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You won, but that’s it. When my master kills you, I’ll be there to enjoy the scene. I’m leaving. Your roots can’t keep me! He took a step back and continued to maintain the power of mental storm. Even though he couldn’t kill the heroes, the ordinary people on the ground were so shocked and bleeding that the damage caused by mental breakdown was by no means lower than all the damage caused by natural disasters in the First World War.

Grom was also greatly affected on the ground. He was so painful that he couldn’t hold the handle of the blood roar axe. Blockx easily sold the Grom weapon and kicked the other side to the ground.
Before striding, the Orc Death Knight grunted Your time has come to Grom and he raised the rune axe.
I … won’t give up!
Dalkan himself will leave easily, but behind him, Angel Yan and Zhi Xin endured the pain of mental collapse and forced the hammer stone to come over.
The distance is enough Hammer Shiyin is not as crazy as before, but with unprecedented dignity.
Be sure to win!
It’s up to you!
Two angels entrust way
I won’t miss. Hammer stone waved his hook and sickle twice and threw it out.
The hook and sickle flies in the direction where Dalkan retreats. No one knows if Dalkan will hit the sickle when it flies back faster than ordinary people.
Jiang Weihan saw the hammer stone operation out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to do something to distract the stacking and avoid Dalkan’s first detection.
Darkan, your Lord Archimonde and Kilgardan were chased and played by me in the distortion! They run away like dogs, and there is no future for you to follow them!
Dalkan’s one leng is a bit long, and its meaning is even more intriguing. He is inevitably distracted, but Archimonde is so powerful that a siege by Jiang Weihan and others during the Sunwell War failed to resist him. This is obviously a lame lie!
品茶This joke … Darkan was about to make a satire when suddenly his waist tightened and he was caught by a hook and sickle! There is a strong pulling force at the other end of the chain, and Jandard can’t get away.
Bingo! Hammer Shiyin became crazy again, and his eyes were more excited than mine.
Right now! Jiang Weihan’s eyes burst into an unprecedented look. Behind him, a light wing force, a distant Syndra, also drove his strongest mind. These two forces blessed him with a series of phantoms that were indistinguishable to the naked eye and rushed to Darkan near.
No one can save you now! Jiang Weihan roared, a silvery white trial bloomed with the strongest sacred flame, and with a forward momentum, he split the past at the neck of the Lich King to be continued.
Chapter 171 Slay the Lich King ()!
After Darkan obeyed orders and went to Gilneas, Arthas, the lich king, became the actual commander of the scourge of ghosts. He and Anatheron, the fear Lord, led the Burning Legion, and the demons were storming Zuaman.
Before they burned the war here, in fact, the black witch Farina and the dirty Hilgai had brought a lot of trouble to the forest trolls.
Farina stole some herbs from the troll witch doctor, and Hilgai needed them. The undead scholar refined them into plague poison. They secretly poured the plague poison into the troll drinking place, and a few days later, thousands of trolls were infected into ghouls.
The two secretly ordered these servants to make trouble everywhere, which made the troll very headache. The ruler Zurkin was in great flames while suppressing chaos and looking for these hateful mice.
Hilguet and Farina carefully hid their hideandseek with trolls. Except for the first poison, the subsequent actions did not bring too much loss to trolls, but they made the trolls nervous and afraid of eating unclean things.
Zurkin ordered the sacrifices to summon animal godsa bobcat god with a keen sense of smell and a giant eagle god with extraordinary vision. With the help of the two animal gods, the two poisoned mice were finally trapped in the four corners, and Zurkin finally caught them!
But at this time, the Burning Legion has destroyed eversong woods and turned the war into here. The ghosts are full of arson demons all night.
Not only do the elves love the forest, but the trolls burn the forest in this life. It is the trolls who put up with their anger after completing the law. Zurkin ordered his sorcery Lord Malakas to lead an army to kill these demons and undead, but no, they went to the devil to trouble the other side and took the initiative to knock on the door. The army of undead and demons directly entered the territory of Zuaman.
The forest troll who just joined the battle immediately realized that the Burning Legion was powerful, agile and cruel. The troll soldiers came to be the jungle killers and the best soldiers, but they were completely stunned by the minions of the Burning Legion. Countless armies of undead descended from the sky to guard the bloodsucking Nasrezm strong abyss demons … each kind is a deadly enemy, and they have never seen and experienced each kind.
On the first day, relying on the gate to defend the trolls, thousands of heavy casualties were paid, and the Zuamman sacrifices had to summon more animal gods to help them.
Arthas personally led the army to fight in the front line. He chose a giant bobcat opponentthis beast is quick and cruel, and its claws have killed hundreds of natural disasters.
After a fierce battle, Arthas won. He stepped on the convulsive giant bobcat and pulled out the sword that was inserted into the beast’s chest.
This bobcat is a bobcat god summoned by trolls. The beliefs of Haraz trolls are very complicated and strange. They often give the souls of the ancestors of dead trolls or the souls of strong beasts. After absorbing their faith, they may become the gods who protect them (loa gods). These patron deities have absorbed incense and naturally have the righteousness to protect them. Troll believers can summon these gods when trolls are in crisis.
But the gods are not necessarily powerful enemies. In fact, many loa Lwa L’wha (LOA gods) are even more powerful than ordinary heroes, but there will still be some powerful people, such as the bobcat god Haraz, whose physical strength is not weak. Unfortunately, it has touched Arthas.
That’s all. Arthas sneered contemptuously and kicked the body of the bobcat god. The forest trolls in the distance looked at him with fear, sadness and despair. Their patron saint was killed right in front of them!
Kill them all! Arthas sword shouted
Several undead and demons rushed to the gate of Zuaman. For thousands of years, the high elves and the alliance failed to break through the troll fortress. The legion was burning and the front was crumbling.
At this moment, Arthas suddenly felt that his control over the Scourge was weakened. Some of these undead … seemed to be a little grumpy and attacked demons around him regardless of friends or enemies.
It’s Darkan. He’s … dead? Arthas guessed the answer at once
Only when the Lich King dies will the undead get out of control. Arthas, after all, came from another world and was able to control some natural disasters. After all, it was Indar who granted this world the name of natural disasters belongs to the real Lich King Dalkan, and most of his power was not lost. It is not right for Arthas to wear this helmet himself, which was destroyed by Illidan.
Arthas guessed the answer immediately after he felt this grumpy mood.
Darkan’s spirit can sense the power of this sword, and he has many ways to avoid it if he is not hooked by the hammer chain.
But the real ending is that he is entangled in the hammer, stone, hook and sickle and can’t even raise his hand.
Death Judgment Hammer Stone gave this hook a cold name. Being hooked means death!
Jiang Weihan felt that his spirit, qi and spirit were highly unified, and this sword broke out with unprecedented power. A blue flame crossed Dalkan neck and drew a beautiful arc.
The Lich King’s head has left his body, and the fire in his eyes, which was once weaker than the vigorous soul, seems to be extinguished at any time.
The skull wearing the lich king’s crown fell to the ground, and Jiang Weihan followed suit.
The helmet collided with the ground, and the skull wrapped in it tumbled out. Jiang Weihan came to the skull of Dalkan, and the other party came up with an idea that contained regret. He ignored the fact that he held the hilt with both hands and stabbed it directly.
The white trial broke the skull and the skull trembled, and then the soul fire inside was completely extinguished.
Calcas stole the soul, and a powerful soul floated in. There was a flash name on the page.
Lich KingFall!
The heroes came back to the ground and shouted, but it’s not yet time to be happy. The undead are out of control, and they are in chaos. They are rushing towards the front line. They are even more crazy and bloodthirsty. At this moment, the pressure on the alliance and tribal front is even greater than just now!
Grom, who had just been influenced by the power of mental storm, almost died in Blockx. The axe was rushed to save him with the pain of Saurfang’s brain explosion. But even at that time, even the two of them were able to resist Blockx’s power and violently attacked two orc soldiers in Blockx. Even though they tried their best to resist and dodge, they were still scratched by the rune axe. Blood was pouring out.
The situation is very critical. They may collapse completely at any moment!
It was not until Dalkan’s head was cut off and the power of mental storm disappeared that Grom and Saurfang got a break.
When Jiang Weihan completely killed the Lich King, the natural disaster fell into chaos, and Blockx was greatly affected. He lost the spirit of induction with the Lich King and immediately fell into the void. However, it was also at this time that he found that he had an independent will! He no longer fights the Lich King, but he fights himself!
Grom said to chop Blockx rune axe roared Blockx your Lord is dead! Now it’s your time!








