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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 06/07/2024

But before I could figure out what happened, my mother had said to herself, "Does she look like your father? I can’t tell that your father is old after all … but she really looks like you …"

I mumbled something, but I still couldn’t say it.
My mother looked up at me for a moment and her eyes were a little trance.
This made me feel uneasy.
I still can’t decide whether to tell her the truth.
Well, she came to her senses and asked me, "You don’t look well. Is there anything wrong with you?"
Seeing that she stopped asking me, I was secretly relieved and quickly replied with a smile, "Everything is fine."
She patted the back of my hand and said, "If there is something uncomfortable, say it, don’t hold it in your heart."
I rushed to nod.
So this matter just turned over.
Soon my father bought cherries, and when my mother talked to him, she still had the same tone and expression.
I just rest assured.
Then Nannan also bandaged the wound and came back. I wanted her to go back to rest, but she insisted on staying with me.
My mother thought for a moment and said, "Well, we’ll rest during the day and come back at night to accompany you, just to bother you."
Nan Nan said with a smile, "Don’t be so polite to me. I am like a sister when I am in time."
My mother smiled with relief and told her, "I cooked soup for the time, so you can watch her drink a little."
South-South nodded smilingly.
When my parents leave the South-South service road, "You must be hungry after a busy morning. Drink all these soups quickly and don’t starve to the baby."
I really have no appetite, but I couldn’t bear to refuse her kindness, so I took a spoon and slowly sent it to my mouth.
She sat there and smiled at me.
I whispered, "Don’t you want to ask anything?"
Whether Ye Xiangyuan likes Gu Changyu or Li Yuyan, like my father, it sounds very intriguing.
Nannan shook his head gently. Judo "Tell me when you want to talk."
My eyes can’t help getting wet.
She is always so gentle and considerate.
Nan-nan smiled and wiped my eyes. "But you can’t hide anything. You will tell me in a few days anyway."
I smile through tears.
But in the end, I didn’t say much
Mainly, I don’t know where to start
Ye Xiangyuan won’t let me go and I haven’t decided what to do.
Sneak away or continue to be coaxed by him?
I don’t want South-South to follow me anxiously until I make up my mind.
After drinking Tang Nannan, I read a short story to my baby.
In this way, my parents didn’t leave until the evening when they came to accompany the bed.
And the leaves have never appeared again.
Early the next morning, not only South and South came, but also Sister-in-law and Xiaojin.
Grandma Xiaojin coaxed me angrily. "My aunt and mother said you fainted. Are you hungry? Then you should have a good meal … "
I was teased.
He is lying on my stomach and talking to’ sister’
Sister-in-law smiled and watched.
Later, when she went out to wash the fruit for me, she held Xiao Jin aside and said to me, "I found the little fish."
I was dazed.
Sister-in-law sighed, "She was not kidnapped, but went to the western plateau for rock climbing …"
Chapter 24 Looking for an opportunity to divorce
I can hardly believe my ears.
Gu Changyu actually ran out by himself …
Sister-in-law smiled bitterly. "She didn’t inform anyone that she had altitude sickness when she went climbing. It is said that she was in a coma for two days and is being treated in a city hospital in the west."
I opened my mouth for a moment, but I didn’t know what to say.
Ye Xiangyuan and Lu Xun almost tore off the whole imperial city, and even the cards were almost exposed. They also became enemies with Li family completely. Gu Changning beat Li jiaqi … This was all her, but she went rock climbing alone …
This sex!
Sister-in-law looked at me and said, "Ayuan Asun and Changning have already arrived."
Look, even if she is so sexual, there are still people who think about it and go to her at the first time.
I’m not surprised.
Since Ye Xiangyuan can leave me in the hospital, of course, he can run to Gu Changyu’s side.
I smiled at my sister-in-law.
Although this smile is bitter, it is the best emotion I can control.
Sister-in-law sighed gently. "I hesitate to tell you the news … but I think it’s good for you to know."
I looked at her gratefully and said, "Thank you, Sister-in-law."
She shook her head in judo. "You … don’t think too much. Now that you’ve reached this point, you must always look forward."
品茶论坛I looked at the eldest sister-in-law with some doubts.

There is only a small military camp in Tantai where more than 3,000 enemy troops have been accommodated. Now there are five or six times more troops, and most of them have to sleep in the wild.

I wanted to think about it and simply gave the camp to the wounded. I dug out a thin blanket on the floor from my back, and I didn’t feel much uncomfortable lying in the bed of a battalion of soldiers.
The system didn’t play to show your prestige in Tiger Leopard Flying Army +2.
But I seem to hear a strange sound in my dream, because your prestige has long been in off the charts …

