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Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait.

Monthly Archive 30/06/2024

Smooth and round.

Xiao E shivered shyly and opened her eyes. Would you like to blow the light?
I couldn’t help laughing. It’s not the first time for us. What are you afraid of?
I haven’t waited on the public for … months, so I’m a little nervous. Her left hand is still hidden.
Still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar? My imagination is fairly vertical and horizontal
I took a breath and sprayed the candle three feet away.
The candle flickered in the wind but refused to put it out.
It’s not kidney deficiency, is it? I touched my waist, suspicious.
Hurry up … Little moths gently urged.
I don’t know if she can’t wait or if she is too shy.
夜网论坛I inhale again, my lips gather slightly, and I spit at the candle again.
The bedroom suddenly darkened.
I took off my clothes by the light moonlight leaking through the window, and then I jumped out of the bed.
Little moths suddenly stretched out his arms and grabbed my wrist.
Why? Is it urgent? I laughed and then pressed it.
She crooned for half a minute before I caught her lips.
The young girl’s lips, which have not been tasted for a long time, are particularly attractive to her master.
She was almost out of breath and slightly feverish.
I have been mulling three ways and two big hands repeatedly stroking on the dome on her chest.
Although I can’t see it in the dark, I can clearly feel two meat grains flirting in the palm of my hand and getting stronger.
The first kiss has just ended, and Xiao E, panting, is ready to surrender. Gong, Gong Xiao E is very uncomfortable … hurry up … come in quickly.
What’s the hurry? We have to make out for days. I pretended to be calm.
Male … it’s so itchy here … Her voice was faintly audible.
Where? I think I can play something restricted.
Please, hate … Little moths didn’t say the specific name of this organ after all.
I regret that for so many years, I have been exploring the popular names of human organs at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but no one has told methe great medical sage Zhang Zhongjing? I am really embarrassed to ask him.
Now that I have mastered the initiative, I decided to speed up the foreplay and fill the other person’s physical deficiency first
Along the flat and slightly hot belly, I tentatively touched her secret place.
Xiao E can’t help shivering. Well, it’s already a little wet.
I stretched out my index finger and went to the enemy’s cave to explore the enemy’s cave, as if there was a suction sucking this notsothick finger desperately.
Hurry up, Xiao E unconsciously climbed my waist with her legs.
Do you know the taste by eating pith?
I couldn’t help pulling out my index finger.
Go naked into the enemy’s den
Throw yourself into the sea of Wang Yang.
27 Zhao Amateur League
Xiao Yue’s arrival didn’t have much impact on my life.
At her age, infants sleep most of the time every day, and to be honest, I don’t like being a father who can hold his daughter all day and giggle happily.
So I threw a spotless ball beside her cradle and left.
The second competition is approaching, and I must practice two tricks when I can.
In order to have a high breakthrough ability with the ball, I deliberately let many players of the other team defend closely to stimulate their potential and creativity.
But with little success.
Although the old man has changed his body … but is he still attached to this sport? I’m a little frustrated to myself.
Jia Mu took the opportunity to fall to the ground and shovel my ball.
I stand hand this fellow progress speed is much faster than me!
Watching him ride alone with the ball and rush directly into the penalty area, our defenders really couldn’t react and could watch him shoot.
Jia Mu roared and volleyed vigorously!
The ball roared and bombarded the goal!

Should still be alive?

Li Yuyan sliver should be to let her slowly bleed to death and slowly die of fear …
I can’t help shivering at the thought of this.
The smell of blood has spread in the air, and the blood on the railing glass has dried up. It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to clean the shopping mall.
Li Yuyan clapped his hands and said to his opponent, "Go on and wake her up."
喝茶约茶  title=Soon Wen Lu screamed again.
Li Yuyan suddenly turned to my eyes and stared at me with gloomy indifference. "See, this is a betrayal of our field."
I frowned.
She smiled, "The same is true of not keeping promises."
I can’t help shivering.
She sounded like Wen Lu, but I could hear that she was warning and threatening me.
In exchange for her, she went to save Ye Xiangyuan, and I should divorce Ye Xiangyuan and leave the country.
But I didn’t fly to Africa that day, but was saved by Ye Xiangyuan.
Now I’m still with Ye Xiangyuan.
Although Ye Xiangyuan said that she didn’t play any role, if I really benefited, she wanted her to save Ye Xiangyuan.
Gu Changning knew that Ye Xiangyuan planned that he deliberately asked me to find Li Yuyan. On the one hand, it was to protect me, and on the other hand, it was to show it to outsiders, indicating that they had let Miss Li’s family go and compromised with Li’s family.
But I didn’t know at that time that Li Yuyan could really save Ye Xiangyuan and regarded her as the last straw.
This has led to the present situation.
I silently bowed my head.
Sure enough, she hates me even more. In the past, she wanted me to die. After this incident, she probably wanted to cut me to pieces and let me die again.
After that, she will definitely keep coming after me …
The scene of punishing Wen Lu today must be for me, too.
Li Yuyan stared at me for a long time and finally let me go. Then she turned and ordered her hand to "throw away the rope."
Wenlu fell quickly when everyone didn’t react.
Bang! I heard the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground, mixed with the screams of Wenlu.
Wen Lu should be run away this time.
I was completely frightened.
I didn’t expect Li Yuyan to be so biting that he would end Wen Lu’s life in public.
She is absolutely crazy!
Isn’t she afraid of someone calling the police?
But then I thought that this is Cloud City, and I have some knowledge to come here, so I guess I won’t ask for trouble and make enemies with Miss Li’s family.
That’s about all you can do, not to mention revenge. There is no place to avenge.
Li Yuyan looked indifferent as if the end of her hand was not a human life but a plaything or an ant.
Her eyes turned to me again and she was cruel. "You wait for me, too."
Say that finish and roared off.
I couldn’t help shivering, feeling weak and almost unable to live.
It’s Gu Changyu who holds my arm, so I can barely hold my body steady.
I walked slowly to the railing and looked over.
Wen Lu was being carried away, and her head was broken and her blood was bright red, and she dragged all over the floor behind her.
Section 15
I silently withdrew my sight, and my heart was at a loss.
Wenlu is definitely not going to live.
This woman who once robbed my boyfriend, robbed my room, blocked me up and beat me up was killed by my other opponent.
Chapter 15 Preparing a Birthday Banquet
I remember that when I first met Wen Lu, she was pregnant, sometimes weak, sometimes cunning and sometimes vicious …
Even though she is so hateful, it’s really hard for me to accept that a fresh life is dying under my nose.
What’s more, she was killed by Li Yuyan.
I don’t think of the vicious and meaningful eyes that fixed me just before Li Yuyan left.
She seems to say that Wen Lu’s ending today is my backcourt.
And the sentence’ You also wait for me’ is like a death warrant to give me a final warning.
I can’t hold on to Gu Changyu any longer.
Gu Changyu held me tightly and held my hand gently. "Don’t be afraid that Li’s family won’t mess around with her again. She won’t dare to touch you …"
I managed to smile.
Actually, Li Yu’s vengeful personality, her scheming is so deep, maybe I will be solved by her one day.
I didn’t want to expose my weakness before Gu Changyu, so I tried to calm down.
Gu Changyu Judo "Come home with me? We won’t eat here. "
The scene was really bloody just now, and I nodded without appetite.
Panton gave us a worried look. "Otherwise, I’ll contact the chief immediately …"
I am busy shaking my head. "No … I’m fine …"
Gu Changyu pondered, "Then listen to the situation."
We will take a bus soon.
This time I went back to the home next to Gu Changyu and Lu Xun’s school.
Gu Changyu asked Pan Dongxian not to talk to Ye Xiangyuan just now and let him go to her house, too.
When I got to her house, I found that not only Ye Xiangyuan, but also his children, and they also brought their girlfriends.
I remember the first time Xiao Jin’s birthday party saw this group meeting. One of them had a girlfriend, but this time there were two more. They came with their fiancee.
It’s also a great event
I watched them fight each other, and the two unmarried couples encouraged them to start playing some ambiguous games.

This price is 5% higher than the level 30 monster blood price, but it is also within the normal price range.

The only thing that hurts the silence is that the bloody cage skill is to throw money.
4.5 gold coins at a time, that is, 4.5 thousand Chinese coins, should not be too extravagant
The only comfort for Chen Mo is that he can get back the bloody cage skill every time and make a lot of money. He doesn’t feel bad about spending it
One hundred to two hundred bottles!
After Ren kougyoku got a fright, he came to the spirit.
She can also negotiate the price with others when she buys so much, and she can negotiate the price a little lower. For example, she can earn thousands of Chinese coins when she accidentally trades with Chen Mo, and it takes only two or three hours at most.
If she can do this every day, it will be difficult for her not to send it.
Unfortunately, there are too few highquality customers like Chen Mo.
By the way, I have turned around for a while, and when I find the replacement equipment, the rear equipment will also trouble you to help me deal with it. Chen Mo thought for a moment and said hello to Ren kougyoku before.
No problem! Ren kougyoku is even more energetic.
She doesn’t know what the attribute is, but it’s definitely not easy to get his equipment from the back in the video.
喝茶约茶I can’t help but be full of expectations when I think about Ren kougyoku.
After contacting Ren kougyoku, Chen Mo went to Chisha City to find a monster to refresh and fight.
After the second turn, the player’s attributes have changed too much. The fourthlevel monster Chen Mo is also fighting for the first time.
The player’s attribute has increased greatly, but the monster’s attribute has increased still in the player.
Chen Mo has secret gold weapons, and the attributes of hand equipment are not bad. I don’t think these ordinary monsters are difficult to deal with when fighting, but it would be difficult for other players to kill these ordinary monsters.
Especially, it is not surprising that it is difficult for a player to kill a level 4 monster just after the second turn without changing his equipment.
However, this is a twoturn player who must go through the second turn and then go back to kill the level 4 monster, which will gain little experience and make it difficult to upgrade the level without killing the level 4 monster.
All the trap skills of Chen Moshen have been upgraded to advanced level. Chen Mo is familiar with the changes of physical attributes when fighting monsters, and mainly tests skills and agile attribute effects.
In addition to Chen Mo’s body trap skills, there are only vortex traps, blasting traps, bloody cages and cracks.
Let’s not talk about the crack skill, although it has risen to the advanced silence without even passing once.
Chen Mo’s main test is the two main trap skills: the bloody cage and the vortex trap.
After the skill of bloody cage was upgraded to advanced level, the range of bloody fog was increased from 4 meters to 45 meters, and the growth rate was increased by 5 meters.
The bloody fog lasted for three minutes, just as it did at first.
And the most important blood shadow doppelganger attack power is, of course, a rise, but ultimately to what extent Chen Mo is temporarily from the test.
There is a monster situation, and the fighting capacity of the blood shadow avatar is actually not too strong. There is a bloody fog, and the number of enemies has reached the awakening condition, and the blood shadow avatar will be truly reflected.
Another major trap, the vortex trap, rises to the advanced level, and the vortex radius in the center of the trap reaches 5 meters, and the suction radius reaches 1 meter. It is also quite satisfactory that the vortex suction lasts for 5 seconds.
In addition to the special effect of shock trap, the basic trap, the thorn trap and the shock trap are still very useful. The basic trap and the thorn trap do not rise to the advanced enemy trigger trap before they can hit 1% of the player’s skill damage. If Chen Mo has not solidified the skill in the body, he can directly trigger the damage by touching the enemy. These two traps can be abandoned.
The damage of single trap is low, and it is almost impossible to hit the enemy in normal combat.
After testing the trap skills, Chen Mo then tested the most agile attribute.
Testing agile attributes is mainly carried out in the outbreak of movement speed and attack speed.
It didn’t take much time for Chen Mo to have all the details in his heart.
Because Chen Mo will add 1 free attribute point to agile Chen Mo at each level, the agile attribute is not low now. There are more than 24 points and more than 24 points. Chen Mo enters the explosive state in the battle simply because of the explosive movement speed. If it can double the movement speed in 3 seconds, it is very powerful!
Simply entering the attack speed burst can nearly double the attack speed in 2 seconds.
If the movement speed and attack speed explode at the same time, it can last for about 1 second.
Assassins and warriors, as well as archers, will become more difficult.

