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Scholes gave the ball to the winger Ronaldo after crossing the center line. It seems that Manchester United will try Ronaldo’s offensive core exhibition again!

Ronaldo picked the ball in the middle with five meters to go to Ramos.
Rooney, who was active in running, let Diarra and Gutigenfa block him at the first time. In particular, Rooney was the first to get stuck in the football, and Guti’s arrival later could interfere with Rooney’s stealing.
Rooney Guti does a physical confrontation, bumps Guti slightly and then jumps to head back!
This is an unexpected choice.
It is often the court that makes the opponent more vulnerable, especially in offense.
Cong players should learn to get back just right!
After the midfield, Scholes received Rooney’s header, and Rooney led Diarra and Guti in the forward position, which made Scholes now be able to clearly see Tevez in the front line after reviewing the situation!
Only Scholes, the great master of England, delivered the fruits with one foot accurately and directly.
The football rolled two meters from Diarra’s side and retreated to catch Tevez’s foot.
Behind Tevez, Heinze and Cannavaro form a double defense to prevent Tevez from controlling the ball and turning around.
But Tevez tilted the ball or returned it, but returned it to the wing
At this time, I assisted Carrick to stop the ball and adjust the observation when he was staring at the defense and then kick at 45 degrees!
Carrick’s goal obviously flew to the back of the penalty area and the football flew at a high altitude.
Pepe predicted the landing point of the football at the back of the penalty area. He also observed the position of Ronaldo during the movement.
In front of him, Pepe made up his mind that he was the first to get stuck in the landing position, so Ronaldo would not have a chance to compete with him!
However, just as Pepe moved to the point where he judged the football to fall, Ronaldo obliquely inserted from his right front and left side of his body, almost sticking to his body, and took off quickly before approaching Ronaldo.
Pepe was stunned and shocked during the takeoff!
It’s like a statue of an ancient ghost rising into the sky!
Pepe’s eyes are splitting. He’s wrong!
He knew he was wrong!
He predicted that there was no problem with the landing point, but that was measured by his own jumping height
But beside him, Ronaldo, his jumping ability and lagging ability exceeded expectations!
Even a head higher than that is enough for Pepe to regret at this time!
Ronaldo at Luzhniki Stadium seems to stand out from the crowd in the restricted area of Real Madrid, and his horrible jumping ability seems to freeze him in the middle. When the football comes, his opponent has one!
The forehead slammed into the football. Ronaldo was tall and straight, and his eyes were as strong as the god of war!
The football saved hard in casillas and flew into the Real Madrid goal against the crossbar!
The first goal on the stage of the Champions League final was born!
Real Madrid were shocked when Ronaldo landed!
It’s like getting to know this Portuguese superstar again!
Luo Yong won the three armies! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a 64point strategic diversion]
Ronaldo’s goal made the red devils fans in the stands fall into a longlost madness!
Forget depression, worry, fear, real Madrid’s crazy attack, fire, fear of being left behind
At this moment, they want to shout and cheer for Ronaldo!
What about Real Madrid unbeaten in the season?
Didn’t we take the lead in breaking the door?
Let Real Madrid taste the worst defeat today!
Ronaldo ran to the sidelines with a passionate roar after scoring.
桑拿按摩He seems to be swearing in the birth of the real king, and he is surrounded by the Red Devils, just like the stars holding the moon.
my god! Cristiano Ronaldo headed the goal!
Manchester United played a dazzling teamwork in this attack.
Carrick Scholes, Ronaldo Rooney Tevez participated in the attack, which included vertical and horizontal tearing of Real Madrid’s defensive formation.
The key point is that Ronaldo’s amazing header in Carrick.
Let’s watch Ronaldo’s header again. Oh, my God, when he jumped to the top, he was almost half a body taller than Pepe!
Pepe made a mistake. He didn’t get stuck in Ronaldo’s takeoff position, but what if he got stuck in that position?
He won’t touch the ball when he takes off, so it will be a headlift, and Ronaldo will score more easily at the back point.
Now that Real Madrid are behind, they need to work harder on the attack.
Manchester United 1: ahead of Real Madrid!
Ferguson rose from the coach’s chair and Ronaldo applauded.
Bosque is sitting in the coach’s seat with a dignified expression.
Who is better than Manchester United in Real Madrid?
There is no point in thinking about this question, because the football game is never based on the past, nor is it that the strong will win, but the winner is stronger!
From the analysis of the skills and tactics of the two teams, the attack of Real Madrid is obviously stronger than that of Manchester United.
But Real Madrid’s defense is obviously weaker than Manchester United’s.
This is just a titfortat contrast.
Stronger attack versus stronger defense
Slightly weak attack vs. slightly weak defense
If you insist that Real Madrid has any difficulty, it is that it is more difficult to attack than to defend in football matches!
Now it’s time to test Real Madrid. Can we attack at the crucial moment to avoid the situation from getting worse?
Bosque didn’t make any adjustments.
Real Madrid’s generals sometimes face the chaos of losing the ball.
However, Ronaldo’s goal is really shocking and has a certain impact on the player’s psychology.

Su Wen and Xiao Jia got into the car together, and Xiao Jia did her duty to help her set her hair.