When I rolled over and got up from the grass, it was dawn.
Whether it’s a comfortable bed or a poor quality of sleep … I rubbed my shoulders and thought about it, but I heard snoring all around me.
I took the towel out of the saddle pan and put it by the well to wash my face at random.
Da … da … da …
The horseshoe came from the south from far and near, but stopped at the outermost edge
The guard soldier didn’t slack off and immediately brought him to me at the first time.
Little Zulie brigade commander is responsible for inquiring about the enemy’s whereabouts around Handan according to Zulie brigade commander’s arrangement. The young soldier fluttered and turned his horse to report to me.
Tell Zulie to come over. I waved to my close friend Weiyi. What’s the news?
Lombardi should have known that the cavalry he sent to rescue Tantai had been defeated by our army, but he marched to Yecheng with all his strength this morning, the platoon leader replied, wiping his cheeks with sweat.
I can’t help zheng lombardi unexpectedly also play the game of besieging the state of Wei to save Zhao? RenBing you hurry to send someone to inform several battalion commander to come over I will Liu Ren assigned out.
Just climb from the ground up Qin array force had a stretch we kill back? Lombardi cavalry should be few, and we should be able to make it by marching quickly.
I nodded and asked, How long have you been on the road?
It took less than an hour and a half for Handan to get here without a moment’s pause. Although the sweat of the platoon leader’s face was slightly glowing with red light, it was still dripping out in a row.
Pang Gan frowned and said, Yuan Shao still has 30,000 troops around him, while Lu Bu in Yecheng has only 3,000 down soldiers … and Lu Bu is seriously injured, I’m afraid he can’t support it for a moment!
Liang Gong! Addis screamed and stumbled out of the tent not far away.
What’s the matter with you? I quickly walked towards her. Is it being … She wore a petticoat bun and there were messy marks, which didn’t make me associate with it.
She looked sad and burst into tears. She knelt down in front of me. Please save my father!
Oh … I’ll breathe a sigh of relief first. You get up first and my horse will discuss this with several battalion commanders.
I want Liang Gong to promise to save my father … Ling Qi is willing to … handmaiden … never go back on our word! She lifted up her pretty face and her eyes were glittering and translucent.
Get up! I pulled her up.
Master! Tuoba Ye, Gan Ning, Yang Feng and others arrived almost at the same time and just saw this scene.
Tuoba Ye has always been loyal to the liver, righteous and courageous, and knows my intention. He immediately suggested that Lu Bu, our army has just made a pact, and our army should help him once. At this moment, our army is going deep into the enemy’s rear. Wei is the only way for our army to return to Luoyang. If Wei is occupied by Yuan Shao, then our army will retreat between Scylla and Charybdis!
I laughed. You’re absolutely right. Yesterday, in World War I, you three troops suffered few casualties, so give me a pioneer. I thought, Xingba still has a mop with Chengye. You still escort Miss Lu to bypass Handan Bao Lu Bu and Yecheng in two ways. It’s the first thing that Bohu and I need to make further adjustments before we catch up with you.
Gan Ning nodded, It’s enough for us to go to more than 10,000 military forces to keep Yecheng.
Yang Feng stretched out his hand and stroked his beard and laughed. If possible … we can also give them a little surprise and surprise from the rear of Lombardi.
I also smiled, Yuan Shao still has about 40,000 troops. Don’t attack the enemy after you split up.
promise! Three battalionlevel major generals stood in awe.
Then get ready to leave! I waved my hand smartly.
Yes! Major general crashing should be a and then immediately dispersed in three directions.
Thank you, Liang Gong! Lu Lingqi regained her composure a little and gave me a fist. Come back to Lianggong to thank you after Lingqi saved Yecheng Wai!
This … later. I coughed and she waved goodbye.
Then I practiced pushups.
Just after thirty floors, the ground shook violently.
By the 56th time, the tremor was already a mile away from me.
Master, are you afraid that I will work for Lord Gao Zhen? Qin Zhen is very depressed to accompany me to exercise. Now it is far from the unification of heaven. You don’t need to consider all birds and bow to hide, the rabbit and the dog will cook, and the grinding will kill the donkey so early.
Your cultural skills are getting better and better! I can’t help but be surprised and then take back the only support on the ground. My left hand slowly rises with my toes.
Am I wrong? He muttered and made a side leg press. You just killed two inexplicable little leaders yesterday, so you won’t let me charge ahead today. It’s obvious that you’re jealous that I’m out of the limelight!
I patted the grass stuck to my clothes and laughed. Your imagination is really not so good!
He raised his eyebrows angrily. I don’t want to be Han Xin.
Don’t flatter yourself! I was sorting out my clothes. Liu Bang is afraid of Han Xin because of his own bad things, and none of his generals can balance Han Xin. But Zhang Liao, Taishi Ci, Gan Ning and Xu Huang are not in you … and your sworn brother Tuoba Ye. If you dare to fart, he must be the first to beat you! Besides … I can beat you flat with an old punch, but I’m afraid you’ll turn over the sky? !”
He was taught by me, and his arrogance immediately converged. He hung his head strangely. Don’t … I really think too much?
Stop leg press and rectify the military forces. Come with me! I blew a whistle and called for a walk not far away. Let’s kill a few more people.
He jumped from the ground at once, but almost pulled the egg, making him grin and gasp. Where are you going?
How nice it would be for us to collect Handan again by the way! I jumped off my horse with a smile and stroked my mane. I heard that Zhang He is still in town.
Think of friends in western Liaoning
A battalion of four thousand Qin array three thousand and another four thousand soldiersbut I didn’t dare to equip these four thousand people with horses.
We walked less than forty miles a day on the 13th.
On the one hand, the speed of marching has been greatly reduced because of the many wounded soldiers and soldiers on both sides.
On the other hand … I have a problem.
It suddenly occurred to me halfway that how can I capture Handan?
Yuan Shao, even if his IQ is low, it is impossible to move the important town of Handan … What can I do to conquer such a tall and solid ancient city?
The next day, I walked fifty miles. When I came to Handan and looked up at the impregnable city, I still couldn’t find a way to break the city.
And … Both Jia Xu and Xun You lurked in Handan City and didn’t send me information.
品茶论坛I sighed and thought about whether to enclose Handan City or simply give up.
The north gate of Handan City suddenly hit slowly.
I immediately swung the pike, and behind me, I took a bow and arrow.
Hundreds of people rushed out of the city with a horse among them.
In public, one person shouted Please see your general!
Let Qin array show up I told Pang Gan low.
Qin array immediately drove the horse out of the array. Liang Gong told Qin array to say something here!
I am willing to raise the city to defect! May General Qin handle it lightly!
Oh? Qin Zhen shook himself on horseback. You must show the general your sincerity, right?
This is Yuan Shao’s order to Zhang He of Zhao! The other side pointed to the bound man on horseback. This man has been captured by us!
Start with him and let the general identify it carefully! Qin array drink a way
Yes, yes! Opposite, hold down Zhang He’s bun and pick up his head. His face is square, his eyebrows are heavy as ink, and his face is full of anger. It is true that Zhang He is not fake.

Just about to speak, Gu Changning spoke before me. "What game do you want to play when you ask Ayuan to call us all here?"

There is a trace of impatience in his eyes. If you look closely, there may be a trace of disdain.
I can’t help sneering again.
He treated me like this only because he wanted to support his sister.
Before, he was a good friend in my heart, at least reasonable. Now it seems that he is just an indiscriminate gentleman
Perhaps it was my sneer that made him uncomfortable. Changning’s narrow eyes narrowed. "What are you laughing at?"
Seeing that he was going to be angry, Ye Xiangyuan interrupted him and said, "Come on, Changning."
Gu Changning just doesn’t stop saying, "Ah Yuan, don’t protect her. I think she’s just deliberately picking on Xiaoyu. What’s wrong with Xiaoyu? She knows that Xiaoyu sent her all the medicinal materials collected at home after she got pregnant …"
Ye Xiangyuan frowned and interrupted him, "Changning is enough."
Gu Changning gave me a hard stare and said, "Just leave her alone!"
I’m going to be angry with him.
It was Gu Changyu who caused the accident, but it was my fault in the end. He also accused Ye Xiangyuan of longitudinal me.
If I had known that he would take medicine from Gu Changyu, I wouldn’t have received those gifts from Gu Changyu, and he would have accused me of being a baiwenhang.
Yu Ye Xiangyuan …
He seems to be defending me, but who knows if he also thinks I bully Gu Changyu?
I didn’t want to see them put on airs, so I turned to the topic and said, "I asked Ayuan to call you all here to ask you to be a witness."
Lu Xun reaction calm is still a face of composed solemn.
Gu Changning snorted. "What are you trying to do, moth?"
Maybe I’m just a troublemaker in his eyes
I ignored him and went to see Ye Xiangyuan instead.
He looked at me as if he knew what I was going to say next, frowning as if thinking about whether to stop me.
Of course, I can’t let him stop him from talking. I took out my mobile phone and clicked on the video before I spoke.
Then I said to Lu Xun, who was a little far away, "Brother Liu, you should see it first."
I gave it to Lu Xun first because I believe in tracing the cause.
I’m sure he’s honest, and he won’t delete it after watching this video.
Gu Changning is different. He is so protective of Gu Changyu. It is very possible to protect Gu Changyu and delete the video.
Gu Changning squinted at me when I handed my mobile phone to tracing the cause.
I didn’t see it. Keep my eyes on Lu Xun and pay close attention to his reaction.
The video has more than ten seconds, and Lu Xun quickly finished watching it.
His face was heavy, but he didn’t show his face, and he was calm. I can’t tell if he is angry.
Gu Changning frowned and said, "What the hell is she doing?"
桑拿会所He may have noticed that Lu Xun was in a bad mood and asked eagerly.
I whispered to Lu Xun, "Brother Lu, you should also show the video to Changning."
Smell speech Gu Changning frown more tightly "what is mysterious"
Lu Xun holding the phone did not move.
While Ye Xiangyuan gave me a deep look.
I avoid his gaze and turned to Gu Changyu, who had been silent.
Her eyes on Changning’s side flashed slightly, and her eyebrows frowned lightly.
She must have known exactly what I was going to do, but she didn’t stop me.
Maybe she’s waiting for me to make a big deal out of it so that she can be with Ye Xiangyuan fair and square instead …
Gu Changning shouted "Asun" impatiently.
Lu Xun hesitated for a moment and finally handed it to him.