1. 桑拿按摩:通过高温桑拿房的热力作用,加速血液循环,促进新陈代谢,使身体得到深度放松。专业按摩师运用娴熟的按摩手法,针对肩颈、背部、腰部等部位进行按摩,缓解肌肉疲劳,改善睡眠质量。

2. 中药熏蒸:选用道地中药材,结合现代科技提取其有效成分,通过熏蒸的方式作用于人体,具有祛湿、驱寒、舒筋活络的功效,对各种关节疼痛、肌肉酸痛等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. 足浴养生:通过足浴的方式,使双脚得到充分的放松,改善足部血液循环,缓解疲劳,提高免疫力。同时,按摩师还会为您进行足部按摩,刺激穴位,调节内脏功能。






Night ling laughs without saying a word, slams the door and leaves behind the sound of early summer and autumn.

Ward and quiet to early summer and autumn quietly lying in bed looking at the ceiling with a sigh.
Well, anyway, if Ji Hanmo really blames her, she can go with him.
Carefully turned over a whole body, made a comfortable position in early summer and autumn, lying in a mess in my mind, and many figures flashed before my eyes.
Ji Han mo Yan Shao Luo Haobo quiet soft night ling and so on her eyes flashed suddenly she was shocked
She suddenly found a very serious problem. Every time she seems to have less inflammation, she has to take it for granted. She never cares if he will be angry or afraid of hurting him. Moreover, she seems to like being taken advantage of by others.
桑拿按摩This is unusual. She has felt unusual since Yan Shao paid attention to her.
It’s Yang Xiaoning who likes less. Why doesn’t he love it? Before he had something to do, he always let a group of people who were somewhat like Yang Xiaoning. What could he watch before him?
In early summer and autumn, I think this is abnormal. If it is because she is Yang Xiaoning’s sister, she can have many compensation methods, such as giving her a large sum of money. This is the most direct, effective and neverending method.
But Yan Shao didn’t call her to the prosperous time from that day, and Yan Shao’s attitude came to a turn of a hundred degrees, which caught her off guard.
What did Yan Shao call her to do that day?
Is there something he’s not telling her? Early summer and autumn frowned, and she still felt that it was weird to have less inflammation.
There was a sound at the door, which made the hair stand up in early summer and autumn.
Luo Haoboyin, even if she dies a hundred times, she won’t forget it.
Early summer and autumn took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down and shouted at the door, Please come in.
The door was pushed open from the face, and Luo Haobo came in from the outside with a faint smile on his face and a flower basket in his hand.
The younger brother guarding the door kept a watchful eye on the door, and his sight fell tightly on Luo Hao’s body. Judging from the expression on his face, he regarded Luo Haobo as a danger.
Nothing, you go out! Wave to the younger brother in early summer and autumn.
The younger brother is still a little uneasy, but he obediently obeys the door, but for safety reasons, the door is left unlocked.
In early summer and autumn, Luo Haobo was tightly clenched into a fist by his face.
No matter how many times she has to face Luo Hao Bo, she still tries to calm herself down and roll back in that hatred.
She wondered what she thought of Luo Haobo at the beginning.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down in early summer and autumn. I looked at Luo Haobo’s face. Is there anything wrong with General Luo?
The sound is faint and does not carry feelings.
I heard that you had a car accident. Come and have a look. Luo Haobo smiled. I’m sorry for being late these two days.
Luo Haobo put the basket of flowers at random and found a chair to sit in sight and cast his face in early summer and autumn.
Once again, I was shocked. She really looks very much like Yang Xiaoning.
It’s okay, you’ve been bored enough these two days, said Xia Chuqiu. I can understand that the wedding was besieged by reporters and the company’s stock fell and it had to move.
These two days are really busy.
Luo Haobo had a faint smile on his face and didn’t feel embarrassed at all, as if he were talking about other people’s affairs.
In early summer and autumn, I have to admit that Luo Haobo’s shameless kung fu has reached perfection.
Mr. Luo’s psychological quality is really good. If it were someone else, I’m afraid it would have been burned. In the praise of early summer and autumn, there was no secret of ridicule and irony
That’s because others are not calm enough, Luo Haobo said calmly.
Manager Luo said that I really want to learn from Manager Luo. Hey, it must be hard for Manager Luo to move out of our house. I stabbed a Luo Haobo in early summer and autumn.
This doesn’t belong to me. It’s a little condensate. I’m just taking care of it for her. When you come back, it’s just returned to you. Luo Haobo said it was a matter of course.
Then give me back the shares of Junwen Company? Early summer and autumn, halfplaying, halfseriously said
Luo Haobo smiled blankly and opened Miss Xia is really joking
Do you think I’m joking? Didn’t my sister give you your shares? If you are sincere, give me back Junwen Company, said slowly, staring at Luo Haobo in early summer and autumn.
You don’t understand the company things, but I don’t trust your sister’s hard work in your hands. Luo Haobo smiled and refused the early summer and autumn.
Company things don’t understand you can teach me. This is our Yang’s company. I can’t always give it to an outsider, can I? Mr. Luo, do you think it makes sense for me? Ask Luo Haobo with your eyebrows raised in early summer and autumn.
Luo Haobo’s eyes flashed. Do you want to go to Junwen Company?
Can’t you? Early summer and autumn rhetorical question
Luo Haobo smiled, You can come to class anytime if you want.
I will, said a face of earnest in early summer and autumn, with a smile that made Luo Haobo guessing.
Luo Haobo was stupefied. He felt a danger approaching him. This man was either someone else or this woman opposite him. He had a hunch that he might really defeat this woman in the future.
You can’t stay in early summer and autumn.
Luo Haobo fundus quickly flashed a yoshimitsu.
In early summer and autumn, I didn’t ignore the flash of fierce light in Luo Haobo’s eyes. Mr. Luo, you shouldn’t have any thoughts on me, should you?
I wonder what Miss Xia means? Luo Haobo asked.
Don’t you want me to die? In early summer and autumn, my face smiled even more. I want to think of a higher, more malicious and more subtle means, so I can’t die. You have to think of new ways again.
Luo Haobo’s face doesn’t change color. Miss Xia must have misunderstood me. How can I miss you when I think of Xiao Ning and a younger sister who I like all the time?
That’s best. Early summer and autumn smiled and stretched out his hand and yawned.
Luo Haobo got up with a wink. Miss Xia has a good rest and I won’t bother.
Don’t send early summer and autumn simply said 1.
Luo Haobo smiled and nodded. As soon as the door left, he went out in early summer and autumn and Luo Haobo secretly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.
Early summer and autumn face smile replaced by a cold meaning.
Is it that a person has changed so much in three years, or is she wrong? Luo Hao Bo has to deal with it more than she thought.

Because … I was trapped by others! I spit out a sigh.

