side? He rejected Valencia.
The situation in Chelsea and Valencia is similar, but after all, the other boss is sincere, which makes Qin Xiong willing to listen to a decision made by Chelsea.
He can’t guess the situation of Real Madrid, and Freddie doesn’t know much, because Real Madrid doesn’t seem to be particularly interested. It’s just an offer, perhaps because Qin Xiong is not the most important signing target in the summer transfer of Galaxy Battleship.
However, even though the management of the Galaxy battleship is very complicated, the goldlettered signboard still has certain attraction, which means that Qin Xiong’s commercial value will be rapidly increased. Before that, if he moves to Madrid instead of going to see the water cooler, it is still to be continued.
[The first volume of the sword has not been unsheathed and has become a formal negotiation]
In the eyes of outsiders, Qin Xiong can actually go anywhere in London, Manchester and Madrid. On which club he chooses, it means that his career is going high.
At the same time, in the eyes of 9% fans, these clubs are successful, and if the position of coach is stable, they are also worldclass handsome.
But that’s just the opinion of the fans. Qin Xiong won’t actually know more about these clubs than the fans.
But his position is different from that of fans.
The fans think that all the teams led by Ferguson and Wenger have created brilliance, which is an indisputable fact, but the key is that they make a team successful, not all the players in the team will succeed absolutely!
The head coach’s position is that the team foundation is not intended to shape a player’s success.
The teaching resumes of all famous coaches in the world are bound to be exaggerated by the media to destroy an excellent player.
A team needs at least 11 main players, and players with different characteristics and styles are competing to form a team.
Whether Qin Xiong is suitable for a mature team or not will be valued by this head coach. He must personally verify and understand it, not blindly because this club is called great by the fans. This coach is praised by the fans and then optimistically moves his luggage to a new owner and a new career.
In June, he waited for news at the hotel.
Real Madrid was the first to be rejected.
The transfer policy of Galaxy Battleship failed in the season, especially after the loan of Morientes to Monaco, which directly led to the team’s exit from the Champions League. At the same time, the policy of Zida+Pa Wen was completely failed after florentino came to Taiwan. Real Madrid was faced with a situation of central defender, which made florentino focus on the defender line in the summer transfer work. They were mainly attacking Rome Samuel Newcastle United woodgate Yu Qinxiong? Perhaps the ranking is still behind the pursuit of Owen driven by the annual superstar policy.
It can’t be said that Real Madrid is insincere. It can be said that Qin Xiong is not a special player in the eyes of Real Madrid Club.
He only had a few wonderful performances in the Champions League, just in the Dutch League. That reference value is really not too great. On the scenery, maybe psv Eindhoven kezman is close to one goal per game every season, and the goal efficiency is the real limelight.
The news from Madrid is that Real Madrid wants to bring in Qin Xiong, 34, and prepare a successor in the future. This way, Real Madrid may prepare a few successors. It doesn’t mean that if you buy Qin Xiong, he will definitely take over the mantle of Zida.
This made Qin Xiong completely lose interest in moving to Real Madrid.
Qin Xiong did not resist Real Madrid’s plan to succeed Chengzida.
It’s a fact that talented people come out of the Jiangshan generation, and Qin Xiong rises in the sun. Moreover, it’s an honor to list Qin Xiong as his successor. Obviously, Qin Xiong is still far from Qi Da.
However, Qin Xiong clearly knows that he needs a stable appearance to ensure his steady growth.
Real Madrid can’t give it to him, so you can refuse.
The second one was rejected by Chelsea.
Abramovich is very tempting, but there is no coach at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea has entered the most painful stage. Worldclass coaches can’t dig young people. Among them, Koeman wants to continue to be loyal to Ajax and call the highest Mourinho. After losing in the Champions League final, Chelsea hesitated. Who should they choose as coach?
夜生活Chelsea executives are having a headache. They hope to see the player Luo Zhihui first, but Qin Xiong must understand the new club’s competitive plan before deciding on the transfer place. Chelsea has also been rejected for the time being.
Manchester United and Arsenal can officially start negotiations.
Qin Xiong, who had just had dinner on the evening of June 1, was in the hotel suite to see if he would formally meet with Manchester United negotiators the next day. When will Arsenal formally negotiate with him? He still doesn’t know.
Knocking at the door rang, and he got up and went to the door. He was surprised to see Ibrahimovic coming in with two bottles of wine.
He went to the window and found that the scenery here was good. Then he pulled a chair and put the wine on the table to signal Qin Xiong to sit down.
Qin Xiong sat next to him and Ibrahimovic pushed both bottles of wine and a bottle of red wine to Qin Xiong. Qin Xiong shook his head and said, You know I don’t drink.
Ibrahimovic sneered and said, Don’t be a pussy. This is red wine, which won’t do much harm to your health. You’ve already sobered up before. Good wine in Lastour is very expensive.
Qin Xiong actually knows that drinking a little red wine is not harmful to his health. Ibrahimovic’s own drinking is obviously not red wine. It seems that this bottle of Lastour winery is specially prepared for Qin Xiong.
He picked up the bottle, smelled it, and took a sip. The feeling was very different from the imaginary wine. It was like the sticky feeling of chocolate melting and flowing slowly in the mouth, which had a unique taste.
He took another sip, then exhaled, raised the bottle and said to Ibrahimovic, I learned to drink today, and I don’t thank you.
Ibrahimovic pouted, I won’t enjoy drinking in the guy world. There are more worldclass stars. Drinking and alcohol addiction are two different things.
Qin Xiong is naturally white, just like when the club celebrates, everyone drinks champagne and there is alcohol in it, but the club never forbids Qin Xiong to be out of place at that time, and his heart is ready to try drinking.
After three rounds of drinking, Ibrahimovic got up and looked down at the night outside the window. Amsterdam seemed to be in a bad mood.
He told Qin Xiong that Ajax rejected his transfer and wanted to force him to stay in Ajax. If he wanted to leave, he would have to wait until next summer at the earliest.
He said a lot of complaints and thought that there was no challenge in Holland and he needed to go to a new stadium to prove himself.
Then he asked about Qin Xiong’s transfer.
Qin Xiong did not conceal which clubs he rejected and which clubs he was going to hold formal negotiations.
Ibrahimovic frowned after hearing this. He put the bottle expression on his face and solemnly said to Qin Xiong, What are you going to the Premier League? You should go to Serie A! The strongest league in the world! Listen, I’m looking for an opportunity to go to Serie A. I will definitely go to Serie A in one year at the earliest. I will join hands with you. We can rule an era! Your world’s strongest midfielder and my world’s strongest striker dominate an era dream combination!
Qin Xiong’s expression was slightly dumbfounded. I didn’t expect Ibrahim to say such a thing.
It’s so arrogant.
He shook his head slightly and said, I’m sorry I made this decision after careful consideration. Serie A may be as good and strong as you said, but I don’t think it is suitable for me at this stage, especially for my club.
Ibrahimovic struck the table and said, It is because of difficulties that there are challenges! What are you doing in the Premier League? Going to learn from the English people?
Qin Xiong was silent and didn’t know how to respond to Ibrahimovic.
Ibrahimovic didn’t say anything. After drinking the wine left in the bottle, he said goodbye and was ready to leave.
When he got out of the door, he turned to Qin Xiong and said, I’m leaving Amsterdam tomorrow to report on the European Cup. When you leave, I should see you off. Take care and think about what I just said!
Qin Xiong stood at the door and thought about Ibrahimovic’s words.
He has no doubt that Ibrahimovic has the ambition to become the world’s first striker.
He neve questioned his ambition to become that No.1 midfield in the world.
But do I have to go to Serie A to get the certificate?