No! We also had a rest at noon! Tai Liu Ziyan sat opposite and thought about it. She asked for something and gave an explanation first. I have already told Lu Fengxing about that matter, so there should be no more problems!

Are you? Thank you so much! Liu Ziyan’s smile is real, and it emerges from her eyes.
Nothing. Although Miss Liang has gone too far, if she really wants to be like Xiaomi, she has gone too far. Miao faintly responded that she felt that she was doing things with her own heart.
I still hope you can accept this! Liu Ziyan said, putting a check for one million in front of Miao’s eyes is not pity.
☆ Chapter 90
Oh, my god
One million?
What is this concept?
I think the God of Wealth must be living in her own house these days. How can I get there? Why do people give her checks everywhere? Isn’t that weird!
The following looked at the cheque figures puzzled at Liu Ziyan Liu what do you mean? It won’t always be a regular subsidy!
In the face of these ladies’ rewards, there has suddenly been a lot of disdain. It seems that money is really not everything. At least she is so comfortable here.
I appreciate that you can forgive Maggie for hurting you. This is my sincere compensation. I know it is far from making up for the pressure and pain your heart has suffered, but I really hope it can be made up!
Liu Ziyan’s words are very sincere. She doesn’t feel as high as Yuan Mei’s. A pair of charming eyes reflect that it is hard to understand and cherish.
Miao really confused when did Liu Ziyan become so close to herself? Or is everything too well disguised to make people suspect that she is not true?
Miao also fantasized about Liang Meiqi’s harsh voice, followed by people already in front, and the check filled with huge numbers was saved into her hand as fast as she could.
Are you crazy? 1 million. You’re giving this woman 1 million? Mom, are you okay? Liang Meiqi looked at Liu Ziyan unbelievably, and her eyes were even more vicious. There was a lot of jealousy burning.
Maggie!’ Liu Ziyan is so careless about Liang Meiqi’s image in public, and some angry voices are also harsh. Pay attention to your words and deeds!
What happened to my words and deeds? Liang Meiqi didn’t expect her mother to teach herself to be more excited in front of her.
One million aye, that’s only three months before you give it to me. Why do you give it to her like this? I’m afraid you didn’t intend to tell me about it if I didn’t want to drive to the driver today!
Does Maggie’s mother need to report every expense to you when she earns money? Liu Ziyan was angered by her daughter’s sex. If you want to talk well, sit quietly. If you don’t want to, leave here with a check!
As soon as Liang Meiqi snorted, she tore up the check in her hand and threw it at her face. Here you go, bitch!
Are the mother and daughter making fun of her?
Miao didn’t think that he was silent for a long time and turned out to be lying down and getting shot.
Liang Meiqi turned smartly and just wanted to leave Miao, when she was angry, Liu Ziyan didn’t slow down. Miao had crossed her and walked beside Liang Meiqi.
What do you want?
Liang Meiqi haughty minibus carried a pair of lifethreatening samples.
Two crisp mouths blew up Liang Meiqi’s delicate face, and her cheeks immediately showed red fingerprints.
What are you doing?
Liu Ziyan ran frantically to protect her daughter’s eyes, and there was no previous affinity between Liang Meiqi and her mother’s arms, clutching her cheek and sobbing.
Liu didn’t you say you want to compensate me? I’m not as lucky as Miss Liang if I can’t get the money. I can get a million degrees in three months. Even if you slap me, you will pay me back. From now on, the two are not in debt!
Miao said and patted his palm. Miss Liang, although I like to fight violence, I still can’t help but meet someone who tramples on my selfesteem at will. Today, you will be so lucky!
Liang Meiqi’s beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she couldn’t wait to come directly and tear the face like a demon.
I’m fine! Thank you!
Smiling is a greeting to Liu Ziyan and she turned and left. She is not interested in watching the drama between the mother and daughter here.
Looking at Miao’s leaving back, Liu Ziyan’s heart is limited to sadness. Maggie’s three months is estimated to be half a generation for this poor child!
When I was out of the sushi restaurant, my mood was limited. These two mouths were so painful that I gave them back to Liang Meiqi to feel avenged.
桑拿论坛I still appreciate my great achievements, and my right hand and left hand are controlled by sudden force. This is the main road. Who is so crazy? The following is not a scream.
Why didn’t the pearl bracelet wear a wrist?
The man’s cold and overbearing voice came from the top of his head coldly, and it was just around the corner that a fierce and angry black face was popular in Lu.
Can’t be such a coincidence?
Are you passing by or doing business? Why did you touch me like this?
Miao guiltily bowed his head. That bracelet is too expensive. I’m afraid I’ll wear it out! I will definitely wear it when I participate in activities!
Listen carefully, that bracelet is the minimum requirement of the company that you must wear it every day. If this happens again, don’t blame me for doing something that you can’t accept! Lu popular danger narrowed his eyes and retreated nervously.
I know that I will wear it every day from tomorrow! I don’t want to provoke this gentleman who has always been bad in public.
You are smart!
Lu Fengxing seems to be very satisfied with Miao’s attitude, but his lip angle evokes a slight arc, but he doesn’t seem to want to let Miao go, but pulls her to Lamborghini on the side of the road.
Lu Fengxing, what are you doing?
Following some panic in my heart, some abnormity gentlemen don’t look at that red luxury car at all, and they are all kinds of nervous.
Go home and wear the bracelet now!
Lu Fengxing directly stuffed Miao into Lamborghini’s opportunity to express his opinions.
Lu Fengxing, are you exaggerating? It’s hard to understand why you are so persistent with men.

Although I was almost caught, I was proved innocent on the spot.

