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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 19/07/2024

In addition to these rich experience values of Shanyeli, he pushed his level directly to the odd peak, even if the horse was about to ignite the divine fire.

It’s very difficult for Master Shan to get promoted before, but once the experience value is enough, Master Shan is definitely the fastest among all the odd strong.
But the price is not cheap, and the experience value earned by millions has shrunk to the remaining 300 thousand
约茶Heavy infantry has broken through 1000, forming a group charge advantage, and the frost dragon has reached 620 companies.
The number of other auxiliary arms, banshees and wizards, has reached an average of 400, and the tenvictory stone statue and meat grinder have also been trained by Master Shan in large quantities.
While pushing his own territory, Shanyeli searched for the old wizard who almost killed himself before in his own digital field.
The other side was also hit hard in the attack of the God of War boss. Although I don’t know if the halfmagic man will treat his ally, I won’t give up this old lich if I want to.
Whether it is the plague of the other side or the manufacture of undead arms, it is a very cheap ally for the halfmagic people now.
Mr. Suoshan was so happy when he found this old lich with the remaining half body through the field of digitalization. What an unexpected encounter, old lich comrade!
Master Shan’s body gradually changed from emptiness to entity. After landing gently, he looked at the lingering old lich Master Shan’s heart and was very emotional.
More than a month ago, Master Shan was chased around the world by this old lich. Now the situation is just the opposite.
field! ! What a powerful field! !” The old lich’s muddy eye pupil gave me a hint of consternation. He looked at the little guy who had been chased around by himself, but now he had a powerful field that he could see through himself.
The old lich is also strange, but his field is only the firstlevel necromancer field, but the rest of Master Shan’s field is simply the symbolic performance of the highlevel field
And now, Master Shan’s ugly appearance of not eating people’s fireworks makes the old lich with half body itch with hate.
Maybe half a month ago, the old lich was still dreaming of doing the same thing, this little guy who offended himself.
I didn’t expect the sudden change of the wind and cloud. The boss of the God of War directly hit the halfmagic man’s lair. At the beginning, he dissected or directly killed the old lich comrade who was beaten to death by the God of War, and his life box was almost smashed.
Fortunately, the old lich escaped a lot. He protected the almost broken life box and escaped the search of the gods.
But God’s attack is definitely not something that the old lich can casually resolve to be continued.
Not only did he seal his soul in the remaining half of his body, but the life box surface also had a very powerful divine power seal.
Even if the old lich wants to replace this almost broken body, then he must remove the divine power seal on the face of the life box or he will have to keep this almost broken body.
Come to an old lich who is at least an odd middlelevel strong man. If he wants to hide, no one can find himself, but he forgets that the sixlevel little guy who is almost forgotten by him has a soul brand that can detect each other’s position.
So this miserable old lich was found by Master Shan, and it was easily found in a very steep and hidden mountain cave.
The outside of this cave was smeared with a layer of magic mithril by the old lich, so that the roots of detection and prophecy of ordinary and strange strong people could not be found, and the old lich was relieved to hide here and try to wear away that layer of divine power to seal his powerful spirit.
Because it may take a thousand years, the old lich almost took out all his protective abilities and means to prepare for a longterm war of resistance.
Although the Millennium is a long time, it is worthwhile for the old lich to get his life box back and avoid the anger of the God of War.
Unfortunately, before the water mill sealer was arranging the last layer of protection, Master Shan came to this hidden cave without a trace of fireworks.
The old lich looked at Master Shan and suddenly felt trapped in a cocoon.
If the old lich had killed this enemy directly, if the old lich had ignored this and that, even if he directly waved a body, he would never have fallen to this point today.
There is no regret medicine to sell in this world.
A few days later, Master Shanye added a powerful wizard who was at least in the early stage.
The wizard came and went in a hurry, although he followed a lot of halfmagic treasures and experimental data, but it didn’t help Master Shan much. However, those treasures and weapons can be sold to the Crosseye Chamber of Commerce cheaply, which is considered as Master Shan’s appreciation for their help.
To kill the old lich and get these equipment, Master Shan directly gave himself a unique hand to reward him for submitting to himself.
The old lich’s eyes are full of nai, rubbing his iron wood witchcraft staff.
In fact, he has lived enough. I didn’t expect that he was finally caught by Master Shan’s curse temple. It was a way to resist strong rules. After the old lich was killed by Master Shan, the ghost of the curse temple directly caught the soul that the old lich wanted to escape.

Fat fingers carry two rings and a ring. Next to the two gem ring, there is a dim bronze ring, but everyone knows that the inconspicuous bronze ring is the most precious thing. Occasionally, there are a few faint khaki halos. Several magic lines of the same color Se are embedded in the skin of the ring wall and closely connected.

Seeing that Big Fat is so enthusiastic and shameless, it is not good for Pianni to continue to refuse. I can say that Sam will come back and have a look.
Annie’s voice just fell and the starlight above everyone was suddenly covered with a layer of rolling black clouds. Take me to see it now!
After sunset, I condensed the bust, which is still a state of dark clouds floating leisurely.
Everyone was frightened and looked at Master Shan. His rolling eyes were full of awe and envy.
You’re back. Anne lifted her eyelids, and her eyes stayed slightly in Shanye’s body, then she took a sip of black tea gracefully and slowly.
Yes, Miss, I’m back from my investigation. Master Shan shook his face and said hello, fully showing the humility of a guard.
Lord Sam, would you like something to eat? The old housekeeper stepped in the previous step and asked politely, Master Shan gave a signal to the housekeeper and so on, and immediately set his eyes on the fat man.
The line of sight paused, and there was a smile in the eyes of Master Shan. Have you experienced a magic disaster? The tone is gentle, but it’s wrapped in a few words.
Big Fat was so excited that a lot of greasy sweat squeezed out from the folds of his fat face. It was Mr. Sam who personally experienced the damn magic disaster. Even after several months, Big Fat’s eyes buried in fat still had a little more fear. It was so horrible. It was so horrible. The voice was slippery and a bit rude
Master Shan didn’t care about each other’s gaffes. If ordinary people can still face that scene calmly, it would be a ghost. Is your daughter beautiful? Master Shan’s absentminded words choked Big Fat, and he immediately gathered his heart and nodded, It’s my daughter, but she is very beautiful and obedient. When it comes to her daughter, Big Fat can’t help but be gentle and her chest is full of fat.
Master Shan expressed his doubt that he had seen many socalled beauties in his previous life. As a result, when he met, an ordinary person’s tail was almost stuck to the sky. It was selftaught that he didn’t see the beauty.
I pressed my hand and interrupted the other party’s face with a mouthful of trains. My eyes passed over the people’s faces. How dignified was the sound? I’d better continue to detour, but it’s better than Ann. I don’t want to meet that strange crown, so I can lead the caravan around.
Also detours? My goods are stinking. Can you bypass them less? A businessman twisted his brow and complained in a low voice
Several businessmen who do business also get some instant goods, and some are dissatisfied with Master Shan’s arrangement.
I don’t force everyone to take a detour together, and I don’t want to take a shortcut by myself. Grandpa Shan’s plain sight passed over those complainers and he didn’t explain that he turned into a dark cloud.
Arrange several Y and N shadows around the caravan and investigate the surrounding situation at the same time. Fortunately, the goods are chasing men in black and don’t escape in this direction. I hope the other party will keep chasing the goods and don’t come here.
According to Master Shan’s idea, he fled overnight, but he was worried that the noise would disturb the strange crown and he could wait patiently until dawn.
Arrange the night watchman. Master Shan flicker into his carriage. The headon is a warm and swallowing body. Master Xiangshan winks and reveals a smile.
White se j and ng cloth lined with butterfly lace, white se tight skirt, bright white se headscarf, elegant and ingenious, looks a little mature than the actual age in that j and ng small head.
A pair of pink silk stockings tightly wrapped in those straight, tender, white legs and a pair of roundheaded pink silk shoes are more tempting than.
Long eyelashes, satinshining eyes, Joan’s nose, pink cheeks, cherry mouth and facial features, J: ng is a rare beauty.
spa会所At this time, this little beauty is clever and sits on the mountain, and her eyes are as satin as the carriage. She is curious and looks at this strong man who is about to possess her own category five.
Ordinary clothes look very ordinary, too. They look unremarkable, but their eyes are bright and deep, and they should not be capable and calm at this age.
You are a category five strong? So young! The little girl gently pinched a fragrant handkerchief in her hand and exclaimed, covering her mouth.
Master Shan sniffed the fragrance in the air. He sat down beside the beauty and put his arm around each other’s waist.
The little girl was so stunned by the sudden bullying and courtesy that she forgot to shout and just looked at Master Shan with her mouth open.
blare ~! Hey ~! Beauty will be moved only when she is pregnant with stupidity. Master Shan immediately blocked his big mouth in the other side’s pink mouth and stirred it up greedily.
After kissing the little girl indiscriminately, she finally lost her breath.
Satisfied and licked the corners of his mouth, the sad Se on his forehead was also dispersed. Faced with all kinds of inhuman creatures, he gradually felt powerless. He wanted to be able to keep moving forward, backward or stop in this chaotic world, and he could be regarded as a parasite like the double hammer warrior.
The girl gently earned Master Shan’s face and neck covered with blush and shyness. How can you do this? There are a few itchy tones in the soft voice.
This kind of woman, Shan Ye, has seen a lot in those selfie videos in his previous life, which belongs to the kind of woman who is sensitive all over, but a little boring. Are you still a virgin? Big hand in each other’s soft waist rubbed the mountain ye asked slowly.
The little girl was so shy that she hung her head and nodded her head silently.
Big fat knows where he is and has already done his homework in training his daughter.
Noble schools and ordinary schools are not suitable for her, so she specially invited a knowledgeable female teacher to give her daughter education every day.