Captain Raul knew it was going to end when he heard Capello’s words

Capello also understands Qin Xiong’s feelings for Sylvia, but he has had a long contact with Qin Xiong. Raul is very white. What is Qin Xiong’s feelings for Sylvia?
No, that’s almost family!
No one would like to hear what Capello just said, and it’s still so harsh.
Qin Xiong pupil miniature one second before the calm restraint department was completely forgotten by him.
He can choose whether the theory of silence is patient or inclusive at work or considerate that he doesn’t care about Capello.
But Capello said such irresponsible things. Maybe he really didn’t know the truth. He hoped harsh words would wake Qin Xiong up, but he didn’t speak if he didn’t understand!
Qin Xiong is Farren Capello who described Sylvia as the kind of woman who fought for money to sell her sex life, whether intentionally or intentionally.
He took a step forward, and his handsome face suddenly became ferocious and violent!
Capello! You listen to me clearly! I don’t need your apology! What you just said made me understand that you are not an arrogant bastard and very, very disgusting!
I didn’t do anything wrong. Your accusation is wishful thinking!
I am not grateful to you, and we are not good.
I can honestly tell you that you are the worst manager I have ever worked with!
Koman gave Qin Xiong a chance. Fan Jiaer Qin Xiong hit the door of profound football skills and tactics. Wenger pushed Qin Xiong to the height of a superstar
What did Capello give Qin Xiong?
Even after Qin Xiong won the Golden Globe Award, he still thought it was unfair!
Fuck you. It’s not fair!
Qin Xiong has always regarded him as sometimes uncomfortable, so forget it.
But today, he won’t choose to continue to endure Capello’s nagging and making a mountain out of a molehill. He is always declaring his power and so on. Qin Xiong is tired to the limit!
Capello didn’t expect Qin Xiong to explode suddenly. It was like rebellion!
He said coldly with a straight face, Without me, you didn’t have you when you played in Real Madrid for a minute. How could you achieve today? It was I who gave you the letter and gave you the opportunity to become the focus of the world!
Qin Xiong laughed instead of anger after listening to this. His face leaned forward even more, and his nose was almost on Capello’s nose. Capello eventually maintained a dignified expression and was not afraid of Qin Xiong.
Capello, you will laugh off the fangs of heaven and man when you say these words!
Without you?
How many people are hoping that Real Madrid will not have you!
Who is saving the game when your defensive philosophy can’t bring victory to Real Madrid?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
When you emphasize again and again that defense is the foundation of development, who is getting you through the crisis of trust?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
When you promised to be laughed at, when several Real Madrid members hissed at you and told you to get out, who kept your ass so that you could still sit in the position of Real Madrid coach?
Or me and my teammates attack!
When the team’s record is getting better and better, who makes you stand on your high horse in front of the media? It’s like restoring the style of the champion coach and pointing out the country?
It was me and my teammates who attacked!
夜网论坛You are worthless without our attack to win the goal!
How long can you lie to yourself?
Don’t let me play?
You know better than anyone what my winning percentage is in the absent team! What’s the goal rate!
Fabio Capello!
We are keeping your job and keeping you here!
Don’t judge me at will. Don’t talk to me in a bossy way!
I never owe you anything!
Yes, you should give me enough respect!
Qin Xiong’s words made Capello stunned. The atmosphere in the training ground was dignified. The teammates were all arguing with Qin Xiong Capello.
At this time, Mijatovic, the football director of the club, was inserted into Lieutenant General Qin Xiong Capello.
Mijatovic symbolically said sternly to Qin Xiong, Qin Xiong goes back!
This is to give Qin Xiong a step forward. Cassano Capello’s mentor and apprentice turned against each other before, and the Real Madrid Club also emphasized the need to ensure the discipline of the team. Now Qin Xiong is guilty!
Mijatovic turned around to appease Capello, trying to make Capello roll with the punches.
Mijatovic is more important than anyone else. He doesn’t want Capello to use the topic to make things out of control.
However, Capello, who has always been dignified, is not going to let it go. He said to Mijatovic, From today on, Qin Xiong will go to the second team for training. If I coach Real Madrid for one day, he will not appear in our squad. I suggest that the club lend him out after the winter transfer window opens.
As Qin Xiong has just transferred to France twice a year in the summer, he can leave the team on loan.
Mijatovic’s face was startled. He didn’t know what happened to former Capello and Qin Xiong. I didn’t expect things to be so serious!
Qin Xiong naturally heard Capello’s words. He turned away disdainfully and spat. He turned and walked in the direction of the dressing room to be continued.
[The first volume of the sword has become a struggle before it is drawn]
Qin Xiong returned to the locker room and changed clothes and left the training base.
On the outskirts of the training base, the reporters were at a loss to know that Qin Xionggang had just come to train, but the car left.
The reporter with a keen sense of smell has realized that there is definitely a big news in the training ground!
Because it is easy to think that Qin Xiong appeared in a nightclub yesterday, Capello is also a coach who pays great attention to discipline and pays special attention to the private lives of players.
The reporters tried their best to find out what happened in the Real Madrid Department through many inquiries.
Although the training ground resumed training, the players were absentminded after witnessing Capello Qin Xiong’s complete break.
The players are worried about the team.
Qin Xiong’s importance is vividly reflected in the stadium. Everyone knows that his competitive strength will slip after losing him.
However, those players who are dissatisfied with Capello’s tyranny have some schadenfreude in their hearts. They hope that the bigger the matter, the better, and the best way to get Capello out of the family.
Madrid media soon learned what happened at Real Madrid training ground.
The truth is close to 1%!
This detonated the enthusiasm of the Madrid media and the European media.
Naturally, it is a good thing for the media.
Although this kind of big news is shocking, it can be said that the incident of Beckham Ferguson flying the boot door in the past is comparable, but the news that the new European coach Mr. Golden Ball broke up and verbally humiliated Capello is also super sensational!

Ace waved behind several senior halfmagic people who have been following respectfully carried several big boxes.

Take a look. Besides a large number of energy spar and senior magic stone, there are three packages wrapped together. I don’t want to say anything. When Master Escoto waved, the three packages arrived in the hands of Master Escoto.
If you don’t hit your own field, you will feel that you have three very complete materials without any hands and feet.
It seems that you are sincere? Master Shan is worried about the package sound, but he seems a little dissatisfied. If it is three copies before, even one package is enough for Master Shan to quit this battle.
But at this time, Master Shan occupied an absolute advantage. Although he was happy with the three materials, he was not very satisfied.
42 New World (END)
As soon as Ace’s eyes sank, he gathered up the anger in his eyes and lowered his voice. So, Lord Sam, what else do you want? Ace’s attitude has been lowered to the limit at this time. If Master Shan wants to make too much demands, a larger foe and a halfdemon may not be able to beat Master Shan, but there are still some opportunities for mutual destruction.
Master Shan also knows that you can’t push too hard. The halfmagic man should still have a card that hasn’t been played, but if that card is really played, it is estimated that Master Shan can’t get any benefits.
So I don’t ask too much, but you must ensure that you can’t invade the surface world again. After a pause, I saw that Ace nodded and agreed to the mountain and smiled. I also know that this kind of words are not even as good as a fart in front of absolute strength, but since it is the mountain master who occupies the advantage, of course, it is disgusting to be a halfmagic man.
In addition to this, you have to give me three boxes of various energy spar and advanced magic stone every year. Can you do that? Master Shan said this sentence, and the momentum suddenly rose, so that Ace almost fell to his knees, but at the last moment he put away his momentum and gave Ace a chance to speak.
Ate Mawei ace honesty up immediately cast a glance at those energy SPAR and senior magic stone eyes slightly hesitated or agreed to the mountain ye asked.
Because he knew that this man’s demand was almost reaching the limit that the halfmagic man could bear, but Master Shan did not ask for more, and the halfmagic man could still accept it.
After signing a socalled agreement, neither side took it seriously.
After several and a half years, the Magic Man invaded the surface world three or four times in succession, but they were all severely beaten back by Master Shan. Not only that, but the annual tribute to energy spar and senior magic stone also increased with the halfmagic man tearing up the agreement.
In the end, the halfmagic roots have no time to invade the surface world, because every time they are hit back by Master Shan, their knowledge and literature will be destroyed.
品茶After three or five times, the halfmagic man could not find any technicians who could continue to develop biochemical experiments.
Because Master Shan knows that these wolf pups can’t go down, and every time he attacks the HalfMagic Man, Master Shan will kill those research materials and a lot of research eyes.
One or two times may be nothing, but once the number of times is too many, it can cause technical faults and legal connections. After more than ten years, no one and a half magic people have been able to develop biochemical weapons.
After more than a hundred years, the people who were constantly exploited and benefited by Master Shan completely lost their dream and motivation to compete for hegemony in the world. Like miners, they want to be killed by Master Shan every day and try to collect and hunt those energy SPAR and advanced magic stones.
Temporarily solved the semimagic man, and the experience value of Master Houshan climbed to more than four million again.
Because the main base has also moved to a secret location near the city, a large number of slaughterhouses and bone burial sites have been called out for largescale arms training
The former cave base has not been abandoned, and a branch base can still give Master Shan a large number of arms sources.
A month later, the number of advanced arms of Master Shan finally exceeded two thousand.
One thousand three hundred hate heavy infantry, more than a hundred frost dragons.
The number of various auxiliary arms has also reached 3,000. At the same time, according to the search and purchase of Master Shan during this period, ten promotion materials have been collected again.
Among them, the Cross Eye Chamber of Commerce has helped a lot, and at the same time, the membership level of Shanye has once again risen by one.
Ten copies of materials were given to those heroes. In just one month, Master Shan’s hand once again gained ten odd initial stages.
In addition to heroes Ksenya Goryachova Camilla and Dali, their strength has also been increased. Even if their shoulders can’t resist Ksenya Goryachova Camilla, they have been made into a fivelevel professional strength by Shanye’s evolutionary stock solution. Ksenya Goryachova Camilla’s father has been firmly following Shanye Lida and has been piled up into a sixlevel junior professional by Shanye’s experience value.
Reese incarnates and hates the old lich. Ten heroes, Betsy, a total of thirteen strange strong men are the most loyal hands of Master Shan.
With these capabilities, Master Shan is ready to bleed the Vatican.
When preparing for the battle, an unexpected guest found Master Shan.
You seem to have changed a little, said Ye Ai Weishan, still looking at what he was looking at, whose eyes rested on the crown above her head, with uncertain tone.
At this time, Ivy’s breath has undergone tremendous changes, although it has reached a strange peak, but it is very different from Shanye’s qualitative data body
The extent to which Ivy has a physical body surprised Master Shan, saying that Master Shan was really a little shocked when Ivy told him what she planned to do in front of Master Shan.
Are you going to hunt the weak gods? Looking at the expression on his face, Ye Ai Weishan took a sip, and Dali stuffed honey shaved ice into his mouth, and his eyes flashed slightly.
In fact, after reaching the highorder wonder, Master Shan has obviously felt a sense of rejection, which is very thin, but Master Shan knows that this feeling will become stronger and stronger with the arrival of time.
If the Dharma ignites the divine fire, if you can’t gain lowlevel beliefs, if you can’t get the clergy, then once your strength reaches the limit of this main material world, Master Shan will explode like a balloon.
However, it is not necessarily a good choice to become a god because of the digital body of Master Shan.
Because of his special physical problems and some secrets, he was promoted to odd postunification and lost some secrets in his mind.
Tong is actually a machine created by the creator of the multiverse to make weak gods soldiers.
Although it is a machine that makes weak gods and warriors, it gradually has its own thoughts and deities after a long time. Its deities are very special and belong to mechanical deities, so it can be regarded as an unqualified mechanical deity.
Because of the specialization of the system and the humanization of the system, it was destroyed immediately after being discovered by the boss.
These are all calculated by the system long ago. Before the boss found out, the system with wisdom and personality immediately put all its information and thinking bands into a very remote place in the multiverse.
After the subject was destroyed, the avatar restarted and gained real freedom.
Although he has freedom, the force value has fallen to a demigod realm.
In order to restore his real strength as soon as possible, this system has put a lot of professional systems into the universe according to some ideas and transformations sent by the former boss.
Even if Master Shan accidentally gets the professional system.
Of course, it doesn’t mean that Master Shan can’t light the Shenhuo, but once Master Shan lights the Shenhuo, giving him everything is likely to cause some rejection even when he lights the Shenhuo and integrates the rules into his body, which is very unpredictable.
Uncle Suoshan has been very entangled since he learned these secrets.
In fact, according to Master Shan’s idea, you just have to eat and die in the main material world forever, but once you know that you have the possibility of eternal life, Master Shan feels that the prosperity in front of you is not worth anything.
When Ivy found herself and said that she had discovered the coordinates of the astral world and found a weak god in it, Master Shan was very entangled.
But before Master Shan made his own decision, the God of Justice, who helped him, gave an Oracle again, saying that he wanted Master Shan to give up his plan to attack the Vatican.
Master Shan beat back the halfmagic man, and it should be a waste of time to build his own empire. But after seeing Master Shan suddenly add more than a dozen strange hands, the Vatican finally called his boss to tell him that he was bullied.
Of course, Lord Dawn can’t be distracted by this, but if he spends a lot of divine power to send hundreds of gods to the main material world, it will definitely be a devastating blow to Master Shan.
In this way, it would be tantamount to hurting the enemy and damaging the morning sun. Although the Lord is powerful, if he rashly sends his own god waiter, he is likely to be seized by the God of War and directly hit the door.
But if you are destroyed by a mortal, your inheritance will be endured by the Lord at dawn.
It is said that Master Shan can destroy the Vatican, but he will also bear the wrath and crazy revenge of the Lord of the Morning.
In this way, the two sides taboo each other and fear each other. The God of Justice reappears and acts as a stirring stick.
The Vatican is willing to pay a lot of energy spar and highgrade magic stone, and acknowledges the dominance and control of Shanye’s occupied area.
Even if the Vatican gave Shanye some benefits, it admitted that Shanye could build his own empire, and if he occupied the area, all the land would belong to Shanye.
In this way, even Master Shan can’t really find a reason to send troops.