Zhou Xiaochuan noticed that Xiao Jia asked her, Do you look familiar as a stylist?
She was busy explaining that this is not my stylist, but brother Feng
Zhou Xiaochuan is even more surprised that everything in the circle is ambiguous, and there have been many such scandals before. This is really a taboo.
Because Zhou Xiaochuan, the exclusive stylist of Tianwang, is also kind to Xiaojia.
She took another call. It was Liu Zheng from the airport.
As soon as Su Wen picked up her mobile phone, she turned her face away. Did you get off the plane?
Well, I want to see you. The man’s deep voice is sexy and magnetic.
Su Wen’s face turned red and her voice became smaller. Work later.
Shall I pick you up?
No, it’s inconvenient. You just got jet lag. Have a rest first.
See you later, then. The man was spoiled by Nai.
Hang up the words, Su Wen is still a little dazed. Zhou Xiaochuan looked at her for a long time and she didn’t respond.
Is the girl in love? He suddenly asked
Ah? Su Wen was suddenly startled to deny don’t talk nonsense
Zhou Xiaochuan ha ha a smile, It’s good not to, or your company will know that the broker has to repair you.
He was joking and threatening her, but her face was really white
Xiao Jia stared at her thoughtfully, and her heart was miserable. Brother Feng, I’m afraid you have to pay for this by mistake.
In the evening, Su Wen, a banquet hall of a starrated hotel, appeared in the heart holding hands in jakieyang’s customized gift, and they had just made a green play and announced that they had entered the hall, so they dispersed separately to find acquaintances to get together.
Su Wen naturally followed Xue Shaofeng to see her come in with Zhou Xiaochuan, but instead of saying anything, she showed her approval. The girl knew who she could fry noodles with.
Xue Shaofeng is really loyal enough to introduce everyone. This is our company. Younger’s singing and acting are very powerful and promising. Please take more photos later.
Su didn’t ask many questions, but she was natural and graceful and smiling, and everyone didn’t resent it. Everyone thought she was a fledgling little sister and gave her a hand if she could.
This kind of activity is really meaningless. The rich second generation wants to take advantage of the rich second generation’s potential to benefit each other. Although this kind of activity is often mixed with a certain color and followed Xue Shaofeng for a circle of faces, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and her face was almost stiff with laughter.
Xue Shaofeng measured her, Let’s get something to eat while you are tired.
That’s what she wants. She changed her clothes from the store and came here. She hasn’t had dinner yet.
Worried about cakes and soft drinks, someone called her Miss Nie behind her.
As soon as she looked back, she was forced by a sense of oppression. She is not short. Today, this pair of highheeled shoes is at least inch, or it is overwhelmed by the northern male momentum in front of her.
Xue Shaofeng was not far away, and immediately came to her rescue. This is Mr. Yan, the city’s Yan Jiagong. Today’s banquet exhibition jewelry is Mr. Yan.
Su Wen nodded and they knew each other. Before she could speak, Yanbei said, Miss Nie and I are friends.
This change Xue Shaofeng a face of surprise.
Su Wen smiled, which is regarded as the default to say that friends are really her highs. At most, she met him once through Liu Zheng as a boyfriend friend … which is also a friend.
Lu Zheng returned to China today, didn’t he? Yanbei took the waiter’s hand and casually she chatted.
Well, if the plane just passed, it should be jet lag now.
Yanbei took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to her, explaining that there is the address of my Yanjia jewelry counter in Beijing. Sometimes I ask Lu Zheng to take you around. Take a fancy to which one to sign my name and count me as a gift for my younger siblings.
I’m really flattered to say this, Su Wen. It’s not that I don’t accept my business card in my hand, nor that I don’t accept it.
Yanbei probably saw her naked today, and she was not afraid of losing the battle among her actresses. However, Su Wen really couldn’t afford those expensive jewelry gifts, and it was impossible to say that people borrowed jewelry again.
However, Su Wen didn’t expect that Yan Bei, who was taciturn, also had a dark side. Through this sister in law, he automatically upgraded to someone’s elder brother …
When Liu Zheng knew the truth, Xiu Chang’s eyebrows slanted and he smiled, but he directed the counter salesman mercilessly. This whole set and that one are all wrapped up … Yes, remember your general ledger.
It is said that the sales of Yanjia Jewelry showed a negative growth in that quarter …
After Yanbei left, Xue Shaofeng asked her, How do you know Yan Shao?
She thought about it and euphemistically said, Friends are not particularly familiar.
What did he talk to you about?
Nothing, just gave me a business card and told me to visit their counters. Su Wen honestly gave the business card to Xue Shaofeng to have a look. This is her brother in her eyes.
Xue Shaofeng saw at a glance that Yanbei gave her this personal business card, which is obviously different from the business card submitted by the general banquet occasion. Seeing her eyes is not much a few minutes.
Give her the business card back. Xue Shaofeng said, Since you are a friend, you can keep it, but if someone gives you jewelry later, remember never to accept it.
Don’t worry, I haven’t received any gifts except fan gifts. She still knows that there are some things that I really dare not accept.
It was very late that day when the activity was over. When Su Wen came home, he knew he had come back when he saw Lu Zheng’s shoes in Xuanchu.
Changed slippers and crept into the room. light in the bedroom put out a big bed with his back lying on his side.
After a busy day, I came home knowing that I was not alone, and suddenly I felt very calm and my mouth was unconsciously raised.
Knowing that it was hard for him to adjust the jet lag, Su Wen didn’t wake him up. He went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed his pajamas and got out of bed quietly from the other side.
Just lying on a long arm, I passed through her waist and held her warm breath firmly. Her neck was intoxicated and beautiful in the dark night. Come back?
You didn’t sleep? Su Wen turned to the darkness and wanted to see him clearly.
Lu Zheng kissed her nose. How can you be willing to sleep before you wait?
Fiftyseven cold war
a brief separation makes the couple feel like honeymooners
夜生活Last night, the passion made Su Wen feel a little flushed in retrospect, probably because she really missed her own initiative. Both of them were a little carried away with a kind of ferocity that was bound to drain each other. It was like playing crazy all night in college and forgetting the entrance guard until Li Shi was sweating and hugging each other.
Early element asked to get up first because there was nothing to do, so I took a shower and cooked in the kitchen. At about noon, Liu Zhengcai woke up and sat in the bedroom big bed, looking at the busy little figure in the kitchen and smiling.
He got up and opened the drawer of the bedside table, where there were two boxes of condoms. When he first moved in, they bought them at the supermarket together one day, but this kind of thing felt like it was not the second time that they could stop living together for so long.
Watching her stay with her like a little wife, cooking and putting bath water on her own, sometimes she will be careful to please herself, and she will have expectations unconsciously.
Maybe they can always go like this, always together.
Maybe they want a child so that she won’t leave her again …
Hungry at noon, so suddenly, my mind slowly became warm.
Lu Zheng walked out of the bedroom, asked Su Wen, and set the table to see him up and immediately beamed. It’s just right to eat, so go and wash up.
Broke out in a sweat. Liu Zheng simply took a shower and changed his clothes. When he came out, Su Wen was not in the living room. He turned into the bedroom and saw Su Wen squatting to pack his suitcase.
Even the small alarm clock she likes to put on the bedside table is no exception.
Where are you going?
The abrupt sound startled her, and she looked at him with dark clouds under her eyes.
She tries her best to organize her language quickly and rigorously. Lu Zheng, there’s nothing I haven’t told you these days. I don’t think it’s convenient for us to live together like this …
Before she finished, the haze in Lu Zheng’s eyes became thicker. Where is the inconvenience?
It’s not inconvenient, it’s … Su Wen began to talk incoherently.






1. 雷峰塔下的“湖畔茶楼”


2. 断桥附近的“一勺西湖”




1. 南宋御街的“南宋御茶楼”


2. 解放路“茶颜悦色”




1. 九溪烟树的“九溪茶庄”


2. 灵隐寺附近的“灵隐茶室”



Five million? This year, I just accepted the endorsement of Aston Martin sports car and the recent sneaker contract. This year, my income is twice as low as yours. Do you think I can raise you? Ji Guo’s shame may not find out the enemy’s income, but he confessed himself first.

Taylor Swift suddenly remembered something and asked suspiciously, You play basketball in the United States, and Europeans don’t watch basketball games very much. Why will the British car speak for you? Ji Guo’s shame hasn’t come yet. Taylor Swift’s brain is not small, and he seems to have remembered something. He leaned his face together and turned angry and asked, And I remember seeing the British bitch news the other day. Emma Watson also endorsed Aston Martin. Let me think … Yes … That’s right … Is this card? Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Ji Guo’s shame is dumbfounded. How can Emma Watson be involved?
Wait … I speak for cars and Emma? Besides, she also endorsed Aston Martin. Why didn’t I know that? ?”
Taylor Swift stared at Ji’s humiliating eyes with a grimy face and asked in a sharp tone, Just pretend. How can you endorse the same card without informing each other?
Ji Guoshi suddenly laughed, pulled Taylor Swift into her arms and hugged her to prevent her from resisting the play abuse. Because we are ordinary friends, we said less than ten sentences before and after, how could she contact me? Do you have any misunderstanding?
Taylor Swift was held back by Ji Guo’s humiliation and resisted by the law. She just stopped and snorted, What’s the misunderstanding? You’re not my boyfriend.
Ji Guo was ashamed to slap her ass with one hand. Say it again, is it a boyfriend?
Taylor Swift exclaimed that a woman’s sexual exposure was more humiliating than Ji Guo’s, and she took the initiative to open her mouth and bite the fox’s lips.
Pain …!
Ji Guo was ashamed and furious. Taylor Swift didn’t kiss him, but bit his lip so hard that it bled.
Mom actually took the old blood first, and I will execute you on the spot now!
Ji Guo shamed Taylor Swift hard on the sofa and bit the little singer’s bright red lips …
The two adulterers and adulterers said a few words, but they bit each other on the sofa. Ji Guo was still taking the opportunity to take off Taylor Swift’s clothes. The latter wanted to refuse and welcome them. They were so horny that they turned into animals and quickly developed in the direction of rolled sheets …
The doorbell of the little singer’s house was very careless. Ji Guo was ashamed to take off his pants and Taylor Swift sweater in the middle. Damn it, the doorbell rang!
Wait …
What are you waiting for? It’s hard to get to this point. Maybe it’s to send a courier and let him press it …
If you don’t have a fingerprint lock on my ladder to send a courier, it must be someone I know.
Taylor Swift pushed the sperm brain to discipline the national humiliation, and quickly put on the sweater that was half taken off. She looked at the sofa with her face flushed and her pants were half taken off.
Let’s take a rain check. I’ll go and see who it is first. Taylor Swift blushed and lost her face. She quickly turned and walked to the door to see who rang the doorbell.
Ji Guo’s shame severely slapped the floor, and he almost swore in Fox’s heart, Knock on the door, king’s egg, I curse you for having children, no little brother, daughters and long little brothers …
Oh, my father?
Taylor Swift actually cursed the doorbell ringer in his heart, but when he went to the door and saw that it was his father, his blushing face turned white!
Future fatherinlaw? Ji Guo was ashamed to hear Taylor Swift’s words, but he quickly got up his pants and silently retracted what he had just said. It would be nice to have a baby without a little brother, and never have a little brother when having a daughter.
Taylor Swift was so scared that she ran back to Ji Guoshi’s side, pointing to a pile of red lip prints on the fox’s face and asked Ji Guoshi in disgrace, What should I do? If my father sees you like this, you will be killed by him!
Ji Guo’s shame doesn’t believe in the heart. Your father can’t kill me even if Schwarzenegger is my physique.
Is it that serious? I’m not a street thug. I have young people, okay? Unless your father is a street thug!
Taylor Swift pointed to the room deep in the corridor and said in a hurry, Now you can’t see him or you. Go to my room and hide. I haven’t told my father about you. He doesn’t know I’m in love. Always hide. I’ll tell my father about you and I’ll ask you to have dinner with him in a few days.
Finally admit that I am your boyfriend? You kiss me first, and I’ll hide inside. JiGuo shame smell speech smiled gently and took advantage of it.
Taylor Swift rolled his eyes, but quickly kissed him again on the lips, and then quickly pushed Ji Guo’s shame and pointed to his room.
品茶Ji Guo was ashamed to gesture ok, raised his pants and hid in Taylor Swift’s room.
Taylor Swift saw Ji Guo’s shame, first took a few deep breaths and then quickly adjusted his clothes before he came to the door and knocked on it.
Hi, Dad, I missed you so much.
Taylor Swift’s father, Scott Kingsley Swift, is also more than 1m tall and wide. Because of his age, he is a little fat. He saw Taylor Swift for almost a minute before frowning and saying, Is your boyfriend in there?
Taylor Swift was so scared when she heard the news that she never thought her father would see it without even entering the door.
Scott Kingsley pointed to his lips and asked, Did you bite him or did he bite you?
Taylor Swift quickly touched her lips and there was a trace of blood on her face. This is the wound caused by the dogeatdog just now. On the other hand, the intensity of this prelude is really beyond the average person’s ability.
No, you think too much. This is juice or strawberry juice!
strawberry juice?
Of course, Scott Kingsley didn’t believe this nonsense in his heart. He walked into the house and glanced at the shoe rack without making a trace. Some bitch No.52 sneakers were on the surface. This size is not a model that people can wear when they are 2 meters tall. However, Scott Kingsley didn’t see it when he saw Ji Guo’s shameful sneakers, but he didn’t say anything. He just took off his shoes and walked into the house.
During this time, your mother always kept saying to me that you are boring me to death. You didn’t go back to Pennsylvania in the last month. Let me see if you have a boyfriend in Los Angeles? Scott Kingsley walked into the room, glanced at the tea table and sofa that Ji Guo was ashamed to touch, and said to his daughter
Coffee? Taylor Swift bit her lip, and her hands were cold sweat.
What kind of coffee does your boyfriend drink? Scott Kingsley said with an expression on his face
He drinks …
Taylor Swift was easily found out the truth by her father, and her face turned red and she hung her head and stopped talking.
Scott Kingsley snorted. It’s as stupid as your mother. How can I trust you to find a boyfriend outside alone? What if he is cheating?
Taylor Swift quickly said, No, he’s not lying!
Scott Kingsley shook his head and felt that his daughter’s IQ seemed to be lower than before. That’s a good trick.
Fool, whether he is a bad guy or not, I ask you … did you do it? Scott Kingsley wants to know if his precious daughter has suffered at the moment.
Ji Guo’s shame is now lying at the door eavesdropping on his heart and cursing, If you come later for a while, you will get it in minutes and get you a little fox.
Taylor Swift quickly shook her head and turned even redder.
Sit and talk! Scott Kingsley pointed to the sofa and asked his daughter to sit down.
Scott Kingsley knows that Taylor Swift hasn’t suffered too much yet, and there is still plenty of room for redemption. His daughter will become a new generation of musicians at any time. Of course, he can’t let others take advantage of him casually. He needs to meet the guy hiding in the house first.