All the way along the river bank to the east, I hurried across the river from the north of Jiyin Zhencheng, and suddenly turned north without getting lost. I can make the army advance along the river.
The horse was very fast along the way. Maybe he couldn’t stand the bumps. Jia Xu felt unwell.
I was very nervous at once, and I took his advice. After all, he is over forty years old, so strenuous exercise really doesn’t suit him.
Of course, after he refused, he took a break at noon, and he didn’t eat a mouthful of dry food, so he barely took a sip of cold clean water.
Jia Xu insisted that the rest could not be extended and urged the army to continue marching.
The horse speed didn’t stop. Before dark, we arrived at Dong ‘e County and marched 330 miles the next day.
Cheng Yu, the magistrate of Dong ‘e County, still performed the reception duties temporarily.
The tall but handsome scribe also led the officials in the central part of the county to meet General Ma came so fast and it was a hard journey.
The first thing I did was not to greet them, but to quickly mix Jia Xu, who turned pale, with Malay. Mr. Wen and you can’t have something … I called without worrying.
He reluctantly smiled. The general is too look down upon Jia Xu. Xu is, after all, a Wuwei person who grew up on horseback. It’s a long journey that won’t beat me …
I can’t help but say that Jia Mu and I will carry his father to the city and put him in a special posthouse.
Ma Dai, they have gone to set up a camp, and the county officials have also dispersed to prepare for the army dinner. Cheng Yu was left alone. He quietly looked at me and put Jia Xu in place before he smiled gently. Is that the bus Sima Ling Jia Xu Jia Wenhe?
I nodded to confirm that Mr. Wenhe is the only counselor, and I wouldn’t bring him to this place of life and death if it wasn’t urgent.
It is also extremely grateful for the general to treat Mr. Jia like this? He seems to sigh airily
Good talk If it weren’t for Jia Xu who worries about doing things for me on weekdays, I wouldn’t be so carefree.
Mr. Wenhe is like an arm to me. My heart moved quickly and conveniently. If you can get Mr. Cheng’s help, everything will be miserable in your arms. Mr. Zhong also promised! I adjusted my posture and gave him a deep bow.
Chapter 24 Cheng Yu’s mind
Cheng Yu did not do anything, but gently flashed aside to avoid my gift.
Mr. Zhong … is not allowed? I refused to get up, but I was already in despair.
General Ma has broken Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu is a rural man who has been in the countryside for half a century. What’s more, Cheng Yu’s chest is ambitious and he doesn’t want to be fettered by the world. General Ma will only go to assist Cheng Yu in the future. Is it good to be in the general? He spilled a smile.
Have you learned from heaven and earth? I laughed scornfully and straightened up. Besides Mr. Zhong, how many people can be called Jingtianwei? If even Mr. Zhong is a mere peasant, who dares to call him a stranger? !”
Cheng Yu was slightly silent for a moment and added, Then I will forgive Cheng for telling the truth.
I watched him young players are all ears for a moment.
One in the general and know each other very little, so please Yu at first sight? Second, even if the general only accepted me for a moment’s pleasure, would the general treat me like this when Shan Ye was a rough man who didn’t know that family etiquette was difficult for Luoyang’s famous family? He held out his third finger. Third, it is really difficult to assist the generals if there are too many generals in old age.
Age is not a problem, but an excuse. I broke through the third article. Is Jiang Taigong ten years old and still fishing? Is Wenwu younger than Wenwu?
Etiquette? I shook my head and laughed. I’m Ma Chao, also known as a noble family, but three generations of ancestors declined in Longxi until more than ten years ago. What family etiquette is there? !”
Cheng Yu’s eyes suddenly showed a slight smile.
I’m close friends … I said slowly. It’s a joke that I fell in love with my husband at first sight, but he tried every means to shirk it. Is it just that Ma Chao is too young to trust his intelligence? Forgive me for falling in love at first sight.
He actually nodded frankly, In this kind of worry, the general’s age is only sixteen, but he still doesn’t understand the sinister official career, and he doesn’t understand humanity. If he is reckless and congenial, he is really worried about his ageit is too difficult to find a master. If he finds the wrong person, it is really a wave of life. He even smiled slightly.
Don’t know the official career, sinister and inhuman? I secretly weigh my own weight … It seems that it is true. I am smooth sailing until I am in Jiuqing, but it is only because Marten’s rescue work can no longer be rewarded and transferred to my heirs; And humanity, besides blind cats, I found Jia Xu. Who cares about me? !
When I met Cheng Yu, I was ecstatic. Xun Yu Xun You, an uncle, had entered the court because of his family background. Now I have no hope to dig them up. But Cheng Yu is just a small deputy magistrate, and I am the easy one … As a result, the cruel reality tells me againwake up if you sleep too much!
I stared at Cheng Yu intensely, feeling like an abandoned dissatisfied housewife. Being virtuous … is really not worthy of Mr. Zhong Zhi … I watched this brilliant man pass my throat and get stuck.
General Meng doesn’t abandon Cheng Yu and is willing to vote. He suddenly stretched his long sleeves and worshipped me again.
I was taken aback, and the tears that had accumulated in my eyes could not help rolling down. You, you, you, Mr. Zhong … what did you say? ! Did I hear you wrong? !”
He raised his head slightly. Cheng Yu is willing to be driven by the general.
I quickly wiped away tears from my face. What if you find that you have the wrong person …?
Now that I’m 50 years old, if I really see the wrong person … He shrugged naively. I can barely stay. I like to pray that I can choose the right person as soon as I can. His face smiled again
I broke away from the surprise and cheered, then hugged his slender waist and held him in my arms.
Half a head taller than me, Cheng Yu twisted unnaturally all over.
Fuck you, uncle! I dug up a second counselor with my own strength to keep cursing God.
Cheng Yuxian is not used to such a warm hug, and he struggled to break free from my arms, which is another worship for me.
Now, now, now …? I can’t help stuttering.
Take a night off and March on. He couldn’t be more natural.

The next day, I recovered from my excitement and introduced Cheng Yu to my original team.
Jia Xu laughed. I finally have a Zhong Dexiong who is similar in age. You don’t know that it’s really uncomfortable to stay with these teenagers every day. It’s no wonder that Jia Xu is so happy when Cheng Yu is six years old.
Fortunately, I have the company or I will die. Cheng Yu is also very rude to rinse us.
I was so happy that I almost went crazy when I watched these two halfaged counselors casually ridicule.
Always have two main advisers, Cao Wei. This Cao Cao is going to cry. Dad’s criticismsXun Yu, Xun You, and Xun Shuang, the heads of families, have already gone to their respective political positions. It is unlikely that they will rejoin the poor and now there is no base area for Cao Cao. And Jia Xu and Cheng Yu are in my hands. Cao Cao has a shortlived great god Guo Banxian … Oh, no, Guo Jia or Xun Yu recommended … Cao Cao doesn’t have a big intelligence card in his hand now! He wants soldiers, no soldiers, important people and no one. I’ll see what he starts with!
And three minutes later, Dongwu slips … Their ancestor Sun Jian has jumped ship to me, and they still have three points!
Up to now, I have never heard from Liu Bei, the ancient ruler of Shu Han, and Sichuan has been taken back by the court. The situation of Shu Han is really worrying.
I can’t help laughing at the Three Kingdoms? Ki is no longer possible!

With a sudden change of mind, I took refuge in Cheng Yu and Cheng Zhongde, and I marched on the third day with great joy.
From Dong ‘e County, according to Cheng Yu’s guidance, we changed to follow Jishui Road.
After Linyi City, it is considered to have entered the territory of Jibei.
Jibei Xiang is Bao Xin. I heard that he sent troops to rescue Tao Qian the other day, and I don’t know if others have gone on a business trip.
According to Cheng Yu, who is familiar with Yanzhou, Jibei is also a small kingdom city, but the population of five counties is also 200 thousand, and it is impossible to have too many troops
We galloped another 156 miles to a small town in Jibei called Pingyin.
Officials in the city did not dare to neglect the city when they received the news.
夜网论坛The first person is a little fat. Jibei Xiang Baoxin has seen General Ma.
Hey, he’s here, and he personally ran here from Luxian County, where he was put. He said a few words of courtesy and thought about it. Today, he walked more than 200 miles, but it’s not too bad. Jia Xu’s body is dying, but he’s older. Cheng Yu is still in high spirits, just like eating five stones powder. Anyway, it’s only a day’s journey from the plain. There’s no need to fight hard again.
Bao Xin doesn’t have many people around him. It seems that some of them did travel.
He turned around and waved a 3045yearold man behind him to come and upon him.
In Cao Cao, I met General Lu Ma, the man reported with his head down.
Chapter 25 Down and Out Cao Cao
Are you Megatron, Cao Mengde? !

Then a crisp hoof came from the stairs.