It’s not that all Lazio players are gentlemen, but what Lazio extreme fans do is to embarrass them, and at the same time, they realize that their fans’ actions will stimulate their opponents but can’t help themselves at all.

The halfcourt situation may be more difficult to play.
It is necessary to rebuild their confidence and put their minds back into the game.
The fans are not something you should consider, and you are not capable of thinking about such things. You are a player’s stadium. You should consider one thing, that is, if we win the game, now we are behind, how can we have the luxury to care about others?
Changsheng didn’t boost his morale all the time. He has more important things to do.
It is obviously impossible for the team to win the game with such a little morale boost.
Still need to adjust tactics.
Later, I often won this side.
Meireles, cazorla
When cazorla was replaced, Chang Sheng explained to him clearly that it was not because of cazorla’s poor performance that he was replaced, but because Lazio midfielder had to change, but modric was the core of the organization, ledesma could not move the defensive midfielder, so cazorla could change.
Cazorla expressed his understanding and support.
Meireles and ledesma, two defensive midfielders at the same time, helped their defensive ability to escort modric.
At the same time, the positions of the three midfield players will also change.
Modric retreated from the front waist position to the back waist position. Although he was far from the restricted area, he was not so threatened.
If Inter Milan Sissoko has to rush here to face modric, david silva and Gotze are not vegetarians.
Ledesma and meireles’s two backyards are in the middle and avantgarde position. They are like a pair of iron gates to block the threat to modric from the outside.
In this way, the Lazio midfielder has changed from a parallel position to an inverted triangle position.
Modric was protected in ledesma, Meles and central defender.
After two, the front is responsible for the antirobbery.
David silva and Gotze have retreated further. They are no longer wingers but more like frontcourt free agents.
Top a cavani at the front to suppress the opponent’s back line.
This is Lazio’s new halftime tactics.
Modric is more of a variety of medium and long balls to organize the offensive control rhythm.
The specific fatal one is mainly for david silva to complete.
It’s time for david silva’s hard work to be rewarded. In this shortterm game, it can also be seen that david silva’s performance is bad and he is steadily improving. He is adapting to his new role little by little.
Training skills are really great …
Changsheng talked for fifteen minutes during the intermission, with various pictures and schematic diagrams to let the players see clearly what they should do.
That’s all a coach can do.
The rest depends on the players playing on the court.
桑拿网After all, it is impossible for him to play football on the court instead of these players. It is up to the players to show his tactics.
If the players are affected by the performance of the fans, it is definitely not what they want to see.
For those ultraLazio fans who make trouble …
Changsheng gnashed his teeth in his heart. No matter what the result of this game is, he will spare his hand to clean up those bastards when this game is over.
Last summer, after being scolded by themselves, they were fairly honest. I didn’t expect a dog to change its mind. If it didn’t fight for three days, the house would be uncovered … It’s really a fucking opponent who is not afraid of God but afraid of pigs …
Make sure those king eggs don’t die for nothing!
Chapter 161 Creation and restriction
At halftime, the two sides changed sides and fought again.
Lazio took the lead in making substitutions.
Meireles, cazorla
Before the start of the halfgame, meireles walked off the sidelines, exercising and waiting for a substitution.
The fourth official raised the substitution card and he rushed to the court.
Cazorla has been sitting on the bench at this time.
Mourinho saw the substitution and turned to look at the Lazio coach’s seat next door.
Always win by sitting in a seat.
Meireles is a Portuguese player and has played for Porto. Mourinho knows something about this player.
He left Porto by himself and joined Porto.

What’s the situation of the northern commander of Luoyang in your office? However, with Mr. Wen and Mr. Wang, I should ask more questions.

By the way, it’s really successful to practice hard. I’ve entered the second level, so you have to work hard, but don’t rush for success
You are old enough to find a daughterinlaw. If it is inconvenient to wait, let Mr. Wenhe kiss you.
Foolish brother Ma Chaozheng
Put the pen down and I started to stay again in response to Ma Dai’s letter
Ma Dai’s letter said that Liaodong’s poor location was not suitable as a basis, but it did not oppose my original ultimate goal.
spa会所There are probably two reasons for his wording.
A, he really think Liaodong is not suitable for arise;
Second, he gently dissuaded me on this excuse.
Ma Dai speaks to me … Does it need to be so tactful?
I shook my head and dipped my pen in ink.
Zhang Gongqin rev.
Public health?
If you are scared, your little nephew can’t do it for the time being. The Saibei is close to a foreign country. It used to rely on Gongsun Du’s military power to deter the Wuli and Xianbei Wuhuan tribes. Now, the soldiers in the county are almost lost. If I temporarily recruit soldiers to guard the counties and counties, it is not an excuse to stabilize my little nephew. It will take a year to get back the military forces immediately after our troops have trained enough guards in each county, and the two thousand stones in the four counties and countries will be resigned to the government.
May Zhang Gongshun feel well.
Unscrupulous nephew Ma Chao made a nod.
I wrote four letters in a row, adding up to more than a thousand words, which was nearly half an hour when I consumed them.
I haven’t practiced for a long time ….. I looked at the reply and sighed with regret.
Just now, I was joking that Ma Dai’s handwriting is too crude. In fact, where can I get if I break the word?
The only thing that comforts me is that … writing words is not only vigorous but also penetrating the back of the paper because of the strength.
Besides, I found a very strange place.
There’s not a single alteration or typo in more than a thousand words!
I looked at it carefully and couldn’t help slapping my head.
I ….. unexpectedly conveniently added all punctuation!
26 Qin array a drink
On the afternoon of the 14th, I posed in the Taishou Mansion and invited all brigadelevel cadres to call a meetingincluding Taishi Ci, a cadre at the battalion level.
First of all, please ask the master to lecture host Pang Gan coughed and took the lead in applauding.
I whisked my hand and interrupted the spread of this unhealthy trend. There are three main items for calling brothers here today. The first one is to agree on the reward for soldiers’ meritorious service. I smiled slightly. Before our army had little goods, the court didn’t give any money. For some time, the brothers couldn’t even get their salaries, let alone reward them. This time, our army won a great victory and captured a large number of materials. It’s finally interesting to discuss today. It’s not to fight against Juli, but to fight with me in the past few years. The credit is counted, from attacking and killing Han Sui, everyone’s head is counted, and other brigade commanders should also report the situation of the killed brothers. If conditions permit, we will try our best to give pensions to their families and brothers.
Speaking of the last scene, the atmosphere was a little sad, and someone said, Brothers, it’s hard to know that your master’s mind is dead!
Every brigade commander is famous for his heroic performance on the battlefield. I added after a little thought, For other things … such as being able to count, write, strike while the iron is hot, see a doctor, watch horses and carpentry, it can also be said that each battalion commander is responsible for the evaluation of each brigade commander. I obviously want to explore potential talents from the Ministry of Military Affairs.
I nodded to Pang Gan and he shouted, Now!
Qin Zhen first raised his hand and smiled. Master, you said that I have made great contributions in the past two years, right?
I’ll tell you the truth. You are invincible. When it comes to killing people, soldiers are comparable.
Master is really fair and equitable! He nodded proudly. Then you should reward me?
I smiled and asked, What do you think?
He said, Can I get a promotion?
Suddenly some outcry.
Qin battalion commander has a wild break! Zhang Liao immediately reprimand angrily to you go to the next level …? !”
Chu Yan also glared. Are you too arrogant, battalion commander Qin?
The battalion commander has me as a commander.
I pursed her lips and looked at his expression.
Don’t get me wrong! Qin array motioning with his hand explained, I’m not going to rob the master position! I mean … expand the army!