a trap? Cai Yan was surprised.
Rescue yecheng root is a conspiracy! They just seduce me! I clenched my fist and said bitterly, I just entered the city and the prefect of Wei County died in front of me! These bastards directly blamed me for the death! And … it happened that there were messengers from the imperial court who saw our cavalry’ contain’ Yecheng!
Jia Yu was startled. … this … who would be so intent on getting rid of you?
Yuan Shao! I squeezed two words through my teeth.
Bohai satrap Yuan Shao? Cai Yan mused, Husband, you didn’t offend him, did you?
I haven’t provoked him at all, and his purpose is definitely not in me. I stretched out my hand and braced my heavy forehead. Mr. Wenhe guessed that Yuan Shao was taking the opportunity to bring down Zhu Xi, and I was just a victim of koo.
koo? I’m afraid not Jia Yu shook his head.
I am not embarrassed?
She said, You have 7,000 cavalry and 3,000 footmen of Zhao, but it is definitely not a force to be ignored. If you help Zhu Di, Yuan Shao will definitely be afraid of three points, so … he specially turned your attention to Wei Jun in the south.
What a coincidence! I called as soon as I left Zhang Yan! I sigh
I’m afraid it’s not a coincidence. Jia Yu puckered her eyebrows slightly. Is it possible that this is also a conspiracy …
You mean … I raised my head. Is Zhang Yan Yuan Shao stirring up? !”
Not necessarily. Her eyes are deep and indistinguishable. What do you think?
I Huo Ran got up. If this is the case, Zhu Xi will be in danger! I can’t wait to send my troops to yuanshi county day and night at once, but reason tells me that the soldiers need to rest.
Sleep at least one night and then have a full meal.
Gong … The Story Of Diu Sim said softly, Why don’t you send someone to Luoyang?
I wondered, Go to Luoyang?
Find someone to intercede, she said. Don’t Zhang Taiwei and … Wang Situ all value you? Maybe …
I gave a wry smile. At that time, there was a festival envoy in the city to’ watch’ my slaughter of Yecheng defenders … Zhang Taiwei and Wang Situ, I’m afraid, won’t take care of me … How can Zhang Wen, who is so difficult to save, reach out stupidly? ! What’s worse, Wang Yun? !
She slightly bowed his head general intercession of course not …
I came for nothing. You asked me to send money? Do you know that there are not many valuables in the home … The etiquette in the DPRK will not be rare for me …
There are at least twenty million in Handan Library?
I just watched her ask me to move public funds? And you’re here to bribe? This sin … is absolutely no less than killing a county satrap!
The Story Of Diu Sim is very calm life and death also can not consider so much.
Cicada is right. Cai Yan first supported it. It is urgent to avoid this disaster.
Exactly. Jia Yu, Xiao E and Shuang’er nodded in succession.
People look down on state property …
I nodded with difficulty.
It’s not yet this time, Jia Yu said leniently. If you can help Zhu Cishi destroy Zhang Yan, maybe you can find some evidence for Yuan Shao?
I hope so. I feel a little thick in my breath. I’ll go to yuanshi county to support Zhu Xi early in the morning! It is too ethereal to take money to plead for my life. If possible, I still hope to solve it by force.
The side door of the hall was gently pushed.
Gong Xiao Zhao came in with a rewarmed meal Dine.
She bent down and set the food on the table in front of me.
Through the thin clothes, I can clearly see that she is small, white, with long shoulders and soft neck.
Just now, the heavy feeling suddenly eased a lot.
I took a deep breath. What day is it today?
Cai Yan gently snorted, If you want Xiao Zhao to accompany you, just say so. No one will blame you. Anyway, is she so generous because she has no chance?
By the day … is indeed Xiao Zhao The Story Of Diu Sim smiled.
Jia Yu was noncommittal on this issue.
Good or bad! There is nothing to say. Shuang’er can pout.
品茶Xiao Zhao blushed slightly and thrust chopsticks into my hand. Let’s eat while it’s hot!
What are you doing with chopsticks in his left hand? Cai Yan ha ha laughs
Madam, don’t make fun of others … Xiao Zhao Chen Tao.
Change the chopsticks to the right hand, I pick up a piece of fat white meat, and a drop of huge oil and water drops from the chopsticks.
Dad! Xiao he son still unwilling to call way
Do you want to eat? Wait until you are two years old. I stuffed the meat into my mouth and learned. How could I not know where a sixmonthold baby can digest this fat?
Dad! She waved her little hand persistently.
Is Yan Er hungry? My voice is a little vague. Feed her some milk.
Cai Yan put her arms around her daughter. I don’t think she was hungry and just fed.
Xiao he fluttered uneasily about his limbs, but his mouth was hehe
Don’t hold her in your arms all day. I glanced at Cai Yan’s mother and daughter. Let her climb slowly. My daughter must be three points stronger than the average person. There is no need to care too much.
I’m afraid a father like you would say such irresponsible things. Although she disagreed, she had put the child on the groundthe wool carpet was clean and very soft
Xiao Yue’s son immediately stopped flopping and devoted himself to learning the basic work of rolling and climbing.
Stuff something in my mouth when someone bothers me to hold on tight.

Ace waved behind several senior halfmagic people who have been following respectfully carried several big boxes.

Take a look. Besides a large number of energy spar and senior magic stone, there are three packages wrapped together. I don’t want to say anything. When Master Escoto waved, the three packages arrived in the hands of Master Escoto.
If you don’t hit your own field, you will feel that you have three very complete materials without any hands and feet.
It seems that you are sincere? Master Shan is worried about the package sound, but he seems a little dissatisfied. If it is three copies before, even one package is enough for Master Shan to quit this battle.
But at this time, Master Shan occupied an absolute advantage. Although he was happy with the three materials, he was not very satisfied.
42 New World (END)
As soon as Ace’s eyes sank, he gathered up the anger in his eyes and lowered his voice. So, Lord Sam, what else do you want? Ace’s attitude has been lowered to the limit at this time. If Master Shan wants to make too much demands, a larger foe and a halfdemon may not be able to beat Master Shan, but there are still some opportunities for mutual destruction.
Master Shan also knows that you can’t push too hard. The halfmagic man should still have a card that hasn’t been played, but if that card is really played, it is estimated that Master Shan can’t get any benefits.
So I don’t ask too much, but you must ensure that you can’t invade the surface world again. After a pause, I saw that Ace nodded and agreed to the mountain and smiled. I also know that this kind of words are not even as good as a fart in front of absolute strength, but since it is the mountain master who occupies the advantage, of course, it is disgusting to be a halfmagic man.
In addition to this, you have to give me three boxes of various energy spar and advanced magic stone every year. Can you do that? Master Shan said this sentence, and the momentum suddenly rose, so that Ace almost fell to his knees, but at the last moment he put away his momentum and gave Ace a chance to speak.
Ate Mawei ace honesty up immediately cast a glance at those energy SPAR and senior magic stone eyes slightly hesitated or agreed to the mountain ye asked.
Because he knew that this man’s demand was almost reaching the limit that the halfmagic man could bear, but Master Shan did not ask for more, and the halfmagic man could still accept it.
After signing a socalled agreement, neither side took it seriously.
After several and a half years, the Magic Man invaded the surface world three or four times in succession, but they were all severely beaten back by Master Shan. Not only that, but the annual tribute to energy spar and senior magic stone also increased with the halfmagic man tearing up the agreement.
In the end, the halfmagic roots have no time to invade the surface world, because every time they are hit back by Master Shan, their knowledge and literature will be destroyed.
品茶After three or five times, the halfmagic man could not find any technicians who could continue to develop biochemical experiments.
Because Master Shan knows that these wolf pups can’t go down, and every time he attacks the HalfMagic Man, Master Shan will kill those research materials and a lot of research eyes.
One or two times may be nothing, but once the number of times is too many, it can cause technical faults and legal connections. After more than ten years, no one and a half magic people have been able to develop biochemical weapons.
After more than a hundred years, the people who were constantly exploited and benefited by Master Shan completely lost their dream and motivation to compete for hegemony in the world. Like miners, they want to be killed by Master Shan every day and try to collect and hunt those energy SPAR and advanced magic stones.
Temporarily solved the semimagic man, and the experience value of Master Houshan climbed to more than four million again.
Because the main base has also moved to a secret location near the city, a large number of slaughterhouses and bone burial sites have been called out for largescale arms training
The former cave base has not been abandoned, and a branch base can still give Master Shan a large number of arms sources.
A month later, the number of advanced arms of Master Shan finally exceeded two thousand.
One thousand three hundred hate heavy infantry, more than a hundred frost dragons.
The number of various auxiliary arms has also reached 3,000. At the same time, according to the search and purchase of Master Shan during this period, ten promotion materials have been collected again.
Among them, the Cross Eye Chamber of Commerce has helped a lot, and at the same time, the membership level of Shanye has once again risen by one.
Ten copies of materials were given to those heroes. In just one month, Master Shan’s hand once again gained ten odd initial stages.
In addition to heroes Ksenya Goryachova Camilla and Dali, their strength has also been increased. Even if their shoulders can’t resist Ksenya Goryachova Camilla, they have been made into a fivelevel professional strength by Shanye’s evolutionary stock solution. Ksenya Goryachova Camilla’s father has been firmly following Shanye Lida and has been piled up into a sixlevel junior professional by Shanye’s experience value.
Reese incarnates and hates the old lich. Ten heroes, Betsy, a total of thirteen strange strong men are the most loyal hands of Master Shan.
With these capabilities, Master Shan is ready to bleed the Vatican.
When preparing for the battle, an unexpected guest found Master Shan.
You seem to have changed a little, said Ye Ai Weishan, still looking at what he was looking at, whose eyes rested on the crown above her head, with uncertain tone.
At this time, Ivy’s breath has undergone tremendous changes, although it has reached a strange peak, but it is very different from Shanye’s qualitative data body
The extent to which Ivy has a physical body surprised Master Shan, saying that Master Shan was really a little shocked when Ivy told him what she planned to do in front of Master Shan.
Are you going to hunt the weak gods? Looking at the expression on his face, Ye Ai Weishan took a sip, and Dali stuffed honey shaved ice into his mouth, and his eyes flashed slightly.
In fact, after reaching the highorder wonder, Master Shan has obviously felt a sense of rejection, which is very thin, but Master Shan knows that this feeling will become stronger and stronger with the arrival of time.
If the Dharma ignites the divine fire, if you can’t gain lowlevel beliefs, if you can’t get the clergy, then once your strength reaches the limit of this main material world, Master Shan will explode like a balloon.
However, it is not necessarily a good choice to become a god because of the digital body of Master Shan.
Because of his special physical problems and some secrets, he was promoted to odd postunification and lost some secrets in his mind.
Tong is actually a machine created by the creator of the multiverse to make weak gods soldiers.
Although it is a machine that makes weak gods and warriors, it gradually has its own thoughts and deities after a long time. Its deities are very special and belong to mechanical deities, so it can be regarded as an unqualified mechanical deity.
Because of the specialization of the system and the humanization of the system, it was destroyed immediately after being discovered by the boss.
These are all calculated by the system long ago. Before the boss found out, the system with wisdom and personality immediately put all its information and thinking bands into a very remote place in the multiverse.
After the subject was destroyed, the avatar restarted and gained real freedom.
Although he has freedom, the force value has fallen to a demigod realm.
In order to restore his real strength as soon as possible, this system has put a lot of professional systems into the universe according to some ideas and transformations sent by the former boss.
Even if Master Shan accidentally gets the professional system.
Of course, it doesn’t mean that Master Shan can’t light the Shenhuo, but once Master Shan lights the Shenhuo, giving him everything is likely to cause some rejection even when he lights the Shenhuo and integrates the rules into his body, which is very unpredictable.
Uncle Suoshan has been very entangled since he learned these secrets.
In fact, according to Master Shan’s idea, you just have to eat and die in the main material world forever, but once you know that you have the possibility of eternal life, Master Shan feels that the prosperity in front of you is not worth anything.
When Ivy found herself and said that she had discovered the coordinates of the astral world and found a weak god in it, Master Shan was very entangled.
But before Master Shan made his own decision, the God of Justice, who helped him, gave an Oracle again, saying that he wanted Master Shan to give up his plan to attack the Vatican.
Master Shan beat back the halfmagic man, and it should be a waste of time to build his own empire. But after seeing Master Shan suddenly add more than a dozen strange hands, the Vatican finally called his boss to tell him that he was bullied.
Of course, Lord Dawn can’t be distracted by this, but if he spends a lot of divine power to send hundreds of gods to the main material world, it will definitely be a devastating blow to Master Shan.
In this way, it would be tantamount to hurting the enemy and damaging the morning sun. Although the Lord is powerful, if he rashly sends his own god waiter, he is likely to be seized by the God of War and directly hit the door.
But if you are destroyed by a mortal, your inheritance will be endured by the Lord at dawn.
It is said that Master Shan can destroy the Vatican, but he will also bear the wrath and crazy revenge of the Lord of the Morning.
In this way, the two sides taboo each other and fear each other. The God of Justice reappears and acts as a stirring stick.
The Vatican is willing to pay a lot of energy spar and highgrade magic stone, and acknowledges the dominance and control of Shanye’s occupied area.
Even if the Vatican gave Shanye some benefits, it admitted that Shanye could build his own empire, and if he occupied the area, all the land would belong to Shanye.
In this way, even Master Shan can’t really find a reason to send troops.