"Oh, you like mature women. When I get to work, I’ll introduce you to a serious woman who is willing to marry you. You are a man, not a man, not a woman." Lan Jingyi’s sympathy has flooded again, and it must be hard to see the scenery on the surface.

"Bang" fart ` shares really fell on the seat Jiang Junyue mercilessly threw her to "shut up, I’ll ask you less afterwards" eyes glanced at her and turned and jumped out of the driver’s seat.
The car flies towards the hospital. It’s good to have a car. It’s really comfortable to lie down with Liu Wentao. Men are car-loving creatures. Seeing the man in the driver’s seat, Lan Jingyi has been silent. Just ignore it. Whoever is missing in this world, the earth turns the same.
It took Jiang Junyue a few minutes from the apartment to the hospital when the car stopped abruptly in the hospital parking lot. "Can we go?"
"I can’t, but I can jump myself." Lan Jingyi struggled to sit up, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door and jumped on one foot.
Jiang Junyue didn’t move his eyes and looked at her with a bracelet holding his chest a step away from her.
Lan Jingyi suddenly felt very embarrassed. Is it ugly for her to move like a rabbit?
One foot fell to the ground and she whispered, "Let’s go."
"Ah, it’s quite strong." He said that people have turned and marched towards the entrance of the ladder.
"Hey, slow down …" "Bang" A muffled sound made Lan Jingyi feel like a golden flower. She wanted to keep pace with him, so she fell down beautifully.
Hands on the cold floor were struggling to get up, and then the body suddenly fell into a warm embrace. It was very warm and warm, so she couldn’t help leaning against the man’s chest. She heard his heartbeat for a moment, and Lan Jingyi had an illusion. At this moment, holding her seemed to be a simple separation, which made her heart beat faster and hit like a deer.
Who rang at this moment? The signal in the ladder was really hard to pick up, but the root of the sentence didn’t stop. Jiang Junyue set up a leg to support Lan Jingyi’s body and then freed up his hand to find out, "What’s the name of Luo?"
"I’ll give you back that rotten dog named Jiang. You have half an hour to take it away, or I’ll just skin it and stew it."
"No" and Jiang Junyue hung up directly.
Lan Jingyi’s pathetic little face is so close to him that I can’t even hear it. "Jiang Qing, don’t be like this, okay? My little girl is my only partner" or even her only dependent partner.
When the "Ding" ladder rang, he made a call on the way, and went directly to the doctor’s office. Soon Luo was released from the examination table, and the doctor carefully examined her feet. The man was a flash of shape and quickly flashed outside. Through the semi-transparent mosaic glass window, Lan Jingyi could faintly see that he was holding a conversation.
I really don’t like it. I didn’t forget to call him old frame after such a short time.
Looking back, she looked at her feet quietly, but she didn’t know that she had drifted to Fang. Will there be someone who loves her and loves her in this life? Will she stay with her when she is most sad?
Chapter 34 Seemingly Leng Qing
Pick up the broken-hearted glass of the foot and then bandage it with medicine. Lan Jingyi bit her lip in pain and didn’t know it was broken.
Finally, Jiang Junyue’s figure is still shaking outside the door, and she can still hear his voice in a low voice, which makes her unable to hear clearly. It should be that he still talks. It is that he likes women, and it is endless when he talks about it.
"All right, it’s been dealt with. It’s best not to walk these days and not to get wet …" The doctor told Lan Jingyi the precautions when he was listening, and the man finally flashed in.
"Is Dr. Lin ready?" Jiang Junyue asked and put it in his pants pocket.
"Well, all right."
"Do you need to pay attention to anything?"
"Change the dressing every day and then the foot can’t walk or get wet …" The doctor repeated.
Jiang Junyue nodded. "Got it. Thank you, Dr. Lin."
I asked some common sense that should be paid attention to. Jiang Junyue just checked the doctor’s prescription and medicine, then picked up Lan Jingyi and left without asking.
"Hey, give me a wheelchair." His gesture of hugging her like this is so ambiguous that it really makes people think. With a wheelchair, she can take care of herself.
"It’s too expensive to buy it yourself." Holding her, she strode to the condensation surface of the ladder as if she were moistened with how much frost, which made Lan Jingyi vomit her tongue and swallow it back.
Where can she afford it? She relies on him for three meals a day. I don’t know if I can go to the talent market to find a job on Saturday. I sighed lightly and one person involuntarily went to the man holding her.
Her soft body makes Jiang Junyue hug the woman in her arms tightly.
From entering the ladder to putting her in the car, his face was always cold and calm, and he didn’t say a word. That expression made Lan Jingyi dare not say if he was angry with her and thought she was too much trouble.
Watching the car leave the parking lot smoothly, Lan Jingyi took a deep breath and whispered, "I may not be able to help you cook these days, but the laundry should be ok." She washes it once a day, but cooking has to move around. Unless she doesn’t want her feet, she really wants to listen to the doctor.
"Whatever you want"
The three words are still light, so the topic is broken as soon as it starts. Neither of them talks, and the anger is instantly dull. What should Lan Jingyi do if she keeps twisting her skirts?
I also want to sell those trinkets. I earn a penny and sell that one. If she wants to sit still, she will move around late. She has to sell so little that she can no longer take advantage of the river.
Back to the community without a wheelchair, the consequence was that Jiang Junyue continued to pick her up and walk through the lobby. Jiang Junyue counted his heartbeat in his arms. Lan Jingyi was lazy and didn’t think about entering the room, but she had a beautiful sleep. It was late and even painful and tired. She is now eager to kiss a bed.
"Ding" the ladder door opened and Jiang Junyue got out of the ladder with Lan Jingyi in her arms, but before she took a step, a little thing jumped up enthusiastically and circled around two people, while still barking "little girl …" Lan Jingyi exclaimed with surprise that this little thing was really capable of finding her and finding her here.
Just as Lan Jingyi is a little girl, when she found her, an evil man suddenly came. "Your md is really a toss-up. I have to send this little thing in the middle of the night. Come on, how do you thank Xiao Ye for sending it for you myself?"
Jiang Junyue strode over Luo Qijiang without looking at him. "I didn’t ask you to be a little girl and ask for the door."
"Hey, I’m wrong, aren’t I? Don’t be ignorant of people’s hearts if you are surnamed Jiang? " Two big men choked up the saliva rack at the door.
Section 13
Lan Jingyi was shocked. It was a little girl who found it herself, but it was Jiang Qing who asked Brother Luo to send it. Didn’t he say that he didn’t care?
The heart is steep and warm, which is the most annoying thing in this world, that is to say, not to be that kind of person, but the most touching thing is to be that person, and Jiang Qing obviously belongs to the latter.
People were thrown off the sofa. Lan Jingyi picked up her handbag and touched it. She wanted to see if anyone would ask her to interview herself. I don’t know if I can go now.
Actually, at this time, there is no one working except overtime, and it is impossible for anyone to call her for an interview, but she is just looking forward to it.
However, when she opened it, it was not that she had been waiting for words, but that she was familiar with the missed words. There were dozens of missed words by Liu Wentao, and dozens of the same text messages were attached. "See the reply or you will not want to divorce me in this life."
Lan Jingyi is a little confused. Didn’t she leave long ago?
She signed the agreement without thinking, so she called over there. Liu Wentao’s deep voice soon sounded, "Go home immediately or face the consequences."
Go home?
Back to what home?
Listen to Li Yinyin, Lan Jingyi laughed at herself. Once it was the home she was most looking forward to, but now it is just a golden cage for her, and it is not happiness to bring her perfection again.
桑拿会所"Bang" the deafening door woke Lan Jingyi. She turned her head to Luo Qijiang and somehow left Lan Jingyi. She immediately jumped up on one foot and went straight to the door. Liu Wentao didn’t sound like a fake. He didn’t say that she wanted to go back and ask about the divorce. It was a big deal. She began to worry.
"Why go?" Just jumped two steps and my wrist was caught by a warm palm.
"I want to go back."

She must remember that place deeply, too.

Jiang Junyue jumped out of the car and drove to the commotion. The speed was still too slow to be slower. Seeing that it was coming soon, not far after Lan Jingyi returned the car, he was relieved and jumped into the commotion.
I ordered the strongest and strongest wine, but I didn’t go to any box. I drank it in the hall, but I drank a bottle, poured three bottles and drank a little. When Lan Jingyi came in, Jiang Junyue picked up the bottle and drank a little, and sent it to his lips as if it were cold and white. I had to drink a bottle more or less, otherwise it would be fake even if I was drunk.
Super dazzling neon flashing commotion is still crowded as usual. Men and women on the dance floor are shaking their bodies wildly, but Lan Jingyi’s eyes are quickly searching for the figure of that man. Even she doesn’t know what happened to her. She unexpectedly came with his car or she had already come in this direction. Anyway, she came to the commotion where she and Jiang Junyue first met.
After scanning for less than half a circle, Lan Jingyi found the man looking at him from a distance, but she was afraid to get ahead.
How did you get here and drink so much wine? There are several wine bottles on the table in front of him. Does he regard wine as water?
Because the baby is gone?
Because he and Lomevi’s baby are gone?
Lanjingyi heart suddenly hurt.
"Bring me wine again" compared with the daytime, he has changed into a light blue leisure suit, but it looks better with him. He can always hold her eye at a glance and make her unable to move away.
He seems to be drunk, and there is something wrong with that sound.
"Sir, are you drunk? Where do you live? I’ll have you go home. "Mr. Sheng went over and urged.
"Go away and bring me wine for a change. I want to drink wine …" He continued to roar and frantically. With a wave of his hand, the bottles immediately rolled from the desktop to the ground, and then others fell down as soon as they lay prone. It seemed that they were drunk.
Chapter 15 You bastard
It seems that you should have drunk before you came here, otherwise you can’t have drunk like this so soon after you arrived.
Lan Jingyi suddenly felt a little distressed, wiped her hands and quietly walked towards the man with wet eyes. She dared not see him when he was awake, but he was drunk now. Would you like her to see him?
"Tilt ….." She stopped beside him and called her eyes more worthless and wet.
"wine … I want wine …" I felt a small hand fall on my shoulder, and the man’s self-esteem was more or less satisfied. Isn’t Lan Jingyi looking for him early and seeing the child long ago? This is really enough.
"You’re drunk, I’ll send you home." Lan Jingyi tried to help him up, but he really sank her. He had a hard time helping him up, paid for the drinks, and helped him stagger out. She just came, but she was leaving. She didn’t want to be so crowded and crowded. If he was found together, it would be bad for him and Lome Wei to get married. That’s her sin. She and he have no future, so she hopes he can be happy.
If he is happy, she will be happy. It seems that her happiness is to build his happiness.
Helping him get out of the car, he stumbled and fell into the back seat of the car. She took his car keys and sat in the driver’s seat. He was drunk and it was hard for her to send him back. It was really a coincidence that she deliberately asked him to contact him. It was a coincidence that they lost two children together.
Focusing on driving behind the car, Jiang Junyue was busy. First, he sent a text message to Jiang Han, and then deleted all the text messages he had just sent. Only then did he change the silence into a bell and throw it aside.
Soon Jiang Junyue rang very harshly, which made the carriage change from quiet to noisy. Lan Jingyi turned around and picked it up, then hurried to drive and glanced at it quickly. The name Jiang Han flashed on the surface, which was a name she was familiar with.
As soon as her heart jumped, she looked back and saw that Jiang Junyue seemed to be asleep. She couldn’t help but pick it up. "Is there any news from the children?" Urgently ask the past, my heart is pounding badly.
"You are …" Jiang Han know perfectly well past ask quite cooperate Jiang Junyue can’t Jiang Junyue now is his uncle Jiang Han.
"I’m Lan Jingyi, Xiao Qinqin. Did my daughter find the children?"
"Oh, I found two and sent them to the president’s small apartment together." Jiang Hanyin trembled a little. Everything went so smoothly that he couldn’t help but wonder if the uncle who was eavesdropping at the other end was stealing at this time.
"Thank you … thank you …" Lan Jingyi hung for a whole day and finally let go. At this time, the voice trembled and became her instead of Jiang Han.
"Can you please give the message to Jiang … Jiang Zong?"
"Oh, he’s drunk. I’ll send him back." Glancing back, Jiang Junyue and Lan Jingyi are excited that the three of them will be reunited.
One is missing, one is missing, her baby is missing, and her favorite baby is missing. Where are you?
At this moment, she couldn’t wait for the car to grow wings and fly with her and this man to the children.
The night was soft and lovely black, as if it had been dyed with a touch of light or thick ink. Lamborghini rushed to the place where she wanted to go. This night, she didn’t care about anything. She wanted to go there and bring her daughter back. A family of three suddenly quietly.
An old song is playing in the station.
ChouHuei’s I really want to love you.
Some people are emotional and forgetful. I loved your heart forever.
I really want to love you. This sentence can be hidden into a secret. The rain outside the window repeatedly touches the traces of your love. I really want to love you, but it’s no good …
夜网论坛So soft melody, so distracted, every word, Lan Jingyi shed tears, but she really wanted the woman he was holding hands with to be her.
I think it’s a mother
More like a woman.
The smell of wine wafts in or that’s where she used to live. She’s been wandering all the time.
Stop and wake up.
It is true that Jiang Junyue has never fallen asleep. Lan Jingyi’s speed represents a mother’s heart.
"Let’s go home." He’s drunk, so forgive her for her nonsense. She really regards it as their little home.
Jiang Junyue is enjoying her tenderness with his eyes closed. Is it because he is drunk that she will show her truest side in front of him?
Will she leave him with that little thing when she meets Xiao Qinqin?