Skeletons scattered around like the tide are making way for some guy.
Soon a knight riding a ricelong dragon came to the top of the tower.
The knight has no head, but he is still very tall
It seems that this knight should be the boss of these skeletons.
The ground dragon stared at Mo Xiaoxie with green eyes and said, I am a knight colt. Thank you for releasing us, but please die great!
That’s right. It’s convenient. It’s evil and ready to attack
Ha ha ha ha … Mo Xiaoxie Zheng smiled a few times to lift the eye of the storm, and the burly knight was immediately sucked up by him.
Mo Xiaoxie hand sword fell directly to the line bone dragon head to cut to force a tap knight body that vast necromancer force immediately crazy into Mo Xiaoxie body.
The bone dragon head immediately said, You … stay … stop!
Mo Xiaoxie said grimly, Now I’ll give you two ways: loyalty and death!
Colt, the head knight, has no head, and his soul is to control the ground dragon to see and listen.
Coltgen didn’t choose to say, You released us, you are qualified to lead us, and I am willing to serve you.
Hum! Mo Xiaoxie one of cutting the bone dragon head bang bang rolled to the head knight’s foot.
The groundline bone dragon connected its head, and the knight jumped from the back of the dragon.
He is nearly three meters tall, has the strength of the middle rank of the sanctuary and can’t do any magical skills. However, for an immortal, he is also very strong, with a health value of more than tens of millions, that is, he will die if he adds more than tens of millions of blood to him.
If you convert it into a senior life potion, you have to throw more than 10 thousand bottles of senior life potion at him to kill him.
The head knight knelt at Mo Xiaoxie’s feet and swore an oath.
Other skeleton warriors, skeleton archers, skeleton mages and skeleton knights also knelt down.
In this regard, Mo Xiaoxie officially became the boss of this skeleton army
Aside, the Sword Tiger King is very satisfied with what Mo Xiaoxie is doing now, and it is as expected by his boss, the Apocalypse Elephant.
Graka, the leader of the magic dragon, came to Mo Xiaoxie as an avatar at this moment, and now he doesn’t know what to call this changed demon king.
Call him master? Graka suspects that prester has not finished controlling Mo Xiaoxie.
Sograka let’s just call him little
Hey, little one, said Graka, this skeleton army is not complete yet, and more skeletons are sealed elsewhere. Now you are going to the Ice and Wind Valley to defeat the Snow Queen, get the storm lyre, release the skeletons and the king of skeletons inside, and then order them to proceed to greet the master. Is that clear?
Mo Xiaoxie glanced coldly at Graka with green eyes and asked, I have a question for you.
What’s the problem?
Did you introduce me to prester?
Graka, after listening to the body Yishan, felt a sense of fear for this guy Graka.
He said, Yes, I introduced you to the host. Graka got a lot of benefits from prester.
Ha ha ha Mo Xiaoxie sneered a few times. Then I want to thank you for how I can get these powers without you. Mo Xiaoxie squeezed his fist.
Graka said, There will be an opportunity for you to thank me later. Now our first priority is to head for the Ice Wind Valley.
Oh? Mo Xiaoxie sneered, Yes, that’s us, but now I want a mount regardless of my identity. Master Magic Dragon, will you be loyal to me?
Graka immediately got angry and shouted, How dare you hit me on the head, you little brat? I’m your benefactor, don’t you remember?
Ha ha, I like this method best to give back to my benefactor! Mo Xiaoxie ferocious said suddenly stretched out his hand graka soul was swallowed up immediately.
The huge white dragon soul is shaking several times in the body of the demon cult leader, and it is constantly being pumped away by Mo Xiaoxie to turn the rich green evil energy into the body of Mo Xiaoxie.
On one side, the King of Sword and Tiger roared, Bazura, what are you doing?
The leader of the Magic Dragon is furious. This little shrimp dares to devour his soul. He has nothing to hesitate about. He immediately roared to the sky and recovered himself. I’m tired of living with you. Now I’m going to teach you a lesson for my master and let you know where you are!
Chapter 124 slay the magic dragon leader
roar! ! !” The magic dragon hierarch roared more than 20 meters long and its tail swept directly to Mo Xiaoxie, and the stones on the ground were swept to pieces.
Boom, boom, boom … The ground was shaking, and the skeletons were also smoked into ashes in an instant by unfortunate waves.
Mo Xiaoxie’s evil energy can be extracted and forced to stop the magic dragon leader’s dragon tail sweeping, which is no small matter. He can casually explode 120 million injuries, but Mo Xiaoxie did not dodge.
But directly raised the slaughter blade across a block.
The body of the sword buzzed, and the leader of the magic dragon, Long Wei, just failed to advance half an inch, and was blocked by the slaughter blade.
Although Mo Xiaoxie still lost nearly one million lives, it was nothing to him.
[Name Bazula]
Address the dark knight
按摩Camp dark legion (position unknown)/skull legion (head of the army)
Jing Jie sheng qu
Territorial storm plateau
Maximum health is 23.96 million (695 points recovered every second)
The maximum magic value is 13.61 million (9963 per second)

This is not a group that makes people feel relaxed. South Korea and Saudi Arabia are all participating teams in the 2010 World Cup. Although China also went and ranked higher than Saudi Arabia in the final ranking, it does not mean that China can now. Saudi Arabia can say that the gap is not obvious, and the strength of South Korea has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people since the World Cup.

The AFC Annual Awards Ceremony officially ended.
When getting up and preparing to leave, Qin Xiong saw the officials of the China Football Association talking together in a dignified manner.
Whether the grouping situation is good or not can’t be seen separately. If there are four teams together, everyone can accept it calmly.
It is understandable that China Football Association officials are in a heavy mood when they take a look at the grouping situation of Group B.
Japan, Iran, Korea and Bahrain
If you compare Iran with China, it is estimated that the officials of the China Football Association will smile.
Qin Xiong was invited to take a group photo with some AFC officials. He knew it was inconvenient to push for entertainment. He took his two trophies to take a group photo with wave after wave of big shots as a souvenir.
In the interview area, a reporter also suggested that Qin Xiong take a photo with Sylvia. Qin Xiong generously called Sylvia to his side, and Sylvia took his arm and smiled with him.
Qin Xiong doesn’t mind the outside world knowing that he has a woman aboveboard and not breaking the law.
Before leaving Kuala Lumpur, Qin Xiong went shopping for Sylvia again. He specially bought Sylvia some warm clothes and then took her to London.
Sylvia asked for leave from school and Freddie went to Holland to pick Georgia up and go to London for Christmas at the end of the month.
Cold and humid London Arsenal is now the most watched team in Europe.
After the unbeaten record of 56 league games was refreshed, it was only two games away from the unbeaten record of five major European leagues in Milan.
In the final round of the Champions League group stage just concluded in the middle of the week, Arsenal sent a substitute team, and some teenagers played a very dazzling role to help the team beat Rosenberg 51 in Highbury.
In the group stage, 5 wins and 1 draw, Arsenal showed a stable strength that frightened the European giants. I am afraid that no team would like Arsenal to meet in the Champions League knockout draw.
[The first volume of the sword has become the top battle of Feng 317 before it is unsheathed]
Fifth watch
Jogging along the park path in the morning, Qin Xiong wore ordinary sportswear and a hood to cover his forehead. He didn’t want to be recognized by passersby. He needed to concentrate more on adjusting his state.
夜网论坛After returning to London yesterday, he slept in his apartment. He left Sylvia, not because he didn’t care about her feelings, but because he didn’t care about each other. Sylvia was the hostess of his apartment.
At the same time, Sylvia also urged him to go to bed and rest, leaving it to herself.
She went out alone to buy a day and cleaned the house. Although the weather in London was obviously unpleasant, she was in a happy mood at last.
She also cleaned the kitchen to be a housewife during the period around Christmas.
Qin Xiong slept for more than 12 hours and got up early in the morning without disturbing Sylvia. He went jogging alone.
Traveling to and from Asia brings fatigue, which requires him to have a full rest, recover his physical strength and adjust his physical condition.
The good news is that Arsenal’s weekend league game is the latest.
This will give Qin Xiong more adjustment time.
When he was in Asia, he was sometimes praised by many stars, but when he returned to London, he returned to the role of an ordinary star.
This is normal, and he has no psychological gap.
Among Arsenal, Henry Vieira, Pires Campbell and others are not more famous than him.
Even he won the Asian Footballer of the Year news Fleet Street was not interested in reporting.
Instead, Qin Xiong led Sylvia back to London in the tabloid headlines.
Fleet Street doesn’t care whether Qin Xiong is the African Footballer or the Asian Footballer. They care more about whether Qin Xiong is a gay. Obviously, the latter brings higher news effect.
When Qin Xiong came back to the apartment after jogging, she was surprised to see Sylvia had prepared breakfast, wearing a robe and a blonde shawl. She ran to Qin Xiong and offered a kiss, then urged Qin Xiong to push his back and said, Go take a shower and have breakfast.
Qin Xiong took the stairs and suddenly turned back to Sylvia and said, You are really like a housewife now.
Sylvia deliberately put a straight face with her hands akimbo and said, Be obedient and take a shower! Ha ha ha ha
With that, she gave a sweet smile herself.
Qin Xiong went upstairs to take a shower with a smile and felt particularly comfortable.
No matter how bad the weather is in London, it makes him feel that it is a beautiful day.
After breakfast, Qin Xiong is going to train him and ask Sylvia to clean up a guest room and come out to buy some days for Georgia. After a week, let the little guy come here for Christmas.
Qin Xiong, who returned to the club for training, was first asked by Fabregas in the corner.
What did you go back to Asia for?
receiving the prize
What award?
Asian footballer of the year
Oh, I see. Is it true that the newspaper said you brought your girlfriend back to London?
Well, we live together now.
Fabregas was relieved.
Before the question, he didn’t care about the professional players in European football, and he probably didn’t care much about who the Asian Footballer of the Year was. The award was really light and insignificant, and it had no influence in European football.
Qin Xiong stared at Fabregas strangely, and his expression puzzled Qin Xiong.
You seem suddenly relieved to become very relaxed. What?
Fabregas hesitated for a moment and replied evasively, You are happy that you have a girlfriend.
I have always had a girlfriend. I said that a long time ago.
Who knows whether it is true or not! Robin said that you didn’t have an affair with any beautiful woman in Amsterdam, and I doubt whether you are gay after all, since you are not, that’s great!
Qin Xiong was right!
I also have to say that even though the world is becoming more and more gay, once a gay male player is confirmed in professional football, he has an option to retire.
That is to say, coming out of the closet also means bidding farewell to the professional arena.