Once again, when Riquelme defended against the opponent, his mind was very calm

Riquelme didn’t even move when he played with his feet.
His own speed advantage maintained the frontal defense situation. Riquelme dribbled laterally and he moved laterally to defend.
Riquelme retreated. He didn’t just relax.
Only when Riquelme really breaks through the ball forward will he have a counterpoint attack and defense confrontation with Riquelme.
This makes Riquelme a little crazy.
Qin Xiong is too steady!
Different from other excellent players that Qin Xiong has defended, other players may have the ability of forward speed. When Qin Xiong can’t defend headon, he will turn around. Even if Qin Xiong’s speed is fast, it can be regarded as a delay in turning around. Of course, he can’t keep close to his opponent when he turns around.
There are opponents who confuse Qin Xiong’s defensive prediction by running a lot of positions, so as to achieve the goal of getting rid of Qin Xiong
It happened that Riquelme was too static!
His speed is not fast and his confusing movement is a little less. He belongs to the classical front waist of walking football. If he touches a defender with strong defensive ability but unstable consciousness, he will induce his opponent to hand over his body center of gravity first with a few tempting discs or pause in rhythm, and then he will easily break through his opponent to achieve the goal of partially tearing the defense line, and then form a chain reaction to create a wonderful shooting opportunity for the striker.
Riquelme had to face Qin Xiong prematurely, but Villarreal’s attack seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.
Arsenal’s defense line is very tight, which compresses the opponent’s attack. It is difficult for the yellow submarine to reach the Arsenal restricted area like hitting a rock.
It can be said that this game is a confrontation between South American free and romantic football and European strict and disciplined football!
Arsenal rely on tactical execution ability to contain Villarreal to the maximum extent!
But containment is the foundation. This is Highbury and the semifinal of the Champions League. Arsenal must win! to be continued
[The first volume The sword has become a front before it is drawn. Who will carry the flag? ]
Even though Arsenal occupied the advantage of the scene, the game still encountered great challenges.
This challenge does not come from the opponent. When the yellow submarine’s defense personnel are in a hurry, Riquelme is frozen in Qin Xiong, and Arsenal’s season is honed, mature and stable, and Villarreal can’t create a threatening offensive.
But Arsenal missed scoring opportunities again and again.
In the 37th minute of the game, Qin Xiong received a direct ball from Fabregas in the frontcourt. In Tacchinardisena, Li Li stopped the ball and broke through the rhythm difference. Then, when Senna withdrew to make up for the defense, he changed direction and took the antitangent route, which made Tacchinardi return to the defense.
After changing the dribble twice in a row, Qin Xiong saw the right time and didn’t punch Ventura Alvarez in the ribs. He decisively sent a ball with a right foot and an outer instep.
The goal bypassed Alvarez and Alzu, and it was even more embarrassing for the goalkeeper to attack unless he was extremely decisive. Unfortunately, barbosa’s replacement candidate was waiting for Arsenal’s offensive development in front of the goal line after a long time of war.
The ball curved around two Villarreal centrebacks, and then flew perfectly to Henry’s running line obliquely inserted in front of Alzu.
The football is close to one meter from the ground. Henry shoots directly from behind Alzu, aiming to directly refract the football and fly into the goal.
But after he touched the ball, all the gunmen fans in the stands gave a shock and amazement.
Henry’s arch didn’t touch the football, but it was near the front end of the toe sole. The football flew directly to the stands and rubbed strongly. Henry expected the shooting effect to be thousands of miles.
Henry made another mistake in front of the door. It’s a pity that Qin Xiong had a series of wonderful performances! However, Arsenal have an advantage in the end and I believe they will create better opportunities.
Wenger looked puzzled on the sidelines.
His heart must be anxious. He must take the yellow submarine at home, or everything will be hard to say when he goes away.
Henry put his hands on his hips and lowered his head at the shooting place, and he didn’t know what his state was today.
Physical condition is absolutely fine, but the sense of smell in front of the door is different from usual.
Is the excessive expectation of excitement leading to the tension of keys at all times?
Henry didn’t know that he wouldn’t admit it.
But it must be admitted that this is the first time he has represented Arsenal in the Champions League semifinal stage for several years.
The first time he played in the Champions League semifinal stage was when he was still playing for Monaco.
It’s a long time ago
Europe scares several teams, but the super striker is particularly unfamiliar with the finale on the peak stage in Europe.
Qin Xiong watched Riquelme running in the midfield while watching Henry from a distance.
He won’t blame Henry, but it’s really hard to be generous in today’s game
桑拿论坛Every minute is crucial in the Champions League semifinal, and every opportunity is precious. Not beating Villarreal at home is not only that Arsenal missed the best opportunity to lay the foundation for reaching the Champions League final, but also a blow to Arsenal. It is conceivable that Villarreal’s morale will rise before.
At the end of the halfgame, Villarreal successfully held the halfgame, which made them equally confident in the halfgame.
Pellegrini temporarily relieved.
It can’t be said that Villarreal’s defense is perfect. Arsenal created a good opportunity and didn’t grasp it. This is the best result.
Henry encouraged his teammates at halftime, and he was under great pressure on his shoulders, but he was no less determined to reach the Champions League final than a teammate.