Ye Xiangyuan confessed something to Ye Wen and went downstairs with me.
You can still hear Teng Jun crying in the lounge.
I turned my head to see Ye Xiangyuan, and he looked very dull, as if all this was him.
Maybe tonight’s victory is not enough to make him happy.
We went to see the eldest sister-in-law first.
Sister-in-law’s face is hard to hide. "I already know that you have done a good job."
Ye Xiangyuan said softly, "Let’s start, sister-in-law. We have a lot to do."
A word made sister-in-law calm down and her smile faded away.
Sister-in-law pushed the wheelchair to the window.
It’s dark outside.
Even if the lights are on in the courtyard, that little light will light up the whole night.
There is a darker night and a darker scene in the distance.
Ye Xiangyuan also looked out of the window.
His eyes are far away and deep, as if he had seen a farther and deeper future through that dark night.
I walked side by side with him, and my hand was still held by him, but I felt far away from him.
I don’t know what he and his sister-in-law remembered at this time, whether they remembered their deceased relatives or had a happy or sad past.
And I didn’t take part in all those pasts.
I can stay quietly beside him and dare not disturb them.
Later Ye Xiangyuan took me out of the eldest sister-in-law’s bedroom. He went back to the room first and I went to coax Xiaojin to sleep.
Half an hour later, when I returned to my room, Ye Xiangyuan was already lying in bed and turning over a stack of files.
I stood by the door for a while and walked slowly over.
He raised his eyes and fixed me with deep eyes.
I knelt beside him and leaned over to hug his waist. "I almost had an accident today … I’m sorry I wasn’t alert enough …"
He put the file and touched my head. "It’s not your fault."
I paused and suddenly looked up at him unblinkingly. "Did you know about Li Yuyan’s plan long ago?"
He slightly zheng seems to be didn’t expect me to ask so directly.
Laugh in a low voice.
My voice is hoarse and mellow, and the warm breath has been blowing in my ears.
Section 111
I really can’t stand the teasing of an accused person.
He seems to have guessed that I reacted and laughed even harder.
I glared at him discontentedly
He hugged me to his legs and smiled. "Wife, don’t be angry. I didn’t know it at first, but I got Ye Wen’s leave from the glass of juice you drank."
I can’t help feeling sad at the thought of being coaxed by a few little girls.
But then I continued to stare at him with a straight face and unbelieving eyes
I really don’t believe that he didn’t know about it until so late. Will he let Li Yu smoke and cause trouble under his nose?
His forefinger touched the tip of my nose. "I rushed to the lounge as soon as I got the news."
No wonder it was only a few minutes before and after I fell into a coma and woke up again
He smiled and hugged me tightly. "The forgery of the arrest warrant is what I arranged early in the morning … Li Yuyan’s uncle did stamp it but it was replaced … The real copy has been destroyed, and he wanted to reverse his conviction and no one gave him a certificate."
I see
This trick is really beautiful.
I fell on his arms and whispered, "It’s a pity that it’s just a director’s Li family’s foundation is so deep …"
Ye Xiangyuan smiled and hugged me. "It can’t be urgent."
But I am a little impatient when I think of Ye Dabo, Ye Dad, their death and the hatred of my sister-in-law
spa会所Ye Xiangyuan seems to be holding my hand as white as I want, and it’s a bit ethereal like floating from a distant place. "It’s fun to slowly infiltrate a little bit."
So it’s not that he can’t clean up the Li family, but he wants to keep it and play slowly?
He judo "you see my cousin was put in prison and Li Qingqing was also put in … one by one, no one can escape … this can cause them to panic … just like the same frying pan has been fried and just entered the pot …"
Listen, his soft and charming voice is so.
I couldn’t help shivering.
He chuckled and hugged me more tightly. "It’s not necessary to kill people directly, but I want to deal with them fairly."
I understood what he meant after a little thought.
Since the Li family wants to fight for that position, they should fight openly instead of secretly killing people.
They teamed up with Teng Jun to cause Ye Dabo, and they sacrificed the illusion that the black hand was too vicious and too dehumanizing.
Ye Xiangyuan is not ashamed of what they do, and naturally he will not use the same means to deal with them.
Although winners and losers, there are some bottom lines that cannot be crossed
Chapter 11 action
Ye Xiangyuan stroked my hair one by one. "I will certainly report to those who have harmed my uncle and my parents, but I will not let them die so happily."
His tone is too bleak, and I am shaking again.
On weekdays, although he is occasionally indifferent to me, he is always soft.
He is so cold when facing the enemy.
And tonight, he’s obviously colder and more terrible.
He suddenly picked up my face and smiled and asked me, "Are you really scared?"
I nodded without hesitation.
Of course I’m afraid
Tie a boat with him, and it is foreseeable that there will be a sea of knives and rivers ahead.
But it’s just fear.
I can’t back down now.
He kissed me gently. "Baby, you’re doing great."
I looked up in surprise.

I waved him away.

Bian Que, Zhang Zhongjing, Hua Tuo, Sun Simiao, and Li Shizhen were all famous for their superb medical skills, but they were lowranking people in the world. There were famous doctors and doctors in the royal yiguang in the past dynasties, but there was only one person who was able to stand tall and generous in later generations.
This is not to say that people are poor and ambitious, but that the combination of genius and decades of actual combat experience has created these few medical masters. Once they come up with officials, where will they have the time and opportunity to visit and accumulate experience?
I suspect that it destroyed a towering tree.
But I hope the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Although he may not be a doctor, he should be able to treat a common variety of incurable diseases at least …
Zhang Zhongjing bowed deeply to me for three times and bowed down and left the living room.
Looking at his thin figure, I couldn’t help sighing again.
Gong Shuang’er flashed from the side room. What did he just say?
… he doesn’t want to be a medical officer, he wants to change his job … In fact, you heard everything hiding in the side room, didn’t you?
That’s not it, she said. What did he mean by that …’ Wanbi’?
My mouth suddenly bitter.
Is nobody interested? Shuang’er pouted.
Well, I gulped down my teacup and said gently, It’s getting late, Shuang’er. Go back to rest.
Her little face was full of meaning and she cried, Tell Shuang’er if you don’t say anything!
On weekdays, I occasionally help me out. Xiao Zhao is not around now. Seeing that today is over, I decided to explain to her euphemistically, This word means that my daughter’s family is innocent and has not been touched by other men.
I touched the bar and was very satisfied with this explanation.
Really? She blinked, puzzled. But Shuang’er has long been different!
What? !” I was frightened to disgrace and quickly asked, You, you, you, your sister! Who the hell is it? You hurry up!
Huh? She hung her head shyly and twisted her skirts with her fingers. It’s not bad for the minister!
I was even more amazed. Even your sister, I just met her a few days ago … it’s you!
Hum, you’re still playing dumb, she insisted. I don’t know how many times I’ve been touched by you!
Chapter sixtynine Be openminded and eager to learn little Liu Xie
This day is a legal rest day.
Of course, it makes no difference to me who has always been diligent in politics.
So I took a little more rest for half an hour.
Please change clothes and wash, Xiao Zhao called softly at the head of the bed.
Did she get up early because she didn’t attend to her bed last night?
I took a look at Cai Yan and Xiao E cuddling on my chest and laughed. You don’t have to get up so early today if you have nothing important, do you?
Xiao Zhao Chen said, You have slept for half an hour.
I lifted my arm and freed it from the entanglement of Cai Yan. Then change clothes.
Zhao Cheng knocked at the door outside rudely.
Cai Yan shivered slightly and opened her long eyelashes. Husband?
I gently caressed her long hair sideways. Lao Zhao, do you want to die? Knock at the door early in the morning!
Well … the little emperor is coming again … Zhao Cheng asked against the crack of the door. Do you want to let him in, young master?
I’m a tingle. Are you lying to me? The emperor is so diligent?
If you don’t believe me, I’ll go shopping. This Lao Zhao also simply disappeared soon
Husband, get up quickly. Don’t lose your courtesies. Cai Yan hurried me to get up.
I mumbled a few words, wiped my face in a hurry and went straight to the bedroom.
Liu Xie Gao Shou is moving from the main entrance to this side.
I set up five successes to display my flying skills for three or five times, and then I flicker in front of them.
Liu Xie’s longevity is a big surprise.
Gao shou stopped in front of Liu Xie with an arrow escort! His sharp and harsh voice was behind him, and dozens of guards quickly gathered together to protect Liu Xie in the middle.
I was frightened by my levity. I quickly steadied myself and saluted outside ten feet.
… turns out to be Ma Qing … Liu Xie corners of the mouth beat uncontrollably.
Gao Shou’s legs went soft and he almost collapsed to the ground. Ma Daren, you … almost scared the old slave to death!
I’m already in control. It’s your shallow knowledge, right?
But I can take responsibility for pardon me for my rudeness
桑拿论坛Liu Xie has recovered calm and asked in surprise, Was it martial arts that you ran so fast just now?
Exactly, I replied smugly, I taught leg press yesterday, which is why I practiced it. Anyway, it’s all about leg kung fu. God knows if there is one.
Liu Xie nodded slightly. It’s really amazing … How long did Ma Qing practice?
I have worked hard every day since I was 18 years old to achieve this achievement today. I concealed that I was lazy for the first two years and was in a coma for the whole year last year.
Seven years … so long? Sure enough, he was disappointed.
If you don’t practice hard, it’s hard to achieve the same goal. I’m just saying, you are a wet behind the ears. You can’t underestimate the art of martial arts
Ma Qing’s lesson is that I have been taught.
positions yanchong if I dare to teach you a lesson.
Liu Xie smiled. I came here early this morning just to ask Ma Qing again.
Practicing martial arts and fitness is just not so much. You should start from the basics. I earnestly taught that leg press’s pushups and leg exercises will be effective after three months of daily practice.
Oh? He is full of hope that the ability to pull mountains and travel thousands of miles every day?