It’s simple for him to kill people, but he has to keep people, even a black widow, so that people have to get Chen Mo’s consent

The fleet stopped in Chen Mo and didn’t let the fleet move on.
Further forward is the activity field of the pink skull pirate group, and the fleet is easy to be discovered by the red skull pirate group.
As soon as there are four warships in their own territory, everyone will be wary. Before finding the skeleton island, Chen Mo does not intend to disturb the pink skeleton pirate group.
The fleet stopped at Chen Mo and personally searched with Lei Shou at the bottom of the sea.
It is reasonable to find an island with limited vision at the bottom of the sea, which is much less efficient than looking at the sea.
But this is not the case. As Lei Shou grew up, Lei Shou’s ability became clear.
桑拿会所In addition to its powerful thunder capability, the ancient sea beast Lei Shou radar capability is also very strong.
Lei Shou’s moving speed in the sea, if the radar ability is not strong, it will bump into the obstacle in front every minute.
Li Lei Shou radar capability Chen Mo can easily know whether there is an island at a farther distance than the sea view.
With Lei Shou’s powerful radar capability, Chen Mo finally found an island after searching for a long time near his predicted sea area.
And Chen Mo hid in who observed for an hour and confirmed that the island was a skeleton island.
On the way in and out of the island, he clearly saw a ship that had appeared on the Xizeguo route.
It was confirmed that Chen Mo was not in a hurry to get back, and he followed these boats in the water before leaving quietly.
Will do this? Chen Mo is going to get rid of the red skull pirate group in one fell swoop at sea, or they will shrink in the skull island and not come out. Chen Mo will have to make great efforts to defeat them.
After all, it’s the lair of the red skull pirate group. You can tell from the outside that it’s not comparable to the poor island of the hurricane pirate group.
Skeleton island will have all kinds of defense settings if you don’t think much. If you lose the Black Flag Pirates, you may not be 100% successful.
And if you want to take it today, it’s already coming. Chen Mo continued to ambush near the skeleton pirate group, and made a more careful reconnaissance of the situation before returning to the Deep Sea before dark.
After returning to the Deep Sea, Chen Mo called the Black Flag and detailed his battle plan for one day.
Black flag smell speech nodding.
the next day
Skeleton Island Several ships set off from Skeleton Island for a new day of piracy.
And the female pirates in the ship didn’t expect that four warships were quietly approaching them.
First Geng
Chapter seven hundred and twentytwo Giant sea beasts
Sura, head of a fleet in close to us! Pirate ship!
As usual, the pink skull pirate group is on the route and heading for today’s destination.
But only one hour after the departure, the ship was in charge of reconnaissance, and the sailor sent an alarm to a female pirate on the high side.
Interestingly, this female pirate wearing a slightly upturned pirate hat and wearing a tight black leather suit is also like a black flag with a blindfold and a oneeyed eye.
Fleet? How many black widow Sula smell speech light asked without any panic.
Four ships! And the Ministry has never seen a warship! The lookout sailor answered quickly.
Four warships are no small force in this sea area. You know, even the red skull pirate group has three warships. Usually, there is a black widow. This main warship is dispatched and the other two are parked in the island port.
Four strange warships? Where did these people come from? According to the truth, there are four warships in this sea area that will not come to die.
Black widow smell speech slightly thoughtfully.
Other people don’t know, but pirates who are active in this sea area all know that the biggest pirate group in this sea area is the Pink Skeleton Pirate Group. No other pirate group is definitely no match for the Pink Skeleton Pirate Group even if its surface strength is strong. They finally got warships and won’t come to her to die.
Leave them alone. Let’s move on and let them follow us.
Curious in my heart, but the black widow didn’t pay attention to the fact that the warship behind was still moving according to the original plan.
yes! Colonel!
The head of the team is so mighty!
The lookout answered loudly while the eyes of the female pirates were full of admiration.
Black widow with a dashing posture is like a hero in the eyes of teenage pirates.
Mom, the root of the red skull pirate group didn’t look down on us. It found us but looked down on us when we were away!
No, it’s just a big warship bigger than ours. Except for one warship, the others are better keel ships. When we chase them, we will definitely give her a good look!
Rushing after it, I found that I was underestimated by a group of female pirates, and all the members of the Black Flag Pirates were indignant.
Even the black flag tickled his teeth, and he remembered the disdainful eyes of the black widow.
chase! The highest speed to let them know that we are powerful!
The black flag roared
I’m bent on giving those female pirates some color. Look at the black flag pirate group. The Qi Xin cooperative ship is moving fast
Finally, they caught up with the red skull pirate not far behind, and the red skull pirate has entered their shelling range.
If you stop and don’t stop, we will be fired!
Someone shouted at the black flag warship
And it seems that their roar took effect, and the ship department of the red skull pirate group stopped.
Not long after the Black Flag Pirate Corps drove past, some members shouted and threatened, We are the Black Flag Pirate Corps, and we will give in without restraint, otherwise we will not be rude!
Where did the Black Flag Pirates come from? Just a few warships dare to run to our site to behave in such a way.
The frog at the bottom of the well doesn’t know where the boat was stolen, and it’s not good to investigateis our red skull pirate group so good at robbery?
In the face of the threat of the black flag pirate group, the female pirate group of the red skull pirate group laughed at each other.
Damn these dead women are so arrogant!
If you catch them later, you must let them know!
Members of the black flag pirate group will panic when they get close, but I didn’t expect them to be laughed at so much when they come.
Let your head black widow come out!

I have said that I want to let bygones be bygones.

Can the foot soldiers return to their hometowns?
This nature at present, I really don’t trust to directly incorporate these people.
In that case, please wait a moment. He bent down to me and turned his horse back to the shore.
Pang Gan leaned in. Master, why did you keep calling me?
品茶论坛I slightly zheng different … ha I smiled a he is friendship and righteousness but it’s really hard to tell the difference after
He said with a bitter face, Look at Taishi Ci’s archery. I’m afraid it can only be matched by two battalion commanders, Zhang Liao and Qin Zhen.
I’m afraid so. I agreed with him that Taishi Ci’s bow skill is also recognized as less accurate than mine by three points.
There seems to be no shortage in our army … He whispered.
I gave him a white look. Don’t worry about it.
He said yes with a smile.
Taishi Ci has generals who can be battalion commanders. I made a decision.
Pang Gan has obviously predicted that our army will grow again
Fu Jun wants to forgive them? Aaron interjected.
It’s just some soldiers, and the boss is dead. There’s no need to pursue it, right? I looked at him sideways.
Fu Jun’s generosity belongs to admiration. He quickly bent down and agreed.
Taishi Ci came again Pang Gan woke up at a side.
See Taishi Ci led dozens of riding slowly to the city, about all of them are captain teenagers.
When this group of people came to the city for thirty feet, they turned over and fell to the ground with all their horses brushed.
Door I asked Wu Shiling, the gatekeeper, and then took the tower.
Master, be careful The gate was slowly beaten. Wu Shi held a knife in front of me.
Pang Gan has also led a row of soldiers to follow closely.
I stepped in front of the 30odd people in no hurry. Get up, everyone. I won’t help you one by one if there are too many of you.
Armor askew drops have looked at each other a few times in Taishi Ci to lead the shaking cable.
I carefully looked at Taishi Ci, who was nearly thirty years old, and I was similar in length, with white face, long eyes, bright lips and teeth, but without losing the mighty spirit, leopard head, swallow jaw ape arm and waist, and he had to be more than a foot tall and luxuriant. Judging from my aesthetics, he was as handsome as Gongsun Zan.
Liaodong Qingzhuang has lost tens of thousands of dollars and can’t be less. I sighed. Let all the foot soldiers be dismissed and let them farm with peace of mind. You thirty people can stay in the army or return to your hometown to live. It’s up to you.
They moved neatly this time, and many of them bowed down with their fists in their hands and said, Xie Fujun won’t kill you!
If you are willing to continue to join the army, you can come to Xiangping Camp to report the location. I clapped my hands and turned to Taishi Ci to get straight to the heart. Is righteousness like me?
Or didn’t expect me to be so direct. Taishi Ci didn’t react at the moment
I added, A gentleman was born in troubled times. How can he be buried in the grass when a threefoot sword can calm the sky and make great achievements? !”
Taishi Ci’s eyes suddenly lit up brilliantly as if she were shining Fu Junci?
I immediately replied, It’s only the generals who are righteous that Ma Chao is unscrupulous. I hope that the generals will be polite to each other. There are tigers and leopards flying to the military camp. If you don’t give up, please ask the battalion commander.
1,500 rides? He confirmed
I nodded. Although I dare not call it a double day, most of them have been fighting with me for several years and are called elite.
He suddenly shivered. Taishi Ci came from humble origins and is now a guilty petty official. Can you believe me?
If my father was born as a thief in his early years, wouldn’t it be even worse? I took the opportunity to hack Marten. It is enough that I am faithful and brave.
Behind him, several people urged, Ma Taishou is tolerant and kind, so you can just obey without looking at your origins!
Yes, you are worthy of loyalty to the Lord than cronyism, Gongsun Du Ma Taishou!
When Taishi Ci was thinking, he was not too long. He immediately bowed his head and held his fist on one knee. Mengfujun knows how to be kind and brave!
I immediately threw away all my faces and reached out and pulled him up. Righteousness belongs to me … Yang Youji belongs to Chu! Taishi Ci is good at archery, but I’m not sure that he has a record, just like Yang Youji, the marksman of Chu State.
Taishi Ci stood up and bowed respectfully to me before straightening up and sinking, Fu Jun, can this boat brother go home?
I am so happy that I can’t manage those people to rush to nod. I have already said that they can return to their hometown immediately. If they lack rations, they can be seconded from the government.
So I thanked the Fujun on behalf of six thousand brothers. Taishi Ci was another gift. Please come into the city and wait until you have settled down your boat brothers.
I nodded I’ll wait for you
He crossed the horse with a fist and returned to the shore with the others.
There was a faint cheer on the shore
Then there were soldiers coming to the city in twos and threes.
Master, it’s safer to enter the city. At the sight of thousands of people approaching Pang Gan, they became nervous reflexively.
They didn’t bring a weapon. I was confident in my eyes.
Even with bare hands, that’s 6 thousand soldiers! Wu Shi couldn’t help sweating. Master is too risky.
Master, now that you have decided to die to protect him, someone said behind his back.
I turned my head to see Are you … Liu Ren? It’s that passerby who can fight against Zhao Yun.