What’s the situation of the northern commander of Luoyang in your office? However, with Mr. Wen and Mr. Wang, I should ask more questions.

By the way, it’s really successful to practice hard. I’ve entered the second level, so you have to work hard, but don’t rush for success
You are old enough to find a daughterinlaw. If it is inconvenient to wait, let Mr. Wenhe kiss you.
Foolish brother Ma Chaozheng
Put the pen down and I started to stay again in response to Ma Dai’s letter
Ma Dai’s letter said that Liaodong’s poor location was not suitable as a basis, but it did not oppose my original ultimate goal.
spa会所There are probably two reasons for his wording.
A, he really think Liaodong is not suitable for arise;
Second, he gently dissuaded me on this excuse.
Ma Dai speaks to me … Does it need to be so tactful?
I shook my head and dipped my pen in ink.
Zhang Gongqin rev.
Public health?
If you are scared, your little nephew can’t do it for the time being. The Saibei is close to a foreign country. It used to rely on Gongsun Du’s military power to deter the Wuli and Xianbei Wuhuan tribes. Now, the soldiers in the county are almost lost. If I temporarily recruit soldiers to guard the counties and counties, it is not an excuse to stabilize my little nephew. It will take a year to get back the military forces immediately after our troops have trained enough guards in each county, and the two thousand stones in the four counties and countries will be resigned to the government.
May Zhang Gongshun feel well.
Unscrupulous nephew Ma Chao made a nod.
I wrote four letters in a row, adding up to more than a thousand words, which was nearly half an hour when I consumed them.
I haven’t practiced for a long time ….. I looked at the reply and sighed with regret.
Just now, I was joking that Ma Dai’s handwriting is too crude. In fact, where can I get if I break the word?
The only thing that comforts me is that … writing words is not only vigorous but also penetrating the back of the paper because of the strength.
Besides, I found a very strange place.
There’s not a single alteration or typo in more than a thousand words!
I looked at it carefully and couldn’t help slapping my head.
I ….. unexpectedly conveniently added all punctuation!
26 Qin array a drink
On the afternoon of the 14th, I posed in the Taishou Mansion and invited all brigadelevel cadres to call a meetingincluding Taishi Ci, a cadre at the battalion level.
First of all, please ask the master to lecture host Pang Gan coughed and took the lead in applauding.
I whisked my hand and interrupted the spread of this unhealthy trend. There are three main items for calling brothers here today. The first one is to agree on the reward for soldiers’ meritorious service. I smiled slightly. Before our army had little goods, the court didn’t give any money. For some time, the brothers couldn’t even get their salaries, let alone reward them. This time, our army won a great victory and captured a large number of materials. It’s finally interesting to discuss today. It’s not to fight against Juli, but to fight with me in the past few years. The credit is counted, from attacking and killing Han Sui, everyone’s head is counted, and other brigade commanders should also report the situation of the killed brothers. If conditions permit, we will try our best to give pensions to their families and brothers.
Speaking of the last scene, the atmosphere was a little sad, and someone said, Brothers, it’s hard to know that your master’s mind is dead!
Every brigade commander is famous for his heroic performance on the battlefield. I added after a little thought, For other things … such as being able to count, write, strike while the iron is hot, see a doctor, watch horses and carpentry, it can also be said that each battalion commander is responsible for the evaluation of each brigade commander. I obviously want to explore potential talents from the Ministry of Military Affairs.
I nodded to Pang Gan and he shouted, Now!
Qin Zhen first raised his hand and smiled. Master, you said that I have made great contributions in the past two years, right?
I’ll tell you the truth. You are invincible. When it comes to killing people, soldiers are comparable.
Master is really fair and equitable! He nodded proudly. Then you should reward me?
I smiled and asked, What do you think?
He said, Can I get a promotion?
Suddenly some outcry.
Qin battalion commander has a wild break! Zhang Liao immediately reprimand angrily to you go to the next level …? !”
Chu Yan also glared. Are you too arrogant, battalion commander Qin?
The battalion commander has me as a commander.
I pursed her lips and looked at his expression.
Don’t get me wrong! Qin array motioning with his hand explained, I’m not going to rob the master position! I mean … expand the army!

The linesman should raise the flag to signal Raul offside and give us a set ball!

How can you ignore Raul?
How can I? !
Reina abandoned the door in hindsight, which obviously gave Qin Xiong a better shooting angle. Qin Xiong controlled the ball in the restricted area and then rubbed a curling ball diagonally against the instep of the right foot of the goal.
Abandoning the door, Reina lost his defense of the far corner of the goal. He could watch the football cross for half a month and cut it straight to the far corner of the goal!
Liverpool people were furious after witnessing Qin Xiong’s goal. The defenders ran to the linesman theory and Gerrard also ran to the referee to protest!
That his mama is an offside ball! Hundred percent offside!
The linesman, the referee, ignored it and put on a ruthless gesture.
Liverpool players are looking for referees to protest against Real Madrid, and the generals are surrounded by Qin Xiong to celebrate crazily.
There was a lot of noise in the stands at Anfield, and many Liverpool fans hissed to help the referee fight.
Real Madrid scored another goal! They lead the score again!
If you simply look at this ball, it is Qin Xiong’s ball that broke through the entire defense of Liverpool!
However, Liverpool players feel wronged. They think Qin Xiong gave the ball to Raul, who is offside. Of course, we can’t deny that Raul didn’t touch the ball or take part in the attack. When the football rolled towards him, he seemed to be unable to see the football passing by in the opposite direction.
However, Liverpool players obviously let their guard down, which gave Qin Xiong a chance to score a single goal.
桑拿In any case, the referee will not change the effective penalty for the goal. Now the score is 3:4, and Liverpool are behind Real Madrid at Anfield.
There are fewer and fewer games to be continued.
[The first volume of the sword has not been drawn, and it has become a front 41 to set a new goal record]
Even Benitez protested to the fourth official on the sidelines, but this will not change the score that has now become a fact.
Liverpool fans in the Anfield stands fell into great frustration after protesting.
Qin Xiong is not the first time to play at Anfield. The last thing Liverpool fans want is to see a player with Qin Xiong’s name at the beginning.
Finally, a year after his transfer from the Premier League, I didn’t expect to see him running wild in the Red Army territory at Anfield!
Bosque went to the sidelines and made a gesture to ask the team to strengthen their defense and avoid being scored by Liverpool at the last minute.
Even though Real Madrid should get more golden opportunities now, Bosco chose a cautious approach.
There is nothing wrong with this. After all, the score of 4:3 is very beneficial to Real Madrid.
He salgado changed Luo to strengthen the defense in the middle and back court
Qin Xiongde also retreated to control the game conservatively.
Liverpool attacked immediately after rescoring, and they accepted the defeat at Anfield, but the situation got worse and worse.
In the sixth minute of the game, Qin Xiong’s overthetop position in the middle circle gave Raul a wonderful kick.
Raul went to the meeting alone in the restricted area. He headed the ball directly to the goal.
Reina blocked the ball headon, and Raul regretted missing the opportunity.
His physical strength is exhausted and his technical performance is not ideal.
This header was more like reluctance.
After Raul missed this opportunity, Bosco Higuain replaced Raul.
Higuain was very active in running after his debut.
However, he has not found the tacit cooperation between the main array.
He is a little impatient.
In the following five minutes, Steguti sent a precise straight plug to Higuain respectively, and both of them were sentenced to offside and failed because of his forward running start.
Liverpool’s attack can mostly rely on longrange shots to try to create threats.
Steven Gerrard’s longrange shot from 30 yards to the goal tested casillas, but he still scored a goal.
Riise’s long shot was blocked by Ramos’ leg in the last minute of injury time.
Liverpool get a corner kick.
This should be the last shot of the Red Army.
When the corner kick came out, the restricted area was full of people. casillas was hit by Carragher when he took off to hit the football. At the whistle of the landlord referee, the Liverpool player was fined for colliding with the goalkeeper.

Monks are the mainstay of the finch empire. They belong to the emperor’s direct control and belong to the category beyond the ordinary army and the legal system, which is special to be continued.