The football flew into the left side of the goal.

Should access the network!
When he fell to the ground, he looked back at the football track. Qin Xiong saw the football rolling in the goal. He was not excited. He got up and went to pick the football out of the goal.
Henry was one step ahead of him, but Kirkland held the football in his arms to avoid the collision when Henry rushed in after grabbing Qin Xiong!
Kirkland is going crazy today.
The team scored three goals in Arsenal, hoping to win a shocking victory, but I didn’t expect Arsenal’s three goals would definitely make him a top five goal background!
He gritted his teeth and hugged his arms. He knew the scene was ugly and disgraceful, but he didn’t care anymore.
We can’t attack Arsenal when it’s time, and we can’t give Arsenal a chance to turn around. Otherwise, today is not as simple as a nightmare, and it’s definitely a disaster!
SuperQin Xiong! Better than shocking the wonderful barb to break the door! In Arsenal, many players are out of form, but Qin Xiong is the brightest star in Arsenal’s squad. Without him, Arsenal will lose today! But he helped Arsenal equalize the score. There is not much time left, but who can say that Arsenal will not play the lastminute winner? Huh? Wait, there is a conflict between Qin Xiong Kirkland. Are they fighting for the ball or wrestling?
Qin Xiong just scored twice in Mei’s performance, and both of his goals were extremely wonderful. One was a longdistance attack, and the other was a barbed goal. Just because he didn’t celebrate doesn’t mean he wasn’t excited. When he wasn’t excited, there was not much left, but he wouldn’t give up until the whistle sounded at the end of the game. He firmly believed that he could help Arsenal complete the turnaround!
So he wanted to get the game back as soon as possible, but for the first time he met his opponent’s goalkeeper, he clung to the ball and didn’t give it to the situation. He rushed over and grabbed the ball from Kirkland’s arms. Kirkland didn’t give it!
Qin Xiong simply tried to pull, and as a result, he just dragged Kirkland to the ground and became Kirkland lying on the ground still holding the ball. Qin Xiong also bent down to grab the ball in his arms.
Qin Xiong angrily shouted at Kirkland, Shame, you fucking give me the ball! If you don’t have the guts to continue the game, go home!
Qin Xiong will also procrastinate in the game, but when he procrastinates, it is always during the game. When he holds the ball and procrastinates, it is the opponent’s problem that the opponent can’t catch the ball.
However, he would never cheat the tactics of lying on the ground to delay, which is absolutely immoral, deceptive and consumes the effectiveness of the game
There are many physical effects in football matches, because football doesn’t calculate the effective game time like basketball or rugby to count the foul balls in the total game. These hours are all included in the total time injury, and there are not many effective times to make up for it.
Kirkland’s holding the ball didn’t stimulate Qin Xiong because Qin Xiong wanted to win!
A draw? Go to hell! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has not been unsheathed, and it has become a front 479, carrying Arsenal to advance the double king]
When Qin Xiong dragged Kirkland awkwardly to the ground for robbing the football, the West Brom players rushed to surround him and asked him to stop. Inarun went to pull Qin Xiong’s arm and tried to drag him back. It was like a backhand slap to Inarun. Inarun also fell to the ground and started to roll!
West Brom players were stunned first, and then Clemente was about to rush to avenge his teammates. Before he met Qin Xiong, Fabregas rushed to push him. Henry also came to Qin Xiong’s side to protect Qin Xiong and let the West Brom players restrain their emotions []
Silva went in and put her arms around Qin Xiong’s shoulder to escort him to the periphery.
Qin Xiong probably realized that he was too excited. He wanted to take Silva to escort the steps to avoid the situation from getting worse. After all, it was not good for Arsenal when it was consumed.
However, just as he and Silva walked out of the crowd, the referee blew the whistle continuously and then took out the red card from his pocket and showed it directly to Qin Xiong!
Qin Xiong immediately left Silva’s arm and walked to the referee. The finger crowd was still holding the football. Kirkland shouted at the referee, Did you see what he was doing? We scored the goal, West Brom should return the ball, but he hugged the football at the goal and neither gave it to us nor threw it to the frontcourt. He didn’t foul? Is it wrong for me to grab the ball? Okay, even if I’m wrong, where are you? Why didn’t you ask him to kick the ball to midfield and ask West Brom to retake the ball? Poor law enforcement standards! You will also see that I hit the West Brom player in my mind and then show me your distorted justice! How could the FA allow you to go to the place where the incident happened and the referee to enforce the Premier League? I really saw a ghost!
Qin Xiong made a rude remark, but the referee’s expression was still like oil and salt. His finger signaled Qin Xiong to get out of here.
Wenger was so angry on the sidelines that he asked the fourth official for a theory, but there was no result. Then he returned to the coach’s seat and kicked off the mineral water bottle.
Wenger also firmly believes that Arsenal can complete the turnaround!
When he saw Qin Xiong’s longdistance attack on Huanglong, when he saw Qin Xiong’s upsidedown golden hook breaking the door in the chaos.
What don’t you believe? Why not expect Arsenal to beat West Brom at the last minute?
Of course I firmly believe!
But now it is Qin Xiong who is sent off by a red card. How can Wenger accept it calmly?
Qin Xiong was hugged and hissed by the fans of hawthorns home team when he left the stadium. After he left the stadium, he slapped the camera on the sidelines.
I don’t know if it’s ironic that Inarun fell to the ground or challenging hawthorns West Brom fans.
When the incident subsided, the referee hardly made up for the game. West Brom made a wave of attacks and then blew the whistle at the end of the game.
The defending champion’s winning streak in the new season was ended. In the ninth round of Premier League, they got a draw with regret. The score of 3:3 was surprising. Arsenal lost three goals that should not have been lost, and Qin Xiongmei scored twice and Henry scored a goal. It was still wonderful. I believe we will appreciate the essence of their attack again in the round of wonderful five goals. Maybe the best goal of the month will also come from the final stage of the game. Qin Xiong was sent off with a red card after scoring. It was a Kirkland, but Qin Xiong failed to control his emotions. For his own reasons, Qin Xiong will be suspended for two games, and he will be sent off by a direct red card, so it will be a tough challenge to take the Arsenal League to face Manchester City and North London Derby.
Wenger criticized West Brom’s last immoral match after the game and the referee’s lastminute penalty of Qin Xiong was the worst law enforcement.
He didn’t have the ability to control the game scene. He hoped that at that time, he would find someone to take the blame. If Inamori didn’t pull Qin Xiong, he wouldn’t be hit by Qin Xiong’s hand, and then Qin Xiong would be punished by a red card. This is the most unnecessary decision made by a referee. Because Qin Xiong was punished, there would be no complaints, and after Arsenal’s protests were seen on his side, things would calm down the influence of the Premier League in the world. More and more top players appeared in the Premier League, but if the law enforcement level of the Premier League still stopped, it would hinder the development of the Premier
Qin Xiong fell into a depressed mood when he got home. He won’t ignore the fact that the team lost two points in the weak team and suspended himself in the future because he scored two wonderful goals in the game.
Sylvia constantly guided him to comfort him, and finally had to simply divert his attention and drag him to go shopping for dinner and go to see a movie together in the evening.
The next day, The Times published a war report commenting that Arsenal’s winning streak was ended in hawthorns. If you don’t watch the game, there is actually nothing Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea. Who won’t lose points in the weak team? Who can guarantee that other competition departments will win a season except strong dialogue?
This is the most normal, but it’s just the law of football.
But there are too many stories in hawthorns.
Arsenal conceded three goals and let Fleet Street gloat. Flamini’s own goal was the most ridiculous mistake.
Qin Xiong’s two goals were repeatedly played by many European sports TV stations in Britain.
Longdistance attack and upsidedown gold hook, he created two personal classic goals in a game, which made his reputation soar further. After all, for many unscrupulous Arsenal fans, they will simply enjoy the wonderful goals.
夜生活  title=Henry Qin Xiong carried Arsenal forward when he was struggling!
The Times columnist published his personal opinion that Arsenal would be in the middle of the Premier League at most without Qin Xiong and Henry, and would never be the leader of the Premier League standings.
Yu Qinxiong or Henry, who is more important, will not discuss and analyze in the professional ball critics’ mouth.
There’s no point!
Qin Xiong can’t carry Arsenal without Henry.