Midfielder Messi Mascherano Riquelme Gagodi Maria

Forward aguero
Now the two teams are holding a handshake ceremony before the game, and the game will soon be!
When Qin Xiong shook hands with every Argentine player, Messi made an extra move, and they slapped each other on the arm.
Seems to be tacitly two people in the face of staggered and corners of the mouth are raised with a smile which passes.
Who would have thought that the two kings of Real Madrid and Barcelona did not prepare for the new season in Spain, but competed on the same stage at the Beijing Olympic Games in China?
This is bound to be a memorable scene of the men’s football match in the next Olympic Games.
When the captains of the two teams walked in front of the referee group, it seemed like time went back. They met in the semifinal of the Champions League two years ago and walked in front of each other to exchange team flags.
Qin Xiong Riquelme!
Whether it was before or now, Qin Xiong’s story in the pitch has been intertwined with too many grievances and enmities.
Old people don’t go, new people emerge.
Today, he saw at a glance that apart from Gago, a teammate of Real Madrid, there were strange faces like Di Maria in Argentina.
When the story continues, old people and new people emerge one after another, Qin Xiong is now looking forward to reviewing his whole career on the day of retirement. How will he feel?
How many comrades are there fighting side by side? How many enemies are there who have never been in contact with each other? But certainly there won’t be too many competitors who are entangled in the throne!
When the game was about to start, Argentina set up a formation at halftime and prepared the ball in the middle circle. aguero Messi looked up and looked surprised.
Qin Xiong is the closest person to them in the halfcourt of China team, and Han Peng is not far behind Qin Xiong.
It’s nothing to make a fuss about, but the midfield line of China’s back line is too far behind, and Qin Xiongla’s distance is too obvious
Instead, it presents a strange picture.
China’s striker, midfielder and defender are out of line. Qin Xiong seems to be fighting alone!
If Qin Xiong looks tall and straight from the perspective behind him, he is ready to play an epic war of fighting alone!
Aguero gently sigh.
品茶论坛It is also false to say whether the Argentine team will take China seriously or not.
The more the final, the more careful you are to capsize in the gutter.
China has no secrets when it comes to the finals.
Is it not a defensive counterattack?
At first, it was a threeman defense, and a semifinal became a nineman defense and twoman attack.
Today, this posture may become one person defending and one person attacking.
China team has really become a Qin Xiong +1 player team
Is there anything to be afraid of?
Think about Portugal’s loss to Greece in 4 years. Isn’t it terrible that Greece overthrew the strong team all the way?
Extreme defense has a handful of opportunities to be seized and then create a dark horse miracle!
Today, the China team was very similar to Greece, but the events were different in importance.
The Argentine team will definitely not retreat in front of the China team.
Just like how did the Czech Republic, France and Portugal put on a proud posture in front of Greece?
Messi didn’t think much, no matter how China played the game, he believed that the Argentine team could win the championship if it played its true level.
Aguero kicked the ball to Messi after the referee whistled.
Messi crossed the ball to the side after Qin Xiong moved to the front.
Di Maria ran all the way forward from the side, touched the ball, and then quickly pushed forward the offensive with the dribble.
China’s two defense lines form a crisscross of three pyramid defenders. Is Di Maria going to move on the side?
Who will grab the points in Argentina?
Does height not threaten aguero Messi? Or is it that the master of art doesn’t actively confront Riquelme when running?
What if Gago Mascherano rushes in?
So China doesn’t care if Argentina wants to make a fuss on the side.
But Di Maria won’t blindly hit him. He changed direction at a 45degree position on the side.
At this time, the joint defense of the China team started Hao Junmin and Wan Houliang to force Wan Houliang to rush the ball with Hao Junmin.
Di Maria managed to get the ball into the middle when Wan Houliang was physically blocked, but Zhou Haibin grabbed it and destroyed it before Riquelme touched it.
This is Di Maria herself.
Yin Tiesheng Dujkovic, who was nervous on the sidelines, saw that the first Argentine attack failed after the game, and they felt a little relieved, and then they raised hopes.

The purest Xiao Zhao quickly clarified himself that Xiao Zhao has not been’ United’ …

Ma Dai also marked the position that the younger brother will not.
My body knows nothing Cai Yan is still in doubt.
Jia Mu saw that the suspect was left alone and said timidly, Little brother … I don’t have the guts …
I completely believed them and turned my attention to Jia Yu.
She gave a slight groan of remorse.
Sister Yu, if you don’t know how to offend you, why don’t you put it on the table? I am sincere and honest
There are three sins, she recited.
I have listed the public charges so quickly?
First, all things that are not honest are paid to the officials themselves.
I suddenly wondered what this had to do with you. At most, your father will complain about the situation. He should have nothing to complain about doing his own work …
Second, life is corrupt and I don’t know how to behave when I am immersed in powder all day.
Hey, hey, hey … You don’t let me have fun when I’m newly married?
Third, she paused and emphasized, pretending to know and never teaching me poetry!
桑拿I was speechless. … I can accept the first and second points … the third point is simply out of thin air!
In fact, the first and second points are just sophistry!
She confidently said, You are full of poems. Every time I ask you questions, you refuse? !”
… your grandfather and father are both literate. Why do you have to ask me a teenager who is wet behind the ears? I’m puzzled.
Her face showed a trace of anger, reddish and charming. I’m going to ask you, why don’t you answer? !”
I can’t laugh or cry. Brother is not a Confucian scholar. I never ask for a solution. If you can explain it in detail?
You still chicanery? !” She has already characterized the case as I can hear children reading some poems you wrote in the street. Do you dare to deny it?
… Poems? I wondered, What poem? Although I have a lot of manuscripts, I take them out to practice my handwriting every day in my room. It should be impossible for me to have a chance to flow into the society, right?
There are geese, rainloving, farmersloving, etc. She bit her teeth. There is also an article that is said to be written by Cai’s adult personally and called … Recalling Jiangnan !
I can’t help shaking my shoulders.
Cai Yanjiao said, So you asked your father to copy poems for you … when?
I wiped my sweat and explained this interesting and complicated question once again. You have to understand that poetry needs emotional accumulation, not that you big ladies let me write now and I can write a bargain.
Jia Yu’s face softened slightly. When will you have feelings?
You can’t tell. Maybe I will have it as soon as you leave … I took the opportunity to fight back.
She did not move at all, but she was keenly aware of my true schematic diagram. You are still refusing! Give me the poem quickly!
It’s hard for me not to write poetry. She has to see it. Poetry shows that what I said before is contrary to the concept
And as I said, even if I recite it, I’m not that strong …
Jia Yu saw that I didn’t have the sincerity to bite my teeth and said, Little Mu, go! Dumped his sleeves and left.
Jia Mu hurriedly threw a sword and followed his sister home to eat food.
I sighed and asked Cai Yan back, Why are some people always so stubborn and unwilling to believe me?
Cai Yan smiled. … maybe it’s because she hasn’t married you and doesn’t know you?
Hey, hey, don’t say that, it will make others misunderstand. I remembered what she just said.
Misunderstand what? Cai Yan doesn’t care. Even a fool can see that she cares about you very much, right, Xiao Zhao?
Xiao Zhao gently nodded. Xiao Zhao … is like this.
I finally zheng to consider this matter.
Jia Yu is the eldest daughter of Jia Xu, and she is also regarded as a treasure by the couple on weekdays. Jia Xu is his daughter in the palm of my hand, and I should be more polite.
But I have married Cai Yan’s wife to lower Jia Yu by one level. I always feel that Jia Xu may not agree.
I’m so worried every night now. If I add another person, I’m afraid I’ll be divided into a place when I’m precious.
I’m still young, but I’ve never given much thought to the arduous task of succession.
Chapter sixtyone Literary giant breaks the rules
Putting the brush aside, I shamelessly praised myself.
Sister, do you think my word has improved?
Cai Yan smiled with a roll of Chu Ci. Are you too impatient? I have only practiced for two or three days. Where can it be so fast?

July 1Chu Fang

July 2Cao Ang
17 years Xiping seven yearsthe first year of Guanghe
February 14thXiao Zhao *
夜生活March 24thXiao E *
June 7Huo Jun
June 24Lumen
March 27thRizo.
January 21stDa Qiao *
179 years of light and two years.
April 1stSima Yi
May 5Jamu
June 12Lu Lingqi
July 7Shuang’er *
January 1stWei Yan
September 23Ma Tie
January 1stPang Tong
One year and three years
February 24thLiu Qi
March 16thGuan Yin *
June 1stXiao Qiao
June 19thLu Jian *
Eleven years and four years.
March 2Liu Xie
April 1stZhuge Liang
July 14thCathay Pacific
12 years and five years.
May 9Tai Bing *
May 12Zhen Shi
June 21stCheng Yan
July 16thSun
13 years and six years.
January 13thLu Yu
April 4thLu Xun
14 years of light and seven yearsthe first year of Zhongping
In 16 years, it was flat for three years
May 23rdSun Ci (Shang Xiang)
In 17 years, it was flat for four years
November 11thXelloss
One year, average five years.
March 23Yuan Mai
19 years of Zhongping for six yearsGuangxiZhaoningthe first year of Yong Han in Xian Di
In the first year of the 19th year.
In the first three years of 192.
May 3Cao Zhi
July 14thMa Yue *
May 22ndCai Mei *

I nodded approvingly. You really haven’t been in vain in recent years. Although we are marching very fast, we haven’t forgotten to pay attention to the surrounding environment. If we can win this battle, we must remember a great achievement.