21 auction
Monks are different from priests. Priests are loyal to the gods, but monks are loyal to themselves. They explore the mysteries of the body, and various secret methods are developed by them. Although monks are rarely deployed, every deployment is definitely a bloody affair.
Wearing a white robe and black belt and sturdy deerskin boots is no different from ordinary people except that the national emblem of the bird empire is engraved on the neck.
Monks explore the potential of the body, but they don’t inspire fighting flames and magical energy. They inherit the most primitive and mysterious ripple energy of human beings thousands of years ago.
Ripple energy belong to a very mysterious and huge energy body.
At the beginning, I just heard that when Master Shan came close, the ancestors of these monks were travelers.
Their practice of ripple energy is very similar to that of Master Shan’s previous qigong, which can increase physical strength, and if it reaches the level of ripple release, it is more powerful than magic and fighting flame.
Master Shan looked at it a little and then withdrew his eyes, because those monks were very sensitive and paid more attention, which attracted their attention.
Wandering around for a long time, Master Shan ate some special products and bought some gadgets for Ksenya Goryachova Camilla, then went to the auction just to find out.
It is said that today is a large auction in January, which has captured a lot of novelty and even many welltrained slaves of all ethnic groups.
Master Shan has been stuck at the peak of the fifth grade for some time. He has been busy. This time, he is ready to go to the auction house to see if there is any magic material promoted.
There is no requirement to enter the auction, the only requirement is more money.
You need 20 gold coins for the admission ticket. Ordinary small rich people and businessmen are afraid to come in.
Magnificent and luxurious
The ground is covered with thick flanging blankets, and a large suet crystal chandelier reflects the auction.
Master painter’s handwriting
The sky is engraved with a large and elegant scroll. Next to everyone, there is a handsome or beautiful person who comes here for the first time to explain the general rules of the auction.
Master Shan’s palm gently kneaded the beautiful beauty in front of him, which was quite clever. The fragrant breath of the other side fell on Master Shan’s face from time to time. In a few minutes, he explained clearly all the places that should be paid attention to in the auction and stuffed a gold coin for the other side. Master Shan sat in a corner and waited quietly.
It seems that there are many precious promotion materials and magical objects in this auction, which is the biggest auction after the invasion of the HalfMagic Man.
Frost wine slid down the throat, and Master Shan squinted slightly at the people around him.
There are military representatives with a strong military atmosphere, businessmen with a wealth of money, and even a few elegant women with veil temperament.
Especially in those women who stayed slightly for a moment, Shan Ye recovered his eyes and continued to wait.
Sorry, Mr. Sam has an urgent notice for you! Just now, the beautiful woman who explained the matters needing attention to Master Shan came to Master Shan with a face of apology and said
Mountain ye slightly lock eyebrow don’t understand what? Is there any change in the auction? There is a little dissatisfaction wrapped in the sound.
The woman gently leaned her body against the arm of Master Shan, and her voice became more delicate. Oh, look at what you said. Our auction house is rich in royal support. How can something happen? After a pause, I saw that Master Shan’s face was getting better. But this auction did have a little thing because the finale of the auction was changed to the Millennium Moon Water Institute to inform you.
One thousand moon water? !” Master Shan’s face expression is wonderful. I gave the woman a strange look and waved her hand to indicate that the other party can retreat.
Different from Master Shan’s strange expression, there are a few surprises in the eyes of those photographers around him.
桑拿网  title=Was the moon water in one thousand? Our royal auction house does have something! A paunchy middleaged man with a shiny face and a proud face said
A veiled woman next to her flicked her white fingers and agreed, This time the empire is really a big deal. It’s really rare to hear that the border town is making a lot of noise! The euphemistic and quiet sound is very cultured
Everyone talked about it. Master Shan pressed the brim of his head into the corner.
To tell the truth, Master Shan didn’t expect to meet the Millennium Moon Water again. I heard that the auction in the border town was quite a shock.
Elves led a large number of blood warriors and elves to attack the border town auction house on the spot, and the border town did not show weakness.
A large number of black armor Warcraft soldiers with elves blood unexpectedly tied.
This force has been hidden in the border town, which attracted worldwide attention when this black armor Warcraft brigade suddenly appeared.
The two sides explored and fought to the death.
The elves need this victory to lay their own foundation, and the border town of Green Sea Elf Weiyi is forced to take out the cards to protect their auction interests.
Both sides have reasons why they can’t lose. They want to show their strength, and a competition ends in real fire.
In the end, people know that both sides have their own losses anyway. If both sides understand each other and reach an agreement, it will not be known to ordinary people.
To tell the truth, Master Shan really didn’t expect that the moon and water would meet again after going out from his own hands for thousands of years.
All right, please be a little quiet! A middleaged host with a staff of sound amplification stopped at the auction table at random.
The crowd gradually disappeared, and the middleaged horse with capable temperament announced the exchange of the finale, and then apologized to everyone that the auction was reduced by 1% as compensation for everyone.
Suet crystal chandelier is everyone’s excited face.
Many people were angry because of the sudden change of the finale, but they didn’t make any noise until they heard that it was the Millennium moon water.
An elegant woman who is also sitting in the corner is covered with light green tulle and vaguely sees the beautiful outline. Bizheng is looking at the auctioneer with a gloomy face.
If you lift the gauze, you will find that this beautiful woman is actually a semielf. If Master Shan sees this woman, he will definitely exclaim because she is helping the semidemon attack the Green Sea Elf and has been lurking in the Green Sea for more than 60 years.
Because she has exposed her identity, Sobel has to veil her face lightly.
The line of sight was withdrawn from the auctioneer’s body, and there was a flash of hatred in Bai Sha’s eyes. There were dozens of Bai Sha lurking in the green sea elves. It took a lot to kill all the elves, but when the halfmagic man got the branches of the world, he actually relaxed and took a temporary truce on the elf offensive.
This makes Bertha, who has been eager to kill all the elves and drink the blood of the elves, resentful, but at this time, the halfmagic man has had Bertha’s words from time to time 50 or 60 years ago.

They knew that Qin Xiong couldn’t form the first attack and his back was to the front sector of the goal. He had to stop and control the ball in the middle or go to the receiving point outside the penalty area!