I’m a road idiot. I’ve been to his house once. I can’t remember it, but this road, the Imperial Capital, is so famous. There are tall buttonwood trees on both sides. This compound is full of powerful families.

I hesitated and got up the courage to go to the distance. "I have work …"
First, I don’t want to go to Yejia, and second, I think there is still time to meet Jishu.
Ye Xiangyuan glanced at me with a slant head. "Xiaojin’s house is waiting for you."
I haven’t seen Xiao Jin for a while, and I really miss him, too.
But …
I secretly went to see the person beside me.
When I go to Ye’s house, I will probably be alone with him. What should I do then?
I don’t want to talk to him so soon.
He will never allow me to go back on my word.
喝茶约茶But after having sex with him, I really think it will be embarrassing to continue to be a fake couple with him. What’s more, Qian Xiaoyan’s words also make me doubt.
Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant I am, the car still drives to Yejia.
I am completely silent.
The car soon drove into the courtyard. It was sunny today, and the evening sun was setting in the courtyard. There was a coldness in the courtyard, which was different from the second excitement and prosperity. The afterglow of this quaint building was particularly quiet and quiet.
A guard opened the door for Ye Xiangyuan and saluted him.
After that, we went into the house, and servants shuttled back and forth to do their own things, but everything was quiet and orderly.
I have the illusion that I have returned to an ancient official mansion.
I didn’t have the nerve to look at it because there were so many people. I couldn’t help looking around this time.
The decoration of the house is very elegant and the layout is very simple. Almost all of them are made of wood. At first glance, it seems a little shabby, but it is not. At first glance, the wood is good gold nanmu and huanghuali wood, and there are all kinds of inconspicuous furnishings. The antiques and calligraphy and painting alone are of great value.
I can’t help but smile. Leaves home proved to be rich.
These things are beyond the reach of ordinary people for generations.
Of course, I can’t envy it.
I gathered my mind and found that the hall was quiet and I didn’t see Xiao Ye Jin.
A servant said, "Little Young Master Building"
I think of Xiao Jin’s room full of military toys and suddenly feel a headache. He won’t be playing with those hard instruments alone, will he?
Ye Xiangyuan "Go"
I, uh, followed him upstairs
Pushing open Xiaojin’s bedroom door, I suddenly saw Gu Changyu!
The room was warm with heating, and she wore a thin pink coat, which made her skin more beautiful than snow. Her cheeks were pale and her black hair hung down slightly on her chest, and her head and neck were particularly beautiful.
When it’s really beautiful, it’s just too much to say that it’s truly beautiful.
She is sitting beside Xiaojin, smiling and watching Xiaojin play with a model ship.
However, Xiao Jin doesn’t seem to take a reason to play with herself and try to take the boat apart with a small screwdriver.
Gu Changyu immediately got up to do judo when he saw us. "Ayuan, you are back."
Section 49
I have seen her several times before, and every time I was in a hurry, I didn’t pay much attention to her.
Now it’s nice to hear her voice. It’s crisp and sweet. It’s like writing like a pouring of large and small pearls into a plate of jade in it.
I was driving an errand when Xiao Jin found us. He threw away the model and ran to my arms. "Auntie!"
He is wearing a long autumn coat and trousers with a kitten pattern, and his short legs are particularly cute.
I smiled and picked him up and pinched his nose. "Do you miss me?"
He nodded his head and wrapped his little arm around my neck. Grandma replied angrily, "Hmm!"
I heard Gu Changyu say with a smile, "They hit it off."
Ye Xiangyuan said, "Why are you here?"
Gu Changyu sighed gently. "When Asun went to the army, I came to see Xiao Jin when I chatted at home alone."
Even the tone of bitterness sounds like Jiao Jiao is very pitiful.
I sat with Xiao Jin in my arms and let Xiao Jin continue to play with the model while listening to their conversation.
Gu Changyu suddenly coughed.
Ye Xiangyuan frowned and said, "The weather changes quickly, and you go out less after your voice is bad."
I looked at him suspiciously, and his tone was no different from before, but I heard a little nervous.
Maybe it’s an illusion
Gu Changyu shook her head. "I’m used to it." She smiled. "Asun doesn’t care about me as much as you do."
I am more and more surprised to hear what she wants to compare her husband with Ye Xiangyuan.
And Ye Xiangyuan’s expression seems to have changed without any change.
At this time, the servant knocked at the door and said that there was a guest coming.
I am puzzled in my heart.
Then I saw a tall young man appear at the door.
I have a good memory, and I immediately remembered who he was.
It was Wen Lu who came to school with a big belly for the first time and knocked me unconscious. When Ye Xiangyuan took me to the hospital, my car saw the young man in military uniform.
This time he was dressed in casual clothes, but I recognized him at a glance.
Perhaps because he is a soldier, his straight back and quiet temperament are really very different from ordinary people.
He gave Ye Xiangyuan a ceremony saying, "I have something to leave, Colonel."
Ye Xiangyuan nodded faintly and turned to me.
I will be busy. "You go and get busy."
Gu Changyu smiled at me when people left. "That’s how he gets busy. Don’t mind."

He slightly lowered his head. After coming out from Lombardi … I feel very annoyed … The adult world is really interesting.