He touched his nose. The subordinate follows the master and is responsible for spying on the terrain with the bodhi old zu almost every time. Of course, he should pay more attention when he stays in Luoyang this time, otherwise he will be laughed at when he returns.
I ha ha a smile and asked, where did you say the place was? Can you point it out to me in the picture? I clapped my hands and placed a simple map of Nanyang.
He leaned in and stretched out his hand in two counties. It’s in Bowang County, Tuyang County. The locals call it … 45 Li Bowangpo.
Bowangpo? My eyes lit up
Yes, he nodded to confirm, Speaking of which … when Liu Xie moved the capital at that time, he was attacked by a mountain thief in Bowangpo and suffered heavy casualties.
I carefully looked at this extremely simple map. Is it dozens of miles away from sunset gathering here?
Not more than fifty miles, Sun Wen answered.
There was a burst of light in my heart. A day ago, Huang Zu disappeared in Juancheng, which is located in the northeast of Nanyang County, about 120 miles away from Bowangpo. If he wants to return to Wancheng to attack me, it is the most convenient choice to pass through Bowangpo.
In Wen Pin, Wu has traveled more than five hundred miles here, and I’m afraid he won’t be able to catch it.
Eric, I told him, It’s still the same thing. You should take people near Bowangpo early in the morning. First, carefully survey the terrain to ensure mistakes. Second, be alert nearby and report back as soon as the enemy meets.
Yes! He throws his fist heavily.
Don’t be careless, I finally told him.
Yes! He bowed down and took a small step out of the big account.
I finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the map.
Bowangpo … You decide where Nanyang County belongs!
41. The flames are soaring at Bowangpo.
On February 26, I arrived at Bowangpo unsteadily for half a day.
The ecological environment in this era really can’t be said that there are endless lush forests on both sides of the long and narrow soil slope.
This is really a good place to set fire.
But it’s a pity that my 10 thousand cavalry don’t have so many flammable materials except dry food.
Responsible for supplying Huangfugu. I will meet you in the day, but we can’t set fire to a few supplies, can we?
After simple thinking, I simply gave up the fire attack tactics because of lack of necessary fuel.
It is said that … After three days of selfcultivation, Jun was finally able to speak. Although Jingzhou foot soldiers lack cavalry, they are especially good at crossbows. Bows are the enemy of war horses. Please be absolutely careful when charging.
Jia Mu couldn’t help but laugh at I don’t know which army can be stronger than our butch flying army … Although the slope is not big, it’s high in the south and low in the north, and I’m afraid they can’t shoot us.
Master! Sun Wenzheng flew in from the north. This place is not suitable for war!
I was startled. What’s the matter?
He stopped his horse ten feet away in front of me. There are a lot of hay pushed in the Woods here. I’m afraid the enemy has been prepared!
My heart sank and the enemy was not stupid!
And … these days … the northeast wind has been blowing around here! He poured cold water on me again.
northeast wind? Fazheng’s face is still as white as paper. Are the enemy ready to set fire?
桑拿会所Please ask your master to immediately withdraw the army south! Sun Wen fuels way
Still have to wake him up? Liang Cong has rushed towards Lu Bu, who is ahead.
Exit Bowangpo! I turned the horse’s head around to prepare to lead the army to retreat.
Master, wait a moment! Guo Jia reached out and stopped me. Don’t play along?
Oh? My eyebrows shook. Is there any clever plan for filial piety?
He first turned to Sun Wen and asked, Did Brigadier Sun find the enemy’s whereabouts?
Sun Wen’s face doesn’t look good. I was discovered by enemy scouts when I first arrived at Bowangpo, so I can conduct a simple search on this place …
Guo Jia sighed now that you have been found that …
Before he finished his sentence, flames burst into flames in the Woods on both sides of the north road.
Then retreat quickly! He raised his whip and slapped it hard on the horse’s ass
Lyu3 bu4 troops have also turned around and accelerated their retreat towards the south.
Today, the northeast wind is not too strong, but it is ready. I am afraid that Jingzhou Army has prepared a lot of fuel. In an instant, most of Bowangpo has turned into a latosolic red.
However, because I asked Sun Wen to explore the road before, my large army stopped at the southernmost tip of Bowangpo, and it was not deep into the dense forest, so it was quickly withdrawn.

Kobe Bryant can score seven years in the face of tall people, and his athletic ability is still at its peak. He didn’t change hands when he dribbled in front of his body easily, which directly broke the national humiliation.

Ji Guo was ashamed to slide and move the opponent so easily. It was his intention that he kept the right breakthrough route and let Kobe break through from his left side smoothly. He helped him fill the position when he knew his brother would.
Black Mamba didn’t doubt how he thought that the two twins across the street had already arranged it in their hearts. It was unscientific to defend him.
In the cheers of Lakers fans, Kobe dribbled quickly to the threesecond zone and then bumped into Ji Guoqiu.
The two brothers cooperated tacitly, and the timing of the doubleteam was just right. In an instant, Kobe Bryant was blocked at the baseline and surrounded the Lakers No.24.
When people are surrounded by two line players who are seven feet tall and look exactly the same, they will inevitably panic and contribute a mistake. Kobe Bryant is still calm. Peter Pan knows that he has been tricked. Although he doesn’t know how the other side did it, he knows that there is absolutely no chance for the ball to attack the basket, and the ball will be broken. At this critical moment, he chooses to smash the ball into Ji Guo’s enemy’s foot and pop it out of bounds.
Kobe’s wit saved him from the embarrassment of threesecond violation, but there was not much left when the team attacked, and they still had seconds to complete an attack
At the moment, Deng Liwei felt that it was a wise choice for him to arrange two brothers to start. If Kaman changed the ball, Kobe would definitely attack the basket.
Kobe looked at the two brothers with interest. It was the first time he faced a twin opponent. It was very interesting. Just now, the defense made him feel scared. These two little guys were a little weird.
The Lakers reserve. This time, after Kobe received the ball, he sent it directly to the line, allowing Shaq to fight against the country.
Ji Guoqiu has long wanted to try this little shark. How much is it?
Bynum had five seconds left when he received the basketball attack. He immediately leaned back and squeezed Ji Guoqiu by strength, and then stepped on the restricted area line to shoot with a small hook.
Ji Guoqiu felt a strong attack on his opponent’s 275pound weight, and he still managed to cope with this by making his body stiff for a moment.
Get out of here!
Ji Guo’s shame didn’t know when he threw himself away. The defender rushed to the basket from the weak side. His left hand propped himself up on his brother’s shoulder and raised his takeoff height. His right hand blocked the finger tip with one hand and dialed out Bynum’s hook shot.
The fans were scared to death, especially the Lakers fans.
What’s the situation? Can a center with a height of 213m show a small hook and be flown out by a frontal fan? Lakers fans are unbelievable, especially the frontrow stars. At this time, I don’t know whether they are fighting for the camera or really being shocked. They have shown their superb acting skills. Various expressions of gods have appeared in these Hollywood stars’ faces. Now let’s see who is good at acting. It’s clear at this time who is grandiose in acting.
Charles barkley laughed in the live broadcast. Look at these stars’ expressions. They are so grandiose and do too much. Haven’t they seen Jabbar oneonone and been built by Chamberlain? Is it any wonder that Bynum learned from Jabbar’s success and was taken away? I can do it.
品茶Big ass despises sitting in the front row but not really watching the ball. Hollywood stars don’t forget to brag about themselves.
Clippers fans really like it more and more. The tacit cooperation between the two brothers and two people has made their opponents return in the basket more than once. They have become the patron saint of Clippers basketball. Excellent defense has made fans temporarily forget the despair caused by Brand’s injury because they have new hope.
The Lakers’ two consecutive attacks failed, and the Clippers turned around and covered the low ball, giving Maghetti a short chance.
Castle’s ball fell to the former player in time, and Maghetti quickly shot the basketball and fell to the basket accurately.
Maghetti scored the Clippers’ goal, leading the Lakers 50.
The scene shot gave Jackson a closeup at this time, and the expression of KFC’s master made people unable to see his true emotions.
Bryant took the initiative to ask for the ball and then attacked with it himself.
Lakers fans know that Kobe Bryant is going to show off. Jackson is not satisfied with the players on the court. You can’t see the murderous face of the black mamba, but you can see it at a glance.
Bynum took the initiative to pick and roll the Lakers. At this time, it is no longer a triangle attack. Sometimes it is more effective to play singles.
Mobry was blocked by Bynum’s generous body, and the boss put the old cat through a clean life with an acceleration, and immediately delayed Bryant’s teammates to win time.
Kobe Bryant has seen that these two twins have a tacit understanding and doubleteam speed. He didn’t go deep into the basket this time, so he didn’t get caught in the pie again. At the high position, he immediately stopped playing and flashed a file to quickly throw a basketball.
No one can stop Peter Pan from scoring this time except the basket!
The basketball hit the rim of the basket and popped up. Ji Guojiao gave Bynum an elbow in the basket and easily grabbed the rebound. The Lakers still didn’t score.
Ji Guo was ashamed to grab the rebound and immediately counterattacked the Cassell Clippers. Ji Guoqiu and Maghetti and Mobry rushed to the Lakers’ halfcourt Clippers for a threeline fast break.
The Lakers retired from defense. Who would have thought that Ji Guoqiu, a center, could directly break with the defender?
Bynum is still annoyed that he didn’t grab the rebound, complaining to the referee that he was taken by the root and didn’t notice that his opponent had already reached his own basket.
Although Kobe watched Mobry, there was a jordan farmar beside Chou He and Maghetti of Ji State.
Castle didn’t go as fast as the three men. He found the tall Ji Guoqiu, who took two steps to catch the ball and threw it at the other basket. Maghetti flattered and rushed to the middle to catch the basketball. Farmar defended the ball and slammed it into the basket with both hands.
Du …
Jordan farmar’s lack of calm defense not only failed to stop the Clippers from attacking, but also sent Maghetti a twoplusone chance
The Lakers field was beaten: 7. If the penalty was scored, it would be: Staples Arena. Lakers fans found it hard to believe that no one expected this result before the game. What did md say about the fish maw?
Jackson can’t help but call off the attack at this time. It’s good to say, but the team’s poor defense makes him sit still. The Diaoyutai players are too slow to retreat on the spot. This is the way to win, even if it is a fish like the Clippers.
The clippers didn’t know that Zen master was motionless, but they still defined them as fish maw.
Do you know what the Lakers’ defense is called? This kind of defense can be called Swiss cheese with many holes in it. How can you win the game by this kind of defense? Charles barkley laughed at kenny smith in the live broadcast.
At the end of the timeout, the Lakers didn’t make any substitutions, but the players looked more serious. I don’t know what it was like on the court
Chapter 26 Angry Little Shark
The Lakers players returned to the court and completed a triangle tactical attack. Kobe got a chance at the free throw line through the ball cover, and no one around him exaggerated.
Ji Guoqiu was blocked by Odom in the threesecond zone, and Mobry had already changed to the bottom corner before that. Kobe Bryant made an easy jumper and scored two points to help the Lakers get the first point today.
The crowd of Lakers fans immediately broke into huge cheers, and Clippers fans secretly despised didn’t you just get two points? Make it look like a winner.
When the Lakers get serious, it’s the Clippers’ two backcourt veterans, Cassel and Mobry, who are facing their opponents on the defensive end like calcium deficiency. Mobry is better, but Cassel is too old, and he is facing jordan farmar with outstanding athletic ability. Although the latter sometimes seems to be very brainy in the timing of attack, at the age of 3, Cassel can watch the other side get into the line once he encounters a strong attack.
Ji Guoqiu focused most of his attention on blocking the other side’s outside breakthrough, which gave Bynum a chance.
More than minutes in the first quarter, Shark got the best chance of the game. Ji Guoqiu was attracted by Kobe Bryant’s breakthrough and left the restricted area. Shark received Kobe Bryant’s relay in the basket.
In this way, Superman Howard would have poured the basketball into the basket in the middle of the game, but the little shark’s sluggish ability and waist and abdomen strength were not good. He first caught the ball and then prepared to take off again, so that he could pour the basketball hard and get the first point of his game.
However, Bynum’s tragedy is that he didn’t directly pour basketball into the basket. He jumped up and dunked after landing, which gave Ji Guo a chance to make up for the shame. The latter small forward moved two strides back to the basket, stretched out a pair of ape arms and a big hand full of strength, and slapped the little shark hardarm!
I heard a clear and huge handprint appear on Bynum’s thick forearm, and the shark was hit by it. The basketball player didn’t know where to fly, and the whole arm seemed to lose consciousness.
The referee decisively punished Ji Guo’s humiliating thugs for fouling Bynum’s five clear handprints on his arm, saying how his master was hit.
Bynum covered his arms with numbness and glared at Ji Guo’s shame, but the latter gave him a pleasant smile, which made Bynum almost run away!
Ji Guo’s humiliation was definitely deliberately played back in slow motion, so Lakers fans immediately sent out boos to this hateful China.