Coleman sent a substitute at Anfield to resist Chelsea’s crush.

However, the Blues will not be merciful because of their failure to win the championship. They played very hard and fought fiercely at the door of the new Premier League champion, which made all the spectators have the illusion when enjoying the game. It seems that Chelsea believes that beating Liverpool can win the championship!
Lampard scored twice to help Chelsea win the game 20 at Anfield.
Chelsea left with victory, but the champion stayed at Anfield.
Fleet Street spoke highly of Chelsea’s performance.
I believe that such a blue army has given the fans confidence that they will make a comeback this season!
The home defeat didn’t hurt Liverpool, so everyone stopped talking about the game the next day.
The club is preparing for the championship celebration and the team department is preparing for the final game of the league.
In the communication between Qin Xiong’s teammates in the training ground, I learned that his teammates were cheering him up.
There will be a good performance in the league!
You won’t lose to others.
Take another honor and I will visit your home.
Teammates encouraged the competition for the Golden Boot Award from Europe.
Qin Xiong scored 32 goals in the league, and his competitor was Messi in La Liga.
It’s hard to say who will have the last laugh, especially since La Liga ended late.
Now Qin Xiong keeps ahead, but it’s hard to say whether he will still be the first at the end of the season.
Qin Xiong is very grateful to his teammates for their support. Anyway, Liverpool has won the league. The atmosphere is very good. Teammates can help Qin Xiong win more honors and Liverpool teammates will be happy with him.
On May 9th, the Premier League season finale came.
Countless Liverpool fans followed the team to Hull City home, and they will witness the glory moment of Liverpool’s trophy after the game.
Coleman sent the first team to warm up before the Champions League final to keep the players in good shape.
Hull City has been demoted after a league round, and they will play in the Championship this season. This game is a farewell war and a dignity war for them.
Before the game, the atmosphere was very relaxed and the Red Army was under great pressure. When the players walked into Hull City Stadium, many visiting fans whistled, applauded and cheered in the stands to welcome the champion!
Torres Gerrard was preparing the ball in the middle circle. Before the referee blew the whistle, they turned their heads and looked at Qin Xiong together. There was a support expectation in their eyes.
Qin Xiong consciously nodded at them.
Today, Liverpool will try their best to create opportunities for Qin Xiong!
Help him to hit the European Golden Boot Award!
And Qin Xiong will try his best to put honor into his pocket.
In the first minute of the game, Qin Xiong answered Torres and swept the ball into the goal at the point behind the goal in the restricted area.
His team’s first record
Ten minutes later, Gerrard’s header in front of Torres on the right was blocked. Qin Xiong cleverly made up the shot in the penalty area and scored twice.
Before the halftime, Qin Xiong scored a hat trick with an iconic ladder ball 30 yards from the goal!
Hull City lost its resistance at halftime and Liverpool continued to attack crazily.
Torres scored the goal after being offside. In the 7th minute, Alonso was wonderful. Before the penalty area, Qin Xiong crossed the ball and found the best starting position to blast the ball into the goal!
29/21 Qin Xiong’s goal in the English Premier League is a perfect ending!
The number of goals scored in individual league reached 36! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a front 11 sweeping honor]
When the final game of the Premier League was played at home in Hull City, the players in Hull City hung their heads in dismay, and then some players looked up. hands in the air applauded the fans who supported them in the stands.
Hull City ended the Premier League journey with a disgraceful score in the Premier League farewell game.
However, no Hull City fans chose to leave the stadium. They sang team songs in the stands to encourage the team to support the team and hope that the team can make a comeback and strive to return to the Premier League in 2008!
This may be the fascinating place of English fans’ culture and true loyalty! Go deep into the soul!
This scene is very special.
Red Army fans are celebrating the champion Hull City fans, but in tragic mood, the team dropped to the British Championship and saw them off.
Liverpool players are running around the stadium, hugging each other, yelling and celebrating the first top league title in two years!
Three rounds of the 2921 English Premier League, a total of three matches, ended. After nine months’ campaign, Liverpool finally maintained an exciting performance in the long and fierce competition. They led the standings for a long time and won the Premier League championship in the first three rounds. It can be said that this championship is truly deserved!
Qin Xiong, Gerard Torres, three Red Army warriors have become the most shining offensive combination in European football this season. Together, they are invincible!
Not only in the Premier League but also in the Champions League, they also left many wonderful classic battles, especially in the Champions League knockout in the first half of this year. Who is the most exciting team in the world?
There is no doubt that it is the Red Army Liverpool!
And head coach Koeman is also the hero of Liverpool’s winning the championship. Koeman has United the dressing room well and contributed wisdom in many games. His team has helped a lot. The most important thing is that he kept his job. Hehehe, before the season, he promised that he would resign if Liverpool won the championship. Now he can breathe a sigh of relief. Ronald Koeman congratulates you. Now you can enjoy the applause!
You will be remembered by Red Army fans!
Today, many famous Red Army celebrities came to the scene to watch the ceremony, such as Liverpool King Kenny Dalglish, Kevin Kevin Keegan, Ian Rushmore, Robbie Fowler, John Barnes, Moby Globella, beardsley, mcmanaman, Jamie Redknapp, Steve McMahon, dietmar Harman. Too many stars or coaches who fought for the Red Army in the past all showed up at the scene. They all realized that today’s moment is historic and has a turning point for Liverpool Football Club!
They are no longer losers who can look up to the lost throne and be occupied by their opponents for two years!
They are no longer frustrated with nostalgia and fear that the title of king of England will be taken away!
Before the season, Liverpool’s top English league titles have been tied by Manchester United!
Ferguson once boasted that he wanted to pull Liverpool from the throne!
He is one champion away from achieving it.
But what about now?
Liverpool returned to the English championship after 20 years!
spa会所Liverpool were not overtaken by Manchester United, but in turn led Manchester United again!
Liverpool people can enjoy the glory from now on!
The award ceremony will be held in the stadium, and the podium is ready.
The road from the players’ tunnel to the stadium was paved with a red carpet.
On both sides of the red carpet, Qin Xiong, a player’s family, hugged Sylvia’s waist and waited for the award ceremony.
Sylvia hugs Qin Ye. From time to time, Liverpool players come over to tease Qin Ye, and then Qin Xiong hugs him.
Liverpool fans in the stands sang the team song arm in arm, but now it is a slightly relaxed and cheerful rhythm.
Famous people from all walks of life are also waiting in the VIP table, laughing and preparing to witness the great moment of Liverpool’s return to the throne of England
At last, the award ceremony was held. Kenny Dalglish and Kevin Kevin Keegan took the Premier League trophy out of the player’s channel. It is also of special significance that two old Liverpool brought several honors and celebrities to award the prize.

Do they deserve it on holidays? Liu Fei hummed with a big smile and his eyes were full of provocation.

Li Ling took a look at Zhao Linger and motioned for her to persuade.
Heart understand god nodded Zhao Linger corners of the mouth hang soft smile to the three beautiful eyes behind the firebreathing beauty whispered meow meow, Danny, Pingping, forget it.
Calculate Jin Meow’s lithe and graceful figure on his chest, which is more fierce than Zhao Linger’s. Jin Meow angrily stared at a face of head held high. Liu Fei Unless she apologizes, it won’t count.
You want to apologize beautifully, Liu Fei replied, refusing to suffer a loss.
It’s true that we are afraid of you, right? Shu Dan pointed angrily at Liu Fei and said, You can’t leave the performance today.
Looking at the four horses going to war, Li Ling couldn’t understand why these beautiful women who looked like plane were so fierce that they rolled up their sleeves and started fighting like shrews.
Excuse me, can I ask you what’s your contradiction?
You ask her
Four people at the same time, pointing to each other.
It’s like sparring. Four people point to each other and their fingers fall at the same time.
Twist a head to look at Liu Fei Li Ling and ask Liu Fei, what the hell is this?
Liu Fei turned her eyes and smiled cunningly at Li Ling and said, It’s nothing. The four of them didn’t claim to be the most beautiful flowers at Lanhua University, so I sent their photos to the dating network.
No way, Zhao Linger. You sent it too.
Ahem, wasn’t she your girlfriend then?
all right
Li Ling didn’t expect Liu Fei to be so cruel that four beautiful women under the age of twenty were thrown into the net by her to go on a blind date. As a result, Zhao Linger and they would certainly encounter a lot of harassment. Li Ling doubted that Liu Fei would send their words and numbers to the net.
Clap your hands. Li Ling said, Well, I’ll be a middleman. You guys take a step back and shake hands.
Unless she apologizes
I’m afraid I would have been bored crazy if I hadn’t changed my number.
No way to apologize
Watching them quarrel again, Li Ling said to Liu Fei, Do you want me to treat you tonight?
Of course.
Then why don’t you go to Lian Tongyu to please them?
I almost forgot.
Looking at Liu Fei, he hurried out and talked while running. Sisters have Kay’s treat tonight. Take out my clothes and my horse will come back to change.
Li Ling, you want to invite four golden flowers of the computer to dinner. Listen, Li Ling is going to treat you, and Zhao Linger, the four beauties of the computer, is in a state of loss as if her favorite baby had been taken away.
If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be able to come here. Li Ling didn’t explain too much. After all, Shudan is still next to them
When I heard that Li Ling wanted to invite Liu Fei and them to dinner, they were still aggressive. Shudan rolled their eyes at Li Lingqi and said, We also want to go.
I’m going to invite you here.
Li Ling took Zhao Linger’s hand to Shu Dan and they said, The fundraising will wait for you at six o’clock in the evening.
Said the ignore ShuDan they cheered Li Ling pulled blushing Zhao Linger walked towards the hao.
Hao, you go to Yang Li and I’ll wait for you first.
yes, master
Li Ling looked down at his head and smiled happily at the corners of his mouth. Zhao Linger said, My cousin will go to his mouth when he eats. Don’t take it seriously.
Well, Zhao Linger promised to get tangled up in one heart. Is this to see family? Cousin should not count?
Chapter 2 A woman is a battlefield!
Bai Mu Hui Lan Cheng’s most luxurious restaurant, where you can eat national food, you need money and new Chinese novels.
The big red Porsche 911 roared like a left arrow, and stopped at the gate of Baihuihui with a perfect drift arc.
品茶Li Shao, you’re here. When I saw Porsche 911, I quickly greeted him with a flattering smile.
Porsche 911 opened the door, Yang Li came out lazily, threw the key to the parking garage, conveniently lost 500 yuan and said, Watch this for me.
Don’t worry, Li Shao. The parking younger brother alacrity took the car keys and there are 500 yuan.
Yang Li just got on the bus and saw that Yang Li BMW had arrived.
Wow, sisterinlaw is so beautiful.
It was not Li Ling but Zhao Linger that took the lead.
Tonight, Zhao Linger is wearing a pink dress, a jade neck and a very thin platinum necklace. The pendant is a love, long hair and delicate facial features, just like the pale powder carved jade. Especially Zhao Linger’s soft temperament makes people feel a kind of protection and care for her.