Then Chelsea’s defense will probably be thrilling this time.
But just when everyone thought so, Qin Xiong did something that surprised the audience.
When the football bounces to the ground and flies to Qin Xiong, the heel of Qin Xiong’s left foot will be less than half a meter from the ground, and the football will knock back!
Claude Lampard was shocked to see that the football seemed to bounce off the ground and then the football bypassed their heads!
They turned their heads and saw that all Chelsea defenders looked dumbfounded. Cech hurried from the front of the goal to the back, but he couldn’t come!
Toure defended the original man at the back, but after Pires’ corner kick, Chelsea’s defense was readjusted. No one thought that it was impossible for Toure to touch the ball at the back. At this moment, Toure easily headed the ball!
The football flew into Chelsea’s goal without hindrance! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a contradiction before it is drawn]
Arsenal equalized the score! No one expected that Toure would help the team score the key goal! What’s even more incredible is that Qin Xiong completed an artistic assist! Look at him picking up Pires near the bottom line of the penalty area. When the bad corner kick passed him after the football bounced to the ground, he didn’t stop the ball, but completed a gorgeous half turn with the football’s forward trajectory, and at the same time, his left heel knocked up the football with a low amplitude, which made Chelsea’s defense line unprepared for assists! Chelsea’s defensive line is very stable, which is vividly reflected in the Premier League this season. It takes more creativity to break through their doors. Will the surprise attack by Arsenal be a tactical arrangement? I don’t think it’s possible. This is Qin Xiong’s improvisation and has received very good results! Now the score is 1:1, which is still bad for Arsenal. We can expect what will happen next.
After Toure scored, he was surrounded by his teammates and gave an assist. Qin Xiong was also praised by his teammates.
Wenger looks better, but he doesn’t know that the team has played a dazzling and wonderful attack, but he always feels a little bad at heart.
As if victory depends on luck.
It is an ironclad fact that Arsenal may not be able to grasp the same opportunity when it comes. From the overall situation, Chelsea is more advantageous. After all, Chelsea has a wider attack.
But just like the Bayern Munich game, the adjustment of the home team is very small after the visiting team advanced the goal. If everyone wants to score, win and win more goals!
Mourinho accepted the reality that the team conceded the goal with a straight face. He has long realized that utilitarian football will be strong, but it doesn’t mean that utilitarian football can dominate all day. Don’t be angry, don’t panic and don’t lose your mind when opponents are more creative to break down steel barriers!
There is nothing to complain about being destroyed by the opponent’s gorgeous attack when the defensive counterattack has occupied the commanding heights of the attack.
Chelsea didn’t show any signs of panic after losing the goal. They were more calm and calm than Arsenal expected.
After the game resumed, Qin Xiong tried to find Henry Pires Ljungberg directly in the midfield. They sent a very threatening direct plug ball. After half a season of runningin, they all knew Qin Xiong’s ability and knew that Qin Xiong should cooperate with him.
夜生活But if Qin Xiong wants to send the scalpel directly from the middle, he will always come back. Makelele is an insurmountable barrier. Today, Chelsea’s back line is impolitely four central defenders. Their defensive habits tend to be closed, which greatly limits Arsenal’s mainstream play in the ribs.
As a result, Arsenal pushed the attack from the midfield to the forefront, and it was often Pires or Ljungberg who controlled the ball on the outside of the wing, and the closer it was to the dangerous area, the less combined it was. Because Chelsea contracted the defense line, the attack was very effective.
At the end of the 11 halftime, the two teams played well for a period of time and scored goals respectively. Now the situation is a little unfavorable for Arsenal. If Chelsea hold the draw, then going to Stamford Bridge in one round will have a great advantage to advance to the semifinals of the Champions League!
When leaving, Henry trotted to Qin Xiong to discuss the details of the game with him.
It is difficult for us to penetrate the Chelsea defence vertically.
Well, I’m aware of this, too. The opposing defender’s line is very protective of the restricted area, which is different from the combination of two fullbacks and two central defenders.
As the name implies, the role of fullback will pay more or less attention to outside defense, although it has the responsibility of assisting in the defense of the restricted area. However, today, all four defenders of Chelsea’s back line have the attribute of central defender, which makes them less enthusiastic about outside defense, so it is difficult to appear ribs.
Arsenal communicate and try to find that code to break Chelsea’s defence.
Wenger also finetuned his offensive strategy in this regard at halftime. He asked Qin Xiong to directly threaten the opponent’s restricted area more actively. Vieira was responsible for stabilizing the ball to the side. For example, Arsenal’s offensive foundation is the combination of the side and the center, which cannot be abandoned.
At half time, the two sides changed sides and fought again. Chelsea seems to have not changed. They still rely on halftime tactics to shake the Arsenal defense.
This set of anticounter tactics has been honed by Chelsea, and it is almost a success!
Barcelona was destroyed by Chelsea’s counterattack storm.
Arsenal paid more attention to flank attack at halftime.
Its hardhitting efficiency is not high, so it is better to force a shot from the side to threaten and then force Chelsea to adjust! Then catch the opponent and adjust the process may expose flaws!
In the 57th minute of the game, Qin Xiong Vieira cooperated with him before and after halftime, and then Pires collided with the wall on the left side. After dumping Lampard, Qin Xiong cut the middle road from the left side in front of the restricted area and shot without giving Makelele a close chance!
The football bypassed Gallas and flew straight to the right corner of the goal. Cech bravely saved the ball!
Cech turned Qin Xiong’s goal away! Chelsea’s defensive stability cannot be separated from Cech’s excellent performance in the season. He definitely has the strength to become the world’s number one goalkeeper!
In the sixth minute of the game, Drogba once again challenged Senderos. After the collision, the football lost control and became 55 for the opportunity. Fortunately, Ashley Cole cleverly returned to the restricted area from the side to clear the football foot, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.
Senderos became the main target of Chelsea, and he worked hard to bear the pressure, but Drogba inevitably made him feel dangerous as the Vietnam War became more and more fierce.
In the 64th minute of the game, Qin Xiong made a twotoone match with Ljungberg on the right, and Ljungberg returned the football to Qin Xiong, which was destroyed by Huth.
The fans in the stands felt that the game was too fierce because of the shocking battle between the London duo. Chelsea’s defensive strength made the fans eyecatching, because most of the time Chelsea played some middleclass team games in the league, and not many neutral fans were willing to watch it because the game was too chatty.
It’s no accident that Chelsea can become the best defensive team with the least goals in the league, especially in the top five leagues in Europe!
Today, Arsenal has the strongest offensive firepower among the five major leagues in Europe.
This is really a contradictory war! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. Skywalker is persistent for 37 days]
The sideline ball destroyed by Huth rolled into the hands of the caddie. Ljungberg ran to serve the sideline ball, but he found that Qin Xiong took the football from the caddie before him.
So Ljungberg turned and walked towards the stadium. Huth wanted to keep an eye on Qin Xiong. This attention came to Ljungberg. After all, Ljungberg was closest to Qin Xiong.
Ljungberg turned his back on Qin Xiong. He was actually walking. He looked at the distance and his teammates were far away. It was estimated that Qin Xiong should wait for Vieira or Lauren to meet him before serving the sideline ball. After all, he was trapped in the middle and front. Makelele had Huth on his side. Maybe he would be closely watched to prevent harassment when the sideline ball came out.
But even Chelsea player Ljungberg didn’t realize the situation. Qin Xiong threw the sideline ball directly!
Huth watched the football fly to Ljungberg consciously, but after running for a step, he was shocked. Ljungberg didn’t look back. He suddenly felt it!
Ljungberg was really startled.
He felt that he was hit by a football in the back, and then he looked back. It was Qin Xiong who rashly threw the sideline ball, and the two did not form a cooperation.
But when he looked back, he saw that the football had been controlled by Qin Xiong, who stepped into the stadium and stopped the ball
He consciously threw the football at Ljungberg’s back!
This is a cooperation that Ljungberg didn’t realize and was absolutely unexpected.
Huth is a little embarrassed at this moment. I don’t care about Qin Xiong’s reaction. Just start his left foot and kick the ball in Huth’s direction. Huth consciously merged his legs, but it was still late!
The football rolled over his legs.
Qin Xiong passed him at the same time!
After the unexpected sideline ball hit the wall, Qin Xiong passed through the crotch and broke through Huth!
Huth has been clean this time!
He was really played by Qin Xiong!









Alonso came to the restricted area and saw the shooting angle. The ball didn’t adjust and went straight to the goal!