Just as Freddie was upset, someone was sitting in the seat opposite Qin Xiong. When Freddie saw the man, he suddenly stretched his brow and smiled at the man, then got up and left the hand to the young man and woman.

Sitting opposite Qin Xiong is Sylvia. She knows that in the past, Qin Xiong would secretly stare at himself when sitting outside the restaurant with openair tables and chairs.
Maybe I’m used to being watched by the opposite sex, and I don’t think Qin Xiongli has been very graceful since the day they met.
Qin Xiong didn’t secretly watch her today, not once.
She feels strange at heart, but she will pay more attention to Qin Xiong.
She knew the result of last night’s game at home. According to her understanding of the football circle, at this time, most players should get drunk all night or vent in other ways.
It is rare for Qin Xiong to meditate like a sculpture for a long time.
Qin Xiong didn’t notice Sylvia sitting in front of him. His eyes drooped and his right hand spoon stirred a cup of coffee, which he had stirred for almost half an hour.
He is like Sylvia in different dimensions, and they are less than two meters apart, but it seems that Qin Xiongfa noticed her.
This state made Sylvia close her eyes and smile, but Qin Xiong missed her gentle smile.
Sylvia had to leave Qin Xiong coffee, which made Qin Xiong wake up from meditation.
[Text 13 Lost the game and won praise]
14 votes overtime
Sylvia brought Qin Xiong a cup of hot coffee again and sat down opposite Qin Xiong generously.
Qin Xiong apologized to him and then habitually picked up a small spoon to stir the coffee.
桑拿按摩  title=Sylvia raised her hand to stop the soft jade palm hanging over the mouth of the coffee cup. She laughed, I’m afraid you’ll hypnotize yourself again by stirring the coffee again, so I’ll be very embarrassed to sit here.
Qin Xiong first smiled and put a small spoon on the table and gave up stirring coffee.
Sylvia took back her hand, propped her chin on one hand, and cocked her head slightly, and asked, Are you upset about losing the game?
Qin Xiong nodded frankly.
You don’t have to hide losing. How can you get up?
He said, I’m not thinking either.
I can see that
Sylvia chuckled.
Just as after the rain in Groningen, Qin Xiong would immediately look for ways to improve his own shortcomings and ask for club conditions to carry out simulated rain training.
He always looks for reasons after failure, looking for reasons from himself.
However, compared with the poor performance in the rain war, losing to A Milan is a simple reason
However, Qin Xiong will think about it in a desperate way, hoping to find a way to make himself stronger. If time goes back to yesterday’s game, he can win the game!
Sylvia winked and asked, How long are you going to think?
Qin Xiong was stuck and didn’t know what to say.
Sylvia asked again, Do you blame yourself for losing the game?
Qin Xiong or silent face became slightly serious.
It is no exaggeration to say that from the age of 12, he is king among his peers in the football environment where he lives!
His most controversial core
This will not make Qin Xiong feel particularly honored. After all, it is not professional football. There is no exposure, no applause from ten thousand people, and no material reward. It has not enabled him to hold his head high and change qualitatively in the social circle.
However, he will have a sense of responsibility and a sense of mission, and he will shoulder the unspeakable things, because his teammates around him seem to be relying on him, and he is always relying on many people to achieve it.
Over the years, he won’t blame others, but he always sets higher demands on himself.

"Okay, go to sleep" moved his leg and his arm. She got up and picked up a pillow and went to the living room. She was caught when she left her hand. "The bed sleeps with me."