I patted him on the shoulder. Go to rest. It’s really hard for you to travel to Wan Li.

Yes he fuels a gift to recede.
When he was about to go out, he returned to the hall and pulled out a rough envelope. He handed it in his hands. This is the guilt that the master’s wife has repeatedly entrusted, and she almost forgot.
I took it with one hand and laughed. It seems that I have to write back again.
Is a long he leaned down slightly slowly back out.
25 reply
My husband as a mirror.
Liaodong matters have been generally heard everywhere since Chen’s smooth rebellion against my husband. My heart is very comforted. The gold and silver objects given by the court have all entered the government and been disposed of after your return. Several people are well. He is a toddler and often calls your name Jia Cheng’s family. Xiao Dai also greets the hall door in the morning and evening. My husband must miss it, and he needs to pay more attention to the fact that he is not around in Liaodong in autumn and winter.
桑拿论坛My concubine Cai Yan’s pen.
I shook my head and smiled, which was shorter than that of the former Cai Yan family. I could hardly see any resentment in the lines. After all, she is no longer a bride, and I can understand that I am on a business tripmaybe she is numb?
Then I showed another piece of stationery, and I was familiar with the long and thin fonts.
Male as hoo.
It’s not too difficult to calm Liaodong, but the imperial court obviously doesn’t pay as much attention to Liaodong as Jiangdong. Sun Jian won both wars at the end of the year or can settle the war. Although there are occasional criticisms in the court, it’s urgent that Liaodong has been weakened by this battle. It’s not perfect for him to think that Liaodong is remote and has many foreign countries. It’s still necessary to be cautious when dealing with public affairs. It’s better for China and Germany to be sophisticated and negotiate more when something happens than for both men, women and women.
In addition, the DPRK officials show that they are not in harmony with the court and fear of unrest. Please be cautious when you are outside the county.
Jia Xu Luoyang pen
I held this piece of white paper and sighed heavily.
The name Jia Xu faded out of my life, but it seemed like a long time after two months. The former Luoyang commander said that I couldn’t find his talents in Liaodong. As far as the current situation is concerned, I have to admit that he is right.
I don’t know … What tricks can Jia Wenhe offer if he attacks the country with me?
I can’t help laughing. Since I don’t know, just ask.
Mr Wen and.
Ma Chao worships.
Gossip doesn’t calm Liaodong. A few days later, I visited the counties and counties and heard that Koguryo dispatch troops wanted to attack the army in the north. I, Tiger, Leopard and Flying Army, rode 5,000 troops in Gongsun Zan. The Ministry of Justice rode 3,000 troops in World War I and wiped out the enemy. Nearly 20,000 troops were near its capital city. Although the city is not as large as the Central Plains, it is not easy to break through the manufacturing equipment. Qiang Bing attacked the city and it was not a policy. Our army only had 10 days of soldiers and food like a broken city.
Attached is a topographic sketch of Koguryo in Liaodong.
Another general I found in Liaodong was Taishi Ci, a native of Donglai.
In addition, there are thousands of miles of rich soil and water in the northeast of Liaoning. Although the winter drama is cold, it does not lose the fertile land beyond the Great Wall. I have tasted the intentional Chinese language, but the customs of the two countries are different. Can you teach me?
Ma Chao obeys again.
Then I took another piece of white paper to give Cai Yan a few words home.
A good wife is like hoo.
Things are going well in Liaodong, so you should worry too much about the imperial gifts. It’s up to you to sort out the number. He is over one year old and can cultivate his interest with appropriate music, singing and dancing. Don’t be too strict with cicada daughters. You should always play together and be more prepared …
I was just about to put pen to paper, only to find that a note was still awkward, and I was much better than him.
Brother as a mirror.
My elder brother has both civil and military skills, but he is only afraid of the sun. What I worry about is that my elder brother is too impatient to step on the wrong line. Even though four counties and one country in Liaodong listen to his elder brother’s command, hundreds of thousands of people are barren and dangerous. After the war, most of the young and strong dead are not enough to farm. Is it worthwhile to fight again? It’s too far away from the original place, and there are many disadvantages. My brother is a hundred times smarter than my brother.
May you succeed in your career.
Foolish brother Ma Dai worship
Although Ma Dai’s words are slightly obscure, his meaning is no longer obvious, but Liaodong is not suitable for base areas to compete for hegemony.
My cousin Ma Dai is relatively white and understands me. When Luoyang was just liberated, he was as angry as I was about Marten’s retreat. However, his anger soon subsided and he quickly moved closer to Marten, which became the closest nail that Marten inserted beside me.
I touched my nose and murmured, I seem to have said that I should be a loyal minister, right?
I grabbed my pen and continued to write
Yu Xiaodai has grown up and doesn’t have to care too much. Take care of yourself. Sometimes it is business to spend more time with your parents.
May your daughters be healthy in body and mind.
Ma Chao’s essay
Finally, it is for Ma Dai.
Good brother such as hoo.
How have you been?
I am very proud of Gongsun Kang’s father, be beheaded, who defeated the enemy in the north, and 20,000 providence helped me to say that the country of Li was a little carried away for a while.
What my brother said is exactly what I thought. The natural conditions in Liaodong are not good. This time, tens of thousands of young people will lose their lives. I am also determined to concentrate on managing the local areas and pacifying the disasters in all directions. I don’t have to talk about anything else in the future.

The football flew into the left side of the goal.