Huangfuda suddenly remembered what Sister Luo said last night. She said that it was shocking and he was the only one who was proud of himself. Now it seems to be true. You still dare to speak crazy to him and Ling Xiaoyao. Moreover, he deliberately led them here. This time, it is a big enemy.

"Tell me the truth, what’s your purpose?"
Mo Xiao smiled happily again, "the four countries belong to one and I am the only one."
In Huangfuda’s eyes, four countries are one.
It’s no wonder that the old guy who is nearly ancient and rare actually played this idea. At the same time, he made moves against several countries, which made people’s hearts unstable. He said that he was holding the life of heaven and man. The luxury in this house is better than that in the palace house. People are all good at martial arts. Treating Mo Xiao respectfully shows Mo Xiao’s strength and means.
But these are not enough. He will never allow it if this thing can bring the four countries together and cause great chaos and put the people in the water and fire.
Ling Xiaoyao also felt angry, and there were few things that could make him angry. At the moment, he could not control himself.
"Two famous days are the days when the population is full of princes and double people want you to submit to the old man. That day, people naturally turn to the old man, which can save a lot of things. Those unarmed iron men will not be afraid of war and disaster this day. You are wise people, such as choice. Isn’t it obvious now?" Mo Xiao smiled lightly.
Huangfuda sneered: "What if I refuse?"
Mo Xiao looked at Huangfuda and said it casually and naturally. "Changyong destroyed the royal family, and no one left the old man. He never knew what the sufferings of the people were, and how many people died without blinking an eye."
Huangfuda snorted. "Just like the plague in Beijing now, that’s all you will do."
"The old man said that it was just nonsense from the bottom. Chang Yong was willing to submit to the old man and naturally let people solve the plague." Mo Xiao laughed.
"I’m afraid I’ll let you down. Chang Yong-zhan will never yield." Huangfu Da’s voice was heavy.
Mo Xiao’s eyes narrowed. "It seems that I have misjudged the wrong person and you are not clever."
Huang Fuda so-called raised an eyebrow. "If you treat human life like dirt, you are arrogant and arrogant. It’s really unfair. Even if you plot to attract followers for many years, is it too simple to think that you can achieve your wishful thinking?"
"The old man will make you believe that if you refuse the old man today, you will regret speaking out of turn at this time in the future." Mo Xiao kept a calm face
"With you that is covered in poison weirdo, isn’t he here now?" Huangfuda raised his eyebrows.
"This next Yangcheng is a place he has been thinking about for many years and is very familiar with. Most of them are old people who always want to meet." Mo Xiao means tunnel.
Huangfuda’s eyelids suddenly jumped with anxiety, and he felt that the weirdo was too familiar with Yangcheng the next year. He seemed to be familiar with everyone in the capital, and it was probably not that simple to meet old people.
"I heard that you hurt him, and Kung Fu really got old or underestimated you." Mo Xiao light way
"Now you know that you should know the convergence when you are fooling around." Huangfuda cold way.
Mo Xiao smiled. "It’s true. I heard that you have a wife who is free from vulgarity and smart. Why didn’t she appear in front of people?"
Huangfuda’s eyes narrowed, and his wife was definitely not that simple. "She is in poor health and has gone out of town to recuperate."
"You must be so taboo. It is said that she broke the old lady’s pro-array and followed the old lady’s small master. If so, then she should be the old lady. You’d better take her back quickly." Mo Xiao smiled thick tunnel.
Huangfuda’s heart suddenly got angry. Others were simple and whimsical. Huangfuda looked at the steward for a moment, and her eyes were dark.
The steward’s head hung lower. The old master found him two months ago, and he was ordered to guard Qingyuan Mountain. It is necessary for him to tell the little master what happened in Qingyuan Mountain. If he thought he had done the right thing at that time, he didn’t know whether the old master was ambitious or not. He couldn’t help but regret it, but it was too late after all.
Mo Xiao seems to see what Huang Fu-da thinks. He laughs. "Nothing in this world can hide it from the old lady."
"Then you listen up. She is a little lady Wang Qingyuan Mountain. She has never looked down on her. You are not qualified to order her." Huangfuda said firmly.
"On the contrary, if there is any damage around her, she doesn’t want to see her." Mo Xiao threatened instead of getting angry.
"Come to visit another day" Huangfuda said, and the ink in front of him looked casual and leisurely, but his words and deeds made people feel unpredictable and he was uneasy again. He wanted to go back to the yard immediately to make sure that Shuiyunjin was still waiting for him there.
"What’s the hurry? Since you’re here, how can you easily leave and not let the old man try your business?" Mo Xiao said that the dark guards in all directions in the small courtyard moved closer to the drawing room in an instant, and the whole drawing room was surrounded by three layers of dark guards inside and outside.
Huangfuda looked at the scene with her eyes narrowed like jade and her hands clenched coldly.
桑拿At this time, Ling Xiaoyao also got up. It is already very obvious that this man named Mo Xiao has been planning to take the sky into his arms today. How long has he planned it and how many forces there are? It is not clear for the time being, but it has already disturbed the peace of various countries. Now it is even more important to hit him and Huangfuda with his idea, even his calculation of Shuiyunjin.
If he is not a furious person, it’s better to say that he has made a clear and thorough understanding of the situation in various countries before he dares to make a big provocation. Once he gets what he wants, the whole day will be destroyed in his hands, and it will be a disaster for everyone.
Sister Luo has been coldly looking at Mo Xiao. At this time, seeing his maliciousness, she disdains to sneer at "If anyone dares to go against your meaning in this world, you will try your best to deal with him. Twenty years later, it will be even more unscrupulous."
"This is" Mo Xiao looked down at the sound and saw Luo’s sister. His eyes narrowed and his face was slightly dignified.
"You have no right to know who I am. I came here today to take your life." Sister Luo looked at him coldly.
Mo Xiao stared at his eyebrows for a long time. What did he seem to say? "You are Mo Shu."
"Shut up, Mo Shu is dead. It’s really disgusting to hear the word Mo Shu from your mouth." Sister Luo stared at Mo Xiao in disgust.
"At the beginning, the teacher took you in and Mo Yang also let you take you as one of their own with the teacher’s surname, but you don’t care about the teacher’s secret affair with Mo Yang, so don’t blame the teacher for not having you." Mo Xiao’s voice sank
"You shut up, two of a kind. It’s really a crime to have an affair in your eyes. Your kindness to me also makes me vomit that scum like you can still live. It’s really an eye of heaven." Sister Luo has a deep disdain and hatred in her voice.
"You and Mo Yang were brought up by a teacher, and everything should be owned by the teacher. You can’t control it yourself. If you don’t listen to me, there is a dead end. You are not the only one. The teacher is the master of this day. You don’t understand and you have to go against the teacher’s will." Mo Xiao’s face was cold and he was just at ease.
Sister Luo sneered again, "Do you deserve to dominate the day? You are a thoroughly brutal pig and dog. There are countless people who dare to go against your meaning this day. If you have something to do, you will kill them all."
Mo Xiao was furious. "How dare you be so disrespectful to the old man? You will die hundreds of times."
"You, what are you? I’ve seen your true colors for a long time. So what if you’re not the one who does your bidding?" Sister Luo was very disdainful.
"How did you live to think that in those days, being a beautiful woman turned into what she is now?" Mo Xiao looked at Sister Luo’s eyes with something to dislike.
"I’m doing this because of you. You want you to do everything and pay the price." Sister Luo’s eyes were full of murder.
"If you can blame your bad life for being taken a fancy to by the old man, you should kneel down and give thanks with joy instead of letting the old man kill you himself." Mo Xiao held a high profile.
"Mo Xiao, I will kill you." Sister Luo was so angry that she took a sword in her hand and rushed to Mo Xiao.
Mo Xiao sat motionless, but when Sister Luo arrived near, he suddenly popped up a silver needle from his finger without any sound, and he moved lightly without any trace, leaving people completely unprepared and rushing straight to Sister Luo’s heart.

"I wish you’d come. There’s one thing you need to decide."