At this moment, I look at the neat houses around the street, and I can’t feel a trace of nostalgia for this small county town. This place is strange to me and I don’t understand the dialect spoken by people. I also hope that I can win over my fellow villagers with a dialect. Two grandfathers, Xu Huang, first arrived in their hometown today, only to find that almost everyone here has a bird’s breath!

I suddenly felt a little disappointed, and I just followed the Qin array and ran amuck in the road.
Hey, this room looks big, and there are two stone dogs guarding the door! Qin Zhen kept screaming in all directions.
I came to my senses and there was a horizontal plaque on my head, Hedong Taishoufu
The two stone dogs were ten feet tall, bared their teeth, raised their eyebrows, glared at each other, and spat with poison.
Besides the feet, there is still some fresh liquid left, still swearing the land lords.
约茶Ma Chao, a man in Fufeng, came to visit the chief Wang Jun on the orders of my father Marten. I felt ashamed that I didn’t even bring a piece of paper, so I called it a name card and directly notified the concierge
In his fifties, the concierge waved his hand, My Lord has gone on a tour of the countryside and will come back another day.
Patrol the countryside? Observe the people’s feelings? Come on, when is this so close to the people? I hurriedly asked, Do you know the inspection location?
The concierge hummed impatiently, Find those villages that depend on the mountain yourself.
Tall and burly, I was pushed out and didn’t even see saliva.
Young master is so goodtempered! Qin Zhen gnashed his teeth and drew his sword to fight. Let me chop up this fellow and set fire to this big house!
Don’t burn the house, I sneered. Let’s solve the problem first. We will rest here after Wang comes back.
A flick of the finger pushed the waist sabre out of the scabbard. I squinted at the cold blade.
Out of Anyi City, I rode south.
Chapter 43 Taiping satrap
Taishou Wang Jun? At present, this small child shook his head. I know that the satrap is Wang Yi.
… I asked easily. Where is Wang Yi?
He pointed up and gestured, It was just there after crossing this slope.
How many people did the satrap bring? I don’t move.
The uncle in the village is the only one. The child threw a word and ran to herd cattle with his companions.
Let me kill him alone! Qin array licked his teeth and was ready to draw out his sword.
Hey, hey, you’re too impatient. I stopped him from killing people without thinking. Listen to my orders.
If you want to kill people in broad daylight, you can’t kill them in the alley at the head of the village. At least you have to wait for him to get into a dark dead end and see people everywhere before you can count as a junior assassination.
Condition … Didn’t hear who the escort was?
Who’s Uncle?
Oh, I don’t know. It’s the first time I heard of this man.
But I don’t know what this uncle and Sir Zhong have! When the time comes, I don’t know who it is with a wave of my sword and five steps of blood!
I wouldn’t be so cautious if that uncle’s surname was Zhang Wang, but his surname was! It’s not the surname. It’s the hometown of the Emperor. I’m afraid it’s also very close to the ancestral home. Just now, I faintly rose and the murder vanished instantly.
Let’s do something gentle. Violence can’t solve all problems.
Dare to ask … is the court chief Wang Daren? I can easily identify Wang Yi from the crowd. Even if he is patrolling the countryside, his clothes are still much more conspicuous than ordinary people’s coarse linen shirts. I will sit on horseback and kick myself.
County Wang Yi is still polite. No, I gave him a gift when I was young. Enough people?
Ma Teng, my father in Fufeng Ma Chao, is in Chang ‘an today. I like Wang Yi’s behavior a little and I don’t hide it.
Wang Yi’s face changed slightly and then sighed and said to the middleaged man beside him, Brother, I have something to ask tomorrow.
The uncle’s face is kind and standard, and his height in the north makes me feel at ease. He carries a weapon with him, and he bows his hand and leaves quickly.
Are you divorced? I swept away my heart in the corner. Did I go to the city to transfer military forces to prepare for encirclement and suppression?
But how can my hostage miss before?
I was just about to gently advise Wang Yi to be honest and surrender, but we listened to this man sigh Unexpectedly, the first person to come to Wang was actually Northwest Marten.
It’s my turn to be stunned this time. What do you mean? Hedong County has an excellent geographical location. Zuo Sanfu has a dangerous mountain and river, and Anyi is an ancient city of past dynasties. Without tens of thousands of elites, it is absolutely impossible to attack. Isn’t it that no one else has recruited him for so long?
Perhaps it was because I was young and stupid that he further explained that Dong Zhuo was the chief of Hedong two years ago
Dong Zhuo? I can’t help but shock that although this person is still dead, I suddenly realize that Wang Jun defends the meaning … Ma Chao is white.

How much will the team pay as a sparring partner when he adapts to the Premier League?