Not far away suddenly burst into applause.
66 chatty
The referee signaled the intermission.
I lifted my clothes and wiped my forehead. My teammates were there together.
Master, will you still play a full game today? The sideline instructor asked
I nodded. There’s something to do anyway. You can change two strikers.
He also nodded and clapped his hands to signal the other substitutes to get ready.
Sitting on a makeshift bench, I took the warm water from the staff, and I raised my neck and gulped it down.
But playing three games in a row is not a loss to my physical strength.
What makes me feel a little tired is that I will face an unpredictable future.
Jia Xu has already left for Luoyang. Life and death and the future are out of my control. What else can I do besides playing football to vent my energy?
At the end of the break, I threw away my towel and headed into the stadium.
The two players on the opposite side are like things to me. I just hit their fragile defense line again and again. From striker to goalkeeper, it is just a dust on my way forward.
Each other’s fierce expressions have been automatically blocked by me, and my thoughts have already flown out for nine days.
Don’t even think about it! The last defender roared at me and shoveled me to the ground with all his strength.
I suddenly fell from the clouds and rolled seven times in the grass before I stopped.
You want to kick the dead! Our front line immediately picked up the defender. It’s not enough to kill your family if the young master is injured!
The other side is just a mass team. When the military scared him to tackle the ball, his murderous look immediately became injustice and panic, and he was afraid to speak.
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. Take back my mind. I made a roll and got up again. I was the main target of the other party a long time ago. In order to prevent being kicked off by the blackfooted people, I tied cowhide leggings to my calves in advance. I am old and magical, and I can’t do anything to protect myself.
The game continued, and I kicked the ball away.
After all, it’s flesh and blood with long legs or some weakness … I sighed.
The other team’s defense suddenly became more relaxed, and I got out of the encirclement of three people without any effort, and no one pressed forward to watch me shoot.
The goalkeeper stretched out his hands or chose to stay where he was and watch the ball roar across the goal line.
I patted my trouser legs and raised my hand to signal substitution outside the court.
桑拿网Didn’t you say you were going to play a full game? Instructor asked in wonder.
It’s no longer worthwhile for me to continue playing because my opponent is too timid to stop me. I took a look at the 40 players on the field, because my opponent seemed to regain some fighting spirit and became much more fierce.
Anyway, the overall situation has been decided. I swept the scoreboard opposite.
Twentythree ratio

Because the first round of the group match had already been held before, I surrendered to Yuan Shao and missed three more rounds (Qin Zhen Jia Mu and others made a bold claim to miss my goal gap while I was away). After these three chases, I finally scored more than 200 goalsbut according to the data analysis, Qin Zhen has a full 50 more goals than me, and even Yong Jia Mu has 20 more than me. I heard that there is a group of civilian shooters who are more than me.
I decided not to let them continue to be arrogant.
Before the first round of the group stage, I once again established the core of the game in the team and returned to the forward position. The goal was a wild shot.
At halftime, we shot thirtynine times and the score was thirtyfour.
I especially praised our midfielder for his persistent efforts at halftime.
They faithfully carried out my orders and continued to give me the ball department.
The score at the end of the game was 711.
Being slaughtered like never before, the other team almost collapsed and climbed the court.
There are twenty gaps in my Qin array, but it’s only a halfcourt gap.
At this moment of chatting, there is still a goal for me to pursue.
This is really more about things.

The final round of the group match is in the drum.
Because there are many teams with the same points in each group, I also let them compete at the same time by drawing lessons from previous life experience
The opponent is still a mass team.
I braced myself for the challenge, but the opponent lost his fighting spirit because he had already failed to enter the top two.
The whole process is worthless. The only regret is that the number of goals stopped at 93, and it failed to further break through a hundred goals in a single game.
For the first time, I finally surpassed Qin array and jumped to the 1364th place in China.
I felt the cruelty of the group stage for the first time when I watched my combative opponent leave the stage exhausted. Ten teams competed for the top two, and at least four teams had no hope for a long time, but eventually they had to play all the group stages …
I ordered a small reward for each team that was eliminated, and five big money for one person.
Don’t look down on these five coppers. A team can have 30 or 50 people. Finally, more than 300 teams will cost about 100 thousand yuan. Anyway, I can’t do it for a few days. I might as well throw some investment into the local football cause.
Speaking of millions of dollars left in the treasury, I suddenly want to help my successor spend them …
So I told Zhang Ji and Du Ji to buy some rice noodles and pork, and sent people to express condolences to the lonely, the old and the young in the village to help the grassroots people solve the most difficult problems (including helping the old houses and dangerous houses to be rebuilt, weeding the wasteland for the elderly, and digging wells and pumping water at the site). This time, the largescale rural activities lasted for ten days and all the expenses were close to 100,000.
In addition, Cheng Yu also suggested that canals should be treated at the edge of fields in various townships, and I simply handed them over to him to handle onetime expenses of 1.2 million.
When I wanted to build a military camp training ground again, Du Ji told me to stop.
Isn’t there more than two million? I still know about the library.
At least leave some money for Yi? He wry smile way and the horse will pay the soldiers …
I clap my head Bohou is right! I almost forgot such an important thing! Give more to the brothers this month?
Then pay fifty dollars for the foot soldiers? As soon as he raised the standard from thirty to fifty
Just one hundred people regardless of position! I’m a success. But it’s limited to butch riding soldiers.
I don’t have to leave with me. The soldiers in Zhaodi County make more money.
White Du Ji revealed a smile I’ll do it
I waved and he bowed down and backed out of the hall.
67 central defender Cheng Wu
On May 24th, the first round of the knockout was held in five counties of Zhao.
Considering the urgency of the time, the process of drawing lots for the precursors and then dividing the duel in the plan was temporarily changed, and the call was made after each division decided to be strong (the quota was allocated in proportion) to further save money.
Facing Pang Gan’s team, I left them in the top 32 without mercy.
The score is not ugly. Fortysix is more difficult than ten. Pang Gan can stubbornly score our goal more than a dozen times.
Jia Mu also lost in the direct confrontation in Xu Huangthis is the expected result.

But then the whole castle will be in danger.