"oh? What is it? "
"Look, you gave this drawing this position."
I looked down at the place pointed by the architect. Fortunately, I was exposed to the knowledge of architecture. At first glance, I couldn’t help wondering, "How can there be such a strange pattern here? What does this picture represent? "
"Elegant president, this is the problem we are arguing about. Nine of them said that this thing could not be built, otherwise it would affect the balance of the game system, and that it is not within the scope of architects’ work, but I don’t think so. This is a rare opportunity. If this thing is made by several of us, it will be a lasting achievement."
After hearing so much, I asked strangely, "What is that in that?"
"That is different from the unified resurrection device!"
"What?" As if I didn’t hear you clearly, is it different from the unified resurrection device? Is this necessary? Will the player come back to life after his death? "What’s the matter?"
"Elegant president, you don’t know. It’s up to you to build this thing and register the players here and then resurrect and demote. Isn’t it up to you? This is a terrible thing. If there is another kind of equipment to cooperate with it, it can be upgraded after death. "
"Isn’t it? So b? It’s too strong to be resurrected after death … What do you say that thing is? "
"I don’t know if this is inferred from the drawings, but it’s also a terrible thing. You can adjust it to a death experience of 1%."
I came here for nothing when I heard this. This is really a treasure. What are you afraid of? "Then what do you ask? Go and make it. "
"But one of me agrees that the nine old fogies won’t do anything."
"Then you can’t do it alone?"
"This project is too complicated. If I do it alone, I may not be able to finish it in half a year, but with the nine antiques together, I can make it in one week when I need games, and it will take about two weeks to build Liancheng and’ Forbidden Heaven’. It is very important to get their support."
I turned to the nine venerable antiques and asked them, "Why don’t masters build this thing?"
One person said, "It’s all against the chorus. If you build this thing, the balance of the game will be completely tilted, which is unfair to other players."
Shit, you really are a great scholar, philanthropist? I can’t help but nu way "you say that is not the right game balance? Which game has been balanced? If you want money, people outside are different. Can you remit money to buy good equipment to play? Is it fair to start from the lowest level without money? "
"Is it fair for a player to offend a strongman in a game and be hunted down by someone?"
"Is it fair that you are designed to be architects in the game and those who are designed to become monsters are hacked and killed every day?"
I sneer at that a few guy I said a stay a stay finally throw’ n * * * *’ and said, "I believe you don’t know that your Teana host is being imprisoned by a plane Jade Emperor, right? And this was built to save her. How dare you not build it? Huh? "
When those nine people listened to the last sentence, their faces turned white and they joked that they were as good as their biological parents. Then what is there to say? Since the parents are lifesavers, nine people must make a unanimous decision at the same time to complete the construction of Liancheng and Tiandian as soon as possible, and also complete the biggest thing, Player Resurrection Device!
品茶论坛It’s so gullible of me to snicker at NPC, even if I don’t know whether it’s true or not. It seems that these people’s intellectual development is biased and thrown into technology.
Chapter VII Bart Wind
"Escape or don’t go. After all, I’m no match here before the old Dalian." Chris said carefully behind me.
"What are you afraid of? I’m here to explore the road and really want to fight. Of course, I won’t be stupid enough to challenge the top BOSS alone, although this is also your father’s command!"
"But this is not a place where players can break through."
"Silk son when are you so timid? Have you forgotten that I can be invisible? It would be nice if we moved forward invisibly. "
"But ~"
"It’s okay, it’s okay. Go back to your pet. I’m lurking."
I am carefully close to the broken wall. There are often ghost swordsmen patrolling in the green light. Fortunately, the ghost swordsmen belong to the soul class, not the dark class. Because of any stealth skills, all the dark monsters are effective. However, there are still invisible monsters in the ancient city that can be seen through, like small demons with demon eyes. The more agile you are, and the more powerful your attack is. The rogue ronin has puppet manipulation skills, puppet dolls and the strongest abyss knight. These are all on the first floor of the ancient city hall, and I’m going to the second floor of the fourth floor of the ancient city hall. Besides, I heard Chris’s father say that there have been traitors in the game, which means that most of the top bosses have been biased towards him because of his will, and there are only NPC, queen ant, orc hero and moonlit cat left in Teana. The Dark King, the Tiger King, the Pirate Captain, and the Egyptian King osiris have betrayed two of the three super BOSS in another higher level, and they have all surrendered to’ he’, leaving only the Snow Queen with one person to top two people. This is my special status (maybe a son-in-law) to know the secret news.
And now I’m going to Bart Wind’s home on the fourth floor of the ancient city. Bart Wind belongs to a special monster in the game. He is not under unified management. It can also be said that he was not made by Teana host, but made a top BOSS. Somehow, such a monster came out again, and his ability is among so many top bosses. Moreover, he didn’t show his attitude, said he didn’t support or support things, and hung up constantly.
I really want to know what kind of monster he is. My curiosity made me decide to sneak in and have a look.
I remember coming to the ancient city several times, bypassing many magical things on the second floor, and then coming to the second floor. Bart’s wind was discovered by magical things, but even so, the strong muscles and some horrible scars on his face made him feel cold and cruel.
"Welcome to come. I especially strengthened my patrol today. I didn’t expect anyone to come to the second floor. It seems that the guy in the abyss needs to be’ educated’ again."
As soon as I got close, I realized that Bart’s wind was so high that I was not as high as his knees. Regardless of his skills, magic, for example, was strong enough for physical attacks.
"Mr. Butterfield, how did you know I was coming today?"
"The guy in Tokdarcy said."
Before I could sigh out, Chris suddenly appeared and shouted, "What? Father, since he knows you, why did he tell Yi to come in with a cautious face? "
Butterfield said a few words to a monster around him and then turned to us and said, "How do I know what he wants? But he told me that he would bring me an opponent. I haven’t had enough fun for a long time. Whoever you are, fight with me first. I have driven all the monsters on the second floor to the other floor."
Chris and I looked at each other. No wonder Tokdarcy should be careful. It’s killing me. How can I beat the top BOSS alone? He’s better than Chris when he was an NPC. Think about that trick [red hand] of Tianjin Chris and that there was no need to sing all kinds of large magic. Chris later told me her secret trick [mission of heaven], but now these skills are so many that I can’t even do it without singing. Of course, it is impossible to cry when I think about it.
Bart wind finished, no matter whether I promised or not, I was almost unstable when my feet touched the ground for a perfect 1-degree arc. This guy actually demonstrated to me from the beginning, and I was so competitive that I was afraid of you.
Take out the The Hunger ring and throw the The Hunger ring at will to stay near my body. Now I can remotely control the The Hunger ring with my mind, and then take out the leader sword and the Orc Hero Shield. Of course, the Orc Hero Shield has inserted the’ Goddess Crying Blood Card’ at this moment, and I have tried that trick [Crying Blood Curse], which is really not a general skill.
I don’t have the super jumping ability of Bart’s wind, but I have the angel Polly who spreads her wings and flies straight to the second floor with her head held high for 9 degrees, and makes a 45-degree oblique rush to cross the Orc hero shield with the dive force, and the front leader sword presses the shield horizontally with the other hand.

"Jingyi, I’ll take you home." Started the car, and Jane asked.

"No, I don’t want to go home. I don’t want to go home." Lan Jingyi squinted and muttered that she was so tired. She wanted to sleep, but she didn’t want to go back to that small apartment. That’s Jiang Junyue’s small apartment. She doesn’t like Yin Qingrou as a neighbor at all. Jiang Junyue still walked out of her room earlier today. Is he going to walk out of Yin Qingrou’s room early in the morning?
"JingYi you see …"
"I don’t want to go home. If you take me home, I won’t talk to you for a generation after Jane leaves."
I don’t know what to do with a sigh, but I can’t help her when she comes home like this. Her mother will worry about her more than she has to take care of nonsense. Let him stay with her all night. "Jingyi, shall we go to the seaside?"
"Ok, I’m going to the seaside" seems that he would take her anywhere if he didn’t send her home. He prefers to take her to his home because he is afraid that she will regret it when she wakes up.
Then drive her to the seaside.
Chapter 24 Killing men by day
"Ok, I’m going to the seaside" seems that he would take her anywhere if he didn’t send her home. He prefers to take her to his home because he is afraid that she will regret it when she wakes up.
Then drive her to the seaside.
Jane left the car and drove, and came to Lan Jingyi. Look at her. She actually fell asleep. She glanced back at her sleeping position. It was really ugly, but he really liked to watch her fall asleep. She remembered that when she first met her, she fell asleep at the lecture table. Everyone listened to the report. She slept alone, which made the lecturer who was giving a lecture feel embarrassed, but when she woke up, she gave the lecturer a comment, which was that his speech was too ugly and low-standard.
So it is normal for her to fall asleep, but it is not normal not to sleep.
Hehe, she is such a little woman who dares to love and hate, and then loves and hates.
I think Lan Jingyi wouldn’t have broken up with him if Min Ru hadn’t blackmailed him to marry her.
按摩However, if there is no experience in this world, it is experienced, and they may never return to their original beauty and love.
The car stopped at the seaside, and it didn’t take long for the new year to pass. It was cold and the wind at the seaside was a little good. They listened to the tide and watched the tide rise and fall in the car together, and everything was so beautiful.
"Oh … well …" A whoop came from the back seat of the car. Jane jumped out of the back seat but didn’t help Lan Jingyi. She had "wow" and vomited all over him. The smell filled the carriage. He looked at her uncomfortable face and forgot to be sick. He took a tissue and wiped her dirty face with tears. After that little face like Xiaohua Mall was finally cleaned, Lan Jingyi was that delicate and lovely little woman again.
She has always been handsome and lovely in his eyes.
Now that she is clean, he is dirty.
Just take off your coat, throw it on the beach, and then clean up the paper towel in the car. Then he sat next to her with his shirt on and her head around. His legs seemed to be asleep. Her little face was filled with an indescribable sweet smile, which made him reluctant to blink, so he looked at her so stupid that he believed that she really moved on. She actually married Liu Wentao and Ji Minru. How stupid was she?
"Silly girl" whispered her finger and dropped Lan Jingyi’s little face. When she touched her skin, he trembled slightly. I don’t know if this is right, but at least she is unmarried now, isn’t it?
He wants to touch her face, that’s all. Does he have the strength to love her again?
The sea breeze still takes a taxi to the glass. He likes her to be together quietly in this silence. If Jiang Junyue is really with that woman, he will never let go of Lan Jingyi.
He loved her, always loved her and never changed. Now Minru is happy, so he should be happy, right?
Lan Jingyi rang. He picked it up for her and looked at the screen flashing the words’ Jiang Junyue’. When he thought about it, he took the opportunity to sleep for her. He didn’t want Jiang Junyue to bother her again.
One night, Lan Jingyi’s good sleep quietly passed.
Far away, the corner where the sea and sky meet has been flushed with a fish-belly grey.
The woman who pillow his leg still shows no sign of wake up.
But he dare not continue to be supported by her.
Gently remove her little face LanJingYi slightly uncomfortable frown this just continue to lie on the seat to sleep.
Jane got out of the car and lit a cigarette because the woman in the car was afraid that she would smoke his second-hand smoke, and he sat all night without smoking a cigarette.
Smoke is really a good thing sometimes. It can dissipate some sadness when you are upset.
It’s already dawn, and the seaside air is so fresh as if it can drop water.
He rang for the first time since last night, and told him it was Jiang Junyue before he picked up his intuition.
Jiang Junyue also drank a lot last night. Hehe, he called Lan Jingyi, but he didn’t expect to hit him. At this moment, Jiang Junyue must have woken up and remembered to call him. It turned out that the man didn’t really let Lan Jingyi drink. When he woke up, the first thing he remembered was the woman in his car, "Hello, Jane is not separated." He picked up and said in a low voice.
"Where is she?" The husky man seemed to have a bad time last night with a little bit of anxiety.
"Who do you want to leave?" Jane was about to speak when Lan Jingyin suddenly came behind her. It turned out that she woke up and the bus came just now.
Listening to the words, Jiang Junyue’s face changed slightly, his lips gently sipped, and he whispered, "Hang up and don’t say it’s me." A warning meant that Jiang Junyue didn’t want Lan Jingyi to know that he had called him.
Jane is a bit stupid. He is also a man, but he can’t understand Jiang Junyue.

"Don’t you have guests?"