"You said I’d give you the medicine, and you allowed me to see my mother first thing in the morning."
"But you haven’t finished your medicine yet. I’m still hurt."
"ah? Where? "
Before her scream disappeared, people were dragged into a thick embrace. When the "here" lips were not completely blocked, she whispered in his ear and then he kissed her.
Thinking stagnated for five seconds. Lan Jingyi couldn’t think. Jiang Junyue couldn’t help giving off the smell of male hormones, which made her in a daze. Actually, he kissed and kissed more than cloves, and his tongue was entangled together. How can it be separated?
For a long time, it was not until the oxygen in the mouth was exhausted that Jiang Junyue slowly released her voice, but it was cold to "sleep"
"You … who asked you to kiss me?" LanJingYi dizzy by his arms breath is still disorder.
"It’s not pro, it’s medicine."
"medicine?" Lan Jingyi is stupid again.
Chapter 66 You bastard
"You … who asked you to kiss me?" LanJingYi dizzy by his arms breath is still disorder.
"It’s not pro, it’s medicine."
"medicine?" Lan Jingyi is stupid again.
"Think about where else you bit me?" A big hand slapped her hard. The sound of little ass almost made her bounce. Well, one of his legs was pressing her, otherwise it would really bounce.
Lan Jingyi took a sip of his lip and turned his head. "Let me see" She bit his tongue in the ladder and even bled.
The word "no" was faint, so he reached out and pressed out the light. In an instant, the whole room was dark, and he single-handedly imprisoned her waist and forbade her to move.
"You … let go." She struggled in his arms, and she was nervous. At the moment, she felt that her heart was flustered.
"Lan Jingyi, if you think about something, I promise in advance that you can satisfy it. If you don’t think about it, go to sleep or don’t go to see your mother early." He growled cold and his body was burning, and the temperature became a contrast. Lan Jingyi didn’t want to stop all the movements, lie in his arms and close his eyes, and he really didn’t do it again.
At first, she was still nervous, but soon when Jiang Junyue breathed evenly into her ears, she relaxed her nerves and went to sleep quietly. She fell asleep in the man’s arms and racked her brains thinking about how he got into the room.
桑拿会所In the morning, when the sun shone softly through the window screen and spilled into the room biological clock, Lan Jingyi was awakened.
You opened your eyes when you felt that Jiang Junyue was hugging him, and all the consciousness of Lan Jingyi instantly returned. "Jiang Junyue, get up."
It’s so dishonest for a smelly man to sleep.
It’s a moment when a breeze blows to the face, and Lan Jingyi’s petite body has already enveloped Jiang Junyue. "Be good or you’ll be in vain."
"Jiang Junyue, you bastard" Lan Jingyi failed and glanced at the wall clock. There are about two hours left before she promised her mother to go to France to board the plane. In this period, she will coax him to take her to see her mother, and then find a way for her to escape from his control and then go to the airport to fly to France.
But now his expression tells her that it is absolutely impossible to let his horse take himself to see his mother.
But if …
It’s going to be a little longer
Time is really urgent, from small apartment to hotel, from hotel to airport when needed, and when needed, there are extra security checks and boarding.
At this moment, Lan Jingyi’s mind turned around for several times, just like Jiang Junyue said that even if she struggled, there was no final result. She definitely lost. She couldn’t compete with his strength. "Then take me to see my mother?" If so, she would rather go to the hotel quickly and then go to the airport when she is saving.
As soon as he spoke, her little hand gently lifted and wrapped around his neck. Slightly, she took the initiative to pull his head down, while her head quietly lifted Mosuo to entangle Zhongjiang LaCrosse, and a flash of success in her eyes seemed to be very satisfied with the little thing …
One minute passed by. When she gasped and opened her eyes and saw the wall clock, Lan Jingyi exclaimed, "Get up and tilt up. I’m going to see my mother. I don’t trust her."
"Well," I wanted to lie down for another three to five minutes to recuperate. When Jiang Junyue saw Lan Jingyi panicked, he kindly cooperated with her and sat up. Well, he was satisfied after more than an hour of this ordeal.
Lan Jingyi quickly put on a suit of clothes, but the man in bed was still sitting there, and his skin was still dripping with sweat. He didn’t mean to change clothes at all. "Pour over and wear quickly." She quickly took his clothes and threw them at him.
"You wear it for me."
Well, she really lost to him. Let him unlock the door. Now let her be a cow and a horse. She recognizes "raising her arm" and hates picking up his coat and putting it on him. The tone is gnashing her teeth.
Wearing clothes is his pants. Although she is anxious, she still hesitates a little. Once a man wore clothes, Jiang Junyue was still a grandfather. She was anxious. He was not anxious at all. It was irritating. "Hurry up" was reluctant to put the men’s pants on his legs. Only then did he slowly lift his feet and lift his legs. After wearing the outer pants, Lan Jingyi was already tired and sweaty. "Go faster."
There are less than fifty minutes left when I look at it. I don’t think I can come.
However, Lan Jingyi still hopes a little that maybe the plane is late and she can also hope so.
"Wait, I haven’t washed my face and brushed my teeth yet. It’s not too late for you to come and wash it."
"I can’t feed it."
"Er, women are still so untidy. Have you ever seen getting up early and going out without washing your face or brushing your teeth?" Jiang Junyue teased her.
Oh, well, she was wrong.
Lan Jingyi walked in with him to wash his hands quickly. He washed his face, but the uncle urged her to "squeeze toothpaste for me."
Uncle, I’ll squeeze you, you bastard. I’ll never see you again when the girl dumps you.
The plane must be delayed. It must be delayed.
Squeezed the toothpaste and handed it to him. He still brushed his teeth slowly, which made Lan Jingyi want to strangle him. No matter what, he felt that he was as slow as the slow release of the camera in the film and television. He washed his face and pushed his hand. "Come on, let’s go." She was so anxious.
Uncle walked slowly with her to the door to "open the door". Lan Jingyi pointed to the door and wanted to know how he got in last night and how to open the lock outside now.
A big hand turned a knocker "click", a secret lock opened Jiang Junyue and then opened the door. Where is the lock outside?
"What about the lock?" What she saw with her own eyes last night is gone?
"What lock?"
"You must have sent someone to open it" turned out to be such a small mutter, which was nothing new.
Pulling him to the ladder, I wish I could change from one point to two points to four points.
But time is so unhurried that it doesn’t change because of who you are.
Jumping black Lamborghini Jiang Junyue started the car slowly and asked, "Where are you going?"
"Raphael Hotel, my mom’s."
"Oh, I know." The car started and soon left the apartment community, but when it was open and looking at Lanjingyi outside the window, I felt wrong.
"Jiang Junyue, it seems that this is not the way to the Raphael Hotel, right?"
"Yes, I’m not going there. I’m going to pick up a friend and take you there."
"Go to hell, Jiang Junyue" punched him in the chest. "I don’t want to see your fucking friends if you stop and go by myself." She was so anxious.
"Why are you in such a hurry? I’ll see you later. Isn’t that where your mother is waiting for you? What’s your hurry? "
"You …" No matter how late the plane is, it won’t wait for her.
Besides, the plane may not be really late, so all this is just her wishful thinking and her own imagination and expectation.
There is more than half an hour left. If you can’t come, you can’t come at all.
When I got here, Lan Jingyi stopped doing it. He thought about it. It seems that he can reschedule his ticket and leave. I don’t know if there is any chance.
Now that we know the result, Lan Jingyi just closed her eyes and dozed off. Now it’s good to be able to see her mother.
The car is still moving forward, and she doesn’t want to know where he’s going to pick up any friends. Anyway, it’s her

Torres! Fernando Torres! He helped Liverpool lead the score again!

Liverpool’s counterattack completely destroyed Real Madrid’s defense line. I don’t know how to deal with the Red Army’s counterattack storm!
Leila passed Ramos beautifully and then gave Gerrard a forward ball. Gerrard made a strong cross to Torres near the bottom line of the penalty area. Hehehe, Torres won’t miss this opportunity. He stabbed again in the heart of Real Madrid!
The total score is 4:3, and Liverpool leads Real Madrid by one goal.
Real Madrid fans are a little tired and don’t know how to face such a situation.
Real Madrid’s attack seems to be no problem and can play enough threats.
However, the defense line is vulnerable to the fastbreak counterattack of top teams, so what’s the point of attacking again?
Real Madrid just equalized the score, and the opponent took the lead again after six minutes, which was a blow to morale. Raul clapped his hands to encourage his teammates not to lose heart.
After the game resumed, Qin Xiong became more calm in the frontcourt sideline activities.
He doesn’t want a fastpaced offensive to fail and give Liverpool a good chance to fight back.
Be more calm and spend enough on Liverpool
At this point, the team can still do well.
In the 41st minute of the game, Qin Xiong made a trip to the left and cut into the middle. In Mascherano Kuyt, he suddenly returned the ball to the middle.
Before touching the ball, Steer observed the situation in the frontcourt. Because Qin Xiong played on the winger, the threat he showed made Liverpool more afraid
In this way, the defensive pressure on the other side will be reduced.
That’s exactly what Sid saw. The ball rolled to the right of the frontcourt. Aurelio also paid attention to defending his dribbling trend, but Luo picked the ball directly behind Aurelio when he touched the ball.
Moving sideways, Aurelio didn’t expect Luo to play against common sense. He was neatly passed by Luo
Ronaldo controlled the ball in front of the baseline and went into the penalty area. When Agger Alonso rushed in, he followed Gerrard’s example and drew the ball flat in front of the center.
Higuain ran to the back point to catch the fighter, while Raul crossed to grab the front point. He tried to fly the shovel and tried to stab the toe of the ball into the goal, but Luo’s power was too strong. When the football rolled, Raul flew the shovel and it was too late!
Carragher also fell to the ground in front of the door and shoveled the ball out of the baseline in a thrilling way. The football rubbed against the post and rolled out of the baseline, almost making an own goal!
Carragher gave a hand to the Liverpool fans in the Anfield stands after they calmed their psychological pressure.
桑拿网It was a thrilling and wonderful rescue!
Real Madrid’s corner attack did not pose a threat, but Liverpool took advantage of the corner attack to clear the way and kicked the ball to the frontcourt to try to create a counterattack.
However, when the football rolled in front of the restricted area of Real Madrid, Ramos cleared the ball first, and Torres might be two steps away from touching the ball first than Ramos.
Real Madrid continues to organize offensive.
In the 44th minute of the game, Luo dribbled the ball on the right and pushed it straight to Raul, who turned around and swept the ball to the left in front of the restricted area.
Qin Xiong started to volley the football directly into the restricted area of Liverpool and aimed at the dead corner of the right corner of the goal. Qin Xiong had strong confidence in the ball.
However, the football was blocked by Agger’s foot in the restricted area and formed a parabolic trajectory, which flew over the crossbar and flew to the stands.
Qin Xiong secretly gritted his teeth and immediately returned to normal color and ran to the corner kick.
This corner kick attacked Real Madrid with a lot of players. It seems that this will be the last attack of Real Madrid at half time.
Landing in front of the penalty area, the football was headed by Higuain, but his header was wide.
This made Ramos Heinze feel extremely depressed when he ran wildly.
Come and run back without doing anything.
After Liverpool went out, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the half game.
Liverpool Real Madrid’s Champions League quarterfinal second leg ended at halftime, and the two teams scored 21 in 45 minutes. Liverpool led Real Madrid 43. Although the score was behind, Real Madrid’s attack in every game was obviously better than that in the Bernabeu. Now they need one less goal to come back to life, leaving Real Madrid with 45 minutes. Can the defending champions turn over at Anfield? to be continued
[The first volume of sword unsheathed has become the advantage and disadvantage of 963 high position grabbing]
Arrive at halftime
Real Madrid walked into the Anfield visiting locker room, and the morale of the squadron players was not necessarily low to what extent.
After all, in theory, Real Madrid still needs to score a goal to qualify after 11.