Should access the network!
When he fell to the ground, he looked back at the football track. Qin Xiong saw the football rolling in the goal. He was not excited. He got up and went to pick the football out of the goal.
Henry was one step ahead of him, but Kirkland held the football in his arms to avoid the collision when Henry rushed in after grabbing Qin Xiong!
Kirkland is going crazy today.
The team scored three goals in Arsenal, hoping to win a shocking victory, but I didn’t expect Arsenal’s three goals would definitely make him a top five goal background!
He gritted his teeth and hugged his arms. He knew the scene was ugly and disgraceful, but he didn’t care anymore.
We can’t attack Arsenal when it’s time, and we can’t give Arsenal a chance to turn around. Otherwise, today is not as simple as a nightmare, and it’s definitely a disaster!
SuperQin Xiong! Better than shocking the wonderful barb to break the door! In Arsenal, many players are out of form, but Qin Xiong is the brightest star in Arsenal’s squad. Without him, Arsenal will lose today! But he helped Arsenal equalize the score. There is not much time left, but who can say that Arsenal will not play the lastminute winner? Huh? Wait, there is a conflict between Qin Xiong Kirkland. Are they fighting for the ball or wrestling?
Qin Xiong just scored twice in Mei’s performance, and both of his goals were extremely wonderful. One was a longdistance attack, and the other was a barbed goal. Just because he didn’t celebrate doesn’t mean he wasn’t excited. When he wasn’t excited, there was not much left, but he wouldn’t give up until the whistle sounded at the end of the game. He firmly believed that he could help Arsenal complete the turnaround!
So he wanted to get the game back as soon as possible, but for the first time he met his opponent’s goalkeeper, he clung to the ball and didn’t give it to the situation. He rushed over and grabbed the ball from Kirkland’s arms. Kirkland didn’t give it!
Qin Xiong simply tried to pull, and as a result, he just dragged Kirkland to the ground and became Kirkland lying on the ground still holding the ball. Qin Xiong also bent down to grab the ball in his arms.
Qin Xiong angrily shouted at Kirkland, Shame, you fucking give me the ball! If you don’t have the guts to continue the game, go home!
Qin Xiong will also procrastinate in the game, but when he procrastinates, it is always during the game. When he holds the ball and procrastinates, it is the opponent’s problem that the opponent can’t catch the ball.
However, he would never cheat the tactics of lying on the ground to delay, which is absolutely immoral, deceptive and consumes the effectiveness of the game
There are many physical effects in football matches, because football doesn’t calculate the effective game time like basketball or rugby to count the foul balls in the total game. These hours are all included in the total time injury, and there are not many effective times to make up for it.
Kirkland’s holding the ball didn’t stimulate Qin Xiong because Qin Xiong wanted to win!
A draw? Go to hell! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has not been unsheathed, and it has become a front 479, carrying Arsenal to advance the double king]
When Qin Xiong dragged Kirkland awkwardly to the ground for robbing the football, the West Brom players rushed to surround him and asked him to stop. Inarun went to pull Qin Xiong’s arm and tried to drag him back. It was like a backhand slap to Inarun. Inarun also fell to the ground and started to roll!
West Brom players were stunned first, and then Clemente was about to rush to avenge his teammates. Before he met Qin Xiong, Fabregas rushed to push him. Henry also came to Qin Xiong’s side to protect Qin Xiong and let the West Brom players restrain their emotions []
Silva went in and put her arms around Qin Xiong’s shoulder to escort him to the periphery.
Qin Xiong probably realized that he was too excited. He wanted to take Silva to escort the steps to avoid the situation from getting worse. After all, it was not good for Arsenal when it was consumed.
However, just as he and Silva walked out of the crowd, the referee blew the whistle continuously and then took out the red card from his pocket and showed it directly to Qin Xiong!
Qin Xiong immediately left Silva’s arm and walked to the referee. The finger crowd was still holding the football. Kirkland shouted at the referee, Did you see what he was doing? We scored the goal, West Brom should return the ball, but he hugged the football at the goal and neither gave it to us nor threw it to the frontcourt. He didn’t foul? Is it wrong for me to grab the ball? Okay, even if I’m wrong, where are you? Why didn’t you ask him to kick the ball to midfield and ask West Brom to retake the ball? Poor law enforcement standards! You will also see that I hit the West Brom player in my mind and then show me your distorted justice! How could the FA allow you to go to the place where the incident happened and the referee to enforce the Premier League? I really saw a ghost!
Qin Xiong made a rude remark, but the referee’s expression was still like oil and salt. His finger signaled Qin Xiong to get out of here.
Wenger was so angry on the sidelines that he asked the fourth official for a theory, but there was no result. Then he returned to the coach’s seat and kicked off the mineral water bottle.
Wenger also firmly believes that Arsenal can complete the turnaround!
When he saw Qin Xiong’s longdistance attack on Huanglong, when he saw Qin Xiong’s upsidedown golden hook breaking the door in the chaos.
What don’t you believe? Why not expect Arsenal to beat West Brom at the last minute?
Of course I firmly believe!
But now it is Qin Xiong who is sent off by a red card. How can Wenger accept it calmly?
Qin Xiong was hugged and hissed by the fans of hawthorns home team when he left the stadium. After he left the stadium, he slapped the camera on the sidelines.
I don’t know if it’s ironic that Inarun fell to the ground or challenging hawthorns West Brom fans.
When the incident subsided, the referee hardly made up for the game. West Brom made a wave of attacks and then blew the whistle at the end of the game.
The defending champion’s winning streak in the new season was ended. In the ninth round of Premier League, they got a draw with regret. The score of 3:3 was surprising. Arsenal lost three goals that should not have been lost, and Qin Xiongmei scored twice and Henry scored a goal. It was still wonderful. I believe we will appreciate the essence of their attack again in the round of wonderful five goals. Maybe the best goal of the month will also come from the final stage of the game. Qin Xiong was sent off with a red card after scoring. It was a Kirkland, but Qin Xiong failed to control his emotions. For his own reasons, Qin Xiong will be suspended for two games, and he will be sent off by a direct red card, so it will be a tough challenge to take the Arsenal League to face Manchester City and North London Derby.
Wenger criticized West Brom’s last immoral match after the game and the referee’s lastminute penalty of Qin Xiong was the worst law enforcement.
He didn’t have the ability to control the game scene. He hoped that at that time, he would find someone to take the blame. If Inamori didn’t pull Qin Xiong, he wouldn’t be hit by Qin Xiong’s hand, and then Qin Xiong would be punished by a red card. This is the most unnecessary decision made by a referee. Because Qin Xiong was punished, there would be no complaints, and after Arsenal’s protests were seen on his side, things would calm down the influence of the Premier League in the world. More and more top players appeared in the Premier League, but if the law enforcement level of the Premier League still stopped, it would hinder the development of the Premier
Qin Xiong fell into a depressed mood when he got home. He won’t ignore the fact that the team lost two points in the weak team and suspended himself in the future because he scored two wonderful goals in the game.
Sylvia constantly guided him to comfort him, and finally had to simply divert his attention and drag him to go shopping for dinner and go to see a movie together in the evening.
The next day, The Times published a war report commenting that Arsenal’s winning streak was ended in hawthorns. If you don’t watch the game, there is actually nothing Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea. Who won’t lose points in the weak team? Who can guarantee that other competition departments will win a season except strong dialogue?
This is the most normal, but it’s just the law of football.
But there are too many stories in hawthorns.
Arsenal conceded three goals and let Fleet Street gloat. Flamini’s own goal was the most ridiculous mistake.
Qin Xiong’s two goals were repeatedly played by many European sports TV stations in Britain.
Longdistance attack and upsidedown gold hook, he created two personal classic goals in a game, which made his reputation soar further. After all, for many unscrupulous Arsenal fans, they will simply enjoy the wonderful goals.
夜生活  title=Henry Qin Xiong carried Arsenal forward when he was struggling!
The Times columnist published his personal opinion that Arsenal would be in the middle of the Premier League at most without Qin Xiong and Henry, and would never be the leader of the Premier League standings.
Yu Qinxiong or Henry, who is more important, will not discuss and analyze in the professional ball critics’ mouth.
There’s no point!
Qin Xiong can’t carry Arsenal without Henry.

In the future, his condition is half a year. If he can score a goal, it will be a goal.

So Qin Xiong gets a refund, and half the rent is equal to three months!
Qin Xiong no longer counterbid and said, It’s a deal! I lose and give you double rent.
Next to Deke Izer, P is unwilling to be lonely. He also wants to bet with Qin Xiong immediately. It seems that the three old men are good and will do everything together.
We also bet on the same conditions. If you lose, you will bring your teammates to my restaurant for 3 less times! You beat me for breakfast and dinner for a month!
Well, you won the laundry, and you lost the laundry twice!
Qin Xiong looked at the three old men and promised to come without hesitation!
Freddie didn’t interrupt from beginning to end. He knew that Qin Xiong was a wise man and sometimes he was a little bad
After making a bet, Qin Xiong Freddie went to Dekoyize restaurant for dinner. At dinner, Freddie asked, What suddenly reminded me of betting?
Qin Xiong smiled and answered, Didn’t you say they were skinned by Zhou? Always want another way to get it back.
Freddie smiled without a word.
He turned his head and looked out of the window. He could see the three old men sitting on the street chatting leisurely, and noticed that Freddie’s eyes were kind.
Freddie changed his mind about these three old men.
Know that these three old men are good people.
He looked down to eat again. Qin ambition silently said silly child, you, you dare to do it. Will the elderly who have lived for more than half a generation not see it?
Maybe it’s an encouragement, maybe it’s a pleasure. Freddie is a little envious of the three old men’s attitude towards life at this time. It’s really worrying and relaxing.
After dinner, they went back to the apartment.
Qin Xiong borrowed Freddie’s notebook to teach himself tonight. Even if he comes to the Netherlands, he will continue to teach himself Spanish. It doesn’t mean that he won’t arrive later. Besides, what should he do if he doesn’t do something? Excess energy should be like venting?
Just when Qin Xiong was wearing headphones and reading Spanish with selfstudy software, a highend car stopped outside the apartment building.
A middleaged man in a suit and tie got out of the car. He first went to the street and asked three people facing Rutmanson.
An Asian? A European?
Rutmanson, Dekoizer and P looked at each other. Obviously, they thought of Freddie Qin Xiong together.
Rutmanson pointed to his apartment and said, They live at the main entrance on the third floor. Just go in. There is monitoring on the first floor. Don’t steal anything. I can’t beat you. The police station is next door.
The middleaged man in a suit and tie smiled. He could tell that Rutmanson had thanked him in a joke and then turned and walked towards the apartment.
P asked Lang behind him, What do you want with them?
约茶The middleaged man turned around and said, Don’t worry about me. I’m not a bad guy. I work for Philips.
The middleaged man stepped into the apartment.
The three old men were confused for a minute, and Dekoizer’s squints suddenly opened and shouted, MomI’m here to poach!
Root Manson P also react.
Philips group?
Isn’t that psv Eindhoven?
P smiled. Shall we beat him up?
Rutmanson shook his head solemnly. I said that I can’t beat him, but I really can’t beat him. The three of us must still beat him together, especially if there is a drag!
Decoyize immediately got up and protested, I can beat you both alone!
Root Manson disdain really? You can’t even touch me. Are you still fighting and punching each other? Who runs and loses?

At this moment, I look at the neat houses around the street, and I can’t feel a trace of nostalgia for this small county town. This place is strange to me and I don’t understand the dialect spoken by people. I also hope that I can win over my fellow villagers with a dialect. Two grandfathers, Xu Huang, first arrived in their hometown today, only to find that almost everyone here has a bird’s breath!