The football went straight to the right corner of the goal, and goalkeeper Armuna did well this time and fell to the ground calmly to block the ball out
Fullback armand traore pushed the ball out of the baseline under the pressure of Kuyt.
Liverpool get a corner kick.
Alonso ran to the corner area to prepare for the corner kick, and the Liverpool defender rushed to prepare for the header.
Alonso glanced at the situation in the restricted area and raised his left arm after thinking about it.
This is a simple signal to tell his teammates how he will figure out where the corner kick will fall.
The players have a clear mind.
Gerard Torres attacked Alonso at the front of the goal when he was about to take a corner kick, and Arsenal defenders immediately rushed to the front of the goal to block it.
But Alonso’s corner kick surprised Arsenal defenders.
The root is not the front point of the goal!
But behind the goal! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a tactical knockout before it is drawn]
Alonso took a corner kick and flew to the back of the goal. Oh, there was Qin Xiong there!
Arsenal’s defenders in the restricted area were very scared. Qin Xiong didn’t dare to say that he missed it, but it was just physical confrontation around him. Qin Xiong could not be compared with Walcott!
Qin Xiong is actually very awkward? ? `
If the football will land in his place, he can easily header the goal.
It happened that he visually observed that the football landed behind him!
That is to say, it is definitely unrealistic for him to turn back and run and then turn to face the goal.
So he can step back step by step, and when the football finally falls, he can’t head the ball.
Before handling the ball, he saw the chaos in front of Arsenal’s door and the players were rushing towards him again.
So he made a decision.
Head ferry!
He headed the ball back to the front door!
Gallas stopped at once, but he couldn’t come. He could watch the football fly over his head and behind him.
And behind him was a header relay attack!
Armuna consciously swung his arm to block the ball, but he also stopped the football from flying into the goal behind him!
Carragher header! Liverpool captain Tie Shuhua Liverpool reextended the lead by two goals through a corner kick! Qin Xiong headed the ferry to assist Carragher to break the door!
Carragher rarely scored a goal, and in such a key battle, he was surrounded by his teammates before celebrating. Everyone congratulated him on his goal and cheered each other on? `? o? m?
The morale of Liverpool fans in Anfield stands is even higher.
Once again, a twogoal lead will make the fans feel more confident.
Many Arsenal fans have been shaking their heads and staring blankly at the stadium.
Qin Xiong assisted again. After the record, Qin Xiong assisted Mei twice in the game.
Who is the master of the game?
There is no doubt that it is Qin Xiong!
But he is the former Arsenal double king who is now at Anfield to lead the revival of the Red Army so that he can wear the crown of the Red Army!
Arsè ne Wenger should review that Arsenal will be criticized for the poor defense of setpieces. At Anfield, Arsenal lost a key ball, which was one goal behind, and now it has become two sets. If Arsenal is reborn, it will almost tell all opponents what their weakness is.
Arsenal’s generals are unwilling, and they are a little emotional after the game is resumed? ? `
They are young, full of vigor and passion, but they lack the ability of calm, top resistance and pressure resistance!
Arsenal have not won a game in the last six G4 games!
桑拿按摩  title=The low ability to fight hard almost labeled Arsenal as weak!
Today seems to be no exception, but they are not weak, but it is difficult to keep the team players absolutely calm, rational and correct to face the game.
Fabregas tried to speed up the game and make it in a state that reduced Liverpool’s control over the game.
In the fifth minute of the game, Fabregas Sania Nasri made a cut attack and advance in the right half.
Everything looked smooth before stepping into Liverpool’s defensive danger zone.
But when he stepped into the danger zone, Fabregas knew it was difficult for Arsenal to really threaten on the right, so he decisively tilted the ball to the middle of the penalty area. Arshavin thought about what to do before the multiplayer doubleteamed Arshavin to touch the ball.
He kicked the ball and gave it to the little tiger Walcott.
Arsenal’s attack has finally shifted to playing on the left.
But Liverpool are ready to deal with Walcott’s shock calmly.
In Alonso Johnson’s doubleteam, Walcott beautifully dialed the ball from Johnson to the direction near the baseline, and then broke through Johnson’s defense with his own advantage. Finally, he couldn’t stop the car before the baseline and was kicked out of the baseline.
Arsenal’s attack was thus ended and Liverpool’s attack immediately returned.
In the 63rd minute of the game, Liverpool patiently cut the attack from the backcourt to push the attack. When Gerrard controlled the ball 40 yards away from the goal, Qin Xiong cut the position and came to the restricted area line.
His movement attracted the attention of Arsenal defenders. The defenders around him could not help but move closer to Qin Xiong and surrounded him vaguely.
In this way, Qin Xiong restrained some of Arsenal’s defensive forces by moving. Gerrard tilted the ball to Kuyt on the right side near the penalty area before encountering Denilson and Fabregas in the frontcourt.
Gerrard rushed forward immediately after the ball was thrown!
Denilson immediately retreated to the restricted area and the restricted area. Torres, a very threatening figure, was suddenly full of people in the Arsenal restricted area
Fabregas shifted his target to force Kuyt and armand traore came to help, and then Arsenal had a big trick in front of the penalty area
Dirk Kuyt nudged the ball behind Fabregas before he came at him.
Fabregas turned and looked to see Alonso rushing around angrily and the ball was a cold shot!
Alonso deliberately suppressed the football. When the football flew from Gallas and Torres, Alonso thought it had a great chance of rolling into the goal!
Armuna’s line of sight is easily blocked, but he just saw the ball and shot it at the left corner of the goal.
He fell to the ground and threw himself out, because Alonso’s shot was so powerful that Armuna could block even if he touched the football!
The football bounced in the restricted area. Just as Armuna was about to get up and hold the football with both hands, someone rushed forward and blasted the ball into the Arsenal goal at hand!
Armuna was shocked, and his eyes were wide open. After seeing the player who scored the goal, he closed his eyes in despair.

Ma Dai, Qin array, Xu Huang, Li Dian, Zhao Cheng five battalions (Xu Huang got my name of 1,250 people);

Jia Xu and Jia Mufu;
Du Ji, Zhang Ji, Pang Gan;
The ranks of Yu Zulie, Sun Wen, Zeng Ran and Cao Hou are worthless.
The fourth volume Major General Champion End
Volume five is sent to Shuofang
1 journey to the south
In the latter chapter, the direct figures are omitted.
Wen has entered the main link of love and abuse.
Actually, I shouldn’t worry too much about Jia Xu’s health.
Although Shuofang County claims to be the northernmost boundary of Bingzhou, it was only in the southcentral part of Mongolia in the past. The weather in the first month was relatively cold, but it was not much different from Wuwei, Jia Xu’s hometown.
On the tenth day of the first month, he left Beijing, crossed the river and entered Taiyuan territory five days later.
Bing secretariat office Taiyuan county office is in Jinyang, and I, the prefect of the first county, should stop by to visit Huangfusong, the secretariat.
The river belongs to Sili, and the population is said to be 900,000, so I won’t talk about it … Bingzhou is barren among the thirteen states, second only to Liangzhou, but the population of Dang and Taiyuan counties is 200,000, and the average population of each county is 10,000 people. The whole county in North China is worse than a small town, which makes me feel depressed.
Huangfusong led his cronies to meet me with mirth. My dear nephew has come from a long way, so I’m sorry I didn’t meet him far away.
Typical pleasantries, but Lao Huangfu said it and made me feel a little warm.
Uncle suspection.i polite little nephew … alas, I still can’t help but sigh.
The big palm fell on my shoulder, and the uncle hugged me and walked into Jinyang City.
My dear, I already know everything. Don’t care too much. You are too young and there are still decades to go … Huangfusong whispered.
桑拿Yes I nodded. Of course I knew that my life was not formal.
He patted me on the shoulder. You can stay in Jinyang for a year or two. I recommend you to transfer to Jizhou …
I don’t thank my uncle for his kindness. I turned him down. Since my little nephew was ordered to be a satrap, he still wants to leave his post in Shuofang County.
Huangfusong Zheng My dear nephew didn’t know that Shuofang County was not a big man as early as ten years ago or earlier
I stared at his eyes. Is there a big man?
He nodded slightly, Maybe there are seven thousand Han people.
I chuckled, That little nephew will need to move on.
You … must be so stubborn? He advised, I know you have thousands of men, but what about this? You can’t keep such a large piece of land without a lot of footmen guarding the border!
Uncle, you also said that my little nephew is still young. I smiled at him. Let my little nephew go to the battlefield to experience.
He stared at me for a long time and sighed, I’m really old and I don’t have this momentum anymore!
A man behind him should be a father
This is his son Huangfugu, isn’t it? I remember seeing several Jian Shou Xiong before. I can’t believe I still remember his words.
Good brother He is older, and I am more than a brother when I am ten years old.
Guer, why don’t you go to Shuofang County with my good nephew for the time being? Huangfusong’s remark surprised me.
Does this make? I hasten to decline.
Uncle let my nephew go on the other side HuangFuLi also said.

Are you hungry? Xiao Zhao looked at me intently and wolfed down. Would you like some more?