After all, Han Qingshan is not an easy man to deal with. Who knows how many people he brought?
But Ye Xiangyuan is very cool and doesn’t seem to want to retreat.
My heart is a little anxious.
Now the lives of a large family can be here.
But on second thought, he has always been safe, and he must have had a solution.
I also tried to calm myself down.
Ye Xiangyuan hugged me and stroked my back one by one, holding a document in his hand without speaking.
After about half an hour, Han Qingshan finally came.
He walked into the living room with a gun in his hand.
At this time, the guns outside stopped and the whole castle was quiet again.
I can even hear a few birds chirping insects.
Ye Xiangyuan put a file on my forehead and kissed me in judo. "You go back to the room with the baby first, and I’ll accompany you when I’m done with things."
I shook my head and grasped his arm.
Ye Xiangyuan didn’t insist that he looked up at Han Qingshan gently and said, "Please sit down."
Han Qingshan squinted at him without moving.
He was followed by rows of hands with guns.
And Pan Dong has already taken the bodyguard Ye Xiangyuan behind him.
The confrontation between the two sides is explosive.
I think it’s the same outside the castle. Both sides are deadlocked.
Just from the present situation, I can imagine how fierce the gun battle was just now.
After being silent for about half a minute, Han Qingshan sat on the sofa opposite.
He still looked at Ye Xiang far away. "Where are you?"
Ye Xiangyuan gently tilted his head to Pan Dongdao to "bring people"
It wasn’t long before Li Yuyan was brought by bodyguards.
Her limbs were tied and she was thrown to the ground.
Having become mute, she opened her mouth and cried, but she couldn’t speak.
Look at where her unkempt head is pointed at by Panton, and the arrogance and dignity of the aristocratic lady look like a mess.
Han Qingshan eyes transient sharp fixedly staring at Ye Xiangyuan.
Ye Xiangyuan smiled faintly. "I want to know two things."
Han Qingshan looked at him with an expression on his face for a while and also evoked the corners of his mouth. "I have surrounded this town."
Ye Xiangyuan smiled slightly, "It’s a big deal to die together."
Han Qingshan face heavy.
Ye Xiangyuan "If you tell me these two things, I will let you take Li Yuyan away."
Han Qingshan squinted and seemed to think.
Ye Xiangyuan also don’t urge him.
The whole living room fell into silence, and even Li Yuyan stopped calling.
I’m a little tired of this silence and I’m afraid that a gun battle will break out again in a moment.
Fear leaves hold my hand far away, and warm feelings spread all over me through the palm of your hand.
I took a deep breath to calm myself down.
A long time Han Qingshan finally said "good"
Ye Xiangyuan directly asked, "Did your Han family participate in that year?"
He should mean that Ye Dabo and Ye Dad were framed by the Li family for their sacrifice in Africa.
Han Qingshan didn’t play with the gun in his hand. He said bluntly, "When I was young, I was in Korea’s house … and I really had a connection with the Li family."
Ye Xiangyuan didn’t speak waiting for him to continue.
桑拿Han Qingshan smiled. "Didn’t you find out early?"
Ye Xiangyuandao "I want to hear you say"
Han Qingshan reminded the corners of his mouth, "Korea’s family really joined the Li family more than 20 years ago and has been supporting the Li family, but we can’t control what we want to do with the Li family’s funds." He glanced at Ye Xiangyuan Gherardini and said, "It was the Li family that planned and implemented it. If you want revenge, go to the Li family."
Ye Xiangyuan quietly looked at him?
Han Qingshan smiled. "If you think Han Jia participated, you did. If you think Han Jia didn’t participate, you didn’t see what you think."
Ye Xiangyuan still didn’t answer the words.
Han Qingshan looked at the "second question" of the Li Yu flue that was thrown to the ground.
Ye Xiangyuan eyes light lift eyes fell on his body slowly way "in addition to those forces behind your scenes who else"
I listened to leng leng.
Haven’t he found out the details of those behind-the-scenes forces yet?
So he will set up such a bureau specially waiting for Han Qingshan in the castle?
Han Qingshan wind him gently hook up the lip angle "how can I betray my partner?" His hands spread out and he said, "You’d better change the question."

Oh, Xin Xiaotian nodded. You are so unsure that there is no way to erase me from this world.

Bi Ke said angrily, It’s not that there is no selfconfidence or no way to do it, but it’s meaningless to do it. We have repeatedly calculated that even if you organize a fight behind you, but we can’t keep you, they will find another character and ability. You are very similar to people who urge her to do what you are doing now, and you can also achieve the expected goal according to what you are doing now. We can’t stop killing every goal they choose in the timeline, which will completely collapse the timeline. Second, based on the basic principles, erasing you will affect the development of the timeline to some extent. This need not be explained in detail.
Oh, you have explained it in detail. Thank you, so that I can have a bottom in my heart. Xin Xiaotian said politely
She thinks that Bi Ke is also very interesting, and she has the patience to tell her these things. Although her attitude and expression are always arrogant, she looks down on her as a stupid human being who knows the past and the future.
桑拿网At this time, the whole brain jumped out with a sentence, He guessed right. It’s really interesting to know yourself and know yourself. It’s also interesting to talk about all the possibilities. It saves a lot of practical actions, trying to save trouble and effort, but also talking about it.
Xin Xiaotian didn’t pick up the phone, but continued to listen to Bi Ke’s speech, so he also hid it. He was afraid that Xin Xiaotian’s brain waves would be connected for too long for fear that the other party would notice.
Bi Ke went on to say, The organization behind you is not afraid of being changed in the future because what they want is to change and change the development process of human history, and they are fearless in what they do; And we want to protect the only ending and the same ending. We are tied behind our hands. This is not that we are stupid. We have tried every means to calculate all the possibilities, but we can do this because of the conditions.
Bi Ke found a rigorous, advanced, French refutation and very reasonable annotation for their braindead lines again and again.
Socalled pride to the extreme, even if the association members are defeated, they will not bow their heads, and they will not bow their heads to find their faces:
Chapter two hundred and sixtysix Give you ten million dollars.
When Xin Xiaotian heard this, she said, Actually, this is a problem for you. It is necessary to work so hard to persuade me to give up. It is better for you to give up yourself.
Bi Ke smiled proudly and did not answer.
Li Keke took over and said, We will live because if we can’t guarantee the only ending, we will lose our future.
Xin Xiaotian smiled and got up and said, I know, hey hey, but if you succeed, there will be no future for mankind. You have only one way to go, but I can face it. Thank you for telling the truth and letting me know so much.
Now she thinks it’s quite interesting to talk with these two men and women. Besides the expression is very short, Bi Ke sometimes comes up with some seemingly philosophical words. Unfortunately, it is absolutely opposite to maintain the road. There is no compromise at the end of the timeline.
Bi Ke didn’t stop her from leaving, which means that she snorted and said, It’s true that you said that we are aliens lackeys and human traitors. It’s a pity that the culture and wisdom brought by aliens are far beyond your imagination. You will never see what is really powerful.
Xin Xiaotian replied without hesitation, But I believe that the future is brandnew, it will never be the only nature and it will not be what you want. How do you know that human beings are unable to develop very advanced culture?
Say that finish this sentence Xin Xiaotian squeezed out a smile at the two people and turned to leave the backyard and walked out of the teahouse.
She knew that the two men would not move.
At this time, the night is quiet, although you can’t see the starlight, it is also pleasant.
Qin Quanjiang came out of the teahouse with her hind feet and asked Xiaotian Are you okay?
Fortunately, nothing happened. Xin Xiaotian looked relaxed.
Nothing is good. Qin Quanjiang saw Xin Xiaotian’s reaction, so he didn’t say anything more, and he didn’t ask more. It should be that she had limited her.
The next day, Xin Xiaotian was finally able to put her energy to work again.
Due to the rapid expansion of the store, the recruiters have never stopped. The personnel in charge of personnel have already changed from Fang Mofang at first to four now. In recent days, Xin Xiaotian has completely separated the human resources department from the administrative department and become an independent department. Fang Mofang has naturally been promoted to the manager with three hands, who is busy recruiting people for various positions every day and digging around with headhunters.
Due to the experience of working as a craftsman before coming to Swift, my major was transferred from the slimming trade union shop to the administrative department as an administrative Commissioner.
A new administrative manager, manager Li, two employees of the administrative department and two surplus positions have also been recruited.
Xin Xiaotian never thought that she would recruit so many employees before. Although she often looked at some management classes in her previous shift, she is still afraid that her knowledge structure and management experience can’t keep up with the rapid development of the company. Therefore, Sister Qin specially invited several highly qualified teachers to give her an advanced management class.
The course schedule is very full, every night and every weekend.
After a class, Xin Xiaotian felt that it was awkward to listen to the class alone, so he also told Sun Jiashi and Ke Yiwan not to go to the vegetable field to do technical work, which led to coming to the class together.
After another two festivals, Xin Xiaotian suggested inviting the management of her company, Sun Jiashi, and the management of the company not to be forced to attend, so let them come and sit in sometimes.
So several of them listen to management courses together every night and study late.
This kind of feeling is like going back to school, especially going back to the residence together after class, just like going back to the dormitory together after studying at night at school.
I remember when I was at school, Xin Xiaotian occasionally envied the girls who were sent back to the dormitory door by her boyfriend every night. Now she finally experienced the feeling of being sent back to her residence after class.
The difference is that Sun Jiashi, an aunt who doesn’t look after her, can just come in and sit hee hee.
Manager Shang of the new store development and decoration department and his staff were also very helpful, and finally completed the Xin General Gym before the deadline.
It took a lot of effort to rent the first store, which was close to the business district, and it was completely opened; The manager of the second store was a bit tricky. They found out that the capital chain was broken in the middle of the renovation and no one wanted to take over the gym. It was very reasonable and the price was taken over. The third store is an old gym owner who wants to switch to plastic surgery business, so he transferred to the department for renovation and repurchase new equipment; The fourth and fifth are planned to open two gyms with the small commercial plaza of Xinke Company, one for men and one for women.
In this way, when Xin Xiaotian and Sun Jiashi bought the original Mermaid vest line gym together, Xin Xiaotian has six gyms.
Smooth and overfulfilled
When the night is quiet, it will be displayed in a unified way.
Congratulations on the completion of the unified 22 super fitness development plan.
It is difficult to evaluate the difficulty of opening five gymnasiums in the past six days according to your existing ideas; Complete the score of 95 points.
Mysterious reward rewards spend money, cash 10 thousand can be transferred to your personal account at will.
Extra bonus Super comfortable waistprotecting and fitness office chair N can be given to employees to make it a benefit you get for employees.
In addition, all previously rewarded items can apply for a limited amount at any time according to the needs of opening a store.
Xin Xiaotian was shocked when she saw 10,000, but she didn’t care to look at the last two sentences.
To be exact, she is happy and silly.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
How too many series deliberately teased her.
No, no, no Xin Xiaotian counted it again and couldn’t help feeling that so many are for me
You know, although she has made several huge sums of money before, it’s not really her money. It’s all for investment and operation, and this time, the 10 million is rewarded to her personally and she can spend it casually.