"It’s not convenient for me to stay here!"
"What’s the inconvenience? Can’t my wife Mu Lingtian meet people? "
Shit, she didn’t mean that! They talk about things and she stays … It doesn’t make any sense!
After a long argument, Xihan said that he could stay.
The bearer is a foreigner. Night Xihan feels familiar. Suddenly, I remembered that the foreigner sitting in front of me turned out to be the most famous wedding dress designer in the world. Night Xihan once noted that this designer knew something about him. This designer produced four wedding dresses a year. This is his principle and he never made an exception. Even if he paid more money, he would not take orders. Because of this, she was particularly impressed by him.
Mu Lingtian invited him over, which surprised her and delighted her.
She looked at MuLingTian suddenly white MuLingTian leave yourself is to do? He actually found the most famous wedding designer in the world to design her wedding dress.
"Did Mr. Mu design the wedding dress by the lady beside you?" The designer looked at Xi Han’s eyes at night and smiled at Mu Lingtian.
"well! This is my wife Ye Xihan! "
"Your wife is really a beautiful China girl!" The designer praised
Mu Lingtian readily accepted the designer’s praise that his woman is of course beautiful. "It is very beautiful!"
He asked, "How long will it take to finish the wedding dress?"
"Mr. Mu, do you know that a wedding dress takes less than three months from design to ready-to-wear?"
Three months? Their wedding is two weeks later, and he asked for "one week!"
"I’m sorry I’m in a hurry! It’s impossible to finish it in a week … You want your wife to be the most beautiful bride at most? "
桑拿按摩"Of course." That’s why he invited him. "Our wedding is in two weeks."
"If Mr. Mu has to rush out, I can say that the wedding dress is absolutely not perfect." The designer truthfully said that he usually designed the wedding dress by himself, from design to production to details, which is why he produced four sets a year.
"Add 10 million more" Mu Lingtian felt that no money could not solve the problem.
"It’s not about money!" The designer said, "Well, I have a ready-made wedding dress, which is absolutely unique and I am most satisfied with the design for so many years, but I have never found a bride who is suitable for wearing it. Your wife’s beauty and temperament are very suitable for that wedding dress. It doesn’t take long to change the measurements and length …"
The designer also deliberately opened his mind to show them that both of them looked at the photos and it was really beautiful.
Mu Lingtian was satisfied and felt that it was really suitable for his beloved little woman to wear a big red carved wedding dress. It was the designer’s hand that became quiet and beautiful. He looked at Ye Xihan. "What do you mean?"
Yeh hee-han also likes it when she nods if she has no opinion, but she is worried about whether she can wear that effect …
"When do you try on the wedding dress?"
"Three days later!"
After the designer left, Mu Lingtian stayed overnight and Xihan sat on his leg. "How do you feel unhappy?"
Night Xihan shook his head. "I still feel so tight."
"Two weeks is not enough for you to prepare?"
"I’m afraid you’ll regret it!"
Fool, I won’t regret it. I can’t wait to marry you.
"I feel so extravagant for such an expensive wedding dress!"
"A woman is only once in a generation. Of course I want to give my woman the best, don’t you think?"
Although I still feel that the waves can’t match Muling’s words, it really makes her feel so sweet and happy.
"By the way, can the wedding be simple?" She knows him well, and he must be known to everyone, but she doesn’t want to be so happy. They don’t have to be seen and known by everyone.
He listens to her.
Kissed her twice "Good!"
"Husband has done so much without giving some rewards?"
Ye Xihan hammered him twice. "It’s time for you to get down to business!"
"I really don’t want to go!" He buried his head in her chest and sniffed her scent.
"Well, if you don’t go, you’ll be really late."
"I’ll take you and the children shopping when I’m busy!"
"What’s the sudden need to go shopping?"
"I haven’t taken you and your children shopping and I want to take you there once."
Night Xihan nodded just as she hadn’t bought anything with the children for a long time …
Mulingtian hugged for a while before leaving.
Night Xihan returned to her office. She looked at her brain in a daze and remembered that the big red wedding dress just now was not something that ordinary people could control.
I always feel that I can’t wear that smell, and I’m a little afraid I’ll let him down.
Section 34
In fact, if she is not in a hurry to get married, she would rather design her own wedding dress. Although it is not as good as this designer’s, she feels that it would be better to wear her own wedding dress. However, if she wants to come to Mu Lingtian, she will not let her design her own wedding dress. She will not let her work so hard. This is a little regret in life!
Forget it, forget it. You can’t design it for yourself. She can also design it for her daughter’s future wife.
Mu Lingtian went for an hour and talked about the project.
He didn’t go back to the company directly. He went to school to pick up two children before picking up his own woman.
Shopping spree with Ye Xihan and two children.
Whether Ye Xihan and the children like it or not, they pick up something and look at it again, so he swipes the card to pay the bill, which arouses a burst of envy among the shopkeepers and guests. When it gets dark, they will come back to a restaurant after dinner at 9 pm.
From the car, Mulingtian walked with two children in her arms. Night Xihan followed her and was about to enter the house when she saw several policemen stop them from behind.
"Is it Mr. Mu?"

Cheng Haizhu pushed Wen Fuxiao toward Cheng Haijue. "What’s wrong with staying? You see this."

I just went out to meet manager Wen and had dinner with him.
He was drunk and I didn’t know where to send him, so I brought him back. "
Cheng Haijue turned black when you heard it.
"So you brought him back to me."
Cheng Haijue said with a black face, "Don’t make trouble. Didn’t you see me put on a mask?"
Cheng Haizhu gave him a contemptuous look.
"What mask does a big man make at home? I didn’t make your sister."
"What do you know?"
Cheng haijue is too lazy to continue talking with him, holding wenfuxiao and asking cheng Haizhu.
"You brought him back, you brought him back. How can you bring him to me?"
Cheng Haizhu gave him a white look.
"Then you’re not talking nonsense. I’m a woman, he’s a man and you’re a man. If I don’t bring him to you, maybe I’ll take him to my room."
Cheng Haijue said, "What’s the problem? Are you still afraid that he will eat you?"
I think he should be guarding you. Didn’t you like him for a long time?
How did this come to this time but also talk about the ceremony? "
Cheng Haizhu a listen to look a dark and then added
"What do you care? I said Cheng Haijue, haven’t you always wanted to curry favor with him?
I’ve brought you all the recovered people. Please take good care of him.
I’m tired and I’ll go back to sleep, "said Cheng Haizhu, ready to go.
"Aye," Cheng Haijue grabbed Cheng Haizhu. "You really asked me to take care of him. Why don’t you help?"
Cheng Haizhu said he couldn’t help sighing and then came in.
"It’s really you. No wonder you haven’t made any progress for so many years." He said, holding Wenfuxiao and walking inside.
Cheng Haijue looked at Cheng Haizhu after hearing this.
"Cheng Haizhu I told you that I am your brother, don’t be so no big or little.
There are things before, and I hope you don’t get up, okay? That’s all in the past. "
Cheng Haizhu couldn’t help laughing at "Who is still lost in high school and your family is still missing? Hahahahaha"
Laugh if you don’t finish. Cheng Haijue’s face is sure to eat people at the moment if he doesn’t wear a mask.
Cheng Haijue tore off the face mask and frowned at Cheng Haizhu.
"Who hasn’t had two shortcomings for so long?"
He is an idiot in life and has been teased by Cheng Haizhu all the time.
Cheng Haizhu went on to say, "No, no,no. This shortcoming of being an idiot in life is not small."
Cheng Haijue’s brow became more and more wrinkled, and his face was not very good, so he made a mask and his face was stained with water.
"Cheng Haizhu, don’t talk nonsense. I said that I couldn’t give you a perfect explanation when everything happened. Now I am now. Can I not get involved with the previous events?"
Cheng Haizhu listened to the corners of his mouth.
"Maybe you weren’t the same person before and now, so it’s not you. What were you before and what are you now?"
Cheng Haijue looked at Cheng Haizhu "Cheng Haizhu"
Cheng Haizhu cold snorted a disdainful smile to hold the Wenfuxiao sofa and lie down.
"Well, you can help me with the next thing. Just think of it as my fart. I’m leaving." He turned and left.
Just at this time WenFuXiao vaguely uttered a sound is called ChuYan name.
Cheng Haizhu felt a quiver and closed her eyes. She guessed that it was really good. It was ChuYan.
Cheng haijue listen to also can’t help but turned to look at cheng Haizhu.
Cheng Haizhu likes Wen Fuxiao. Cheng Haijue knew it a long time ago.
桑拿论坛  title=Looking at Wenfuxiao at the moment so that he can’t help but worry about Cheng Haizhu.
Even though they are noisy, they are still brothers and sisters, which is to cut off the flesh and blood relationship.
Lai Cheng Haizhu will be very hurt and even cry.
But I didn’t expect Cheng Haizhu to turn around and look at Cheng Haijue with a smile.
Picked his eyebrows and said to Cheng Haijue, "This man is really spoony. He has a wife and still thinks about his first lover." He said, tut-tut, turned around and left.
Cheng Haijue froze in situ and then reacted without feeling a trance.
Cheng Haizhu has always been the image of a girl who liked to cry when he was studying abroad.
But unconsciously, the girl who likes to cry when she is engaged has now grown into a career-oriented strong woman.
She can laugh when a man she has secretly loved for many years says another woman’s name from her mouth.
Thinking about Cheng Haizhu’s words, Cheng Haijue couldn’t help smiling bitterly.
It’s no secret that Wen Fu Xiao Chu Yan Mo Chengkun’s three-person affair flows into the social circle.
Everyone is just hiding it.
Besides, in your circle, who hasn’t done anything yet?
Shook his head Cheng Haijue looked at the sofa Wenfuxiao couldn’t help sighing.
Go over and pick him up and bring him to and from the room. You can’t let Tangmo sleep on the sofa all night, can you?
As a result, I heard Wen Fuxiao’s words ringing off the hook. I picked them up and saw that the bearer was Zhao.
If the name Zhao Woman is right, it should be Wen Fuxiao’s wife.
Oh, it’s really hard to think about it. My husband has someone else in his heart and still remembers it every day.
Eh, wait, isn’t his sister the hardest thing?
I like people who not only have wives, but also love their first love.
After thinking about it, I shook my head and threw it away.
Cheng Haizhu ran to his room in one breath and opened the door.

On the other side, Li jiaqi came in and didn’t try so hard to sit, but her eyes glanced around and finally fell on our side.

His eyes Gu Changning paused for a moment and then approached this way.
Listen, I can’t help but get nervous as I get closer and closer.
"Why are you alone in Gu Changning, Ye Xiangyuan and Lu Xun?" Li Qi stopped in front of us and stared at Gu Changning condescendingly. "Oh, how did I forget that Ye Xiangyuan should still be performing military exercises in Lu Xun? I heard that he went abroad and seemed to talk about a big business?"
Gu Changning and I glances.
Lu Xun to check the fuel things nature is confidential Li jiaqi seems to have known something.
Or is he testing?
Chapter 243 First-instance judgment
I secretly thought and didn’t interrupt.
Section 223
But Li jiaqi didn’t Lu Xun thing but cold way "Ye Xiangyuan thing is good, can let you and Lu Xun be dead set to help him before your hand but I ate a lot of losses".
Gu Changning smiled, "Where is the Minister of Lebanon?"
Li jiaqi said, "You three are really scary together." He deliberately paused and hooked his mouth. "But I will let you know that ginger is still great."
Gu Changning said nothing.
Li Qizhi proudly said, "Xinlong will not lose this lawsuit today."
I am even more worried when I hear this.
The original one was difficult to deal with, and now Li jiaqi is posing like this. It seems that Xinlong is going to deal with Chu together, which will be more troublesome.
I can’t help looking at Gu Changning.
Perhaps I felt my eyes glance at Gu Changning and then look at Li jiaqi and smiled slightly. "Minister Li is so confident that I am a little scared."
What he is good at is ridicule.
Sure enough, Li Qi’s face became ugly. "Why don’t you believe it?"
Gu Changning said, "You are the elder, of course, you are what you say, but there is also an old saying that I hope Minister Li can recognize the reality. Some daydreams are doomed to fail."
He is suggesting that Li jiaqi can’t sit in that position. Li jiaqi’s eyes suddenly burst out of danger.
It’s a pity that Gu Changning didn’t care at all
He has always been so arrogant that he can choke people to death. Don’t say that he is really not afraid of Li jiaqi now. Even if Li jiaqi wins two years later, I don’t think he can flatter Li jiaqi.
And people like Li jiaqi must have been used to curry favor with Gu Changning. He made no secret of his malice towards Gu Changning with a sullen face.
His eyes turned from Gu Changning to me and sneered at "I have long heard that Ye Xiangyuan’s wife is very similar to my daughter, but it’s a pity that the fake is Ye Xiangyuan and I don’t know what’s wrong with finding such a woman as body double."
I never thought he would vent his anger, and my head was a little annoyed.
But I won’t argue with him on this occasion.
Is Gu Changning narrowed his eyes seems to be about to send.
Li jiaqi is before he said, "if he kisses my daughter, I can’t promise …"
Gu Changning sneered and interrupted him. "Minister Li and daydreaming Ayuan will not marry anyone, and the woman who shoots and kills people at every turn is afraid."
This sentence is completely angered Li jiaqi. He stared at Gu Changning coldly for a long time and then turned around with a cold hum and left.
Seeing that he was so angry with Gu Changning, I admired Changning’s poisonous tongue and was a little worried. "Will he wait for revenge?"
Gu Changning grunted, "What are you afraid of? We have already torn our faces with the Li family."
That’s why I’m a little relieved, but I’m beginning to think of Xinlong and dealing with Chu together.
I looked over at Li jiaqi.
He has reached the middle seat and exudes a kind of dance-only momentum. His hands are sitting around him with a strong aura.
But he didn’t greet Chen Shu in the past, perhaps because he didn’t want us to see the clue.
When I looked down, the horse was going to court.
Ye Wen suddenly whispered behind him, "That is the legal representative of Xinlong."
Gu Changning and I both followed the direction of his finger. It was an old man who was very respectful to Li jiaqi and was reporting something to Li jiaqi.
I can see that he is a puppet of Li Qi.
Li jiaqi personally came to supervise the lawsuit, and Xinlong must be the winner.
I took a worried look at Gu Changning.
Gu Changning said lightly, "What’s the hurry? It’s just a lawsuit."
As we spoke, the judge officially announced the trial.
The defense lawyer gave a string of evidence at the beginning.
Xinlong Hou also took out the contract in black and white.
The two companies teamed up with ChuShi nature is losing ground.
My mood is getting lower and lower.
Is Gu Changning old god don’t see anxious.
I looked at the hair next to him again and didn’t seem to be excited.
Even Ye Wen looked calm.
Originally, they also prepared a successful cause, but unfortunately, Chu did not produce strong rebuttal evidence until the verdict came.
The result of the first-instance judgment is that Chu has to pay sky-high compensation, not only thousands of tons of fuel but also breach of contract losses
In this way, even taking the whole Chu boat is not enough.
He Xinlong is determined to trample ChuShi to the dead.
I saw an ambitious smile on Li Qi’s face.
Chen Shu has some quiet meaning.
The two men reacted differently, but they won in the end.
Naturally, we had to sue the lawyer and made a claim on the spot, and the court accepted it
Out of court, after li jiaqi came first.
He won the lawsuit and could see that he was very happy and the old man Xinlong came up to us laughing and sneering, "I advise you not to sue or you will lose more thoroughly."
Gu Changning got up and looked at him. "It seems that Minister Li is very confident."
Li jiaqi said, "Of course, even if you sue ten times and a hundred times, this is the result. Don’t say that I didn’t wake you up as an elder."
桑拿论坛Gu Changning canthus to hook up without a word.
It happened that Li jiaqi was in high spirits and continued to sarcastically say, "This amount of compensation is quite a lot. I think you should save the money, or don’t blame me for being an elder and not showing mercy …"
Gu Changning smiled with his hands on his chest. "It’s just that you won a lawsuit. Your family is happy to be like this. It seems that you are really old. Since you like to wake people up, I’ll wake you up. You must be dreary exercise when the Li family was eaten by me a few days ago, right? How many losses have you suffered in Ayuan’s hands in recent years? Why don’t you have a long memory? "
He retorted that Li jiaqi was so angry that her whole face turned black.