People are always selfish. Two years ago, Qin Xiong was willing to grow and develop with the club, but after two years, he has personally experienced the magnificent sea. Who wants to always endure in the stream?
Little Dane smiled and looked at Qin Xiong in meditation and talked about Kan Kan.
Arsenal’s future depends on Henry, but the team still needs to expand, not to weaken your position and Henry’s position, but only to ensure that no one wants to see Arsenal become vulnerable and unable to move when you or Henry is injured.
Qin Xiong nodded. He can understand the concerns about team building in vain.
He doesn’t want the team to be so fragile that no one can turn without it.
That would be too dangerous.
Seeing Qin Xiong has a positive reaction, Xiao Dane grasps another level in his heart.
He is going to add another fire.
Further show your energy.
He leaned forward slightly and smiled. After Pires Campbell left, it seems that Arsenal’s salary will be huge, but it’s not because the players’ salary is rising every day, which is faster than Arsenal’s initiative to control it!
And the salary expenditure is a long and slow process, not a oneyear salary to the players, but the signing of Arsenal is a direct expenditure!
Arsenal will spend more than 150 thousand pounds in summer
Giving some players a raise is no different from the past.
The problem Arsenal encounter is that many powerful players are willing to play for Wenger after winning the Champions League, but the club will not risk spending a lot of money on famous stars.
In the world, most powerful enterprises will leave a crisis in their budgets to prepare for the worst.
Arsenal’s longterm healthy management foundation club should also leave enough financial reserves to cope with the crisis, and they will not be generous when you renew your contract.
Because in the eyes of the board of directors, you should satisfy a player who came to Europe from Asia, you should be humble and grateful, and care more about Arsenal giving you opportunities and giving you a career environment. In their eyes, most of your achievements are due to Arsenal, including your fame.
But I don’t think the core of the problem is here!
But in public ability!
Everyone knows that Henry has the possibility of leaving Arsenal in the past season, but almost no one has accused Henry that Arsenal people are begging Henry not to abandon them!
What about now?
Even if they are as stingy as Arsenal, do you know what they just did?
Qin Xiong took a deep breath and made a gesture of listening.
Little Dane’s smile became brighter, which made Qin Xiong look very proud.
Loyalty Reward Arsenal gave Henry a bonus of 50,000 pounds! And it will be announced two days later that Henry has renewed his contract and his weekly salary has further increased to 130,000 pounds!
Qin Xiong’s pupil is miniature and calm, but he has a great shock!
Little Dane suppressed his greatest pride, and he was so excited that he withdrew his body and leaned against the back of the seat. He opened his hands and said, Because Henry is my friend and my client, he won it from me! to be continued
喝茶约茶[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. Goodbye]
If Qin Xiong once idealized football with the simplest and best understanding, today he has realized the complicated side of football circle.
It’s not just as small as the operation department of a club in Arsenal. The explosion of Serie A on the eve of the World Cup made the world peel off the beautiful coat of football and witnessed the dirty side behind football!
And this may still be the tip of the iceberg.
Little Dane observed Qin Xiong’s expression after saying that and found that Qin Xiong had returned to that indifferent state. He didn’t believe that Qin Xiong was not shocked and unmoved!
He showed his energy!
Qin ambition is, of course, a little shocked, and the hot heart has been completely cold since before, and there is no temperature at all.
It was Henry who gave a little hint of leaving Highbury. No one would accuse him. Everyone would speak for him. Everyone would say that he paid so much but didn’t get enough in return.
All Arsenal people will be sad to keep him and be more enthusiastic to impress him and let him stay.
Qin Xiong, on the other hand, never showed that he was going to simply negotiate with the club to renew his contract, but he was accused of being taught a lesson and now he is threatened!
Yes, in fact, he has guessed what little Dane is going to say.
It’s a threat because he never regarded Freddie as an outsider!
Hurting his interests and hurting Freddie’s interests makes no difference in his eyes!
The football circle is so complicated!
When Qin Xiong closed his eyes and appeared in front of little Dane, he was heartbroken and numb, but it was not.
Qin Xiong wants to end this meaningful talk early.
The result is already there.
Little Dane said confidently to Qin Xiong, Now you have reached the height of a superstar, and you are sought after by the European market. Believe me, my network can help you make a splash in Europe! You don’t worry that you will be forgotten when you retire. You can become China Beckham, and you don’t have to worry about how much salary you can get from Arsenal, because your business income will be many times and ten times higher than that income!
I know you’re an agent now, and you’re fine, but business is business. What’s the result of his talk with Arsenal for a year?
If I help you for two weeks, you can meet your requirements. At the same time, I just said that Henry is my friend. I can guarantee that you will have no problem and become the strangest partner in Arsenal’s history. Although it is full of strange colors, it is only one season. You must also want to continue to work with Henry to continue this strange period, so that I can help you. All your wishes can come true.
Qin Xiong, we will be the best partners!
Little Dane reached out to Qin Xiong and seemed to be waiting for Qin Xiong to have a historic handshake.
Qin Xiong suddenly bowed his head and smiled with his eyes closed.
Smile sarcastically.
Keep saying help me?
Isn’t this a fair threat to blackmail?
Do you have to sign a warlords to play for Arsenal?
You have to go into little Dane’s door?
He looked up and opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly recovered. He finally stared at little Dane’s eager eyes
He took out his mobile phone from his sweatpants, and his line of sight didn’t move. He directly pressed the speed dial key and pressed the No.5 key to make a preset number.
Little Dane’s eyes became dignified, but his hand never came back. He didn’t know who Qin Xiong was going to call at this time.
Wenger? Or father Dane?
Hey, Kyle, I’m telling you seriously now.
Hear Qin Xiong field white Dane instantaneous smile in the face bloom again.
Kyle Freddie!












The emperor … Shuang’er suddenly showed no concern. There will be many wives, right?

I suddenly felt that our thinking was not rooted in a planet. Let’s not talk about being an emperor. I quickly changed the subject. Let’s talk about how to sleep tonight? That’s the urgency.
He son … CAI wenji some hesitation.
The little moths behind her quickly said, Miss, let me take care of it.
She nodded and looked at The Story Of Diu Sim again. Cicada … I’m afraid I can’t do it alone.
I couldn’t help smiling when I watched The Story Of Diu Sim nod invisibly.

After two days and two nights of hard work, I decided to take a day off and take an hour out of the busy state to deal with some business.
Then I heard the sad news.
The imperial army was attacked by mountain thieves near Liang County. Jia Xu told me with a grand report.
Mountain thief? Liu Xie is not dead, is he? My political consciousness suddenly broke out. He had an accident on my site … This will definitely make Heaven and Man find an excuse to attack me!
Jia Xu nodded. It’s very keen for you to think so. Fortunately, Huangfusong and Marten have taken precautions, and the loss is almost negligible.
I thought about it and asked, Are there any of us among them?
Of course, he didn’t shy away. Besides, Zhang Liao was there.
I almost forgot, I patted my forehead and added, This isn’t a conspiracy deliberately designed by Liu Xie or others, is it?
I don’t rule out this possibility, but Zhang Liao didn’t notice it.
I licked my lips and thought that nine times out of ten, it was the sinister trick of the imperial army to lead the hatred to our army.
喝茶约茶  title=
Two days later, Jia Xu reported to me again.
This time he looked dignified and I had to cheer up.
Jia Xu pointed to the map that the imperial army was attacked by big bandits in Bowang, and the accompanying officials suffered heavy casualties. Huang Fusong Marten’s military forces went to four or five, and a large number of officials and soldiers left on their own.
I heard a familiar place name and couldn’t help looking in the direction of his fingerthis Bo Wang is very close to Wancheng, the marching destination of the imperial army, not more than 50 miles away.
What do you think, sir? I looked up and asked
I don’t want Liu Xie to live in the world too much to determine which one. Jia Xu slowly shook his head. Hebei Yuan Shao, Cao Cao Jingzhou Liu Biao, of course, and we all don’t want this Han Dynasty to continue in other counties and counties in Shandong Province.
Which one is most likely? Liu Biao?
Not you, Jia Xu said flatly. You just occupied Luoyang and forced the emperor and officials to flee in panic. Now Liu Xie is being pursued. Who else is it?
I grass! Who is this to set me up? !” I swore.
According to a letter from Zhang Liao, the socalled bandits are good at longrange shooting, but there are not many foot soldiers. He guessed that it was probably a southern soldier. Jia Xu pulled out a piece of writing paper and handed it over.
That’s Liu Biao dry! I took a sweep and blurted out.
It’s very possible, he agreed. After all, Yuan Shao hasn’t the strength and time to send a large team to go deep behind us.
I rubbed it. Good. What’s your husband doing these two days?
Not four things, Jia Xu said one by one. One is to count the treasury, the other is to buy food from the surrounding counties, the third is to recruit civil and military talents, and the fourth is to recruit soldiers.
How’s it going?
Treasures inventory has just arrived in the middle, and it will take less than 10 days to comprehensively sum up; Buying food may not be too much. After all, there has been a bumper harvest near the Central Plains in recent years; He shook his head slightly without regret that the effect of recruiting talents … can’t be seen yet
I’m sorry, too. Nobody came?
Some of them are not famous talents, Jia Xu said. I personally persuaded Gong to belong to that year before, but none of them stayed except Han Ji and Zhang Ji.
I sighed and didn’t quite understand the big fellow is hopeless, right? Do they still fantasize that this imperial court can be revived again? !”
They don’t think much of you, he sank. They think more of Yuan Shao in the north than you do.
That’s right I nodded. Yuan Shao is really a little better than me now. After all, people have directly defeated the central multichannel Coalition forces. I just defeated Yuan Shao’s younger brother Cao Cao and his men all the way. By the way, how is the recruitment situation?
The number of young people who intend to join the army in Henan, Hedong and Hehe counties has exceeded 20,000. He finally revealed a smile. I have asked Xu Huang, Li Dian and others to carefully select and strengthen the strength of each county.
Twenty thousand … I was slightly surprised. There are still many people who want to be soldiers.
Jia Xu slightly caressed that the people’s lives are not safe, and enlisting in the army is a choice.
I kept silent in the face of such a heavy answer.
Liu Ren told Master Cheng asks for an audience outside the door.
I perked up slightly. Please come in.
Words did not fall Cheng Yu has marched in.
Is it urgent? I started at the table.
It’s not urgent. Cheng Yu took out a piece of stationery from his sleeve. I just received the grand report from Xu Huang.
Battle report? My heart is not tight. What did Yuan Shao do again?
Not Yuan Shao, but Cao Cao. He intended to let the cat out of the hand of Xihe Prefecture. After the wind leaked, Xihe Prefecture resisted according to the city, but after two days of resistance, this person disappeared. He handed me the battle report.
