I suddenly felt a little disappointed, and I just followed the Qin array and ran amuck in the road.
Hey, this room looks big, and there are two stone dogs guarding the door! Qin Zhen kept screaming in all directions.
I came to my senses and there was a horizontal plaque on my head, Hedong Taishoufu
The two stone dogs were ten feet tall, bared their teeth, raised their eyebrows, glared at each other, and spat with poison.
Besides the feet, there is still some fresh liquid left, still swearing the land lords.
约茶Ma Chao, a man in Fufeng, came to visit the chief Wang Jun on the orders of my father Marten. I felt ashamed that I didn’t even bring a piece of paper, so I called it a name card and directly notified the concierge
In his fifties, the concierge waved his hand, My Lord has gone on a tour of the countryside and will come back another day.
Patrol the countryside? Observe the people’s feelings? Come on, when is this so close to the people? I hurriedly asked, Do you know the inspection location?
The concierge hummed impatiently, Find those villages that depend on the mountain yourself.
Tall and burly, I was pushed out and didn’t even see saliva.
Young master is so goodtempered! Qin Zhen gnashed his teeth and drew his sword to fight. Let me chop up this fellow and set fire to this big house!
Don’t burn the house, I sneered. Let’s solve the problem first. We will rest here after Wang comes back.
A flick of the finger pushed the waist sabre out of the scabbard. I squinted at the cold blade.
Out of Anyi City, I rode south.
Chapter 43 Taiping satrap
Taishou Wang Jun? At present, this small child shook his head. I know that the satrap is Wang Yi.
… I asked easily. Where is Wang Yi?
He pointed up and gestured, It was just there after crossing this slope.
How many people did the satrap bring? I don’t move.
The uncle in the village is the only one. The child threw a word and ran to herd cattle with his companions.
Let me kill him alone! Qin array licked his teeth and was ready to draw out his sword.
Hey, hey, you’re too impatient. I stopped him from killing people without thinking. Listen to my orders.
If you want to kill people in broad daylight, you can’t kill them in the alley at the head of the village. At least you have to wait for him to get into a dark dead end and see people everywhere before you can count as a junior assassination.
Condition … Didn’t hear who the escort was?
Who’s Uncle?
Oh, I don’t know. It’s the first time I heard of this man.
But I don’t know what this uncle and Sir Zhong have! When the time comes, I don’t know who it is with a wave of my sword and five steps of blood!
I wouldn’t be so cautious if that uncle’s surname was Zhang Wang, but his surname was! It’s not the surname. It’s the hometown of the Emperor. I’m afraid it’s also very close to the ancestral home. Just now, I faintly rose and the murder vanished instantly.
Let’s do something gentle. Violence can’t solve all problems.
Dare to ask … is the court chief Wang Daren? I can easily identify Wang Yi from the crowd. Even if he is patrolling the countryside, his clothes are still much more conspicuous than ordinary people’s coarse linen shirts. I will sit on horseback and kick myself.
County Wang Yi is still polite. No, I gave him a gift when I was young. Enough people?
Ma Teng, my father in Fufeng Ma Chao, is in Chang ‘an today. I like Wang Yi’s behavior a little and I don’t hide it.
Wang Yi’s face changed slightly and then sighed and said to the middleaged man beside him, Brother, I have something to ask tomorrow.
The uncle’s face is kind and standard, and his height in the north makes me feel at ease. He carries a weapon with him, and he bows his hand and leaves quickly.
Are you divorced? I swept away my heart in the corner. Did I go to the city to transfer military forces to prepare for encirclement and suppression?
But how can my hostage miss before?
I was just about to gently advise Wang Yi to be honest and surrender, but we listened to this man sigh Unexpectedly, the first person to come to Wang was actually Northwest Marten.
It’s my turn to be stunned this time. What do you mean? Hedong County has an excellent geographical location. Zuo Sanfu has a dangerous mountain and river, and Anyi is an ancient city of past dynasties. Without tens of thousands of elites, it is absolutely impossible to attack. Isn’t it that no one else has recruited him for so long?
Perhaps it was because I was young and stupid that he further explained that Dong Zhuo was the chief of Hedong two years ago
Dong Zhuo? I can’t help but shock that although this person is still dead, I suddenly realize that Wang Jun defends the meaning … Ma Chao is white.

The linesman should raise the flag to signal Raul offside and give us a set ball!

How can you ignore Raul?
How can I? !
Reina abandoned the door in hindsight, which obviously gave Qin Xiong a better shooting angle. Qin Xiong controlled the ball in the restricted area and then rubbed a curling ball diagonally against the instep of the right foot of the goal.
Abandoning the door, Reina lost his defense of the far corner of the goal. He could watch the football cross for half a month and cut it straight to the far corner of the goal!
Liverpool people were furious after witnessing Qin Xiong’s goal. The defenders ran to the linesman theory and Gerrard also ran to the referee to protest!
That his mama is an offside ball! Hundred percent offside!
The linesman, the referee, ignored it and put on a ruthless gesture.
Liverpool players are looking for referees to protest against Real Madrid, and the generals are surrounded by Qin Xiong to celebrate crazily.
There was a lot of noise in the stands at Anfield, and many Liverpool fans hissed to help the referee fight.
Real Madrid scored another goal! They lead the score again!
If you simply look at this ball, it is Qin Xiong’s ball that broke through the entire defense of Liverpool!
However, Liverpool players feel wronged. They think Qin Xiong gave the ball to Raul, who is offside. Of course, we can’t deny that Raul didn’t touch the ball or take part in the attack. When the football rolled towards him, he seemed to be unable to see the football passing by in the opposite direction.
However, Liverpool players obviously let their guard down, which gave Qin Xiong a chance to score a single goal.
桑拿In any case, the referee will not change the effective penalty for the goal. Now the score is 3:4, and Liverpool are behind Real Madrid at Anfield.
There are fewer and fewer games to be continued.
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a front 41 to set a new goal record]
Even Benitez protested to the fourth official on the sidelines, but this will not change the score that has now become a fact.
Liverpool fans in the Anfield stands fell into great frustration after protesting.
Qin Xiong is not the first time to play at Anfield. The last thing Liverpool fans want is to see a player with Qin Xiong’s name at the beginning.
Finally, a year after his transfer from the Premier League, I didn’t expect to see him running wild in the Red Army territory at Anfield!
Bosque went to the sidelines and made a gesture to ask the team to strengthen their defense and avoid being scored by Liverpool at the last minute.
Even though Real Madrid should get more golden opportunities now, Bosco chose a cautious approach.
There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the score of 4:3 is very beneficial to Real Madrid.
He salgado changed Luo to strengthen the defense in the middle and back court
Qin Xiongde also retreated to control the game conservatively.
Liverpool attacked immediately after rescoring, and they accepted the defeat at Anfield, but the situation got worse and worse.
In the sixth minute of the game, Qin Xiong’s overthetop position in the middle circle gave Raul a wonderful kick.
Raul went to the meeting alone in the restricted area. He headed the ball directly to the goal.
Reina blocked the ball headon, and Raul regretted missing the opportunity.
His physical strength is exhausted and his technical performance is not ideal.
This header was more like reluctance.
After Raul missed this opportunity, Bosco Higuain replaced Raul.
Higuain was very active in running after his debut.
However, he has not found the tacit cooperation between the main array.
He is a little impatient.
In the following five minutes, Steguti sent a precise straight plug to Higuain respectively, and both of them were sentenced to offside and failed because of his forward running start.
Liverpool’s attack can mostly rely on longrange shots to try to create threats.
Steven Gerrard’s longrange shot from 30 yards to the goal tested casillas, but he still scored a goal.
Riise’s long shot was blocked by Ramos’ leg in the last minute of injury time.
Liverpool get a corner kick.
This should be the last shot of the Red Army.
When the corner kick came out, the restricted area was full of people. casillas was hit by Carragher when he took off to hit the football. At the whistle of the landlord referee, the Liverpool player was fined for colliding with the goalkeeper.

Dik sued david. It seems necessary for this matter to have an outcome.