Scarlett’s eyes sparkled and immediately returned to her original lovely and charming expression.

"I don’t know if they can find’ gorgeous metal’ by repelling blood?" Dark fire edge stab eyes echo centipede said.
Next to the disease, a heavy blow hit the body of the centipede and broke the head of the centipede before replying, "It’s no problem to say so confidently."
"I said brother, what is the boss doing there?"
"How do I know what big brother does? Anyway, your boss has a mysterious feeling all over his body."
按摩"The elder brother of the original method also have this feeling? The BOSS’s career, the female means, the adventure of living in peace with the top boss, at least I haven’t seen anyone like this in the game. "
"Hehe, cut the crap and upgrade quickly. When my professional level is LV7, I’ll check it out. If I’m reincarnated, I’ll try to be the second reincarnated player."
"Brother Fargo is really fierce, and I admire you as much as the Yangtze River is endless, and the rats in the waterway can’t be killed."
"What is this compliment? Hehe, stop it. You want to get to level 9 soon, don’t you? Join the challenge together then. "
"Elegant brother, what are you doing here?" Jathyapple took my skirts and said.
"Well, of course I have something to do. Otherwise, what are you doing here?"
I moved forward step by step carefully. Originally, I didn’t intend to bring jathyapple, but she refused to follow the disease and dark fire, and they didn’t want to stay outside until I finally came here with her.
Our present place is Acura’s Secret Cave. This is the place in the north of Mengkeluo where I once tried to enter but was killed by the guard NPC. I didn’t know the name of this place, but when I entered the cave, the horse saw the name engraved on the wall, which made me know the name of this place.
Ask me what will come here? Originally, when we were chatting at Kecha Hotel, we once had a personal chat with a player’ It’s too hard to really love you’. This player was known when I was reselling the level. Now he is still practicing LV9 for more than a week, but he still hasn’t been promoted to the last level. It is conceivable that the experience of 9 liters and 99 is so much. If I think about it, I’m very glad that Chris has so many things to do, otherwise how can the disease be so fast?
The message from’ It’s too hard to really love you’ is to entrust me to be a loner and he doesn’t have many friends. Now it’s very difficult to practice to level 9 (or I helped him to level 3)Now, in order to find the metempsychosis, one of the first things to collect is the sacred bracelet in this Acura Secret Cave. Of course, I am not a white handyman, because if I succeed, he will give me the ultimate weapon of my super beginner, the The Hunger Ring. Speaking of the The Hunger Ring, it has four holes, that is to say, it can be equipped with four cards, which is already an incredible attribute. In addition, it is a four-level weapon, which is already the highest-level weapon in Wonderland at present, and an artifact-level five weapon or equipment is still available. The Hunger Ring’s attack power is as high as 45, and it is a one-handed weapon. More importantly, it has three special abilities. First, it doesn’t limit the occupation. Second, even I, a super beginner, can make the weapon’s special skills [The Hunger’s call]. However, it’s never too difficult to really love you. Because of this, the conditions are very harsh. One stroke consumes life value. Four strokes consume magic power. At this point, it’s too difficult to really love you. Even at the highest level, there will be no magic power. In addition Halving the speed at 10 o’clock is even more cruel. It will cause permanent scars after this skill, which means that you will reduce your professional skill points a little. This is fatal. Nowadays, many professional function points are not enough to fill all skills. Now, this skill will be reduced once. For the highest level, that is, 12 professional skill points, it is unforgivable for players to reduce each one. But for me, the reason for this problem is that my professional skill can rise to the highest LV62 level, not to mention that I have one professional skill point for each level.Is there a place to make it? Ha ha!
Having said that, we haven’t said that the last special ability’ The Hunger Ring’ can be deformed, that is to say, it can be transformed into three kinds of weapons: The Hunger Ring, The Hunger halberd and The Hunger Bow, which makes the’ The Hunger Ring’ almost as powerful as an artifact.
It is said that this weapon is so powerful that why’ it is too difficult to really love you’ will be willing to give it up? It turned out that this weapon was exploded after he narrowly escaped death to kill the BOSS bee a few days ago. He was so excited that he almost died, but it almost made him die after an appraisal. Although this weapon does not limit occupations, it does limit basic abilities, and it requires six basic abilities: strength, wisdom, agility, dexterity, physical strength and luck. How many such people are there? Each profession must focus on two or three abilities to reach the highest level. If the overall development is achieved, then this person can be said to be an idiot. Like a knight, he must add strength and physical strength, while a crusader must add physical strength and wisdom. Assassins must add agility, dexterity and luck. These are almost axioms. Everyone knows that if someone distributes all the additional points evenly to each base point, then this person will not be able to attack, defend and be disabled. Therefore, it is too difficult to really love you. Who knows the secret point of Acura? If he dies like this carelessly, he will cry and return, so that he can think of me and try to contact me. Of course, I agreed without saying anything. This is simply my tailor-made weapon.
Chapter 10′ Acura Secret Cave’
Chapter 10′ Acura Secret Cave’
I gave me a notice with’ It’s too hard to really love you’, and I passed the guard NPC and entered the’ Acura Secret Cave’. This is a straight and oblique step. jathyapple and I walked for more than twenty minutes, but we still saw that they all went straight to the step and the places they passed were exactly the same. The khaki cave walls of the adventure lights were so weird.
Finally, after walking for half an hour, we passed the long passage to the first hole of the secret cave, where many weapons such as guns, halberds, knives, swords and bows were placed, and a couplet was hung in the first hole, which was like water, fog, love, rain, snow and heart! On the couplet, there is a picture showing a person holding a bracelet in both hands and flying in the sky with a first-class bloody white bird watching the bird move as if eager to leave, while the person’s eyes are fixed on the bird’s eyes, showing three expressions of expectation, sadness and happiness. The place depicted in this picture is a mountain with a little blue water in the distance, and there is a mountain towering into the sky. Especially, there is a stone tablet engraved with’ Desperate Cliff’ next to the place where this person stands!
I wonder why there is such a painting that I can’t read, but I’ll finish it first. It’s less than 10 square meters. I rummaged through the first hole, but no matter how I looked for it, I couldn’t find anything similar to a bracelet. This reminds me that the orc hero told me to find medicine. Maybe this so-called bracelet is also the name. It’s probably something else. I think of this and start looking again.
When I was looking for things everywhere, jathyapple crawled and sniffed this and that, which matched her golden fur leather coat. I almost saw a cat, but jathyapple was so cute that I couldn’t help touching her head twice, which made jathyapple look cold.
Finally, it took almost a day to return to the game, and it should be past noon when calculating. No wonder I feel hungry now. I called jathyapple to eat immediately.
Aft I left, jathyapple took out that stick and the golden bell that had been put away. this is the true face of jathyapple-moonlit cat.
"This elegant is really interesting. If it weren’t for him, I really couldn’t go out. I don’t know if that little thing payon would be proud. Ha ha! Tell me to wait for him for two hours, then I’ll go to bed and wait for him. Isn’t this the little guy’s territory? Looking for that’ sacred bracelet’ is really troublesome if I directly order him to hand it over, but I can’t show my identity, so forget it and go to sleep! "
Jathyapple rolled into a ball and fell asleep in a box. It was like a cat.
"The housekeeper is quick to eat!"
"Young master, it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Do you want lunch or dinner?"
"It’s just a meal anyway. Why are you so careful?"
After eating in a hurry, I don’t know what I ate. Anyway, I just need to fill my stomach. I stretch and reminisce about playing games early. It’s really cool after one to three hours. It feels like it’s been a long time inside, but it’s just a short time outside. I believe there are many players who feel the same way as me.
I don’t want jathyapple to wait too long to do stretching exercises for the rest of his life. After hearing the crack of his bones, he immediately put on his helmet and entered the game.
As soon as I got to the game, I saw an interesting scene. I never thought that jathyapple’s sleeping posture would be so strange. Her head was rolled into a 36-degree circle and even connected with the soles of her feet. This is the second time. The most important thing is that her face actually sticks out her tongue and licks her soles from time to time, which makes me uncomfortable. However, I just want to laugh and don’t wake her up. I went to the second hole alone.
The second hole is not far from the first hole, and it will be different from the first hole in a few minutes. The second hole is no longer a yellow wall of mud, but a beautifully decorated smooth marble floor and a flat brick wall, and there are not many things in the second hole. It is estimated that there are four extra-large chairs for me to sit in, and there is an odd bed with a big hole in the bowl and a concave pillow at the head of the bed. In addition, there are four locked boxes on the ground, which are strangely inlaid with gold as if to induce me to commit a crime.
Take out the beginner’s clumsy dagger and pry open the first box in the first row. Who knows that the iron powder in the chain head didn’t brush to pry it up, and I forgot that I was throwing a [rocket art] at the lock now, but the accuracy of this magic was not accurate enough to aim at a small lock, so the rocket almost hit the box "beep beep beep beep …" Eleven times in a row, the rocket hit the lock and hit the box with poor results.
I threw it away without thinking continuously [Ice Arrow], but I had to avoid the first tunnel when the wood was burned and it was easy to burn.
Suddenly I heard a voice shouting, "How can it burn? Which guy is so bold to set fire to me? "
I looked in the direction of the sound source. An ant was right about you. It was an ant with a head running out of the tunnel. It was hairy. I don’t know if it was hands or feet. Long limbs fanned the flame at random. At first, I thought it was that it put out the fire at random, but as it fanned faster and faster, a real flame actually formed around the flame, and I felt a little suffocated.
After the ant put out the fire, he realized that there was such a person as me, so he turned to me and said, "Hey? How did you get in? "
"This ….." I’ll take a closer look at this head ant. If it’s interesting, it can be regarded as a handsome boy, but when I look at his face, it’s a dark and physically transformed animal in Resident Evil.
"Human are you human? Ha ha, finally a human has come to me. Ha ha ha … "
Chapter 19 Handsome
Chapter 19 Handsome
I have an ominous feeling when I look at the ants dancing. I have always trusted my intuition very much, so I stepped back at the first time and [accelerated technique] helped me run to the first hole quickly.
"Hey? Want to run? "
"It’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad, it’s sad.
Thinking of the terrible consequences after being caught, without saying anything, I ran out of the second hole and the distance to the first hole was not far. It took more than a minute to get to the first hole. I swept my eyes and went to jathyapple to sleep. No matter what her reaction was, I took her hand and held my arms and continued to run to the ground passage. I woke up and asked, "Hey, who are you?" Why are you holding me? "
I looked down at my arms, and jathyapple almost stopped me, because jathyapple’s face had grown golden hair and long hair similar to a cat’s beard had grown beside his mouth, but now there is no time for me to think about holding jathyapple tighter and speeding up.
Jathyapple suddenly felt that the first reaction when he was caught was that his sharp fingers and nails stuck out, but after seeing me clearly, he withdrew, "Elegant brother, why are you running in such a hurry?"
"I …" A word of me just came out. At this time, my saliva choked my lungs and I coughed so hard that it was impossible to continue running.
After hiding jathyapple with a hard cough, three fire walls blocked the whole tunnel in the rear, followed by two [dark barriers] to protect both of them, and then [freezing] to freeze the fire walls and our tunnel, hoping that this would stop for a while
Jathyapple is watching me do this and that curiously asking, "Elegant brother, why are you doing this?"
I coughed and said, "You … cough … wait … cough … and then sue … cough … and sue you!"
"Ha, ha, ha, elegant brother, it’s interesting for you to talk like this!"
Pour! Regardless of jathyapple, because the ant with the head has already hit the first fire wall, it seems that the fire wall is not too big if it doesn’t stop him for a second with his quick body movement.
Pulling jathyapple and continuing to throw fire walls along the way, even if there is no resistance for one second and half a second, I dragged jathyapple and looked at the head behind him. There was a smile in the ant’s mouth that I didn’t notice.
"Don’t run, you hateful guy!" The ant on the head was also annoyed by my fire wall tactics. I cut the fire wall all the way, cursing the sky and cursing the ground. Of course, I don’t care what he scolded. I just realized how long it is to run all the way from a hole to the ground. I haven’t seen a ray of sunshine for ten minutes, but the ant on the head behind me is impatient. Now it’s almost not cutting the fire wall physically, but rushing directly into the fire wall to pity me. Now the fire wall has really disappeared.
Finally, I haven’t reached the ground yet. I have been chased. I threw jathyapple away with one hand and quickly took out the leader’s sword with my right hand. I turned around and stabbed the ant at the head. It is impossible to stab the root of this crowded hole by cutting, sweeping and splitting, but the leader’s sword body is not suitable for this technique. The wide sword body seriously limits the flexibility.
One of the head ants opened my sword in front of one foot, and the other foot bent and swept towards my head. I immediately blocked the orc hero shield. At this time, I heard the head ant "Yi" and didn’t hear the sound of the orc hero shield being hit. In doubt, I removed the orc hero shield and saw the head ant staring at me and removing it. The orc hero shield immediately put its sharp foot across my neck and said, "Say! Where can I get this shield? "
The first time I was held back by a "man" with a "knife" and looked at that sharp limb, I had no doubt that this might be a BOSS guy with a second kill, so I might honestly answer "reward"