I shook my head and moved chopsticks enough is enough. My food standard is actually very simple. Two dishes and one soup are enough to fill my five zangorgans temple.
She stopped talking and a shallow smile appeared on her face.
Sister, what are you smirking about? Shuang’er is very curious
I looked up at Xiao Zhao. She pursed her lips and didn’t answer.
Did you cook these two dishes? I swallowed the last cabbage leaf.
Xiao Zhao zheng how do you know …
I put chopsticks, lifted the spoon and took a sip of warm broth. It’s different from the kitchen in the house.
Hey? She was a little embarrassed. Is it not to public taste?
I picked up the soup container and poured it upward.
Do you know what he likes about Xiao Zhao? Cai Yan sighed leisurely.
Sister Shuang’er said, I also want to learn to cook.
Actually … people can cook … I heard Jia Yu mutter.
Suddenly something jumped in my stomach and I couldn’t help belching.
59 Huang Tian Dangli
The sky is misty
Yuanshi county City is not far away.
Changshan guozhi office?
I look at this city from horseback, and its scale is probably different from that of Handanbut Handan is also known as the 600yearold capital of Zhao. How dare you compare with this small town that is wellknown in history?
A sentry rode back to at least 100,000 troops were fighting together in front and rushed to the secretariat.
I frowned and scuffled … It’s difficult to identify the enemy and me …
It’s not difficult to identify the enemy’s words, the sentry told him.
Oh? I turned my eyes to him again.
Most of the thief soldiers have no armor and even no uniforms … so it is very easy to distinguish.
I touched the bar and didn’t know what to say.
Doesn’t even have a little defense, just shoot an arrow and rain in the past and die?
In fact, I still love longrange attacks. The ideal situation is that we kill two birds with one stone in one shot, while the other side stands still and is willing to act as an arrow target.
My Lord has sent a sentry to ride, Xu Huang said behind me. The west side of Zhang Yanjun is relatively empty and suitable for launching a surprise attack.
I nodded, bodhi old zu, your scouts brigade might as well send two people casually as battalion commander Xu!
约茶Zulie didn’t feel ashamed, but ha ha smiled two times. You know little people never want to be scouts …
I picked up the flying star, slightly adjusted my sitting posture, and my legs clamped the horse’s belly. The army charged with me!
Qin array roared the 13rd battalion, and more than 1,000 people rushed out first.
Bastard Qin Zhen! Jia Mu shouted angrily. Unfortunately, he was a small captain, and he made it according to the law.
I raised my gun and ran after my life.
The earth trembled.
What you see is that the number of yellow is not dominant in the mountains and plains, and the black Jiazhou army is strangled together.
Black armor, foot soldiers, neat formation, integrated attack and defense, disorderly order, the enemy’s roots can’t break their formation
I whispered a good battle! And then from the west side of the thief soldiers killed in the past.
One step ahead, Qin array has already carved out a way out. More than 1,000 people have shuttled freely among tens of thousands of enemy soldiers.
Because the two sides were too close, we symbolically fired two waves of arrows and rain and entered close combatof course, the lethality of arrows and rain was really limited.
7,000 fresh troops joined the battle, and the balance of victory quickly tilted.
The enemy soldiers evaded the trampling of iron hoofs in fear, resulting in the result that people crowded with each other could escape.
Jia Mu’s eyes are latosolic red, and a long knife with a handle is already not clean.
It’s a good thing he didn’t let his father watch the war with the army, otherwise he might have to strangle me.
Fei Xing, who has not drunk blood for a long time, finally got his longcherished wish this time. More than ten people were shot, swept and stabbed by it, and my hands were countless.
The enemy showed signs of disintegration.
Tiger and leopard ride the state army to squeeze the enemy.
Dead bodies piled up all over the floor after trampling on each othersome of them affected the cavalry’s March.
No, no, I murmured.
What’s the matter, young master? Pang gan is loyal and follows me closely.
I didn’t see the enemy cavalry. I slowed down my running speed and looked everywhere.
In principle, there should be cavalry in the northern yellow turban insurrectionary areas … If Zhang Yanyou have 50,000 troops, there are at least two or three thousand cavalryof course, this estimate is based on me.
Maybe they really don’t have cavalry … Pang Gan turned his head and looked at it. You can tell how poor they are by their steps. Do you still want to raise horses and train cavalry?
It’s also a horse, even if it’s sold at a low price, it costs thousands of dollars. If you want to form a fighting capacity, you have to have thousands of people … Millions of investments can’t be paid by just a bunch of bandits and mobsof course, they can’t be excluded from robbing the horses directly.
The sky suddenly changed, and the original clear sky turned pale yellow in the blink of an eye.
Thieves and soldiers have looked up.
Heaven is dead! A leader roared.
More people raised their crude weapons and roared.
I couldn’t help laughingI don’t know where a yellow smoke flew, and it became a miracle?
Mom! Pang gan shouted, it’s really yellow!
Yellow smoke almost covered the blue sky, and the sun was blocked from the clouds.
Heaven and earth suddenly became dark.
Mr. Jia didn’t say it would be cloudy today … I said to myself.

It’s simple for him to kill people, but he has to keep people, even a black widow, so that people have to get Chen Mo’s consent

The fleet stopped in Chen Mo and didn’t let the fleet move on.
Further forward is the activity field of the pink skull pirate group, and the fleet is easy to be discovered by the red skull pirate group.
As soon as there are four warships in their own territory, everyone will be wary. Before finding the skeleton island, Chen Mo does not intend to disturb the pink skeleton pirate group.
The fleet stopped at Chen Mo and personally searched with Lei Shou at the bottom of the sea.
It is reasonable to find an island with limited vision at the bottom of the sea, which is much less efficient than looking at the sea.
But this is not the case. As Lei Shou grew up, Lei Shou’s ability became clear.
桑拿会所In addition to its powerful thunder capability, the ancient sea beast Lei Shou radar capability is also very strong.
Lei Shou’s moving speed in the sea, if the radar ability is not strong, it will bump into the obstacle in front every minute.
Li Lei Shou radar capability Chen Mo can easily know whether there is an island at a farther distance than the sea view.
With Lei Shou’s powerful radar capability, Chen Mo finally found an island after searching for a long time near his predicted sea area.
And Chen Mo hid in who observed for an hour and confirmed that the island was a skeleton island.
On the way in and out of the island, he clearly saw a ship that had appeared on the Xizeguo route.
It was confirmed that Chen Mo was not in a hurry to get back, and he followed these boats in the water before leaving quietly.
Will do this? Chen Mo is going to get rid of the red skull pirate group in one fell swoop at sea, or they will shrink in the skull island and not come out. Chen Mo will have to make great efforts to defeat them.
After all, it’s the lair of the red skull pirate group. You can tell from the outside that it’s not comparable to the poor island of the hurricane pirate group.
Skeleton island will have all kinds of defense settings if you don’t think much. If you lose the Black Flag Pirates, you may not be 100% successful.
And if you want to take it today, it’s already coming. Chen Mo continued to ambush near the skeleton pirate group, and made a more careful reconnaissance of the situation before returning to the Deep Sea before dark.
After returning to the Deep Sea, Chen Mo called the Black Flag and detailed his battle plan for one day.
Black flag smell speech nodding.
the next day
Skeleton Island Several ships set off from Skeleton Island for a new day of piracy.
And the female pirates in the ship didn’t expect that four warships were quietly approaching them.
First Geng
Chapter seven hundred and twentytwo Giant sea beasts
Sura, head of a fleet in close to us! Pirate ship!
As usual, the pink skull pirate group is on the route and heading for today’s destination.
But only one hour after the departure, the ship was in charge of reconnaissance, and the sailor sent an alarm to a female pirate on the high side.
Interestingly, this female pirate wearing a slightly upturned pirate hat and wearing a tight black leather suit is also like a black flag with a blindfold and a oneeyed eye.
Fleet? How many black widow Sula smell speech light asked without any panic.
Four ships! And the Ministry has never seen a warship! The lookout sailor answered quickly.
Four warships are no small force in this sea area. You know, even the red skull pirate group has three warships. Usually, there is a black widow. This main warship is dispatched and the other two are parked in the island port.
Four strange warships? Where did these people come from? According to the truth, there are four warships in this sea area that will not come to die.
Black widow smell speech slightly thoughtfully.
Other people don’t know, but pirates who are active in this sea area all know that the biggest pirate group in this sea area is the Pink Skeleton Pirate Group. No other pirate group is definitely no match for the Pink Skeleton Pirate Group even if its surface strength is strong. They finally got warships and won’t come to her to die.
Leave them alone. Let’s move on and let them follow us.
Curious in my heart, but the black widow didn’t pay attention to the fact that the warship behind was still moving according to the original plan.
yes! Colonel!
The head of the team is so mighty!
The lookout answered loudly while the eyes of the female pirates were full of admiration.
Black widow with a dashing posture is like a hero in the eyes of teenage pirates.
Mom, the root of the red skull pirate group didn’t look down on us. It found us but looked down on us when we were away!
No, it’s just a big warship bigger than ours. Except for one warship, the others are better keel ships. When we chase them, we will definitely give her a good look!
Rushing after it, I found that I was underestimated by a group of female pirates, and all the members of the Black Flag Pirates were indignant.
Even the black flag tickled his teeth, and he remembered the disdainful eyes of the black widow.
chase! The highest speed to let them know that we are powerful!
The black flag roared
I’m bent on giving those female pirates some color. Look at the black flag pirate group. The Qi Xin cooperative ship is moving fast
Finally, they caught up with the red skull pirate not far behind, and the red skull pirate has entered their shelling range.
If you stop and don’t stop, we will be fired!
Someone shouted at the black flag warship
And it seems that their roar took effect, and the ship department of the red skull pirate group stopped.
Not long after the Black Flag Pirate Corps drove past, some members shouted and threatened, We are the Black Flag Pirate Corps, and we will give in without restraint, otherwise we will not be rude!
Where did the Black Flag Pirates come from? Just a few warships dare to run to our site to behave in such a way.
The frog at the bottom of the well doesn’t know where the boat was stolen, and it’s not good to investigateis our red skull pirate group so good at robbery?
In the face of the threat of the black flag pirate group, the female pirate group of the red skull pirate group laughed at each other.
Damn these dead women are so arrogant!
If you catch them later, you must let them know!
Members of the black flag pirate group will panic when they get close, but I didn’t expect them to be laughed at so much when they come.
Let your head black widow come out!