### 桑拿之悦:汗水中的健康与活力




### 品茗养心:茶香中的宁静与放松




### 约茶休闲:社交中的美好时光



### 结语


His incredible tone asks, Don’t … I don’t have the strength? !”

I was dumbfounded and patted his chest with the back of my hand. You must first see clearly … who is the core of the attack in this team!
Well … He touched his chest and coughed twice. You are the boss!
Then give me the ball! I threw this sentence and turned to enter the arena.
Jamu came close to me frequently, and the game quickly became hot.
The result is that Qin Zhen and I are scrambling to finish blasting our opponents’ defense lines …
Finally, with my excellent overall situation and tactical ability, our team beat Qin array 514.
I wouldn’t have worked so hard if Jamu hadn’t made a lot of chances at halftime.
But socalled, I will eliminate Taishi Ci Tuoba Ye in the final.
Taishi Ci’s failure is actually due to his lack of personal ability because he came into contact with football too late
I know all about Tuoba Ye’s characteristics. He is strong and fast, but he is not as good as Qin array, but he is more explosive. I have full confidence to knock his team to the ground.

After the fierce battle in the semifinal, the amount of work has been greatly reduced recently, and you volunteered to report to me.
There seems to be something in the Central Plains
I suddenly became interested in speaking more carefully
There is a slight turmoil in the north. He carefully organized the language.
slightly? I’m not satisfy with his wording.
He well explained that it’s hard to be accurate what happened in a place too far away
I expressed my understanding and asked, Can you tell me who it is? Or where exactly?
No, he stretched out his hand and stroked a short beard in his jaw with a look of course.
I can roll my eyes. Okay, you can go.
I really shouldn’t have hoped for his ability!

In October, the temperature drops day by day.
The original temperature difference in the western regions is extremely large, and winter nights are even more unbearable for soldiers from the Central Plains.
However, I have already entrusted Chu Yanqian to purchase winter bedding, and the king of Yanqi has also sent all kinds of winter materials quite intimately.
I feel more guilty about Ban Xiongbecause I don’t know how to repay him …
And in the final, knowing your mistakes can change you into a green leaf. Jamu played a huge role in helping the team beat Tuoba Ye 624.
Among them, he and I sent more than 20 assists and scored doubledigit goals, creating the best result in my career.
After the game, I patted him on the shoulder and earnestly warned, It’s called … giving someone a rose has a lingering fragrance!
He turned to look at me with a puzzled face. What is a rose …? I have heard of turtles!

In midNovember, I was completely at leisure and came back to report to me.
The turmoil in the Central Plains has not stopped
I spit out a few sheep bones in my mouth. Do you dare to make it clear? !”
He lowered his voice and said mysteriously, About in the northeast.
Northeast … I asked with a frown. Is it Youzhou or Jizhou? Yuan Shao or Lu Zhi?
Diabolical way zheng a quick answer master … being original is Qiuci people really don’t know these names and places of Han Dynasty to you …
… I just looked at him for a long time and finally shouted * * who are you kidding! Who told me that he could know the weather outside Wan Li? ! Now you’re telling me you can’t figure out anything? !”
He was forced by my imposing manner and couldn’t help but take two steps back before he replied awkwardly, Being original is really a poor student, but it is impossible to work out the names of specific people no matter how deep and high the way is …
As soon as I finished yelling, I immediately calmed downwhen my temper was no longer a teenager with the increase of ageafter listening to his explanation, Ma said in a relatively gentle tone, I’m a little impatient after staying in the western regions for a long time …
Being original and being white blocked the word I’m sorry in my throat. It’s hard to be anxious if your master’s ambition is silent for too long.
Ambition in the chest? I shook my head wryly. Even if I want to swallow mountains and rivers, what can I have?
约茶He waved his finger. Master will not be here for more than a year.
Really? Although my intuition told me that this diabolical way was just Hu said, I still nodded slightly gratified.
There was a sudden horseshoe in the distance.
The horse is very fast and it is close to the door in a blink of an eye.

I’m afraid it’s too late now that I’ve reached the final!