"Did the doctor encounter a kidney source?" The first thing Lan Jingyi does every morning is to rush to the doctor’s office to ask about the kidney source, which is Lan Qing’s only hope now.

"I’m sorry, not yet. We’re trying to find it."
She knew it would be like this, and the result was the same story every day, but she didn’t wonder that the doctor’s kidney source could be met but not sought. The first thing is to have it, and the second thing is to have a mother to match it, but it’s simple to say, but it’s really 10 thousand to find it. It may be too difficult.
Coming out of the doctor’s office, Lan Jingyi’s heart is once again confused. This is a kind of suffering every day. Every step to the mother’s ward is so sad.
"Ding …" is a short message.
夜网论坛Lan Jingyi’s consciousness turned pink in her hand. This was when Jiang Junyue gave her a short message but she was stunned.
That’s MMS "Ding …" It’s ringing again and another MMS has been sent.
Photos are one after another.
Through those photos, she found that the background of those photos should be the city airport, because she saw the words airport city, and the photos were enough to send her to ten levels of hell
It turned out that as soon as he left, she found a new lover and had already kicked her away.
Lan Jingyi quietly looked at the photo in the corridor, smiling and happy, holding Jiang Junyue’s daughter. I have to say that the woman is very beautiful and very suitable for Jiang Junyue’s dress. It is even more decent and valuable at first glance.
There are women like that who deserve to be distinguished. Jiang Junyue, she knew she was not suitable for him. She told herself not to let him go together, but before she knew it, he went together.
A mournful smile made Lan Jingyi close. She told herself not to think about the man in the photo, but she couldn’t get rid of the Uber face.
Tears streamed down Lan Jingyi curled up and sat on a bench by the corridor wall, never trying to walk back to the hospital.
After sitting for more than two hours, my mother called. She disappeared for so long. Can my mother not worry? "Mom, I’m going to the supermarket. Do you want to buy something? I’ll be back in a minute. "She was as cheerful as possible, but her heart was dripping with blood.
Chapter 73 You are pregnant
Lanqing didn’t want her to go back early.
Hang up and dry your tears. She should go back. I really can’t worry mom.
I bought some apples, or I went to the supermarket and didn’t buy anything. My mother will be worried. I went to the hospital and went to public health to wash my face. This is better. I hope that when I see my mother later, she won’t think much.
When Lan Jingyi quietly pushed the door and entered the hospital bed, Lan Qing was asleep. An Xiang had a faint smile on his face, but there was a man sitting in front of the bed beside her. The man was about the same age as Lan Qing. At this time, he was sitting there quietly watching Lan Qing hear the door open and turned his head. "Is Yi?"
"Are you …" Lan Jingyi hesitated. After all, it was a stranger or the first time she saw him. Even her mother allowed him to come in, she was still a little suspicious.
"Oh, I am Joe # 226; John, you can just call me John, right? I want to talk to you, "John said in a low voice.
Lan Jingyi could see that John looked dignified and seemed to have something important to say "yes" to her.
Two people together out of the LanQing ward came to the public balcony at the end of the corridor and sat down.
"Go ahead, Mr. John."
"Oh, yes" seems to be a bit difficult to say. John paused before adding, "Someone asked me that he could give your mother a kidney source."
"Really?" Lan Jingyi’s eyes lit up. At this moment, she was so happy that she forgot the photo of Jiang Junyue holding together.
"It’s …"
"How much is it? Many, aren’t they? " Lan Jingyi didn’t think much about anything. He wanted money.
But I don’t want Mr. John to directly say, "It’s not a condition."
"What conditions?" Faint LanJingYi also detect the wrong, it seems that this condition should be bad for her.
"The man said that you must leave Jiang Junyue and never go to see him, otherwise you and your mother will …"
Lan Jingyi just laughed and went to this moment. Her heart was complicated and her mind flashed across Jiang Junyue. The photo shows that she should have promised at once, but I don’t know what she really wanted to promise at this moment. Her heart was very uncomfortable.
"The man said to give you a day to think about it. If you don’t agree, forget it."
Lan Jingyi looked back at the door of the mother’s ward on one side of the corridor, where her mother’s life was fading away bit by bit. If she didn’t agree, Mother’s Day would be few days.
And how far can she and Jiang Junyue go? She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened her mouth, "Mr. John, I’ll give you an answer someday." It was also at this moment that she suddenly felt that even if he didn’t want her, she didn’t want to see him for the rest of her life, even if she met him occasionally or far away.
"Ok, I’ll go back to the hotel and wait for your reply. Tell her I’ll see her again tomorrow when your mother wakes up."
"thank you"
Mr. John left Lan Jingyi or sat quietly on the balcony. If she really had a kidney source, her mother could have an operation at once. She suddenly got up and quickly went to the doctor’s office, knocked on the door and went in. She directly asked, "Doctor, how much does it take for my mother to have a kidney transplant?" These must be prepared before the operation, and no mistakes can be made.
The doctor hesitated for a moment before saying, "Oh, about 40 thousand euros."
"Thank you" asked the answer. Lan Jingyi left the doctor’s office with so much money. She also had Jiang Junyue first. No matter how sorry he is, it is important to save his mother first.
Lan Jingyi hardly slept a wink all night, and she couldn’t sleep. In her mind, Jiang Junyue and her mother were in a mess.
Mother and daughter got up early. "Mom, Mr. John said he would come to see you again today."
"Oh, he’s mom. An old friend from abroad lives in Frankfurt. It’s really bad for mom to come here. Yiyi, he used to be friends with your father."
Maybe this last sentence is the key point. Because John’s father is blue and sunny, John has been in contact with him. "Mom and dad will definitely find it."
"Who knows? Yi Yi Ma wants lemon tea."
"Ok, I’ll go out and buy it for a while," Lan Jingyi said, and went out to buy something very cheap. But when she went out, she realized that she had lost her money yesterday. She had to take some money. There was a cabinet machine in the hospital. Lan Jingyi went and inserted the card. It was Jiang Junyue’s card, and she had spent almost all her money. This was the first time that Jiang Junyue was stuck in her heart. He had given up her, but she could spend his money. It was really impossible to be short of money, which would suffocate people.
It was her birthday to enter the password. How could he betray her if he was so careful?
At this moment, Lan Jingyi didn’t believe those photos and the woman who answered the phone.
But when Lan Jingyi enters the amount, the interface response is that your card has been frozen.
Looking at that line, Lan Jingyi’s heart suddenly took shape, took the letter card and went to the store outside to buy something, swiping the card to show her that your card was still frozen.
Her hand card is Jiang Junyue’s deputy card, which means that the main card holder must know that her card is frozen, but he didn’t inform her beforehand.
From last night to now, Lan Jingyi’s heart is like a roller coaster. The experience is that her heart is ups and downs. Now she really has no reason to hesitate. Will she see him again?
No, not anymore.

Real Madrid won the 21 ST leading stand, and all the fans of Real Madrid gave a warm cheer.