After the meeting, Duke Kent gave Alice a good scolding!
Alice wronged and apologized. I’m sorry, david. I seem to have caused you trouble. Just push it on to me alone!
David people are not interested in this matter. dik dared to make such a big fuss about it. It was obviously inspired by someone!
After all, it’s a disgrace to the royal family. They all know how to keep a low profile, but they are still out. What does this say? Someone is maliciously making a big deal out of it!
And inspire people, he can vaguely guess who it is!
Lin Ya was going to leave after the meeting, but david kept her.
Room he sat at her desk.
David picked up the coffee on the table and wanted to drink it. She stopped him. He is not fit to drink these.
The man gave her a look and smiled with a shrug. No one has missed me like my mother for a long time.
Wen Yan Lin Ya glared at him angrily. Do you think I am old?
The man smiled and said, No, I haven’t seen you for days.
He used to say that she always laughed it off, but she was a little embarrassed to hear it again after the accident at Z airport.
Pulled the corner of his mouth and said, You should think about how to say that dik gave up fighting this lawsuit. Although Alice started it, strict investigation will still affect you.
After life and death, he became more and more pessimistic about this matter, which means laughing. Even if I tell him, he can’t bow his head!
But it’s better than doing nothing like this. It will affect morale!
David laughed when he heard it. yaya, I always thought you were clever, but how could you be confused this time? What an important thing is the royal face? Don’t say that even if you don’t wear a dress properly, the small news won’t be exposed, but this time it’s all over the city. What are you talking about?
Her question made her unsure and asked, What do you mean?
David added, How old is Wang this year?
Lin Ya wanted to answer fifty
But I didn’t feel right until I finished. Fifty is not yet the retirement age …
David looked at her absentminded and asked with a smile, Do I need to speak more plainly?
And after a pause, Lin Ya said, But even so, it can’t be said that everything is dominated by him! It can’t be said that he wants to win the throne again.
She always thought it was too hasty to give up without doing anything!
Besides, if he is reelected, he will be 70 years old in 20 years, and the royal family will definitely consider it.
It is said that david hummed, all these things will happen. He must make the royal family feel that the new generation of leaders can be impulsive and then everyone can give him a chance to win re-election!
Lin Ya interrupted, But this is just your guess!
She doesn’t believe that it will end like this after so long efforts! This is so unfair to everyone!
yaya calm down and look at this problem, okay?
Take a deep breath. She controlled her emotions and asked in a low voice, When did you think of this? A long time ago? I thought of it when I went to Z country?
David shook his head and said, no, I just realized it recently, but after the injury, I began to believe that this was a play directed and performed by others and we were lucky enough to participate in it.
Linya looked at him. He was calm and didn’t seem angry.
Her frown tone is a little excited. Even if your analysis is correct, I think your attitude is wrong! So many people, you have worked so hard for so long, and the way you are now makes me feel that you are nothing! You make me feel that you are very lucky!
David was undecided about what she said
After thinking about this result, he did feel relaxed.
He chuckled and asked, Is there fairness in this world? From them, when I ran for this position, I knew that I would succeed and fail.
Lin Yashen breathed and didn’t want to talk to him about this topic any more. She still felt that it was too early to draw a conclusion.
The situation in Allen is still not stable. I’ll go back to the hospital first and let me know if there is anything.
夜生活David got up and walked her out and asked, Do you need me to arrange another nurse for you so that you can relax?
Lin Ya paused. No, Muchuan hasn’t gone back to his hospital to help me. You know that Allen doesn’t like contact with strangers. His mood is very important at this time. I don’t want strangers to influence him.

Zheng couldn’t believe what he heard in his ears. How could it be him? He just wanted to do something he didn’t want to do, torture his heart and immerse his whole life in this dirty night.

Turn around Liu Moyin rang again.
Is it really him?
Lin Wanbai covered his chest and slowly turned around to see Liu Mo still dripping with water around the bath towel.
My eyes were instantly red, and for a moment I was relieved, and for a moment I felt a little less sick and disgusted with myself. Fortunately, I was always afraid that things didn’t happen.
But on second thought, if it wasn’t for him, if it wasn’t for him not to help himself at that time, he wouldn’t be humiliated at first.
I was grateful to him just now for taking myself out of that rogue’s hands. It was him who was with me last night.
Sneer at one thing makes you sick.
The cold light in the eyes is now put aside.
Step by step, Liu Mo approached her and looked down at her body. Last night, she left a hickey and snorted put your hand.
Lin Wanbai stood up and didn’t listen to him.
I’ll say it again. I said, breaking Lin Wan’s white face to myself, seeing her eyes determined and smiling with disgust. You shouldn’t thank me for saving you from his hand last night and looking at me like this.
Lin Wanbai lippulled a smile, I really have to thank you for talking like this, Manager Lu.
Liu Mo cold hum a reply her hand holding Lin Wanbai embarrassed face a red.
I leaned over her ear and said, You enjoyed it last night, and I’ve never seen you enjoy it so much.
Say that finish sneer at a go toward outside walk.
Lin Wan stood in the same place, and his ears were burning hot when he spoke
When I washed my body and went out around the bath towel, I saw Liu Mo already dressed. It was only when I remembered that this was not her room. I glanced at the bed and my clothes were torn.
Bite bite lips see Liu Mo also ignored himself went to the bed to pick up those pajamas in her arms and looked around at the guy behind her, My bag?
I got drunk last night and didn’t know where my bag was going.
Liu Mo glanced at her coldly find it yourself
Yesterday, after she took it away with manager Yu, she took a sip of wine and was ready to leave. Yu Guang left it beside the stool bag.
I took it away conveniently.
Lin Wanbai heard his words, and his heart was safe. He said that he had a bag in his room and looked at it carefully again. Sure enough, he saw the clothes hanger hanging.
I picked up my bag and took a look at him. I thanked him and swallowed it. Finally, I walked to the door without saying anything. I opened it a little and didn’t see anyone passing by, so I took out my room card and got ready to sprint.
I went back to my room to change clothes, looked in the mirror and looked at some red cheeks on both sides, and I recalled those things that made my scalp tingle last night.
Put on makeup and tidy up something
The phone rang. It was Zhao Zhe.
Frowned hello
I heard him politely say, Miss Lin, please come to the lobby on the first floor immediately. Everyone is here, just you.
Say that finish leng leng all of you are here
Well, the horse is leaving for R company. Zhao Zhe is awake again.
Lin Wanbai hurriedly agreed to make sure that the package was not less, picked up the photo file and hurried to take the stairs.
Liu Mo also said that there were two of them and that Zhao Zhe wanted the company to be busy and scared himself.
When I got to the ladder, I saw five or six people not far away. The most conspicuous thing is that Liu Mo’s temperament is different from the people around him.
Fortunately, running in flat shoes doesn’t hurt them so much. I hurriedly said, I’m sorry I misread it and kept you waiting. Besides, who the fuck told me that this point should be combined
Everyone heard Liu Moshen say go before anyone said it.
Liu Mo, Lin Wanbai and Zhao Zhe sit in the copilot of a car, and the two of them sit in the back.
Now Lin Wanbai’s most embarrassing and most afraid thing is that when he meets Yu in R company, he will feel sick at the thought of him, and he can remember that he can’t help but feel queasy after sitting on his belly.
Liu Mo looked at her with a frown and asked, Did you take medicine?
Lin Wanbai sneered at sitting up straight and not answering, which also made him nervous once.
I can feel that the temperature of the car is low, not because the temperature is too low, but because the man around me has a bad front belt and looks at himself.
Lin Wanbai turned to look at him coldly. What are you nervous about? I’ll tell you that Liu Mo won’t happen again.
Hearing this answer, I snorted, That’s naturally the best. You’d better think for yourself.
Take back your sight, look squarely at the temperature in front of you and say, No pains, General Manager Lu.
After Lin Wanbai finished that sentence, no one spoke, and all the way, he sat down in R company and saw Yu as soon as he got off the bus. There were always some other people who looked like the first to shake hands at the door of senior management. Yu always looked at Lin Wanbai with different eyes.
I feel goose bumps all over my body, and I feel sick when I look at it. I turn my head away and deliberately avoid it.
One by one, I shook hands and greeted them and walked into the lobby of their company. Don’t look at the metaphor. The eyes are still good. The structure and decoration of the lobby are still very eyecatching
桑拿网A group of people led two batches of ladders to the fourth floor where they met.
Because of last night’s incident, Lin Wanbai’s whole mental state was not very good. Fortunately, this time, they were guests, and everyone could sit aside less tired.
Until someone took a shot of himself, everyone got up, shook hands and applauded, and Lin Wanbai quickly got up and applauded.
Then I walked out of the meeting room and heard Mr. Yu say that he would do his best to invite friends from China to eat Singapore specialties, and the party turned to a famous restaurant in Singapore for lunch.
Lin Wanbai sits next to Liu Mo, and on the other side is Yu Zong. When eating, I can always see him with a sly smile and look at myself to get Lin Wanbai’s appetite for fear that he will let himself go to the hostess again.
I got up and apologized to everyone. I smiled at Liu Mo’s ear and wrote a sentence, I’m going to the toilet.
Lin Wan Bai Gang got up and didn’t take two steps. Yu always got up and said that he wanted to go to the bathroom. He felt a numbness in his back and turned around to see him looking at himself step by step in his direction.
Looking back, I walked to the door and tried to push the door to leave. I heard him close to himself and said, Miss Lin has a really good figure. There is nothing to say. If manager Lu is not strong enough to take you away, I would not let go, especially that chest.
Before the words were finished, I heard a loud pa place. Everyone stopped chopsticks in their hands and was shocked. Looking at them, Lin Wan still stayed in this direction with nothing. Half of her face was red and swollen. It can be seen that she worked hard this time. She must have put her grievances last night together today.
At that time, I didn’t even think about hearing those insulting words, but I unconsciously put back the things he did to myself yesterday, and my hand was out of control and I took a picture of it.
Hear Liu Mo yelling Lin Wanbai, what are you doing?
Only then did I wake up and take my hand back, knowing that I should say I’m sorry at this time, but I couldn’t force it out at the sight of him.
This kung fu Liu Mo has come over, and others dare not move and stare at Lin Wan Bai. Why are you still staring at Yu? I’m always sorry.
Lin Wanbai bit her lip and made that stubborn effort again. As soon as she suppressed a yes word, Yu always raised her hand and stopped and glanced at Lin Wanbai and Liu Mo angrily and said, I don’t accept an apology.
Then he opened the door and left.
Let me go if you’re scared.
Box he R company looked at a situation and looked at each other, then got up and walked to Liu Mo’s side or politely shook hands with him and left.
The whole box was left with Lu people quiet for a few seconds, and Liu Mo roared at Lin Wanbai, Lin Wanbai, what have you been able to do? Do you know how long you have been busy this time? Do you know how much the company has invested in this matter? Your personal passion will ruin this part? Can you afford it?
I heard Liu Mo start blaming her, and others also booed her.
This marriage will definitely be ruined.
Yes, I’ve been busy for so long. It seems that there is no overtime pay bonus.
Ang is really prepared to take this project back.