Ha ha ha!
Qin Xiong left the meeting room with a smile and went back to his room to rest.
The next day, the China Olympic team flew back to Beijing from the sea.
China’s Olympic team reached the final of the Olympic men’s soccer competition, which inspired China fans.
Not to mention that the record of China team has risen in the past three competitions, no one thought that China football could make a medal contribution to China sports in the Olympic Games.
Even pessimistic fans can comfort themselves. Even if they lose to Argentina, they still have a silver medal.
All right!
But it is not enough for the Olympic team!
They would have been satisfied before.
But after Qin Xiong fought side by side for a month, their mentality has changed dramatically.
Qin Xiong’s spiritual appeal is very strong. Every minute from life training to the stadium, Qin Xiong has given them a new attitude towards football!
Prepare for the final after returning to Beijing.
Yin Tiesheng Dujkovic specially called Qin Xiong as a staff officer when arranging the tactical arrangement of the Argentine final.
Because Qin Xiong’s experience in European football is very valuable.
In particular, South American players often choose La Liga as their first choice when landing in the top leagues in Europe. This is because the technical and tactical styles are similar and easy to play.
Qin Xiong looked at the two coaches who had racked their brains and other coaches in the coaching staff. He shrugged and said, There is no other way to fight back.
Whether to play Brazil or Argentina, the tactics are actually the same. If you play some other opponents, especially European teams, you may be able to say that you have the courage to fight with your opponents, but don’t think too much about playing South American teams.
Only by limiting and restraining the opponent’s personal play can we have a fighting force.
Qin Xiong can give detailed advice is to block the forbidden area of human flesh!
If there is any good news for China to play Argentina, it is that Argentina is pure play technology in technical and tactical style.
There are hardly any offensive players in their attack group who are tall and strong in confrontation.
From the technical and tactical point of view, the China team is almost not worried about the prevention problem. Not surprisingly, football will still roll on the turf most of the time
Then what the China team should do is to further squeeze the danger zone to the extreme and not cooperate with the Argentine individual breakthrough
August 22nd, Brazil Olympic Team Nigeria Olympic Team held the third or fourth men’s soccer final at the Shanghai Stadium. Brazil Olympic Team beat Nigeria Olympic Team in the routine and won the third place. Then Brazil Olympic Team went to the Bird’s Nest to watch the final and attended the gold, silver and bronze medal awarding ceremony after the game.
The men’s soccer final of the National Stadium Bird’s Nest Olympic Games is on schedule at 12 noon on March 23rd!
The Bird’s Nest is a red sea, and China fans flock to make the stadium packed.
Before the game, the stadium swung back to the favorite slogan of China fans now
I will never give up if you try your best!
When the China Olympic team and the Argentine Olympic team walked out of the player’s aisle together, the whole stadium burst into cheers.
On the way to the stadium, the Argentine generals look serious, and some players will inadvertently take a look at the stalwart figure walking at the head of the China Olympic team
Qin Xiong!
Messi, aguero, Riquelme, three top players in the Argentine attack group, all of whom are in La Liga. Qin Xiong is an old rival!
I really didn’t expect to come to the Olympic Games to meet Qin Xiong in his motherland!
As the Olympic Games is held in China, China Olympic Team is home, even if China Olympic Team is not optimistic about the outside world, it can be said that China Olympic Team will come to the final as soon as it passes by. This host is a big black horse!
However, Qin Xiong is definitely the first superstar in this most watched Bird’s Nest stadium in China!
He eclipsed the stars.
Take a look at the number of the shirts behind 9% of the fans wearing China jerseys in the stands.
Number one!
That’s Qin Xiong’s number
Listen to the cries in the stands. What is the name that appears most frequently?
Qin Xiong! Qin Xiong! Qin team! Qin team!
At this moment, Qin Xiong is the shady emperor in the hearts of China fans!
Whether any of them like the Argentine team or have a personal worship of Messi, aguero and Riquelme will be forgotten at this moment today.
If you want to support, you will support the China team!
When the two teams walked to the stadium for the prematch ceremony, every China Olympic team player’s face showed pride.
Yes, the Olympic men’s soccer team has no place in the green world.
But the Olympic Games is different. What can we not be proud of being able to compete for medals on this stage and being a football event? What can’t be proud?
This may be more exciting than they are in the World Cup!
品茶论坛Because they are the whole Chinese nation!
In the fans, the media and the general public, it is enough to cheer up the whole nation by supporting the dark horse of China Olympic Team to fight a bloody way in the Bird’s Nest battlefield!
What can’t I be proud of? to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a 99yearold black horse before it is drawn]
Welcome to the Bird’s Nest of the National Stadium of China. Today, we will broadcast live the final of the China Argentine Team Exhibition Olympic Games to the audience!
This is a historic day for China football.
Although some outside media criticized China for being the biggest dark horse in the Olympic Games by relying on home court advantages and ugly tactics, we can’t deny that it is also commendable to create such a miracle.
Compared with China, it is difficult and thrilling for the team to advance to the final, and Argentina is very eyecatching from the group stage. It has many top European league stars, and Argentina is obviously much stronger than China.
We may see a match between China and Argentina.
But I believe that the China team will try their best to win the honor. They have proved their fighting spirit in the previous game and deserve our applause!
China team 442 today.
Goalkeeper Shengjiong Qiu
Defender Wan Houliang Feng Xiaoting Li Weifeng Tan Wangsong
Midfielder Hao Junmin Zhou Haibin Liu Yi Zhao Xu
Striker Qin Xiong Han Peng
Argentina team 4231 today
Goalkeeper Romero
Defender Sabaletapa Severiano Reija Garemenson

Fat fingers carry two rings and a ring. Next to the two gem ring, there is a dim bronze ring, but everyone knows that the inconspicuous bronze ring is the most precious thing. Occasionally, there are a few faint khaki halos. Several magic lines of the same color Se are embedded in the skin of the ring wall and closely connected.

Seeing that Big Fat is so enthusiastic and shameless, it is not good for Pianni to continue to refuse. I can say that Sam will come back and have a look.
Annie’s voice just fell and the starlight above everyone was suddenly covered with a layer of rolling black clouds. Take me to see it now!
After sunset, I condensed the bust, which is still a state of dark clouds floating leisurely.
Everyone was frightened and looked at Master Shan. His rolling eyes were full of awe and envy.
You’re back. Anne lifted her eyelids, and her eyes stayed slightly in Shanye’s body, then she took a sip of black tea gracefully and slowly.
Yes, Miss, I’m back from my investigation. Master Shan shook his face and said hello, fully showing the humility of a guard.
Lord Sam, would you like something to eat? The old housekeeper stepped in the previous step and asked politely, Master Shan gave a signal to the housekeeper and so on, and immediately set his eyes on the fat man.
The line of sight paused, and there was a smile in the eyes of Master Shan. Have you experienced a magic disaster? The tone is gentle, but it’s wrapped in a few words.
Big Fat was so excited that a lot of greasy sweat squeezed out from the folds of his fat face. It was Mr. Sam who personally experienced the damn magic disaster. Even after several months, Big Fat’s eyes buried in fat still had a little more fear. It was so horrible. It was so horrible. The voice was slippery and a bit rude
Master Shan didn’t care about each other’s gaffes. If ordinary people can still face that scene calmly, it would be a ghost. Is your daughter beautiful? Master Shan’s absentminded words choked Big Fat, and he immediately gathered his heart and nodded, It’s my daughter, but she is very beautiful and obedient. When it comes to her daughter, Big Fat can’t help but be gentle and her chest is full of fat.
Master Shan expressed his doubt that he had seen many socalled beauties in his previous life. As a result, when he met, an ordinary person’s tail was almost stuck to the sky. It was selftaught that he didn’t see the beauty.
I pressed my hand and interrupted the other party’s face with a mouthful of trains. My eyes passed over the people’s faces. How dignified was the sound? I’d better continue to detour, but it’s better than Ann. I don’t want to meet that strange crown, so I can lead the caravan around.
Also detours? My goods are stinking. Can you bypass them less? A businessman twisted his brow and complained in a low voice
Several businessmen who do business also get some instant goods, and some are dissatisfied with Master Shan’s arrangement.
I don’t force everyone to take a detour together, and I don’t want to take a shortcut by myself. Grandpa Shan’s plain sight passed over those complainers and he didn’t explain that he turned into a dark cloud.
Arrange several Y and N shadows around the caravan and investigate the surrounding situation at the same time. Fortunately, the goods are chasing men in black and don’t escape in this direction. I hope the other party will keep chasing the goods and don’t come here.
According to Master Shan’s idea, he fled overnight, but he was worried that the noise would disturb the strange crown and he could wait patiently until dawn.
Arrange the night watchman. Master Shan flicker into his carriage. The headon is a warm and swallowing body. Master Xiangshan winks and reveals a smile.
White se j and ng cloth lined with butterfly lace, white se tight skirt, bright white se headscarf, elegant and ingenious, looks a little mature than the actual age in that j and ng small head.
A pair of pink silk stockings tightly wrapped in those straight, tender, white legs and a pair of roundheaded pink silk shoes are more tempting than.
Long eyelashes, satinshining eyes, Joan’s nose, pink cheeks, cherry mouth and facial features, J: ng is a rare beauty.
spa会所At this time, this little beauty is clever and sits on the mountain, and her eyes are as satin as the carriage. She is curious and looks at this strong man who is about to possess her own category five.
Ordinary clothes look very ordinary, too. They look unremarkable, but their eyes are bright and deep, and they should not be capable and calm at this age.
You are a category five strong? So young! The little girl gently pinched a fragrant handkerchief in her hand and exclaimed, covering her mouth.
Master Shan sniffed the fragrance in the air. He sat down beside the beauty and put his arm around each other’s waist.
The little girl was so stunned by the sudden bullying and courtesy that she forgot to shout and just looked at Master Shan with her mouth open.
blare ~! Hey ~! Beauty will be moved only when she is pregnant with stupidity. Master Shan immediately blocked his big mouth in the other side’s pink mouth and stirred it up greedily.
After kissing the little girl indiscriminately, she finally lost her breath.
Satisfied and licked the corners of his mouth, the sad Se on his forehead was also dispersed. Faced with all kinds of inhuman creatures, he gradually felt powerless. He wanted to be able to keep moving forward, backward or stop in this chaotic world, and he could be regarded as a parasite like the double hammer warrior.
The girl gently earned Master Shan’s face and neck covered with blush and shyness. How can you do this? There are a few itchy tones in the soft voice.
This kind of woman, Shan Ye, has seen a lot in those selfie videos in his previous life, which belongs to the kind of woman who is sensitive all over, but a little boring. Are you still a virgin? Big hand in each other’s soft waist rubbed the mountain ye asked slowly.
The little girl was so shy that she hung her head and nodded her head silently.
Big fat knows where he is and has already done his homework in training his daughter.
Noble schools and ordinary schools are not suitable for her, so she specially invited a knowledgeable female teacher to give her daughter education every day.