The commentator shook their heads and conclude that Real Madrid will win the championship and complete the triple crown.
The strength of the two teams is very different. It was an accident that Real Madrid conceded the goal.
With Lu Wenbin’s appearance, Athletic Bilbao can’t finish the comeback when the score is behind.
Sure enough, Athletic Bilbao still didn’t score before the half-time, but Real Madrid scored again.
This time, Lu Wenbin took the ball and was knocked down by the opposing defender Amore Beta. Lu Wenbin personally took the penalty for this self-created Italian ball.
Lu Wenbin kicked the ball directly into the corner by opening the Italian ball skill.
Lu Wenbin scored twice and Real Madrid entered the halftime with a 31-lead.
At the beginning of the half-time athletic competition in Bilbao, a wave of onslaught was launched. Li Harvey Alonso broke through the defensive line of the back waist and completed a long-range shot from the forbidden zone line of Biba striker Laurent.
Although casillas dived into the ball, he only touched it with his fingertips and finally hit the post and bounced into the net.
After all, Athletic Bilbao broke the goal of Real Madrid on its own and tied the score to 23. All fans of Bilbao and Atletico applauded and cheered, hoping that the team would make persistent efforts to equalize and reverse the score.
But real Madrid’s defence and the ball
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The door is not so easy to break.
When it came, Athletic Bilbao never realized its desire to break Real Madrid’s goal.
Instead, their own goal was repeatedly broken by Real Madrid.
In the 67th minute, Luo took the ball back and broke into the forbidden area. Defender iraola put him down and the referee awarded him a penalty.
Luo was going to give the ball to Lu Wenbin, but Lu Wenbin didn’t accept it.
Italy’s goal is acceptable. Someone else made a penalty. Lu Wenbin won’t want him and doesn’t lack goals.
Although he needs a hat trick in this game, he doesn’t need Luo Rang to give him this penalty.
Seeing that he didn’t accept Ronaldo and didn’t say much, he kicked a penalty into the goal and Real Madrid led 42.
Two goals behind, the athletic offensive in Bilbao is even more fierce.
We cann’t even do it without attacking
If you attack, you may not win by scoring, but if you don’t attack, you will lose.
So in the first minute, he attacked Athletic Bilbao without scoring and was hit back by Real Madrid.
This time, it was Khedira’s steal. After seeing his teammates steal, Lu Wenbin threw off the close-fitting defense. De Marcos turned and rushed to Athletic Bilbao at half-time.
Lu Wenbin’s full speed is very fast, soon surpassing Zema and defending Ekza, and others are about to fall offside.
At this time, Harvey Alonso, who had received Khedira’s ball, kicked the ball into the frontcourt with a big foot in his foot.
Lu Wenbin adjusted his running speed while watching the flying direction of the ball, which was affected a little bit. He was forced to defend Amore’s pursuit without forming a single knife.
However, Lu Wenbin’s full-value skills and creativity made him stuck. After he occupied the landing point, he didn’t stop the ball and tried to turn around and pass. Instead, he suddenly stretched out his foot and picked the ball from the top of the center back Amorebetta behind him.
Then he turned around and rushed past Amore Bieta.
Amorebetta Lu Wenbin will stop the ball and adjust it. Lu Wenbin can’t catch the ball and can turn around and pull Lu Wenbin.
However, Lu Wenbin’s physique is too good. Amore Belta didn’t even pull Lu Wenbin. He was pulled free by Lu Wenbin and the front of the forbidden area received the ball he picked up.
Then before the ball landed, Lu Wenbin rushed back to prevent another central defender, Ekza, from stretching his foot and damaging the ball with a volley.
The ball crossed a parabola and hung over the front goalkeeper Eliasos to save "bang" the edge of the beam and then bounced into the net.
The commentator shouted
"hat trick Lu wenbin finished the hat trick again."
"After the Champions League final, Lu Wenbin scored a hat-trick in the King’s Cup final, and will lead Real Madrid to win the Spanish King’s Cup, which has never been a triple crown in the history of Real Madrid."
"florentino, the first triple champion in the history of the tenth Champions League, gambled on Lu Wenbin and made a complete profit."
The commentators sang praises to Lu Wenbin, and the fans were excited and cheered in the stands. When celebrating, Lu Wenbin scored a goal. Instead of hugging his teammates to celebrate, he ran to the table where the players’ families looked. First, he gestured to Keita’s position, and then he rushed over to Kate to hug and celebrate.
The commentators suddenly divined.
"Oh, Lu Wenbin didn’t celebrate with his teammates this time but went to show his love to his girlfriend."
"Not his girlfriend, but his fiancee Lu Wenbin proposed to Kate only two days ago."
"Lu Wenbin showed his love to Kate in front of the world media and fans and announced their love to the world."
夜生活"Lu Wenbin gave this hat trick and the King’s Cup to his girlfriend."
Seeing this scene, the fans gave a thunderous clap.
Even those women who are jealous of Kate can continue to envy and envy, but they can change the fact that Lu Wenbin and Lu Wenbin are unmarried, and Lu Wenbin also shows his love in public and sprinkles dog food on them.
After Kate hugged and kissed in public, Lu Wenbin returned to the field and his teammates high-fived to celebrate and continued the game.
Chapter 575 Triple Crown Real Madrid
After Lu Wenbin scored a hat trick and Real Madrid led 52, the game was over.
The gap between the three balls is only a little more than 1 minute, and it is impossible for the time base to turn over again.
In this case, the average team may give up.
But Athletic Bilbao is not an ordinary team, and they still haven’t given up.
After the game resumed, Biba players gave up the defensive line pressure attack on Lu Wenbin, Zema and others, hoping to play a Jedi comeback.
However, the Jedi comeback is not so easy to perform, especially in the face of casillas guarding the goal and Pepe, Carvalho, Ramos, Khedira and others forming a defense line
Although Athletic Bilbao attacked Real Madrid at half-time in the last few minutes, it was almost difficult to get into the forbidden area, which made it even worse and threatened to shoot.
As time went by, Mourinho began to change players to give him a substitute field to celebrate the championship.
In the 92nd minute of stoppage time, Athletic Bilbao’s long-range shot forced casillas to make a save and saved the ball from the baseline. Biba got a corner.
Coming here is probably the last attack of Athletic Bilbao.
Therefore, not only two central defenders, but also goalkeeper Eliasos rushed to the forbidden area of Real Madrid to fight for the corner kick, and the goal of Athletic Bilbao was over.
Naturally, Real Madrid players, including Lu Wenbin, also fought back for the last attack to prevent athletic Bilbao from scoring.
Although the goal did not affect Real Madrid’s championship, it always felt bad to be scored in the end.
Except for the corner kick, there are 21 people on both sides, and there are many conflicts outside the forbidden area of Real Madrid
After two consecutive warnings, the referee finally got bored and blew the penalty whistle directly, regardless of the pulling and pushing of both sides in the forbidden area.
Then Biba player Gomez sent a corner ball across the crowd and landed at the back of the small forbidden area.
Biba Bazhong striker Lorant happened to be there, but Ramos occupied the position, jumped high against the impact of Lorant, grabbed the first point and tossed the ball to the outside of the forbidden area.
Recently, Khedira and Biba midfielder Martins rushed to the ball landing point at the same time, and the ball was pushed by Martins to Chadeira’s interference. The ball flew to the top of the arc in the forbidden area and just landed on Alonso’s foot.
From Ramos’ top to the first point when the ball was pushed out of the forbidden area, the players from both sides began to retreat. The goalkeeper Eliasos, who didn’t grab the ball, quickly ran to his goal.
But how can people go faster than the ball?

"Are you just assuming that the actual success story can be obtained?" Yu Linjiang threw away the plan handed over by former Yu Tingchuan. "It’s better to please the Japanese than to do a good job at hand. It’s good enough to develop in the future, and you don’t need to go to new fields to be the leader."

Yu Tingchuan’s long legs crossed and leaned back to look at his father’s eyes. "It’s not a bad thing to be stable, but if you are too conservative, you will go uphill one day."
Yulinjiang’s attitude is firm. "Even if I go uphill, I don’t want to see it being tossed into four elephants by you."
Then he looked at Yutingchuan again. "It’s not sad to have a child without you."
Yu Tingchuan said, "Sometimes you don’t need to put on a face when you are sad."
"I think you are a face of spring breeze." The light in Yulinjiang’s mouth is more profound. "By relying on a miscarriage, there is no child."
"If I don’t do that, I’m afraid you can’t sit here and talk to me now."
Yu Linjiang smiled, "Everyone regards children as chips, so you two are also worthy."
Listen to who Yulinjiang refers to. Yutingchuan looks as usual. After a while, he also smiles. "Your hand is a Shengmao shopping mall. Anyone who is hit by this pie will be dizzy. I knew that you were interested in Sun Yi, but I didn’t expect you to be so concerned about my child."
Yu Linjiang’s eyes are cool. "You’re curious enough to be so refined that you’re still being calculated by a woman that you can’t even control your own face. After people are pregnant, people want to do business with Hengyuan. Do you want to send a woman to your bed?"
At this time, Yu Tingchuan got up, holding the edge of the table with both hands and looking at the face of Yu Linjiang. "Others have sent you women. You have enjoyed the children and have not seen you promise to marry others."
Yu Linjiang’s forehead veins stood out, but there was no answer.
Yu Tingchuan slowly let go. "It is said that Xiao Fu, no matter how bad I am, I will not portrait you in this respect."
Words fall and turn to leave.
Yulinjiang said, "Don’t mess around. It’s your sister."
See YuTingChuan stop YuLinJiang looked at his back, "since it is abortion shouldn’t pull koo, her life is acting this hobby is not worth your mind to deal with her"
Yu Tingchuan turned back. "You think too much about me. If she is kidnapped abroad now, do you also think that I manipulated her?"
Yulinjiang watched him not do it.
Yu Tingchuan said, "I’ll go back to the office if there’s nothing else."
"I just went to see Jia Zhi" Yu Linjiang began.
He didn’t shy away from Yu Tingchuan’s line of sight and went straight to say, "Jiazhi is a good girl. You are 34 years old, not 14 years old. If you have had enough fun, you can toss it with me before you get back to the right path. It’s just that a woman born like a child is not worthy to sit in the position of Yu Jiaer’s wealthy family."
Yu Tingchuan said, "I know my own business, so don’t worry about it."
"How many do you have?" Yu Linjiang’s face is gloomy. "If you had a number, you wouldn’t let her give you the whole Yu family set. I said that you wouldn’t inherit Hengyuan, so you deliberately found such a woman to block my eyes for the rest of my life?"
Yulin river cold hum "you want to find someone to co-star in this play also depends on whether people are willing to play with you. When the child was born, I rowed Sheng Mao to her name before I broke up with you. Are you me? Then you look down on yourself and think that my little girl has a shallow eyelid and has never seen the world? Somebody else’s appetite is much bigger than you think. "
Yu Tingchuan said slowly, "If you think too much, you can’t think too much."
"How can you still recognize that the little girl is dead set on you?" Yu Linjiang sneered with sarcasm. "If you take off this layer of boss Hengyuan, I’m afraid she won’t even look at you. My little girl is very powerful. You think she has affection for you. I’m sorry, but I didn’t see it. If you can’t have a baby, I don’t think she is so quiet. If you want to be in charge of this group, you want to make yourself clear about this trivial matter!"
Different people have different judgments on the same thing, such as company policy. You choose to be stable and I choose to keep moving forward.
Yu Tingchuan said, "The same is true for women."
"…" Yulinjiang pinched her lips.
"I’m afraid I know better than you what kind of woman she is and whether she has feelings for me."
Yu Linjiang sarcastically said "I really think I am a lover"
"Not as good as you"
Yutingchuan lost these three words and walked to the office door.
Yu Linjiang looked at this mature and tall man and then thought that when he was young, he was the most like him, both in appearance and personality, but also the least pleasing to him. When Yu Tingchuan opened the office door, he finally didn’t hold back his mouth. "You marry Gu Jiazhi and I can put you on the board of directors at the meeting."
The voice fell and the door closed again.
Yu Linjiang was so angry that he clenched his teeth and hated to scold "Inverse!"
When Yu Tingchuan came out of the chairman’s office, he didn’t go directly back to his office and passed by coffee, but his pace slowed down a little.
In the coffee, the chairman secretly chatted with several female employees with a smile.
夜网论坛  title=Yutingchuan changed direction and went in.
With his back to the door, the chairman of the board was talking about interesting things in the group to make the new female employees happy. Suddenly, she noticed that the atmosphere had changed. The female employees stopped laughing and turned around and went their separate ways. When he went back to see Yu Tingchuan, he was scared out of his mind.
After thinking about it, I decided to write a chapter on Lao Yu’s situation and thoughts, which is beneficial for everyone to understand him better in the following story.
☆, Chapter 155 Just forget it.
"Yu … Yu Zong"
The chairman doesn’t know how long it’s been before Yu Tingchuan’s door. It’s embarrassing and embarrassing to chat with colleagues when I think of my class.
As soon as he opens his mouth, she looks like she just saw Yu Tingchuan say hello and shout manager Yu.
Yu Tingchuan leans into his trouser pocket with one hand and looks around. Finally, he falls back to the chairman’s secret face and casually says, "I was dumb as soon as I came in."
No matter how easy-going the big boss is, it also gives people a sense of distance