Jane is not separated from the volunteer who took Lan Jingyi’s luggage and walked beside her. Her eyes fell on her arms. "Your daughter?"

"Hehe, what if I say no?"
"So no one believes you when you sayno." He laughed and continued as he walked. "Jingyi left that night, and I came to find you, but something small happened the next day, which made me unable to get away from you. Later, I finally got away, but I couldn’t find you. And I lost my contact number." He said gently with a slight chagrin. "Now I am relieved to see that you are doing well."
It turned out that he didn’t go to her because something happened. It turned out that he lost her number. She was really a little petty, and she was really angry that he ignored herself several times.
Embarrassed smile "nothing who also don’t want to have an accident isn’t it? I don’t want to do anything big or small, "just like her. Does she have less things to do? It’s a big deal for her to lose especially her son.
"Is anyone picking you up in Jingyi?"
Lan Jing Eaton remembered that Liu Wentao outside the airport gate "Oh Wentao came to pick me up"
"Is it convenient for me …?" There was a flash in her eyes, but it was more than a year since she even gave birth to a child. It seems that he appeared late at this time, completely late, and it seems that he has completely missed her.
"No" Lan Jingyi smiled. She and Liu Wentao are friends now. Really?
Can help her drag the luggage out of the airport lobby? Jane stopped politely. "Jingyi, I have work to meet a guest, so don’t bother. By the way, can I have your phone number again?"
桑拿会所"Good," she casually reported, "I still never changed my old number." So she felt weird together until he never called her, but today she is relieved.
"Well, this time I’m not only going to remember the address book, I’m leaving." I’ve seen Liu Wentao coming this way in my field of vision. Jane Fei left quickly with simple luggage, and Lan Jingyi was anxious to see her son. She didn’t think much about it, and she didn’t ask Jane Fei what happened in those days. She just followed Liu Wentao out of the car.
"How’s your investigation on Wentao’s child?" Just sit in the car LanJingYi eagerly asked.
Liu Wentao didn’t answer her question directly, but handed her a notebook that had been turned on. "Let you see the child first."
Lan Jingyi put Xiao Qinqin in her seat and let her go back to sleep. Then she took the brain finger from Liu Wentao and quickly slid across the screen. Then she saw the forum in Dijon’s rented room. At this time, all she posted was not Jiang Junyue holding her son’s photo, but another woman holding her son’s photo. "Who is she?" Lan Jingyi’s eyelids began to jump wildly. Isn’t that child her but this woman? Because the sticker clearly says mother and son.
Those four words are no matter how stupid she is.
"Well, the Luo family and the Jiang family all went to Chiang Kai-shek’s company early this morning to discuss his marriage with Lomevi." Liu Wentao gave Lan Jingyi a detailed statement of what he had heard.
Section 53
"Lome Wei?" Lan Jingyi has never heard of this name. She doesn’t know who Lomevi is.
"Sister Luo Qijiang, they have lived in a compound since childhood," said Liu Wentao in a low voice.
Lan Jingyi’s heart trembled slightly. She knew that Luo Qijiang, Luo Qijiang and Jiang Junyue were particularly good. They were friends when they were young. She and Luo Qijiang had also met.
It turns out that he likes Luo Qijiang’s sister Lomevi. It turns out that the child has nothing to do with himself. It turns out that the child is Lomevi.
It seems that she came back wrong.
"Why didn’t you tell me earlier?" Slight resentment at the bottom of my heart made her want to ask without thinking or thinking.
Liu Wentao’s eyes were dark. "I think I might as well tell you directly when your plane arrives."
Lan Jingyi bowed her head. "I’m sorry." Her tone may be a little heavy, but she didn’t mean it. She didn’t expect to come back after all the trouble, but she ran away again. It wasn’t her. It was Lomevi.
Liu Wentao didn’t say anything, but she drove quietly. The silence made Lan Jingyi feel breathless for a long time. She suddenly said, "Thank you."
Chapter 97 Comfortable
Liu Wentao didn’t say anything, but she drove quietly. The silence made Lan Jingyi feel breathless for a long time. She suddenly said, "Thank you."
"Jingyi, don’t be polite to me. I’ll help you book the ordinary standard of Case Hotel. If you don’t like it, change it again."
"No, let’s live there." Case Hotel, she knows, is not expensive or cheap, and being in the middle level is just right for her.
She took Xiaoqinqin back to the city, always worried that it would be better to be ambushed by a regular hotel.
It’s already noon, and Xiao Qinqin is still asleep. Liu Wentao has left because of the company’s business.
Lan Jingyi is fidgeting. Although I knew that the child was not her as soon as I got a car, I don’t know why she just wanted to take a look, even if it was a look. The child was too much like Jiang Junyue. She remembered on the operating table that the child looked too much.
When she gritted her teeth, she wrapped up Xiao Qinqin and put some urgent things in her backpack. She left the hotel with Xiao Qinqin in her arms. She wanted to see it far away, so she let the taxi stop in front of Jiazhou Restaurant. When the car passed by, she saw the man who used to be more familiar with the glass window of Jiazhou Restaurant.
Waiting quietly for him to come out of the California restaurant is a torment, but since she is here, she must wait.
Lan Jingyi really waited for Jiang Junyue and the little boy, but when she waited, there was another woman holding Jiang Junyue’s arm and kissing her, and the woman had a bright smile. She knew that woman must be Lomevi.