But she was happy to learn that she was pregnant.

Listen to her. As soon as there is a commander in the lounge office, she will do it.
Then the commander said that since she was pregnant, she would mainly focus on administrative training for more than a year, and he would arrange another person.
Ouyang Xianqian has no objection to this arrangement.
Two people went on to say that the veterans retired.
The discharge season must be faced at the end of each year.
Determining the list of veterans is a huge and complicated task.
If she’s in charge of the school’s adult political commissar.
She had reached all the rows before the National Day.
It is estimated that it is now specific to each class.
After the National Day, the list of each class will be handed over to her.
She said to wait until she checked the list before giving it to the commander.
The commander has always been at ease with her.
Of course, no problem. She arranged it
The army is an efficient place. It says it will arrange an office for her.
Her new office has arrived that afternoon.
The new office is next to the commander. Although it is not big, there is a lounge. The most important thing is that this office is a long distance from her original office, which is now the staff office of Fang.
This can reduce the chance of two people meeting, which is very agreeable to the adults of the school.
The office equipment in the new office is all right.
Adults need to move their brains and files in.
Her entourage, Xiao Du, is a guy with a good personal relationship and gently called for one
A few people helped her move everything to the new office and put it in order.
After komori left, Ouyang Xianqian looked at his new office in a good mood.
Just arrived. Mr. Tiger took time to call her.
The school adults simply asked him about the army and learned that their team had a high center of gravity in the past month, that is, the tacit understanding of each member, that is, the team training has not been arranged yet
It’s no surprise to arrange the school adults like this, so there’s nothing to say and ask.
Then she briefly told her husband about changing the office.
Mr. Wang said he was very happy about it.
He knew that little women didn’t have any feelings for each other, but he was still very sympathetic when he told his wife to work in the same room with a man who had fantasies about her for a long time.
Now this is just what he wants.
Both of them are not bored and have a lot of things to do. After talking simply, they hang up.
Section 595
Just after Mr. Hang up, Ouyang Xianqian’s cell phone rang again.
This time, I picked it up and saw that it was the master’s landline number.
Ouyang xian Qian will pick it up.
Good afternoon, Grandpa!
You and Xiao Er are so powerful that Grandpa is not only good at noon but good every day, hahaha!
The arrival of the little guy can make Grandpa so happy. It’s worthwhile for me to ask her to slow down for three years.
All mothers are great.
But this arrangement for the past three years is no worse than that of the troops.
It is also necessary for you to take the opportunity to slowly recharge your feet in the future.
From the perspective of two extraordinary achievements in military and political affairs, you are still very young now.
I’m only 35 years old in three years, and then I’ll fight for the position you want. There are still many years to struggle.
In the past three years, you will accumulate strength and let’s have a good accumulation later.
Grandpa, I’m still waiting for the day when you completely broke out.
To put it mildly, both military and political affairs have power, but he really knows that the main power of the family is still the political achievements of the military department
Aside from that, he never thought that politics would be more accomplished.
However, Ouyang Xianqian appeared, especially her family’s blood made him have a home, and maybe she can make extraordinary achievements in politics.
桑拿网He really holds greater expectations for this grandson’s wife than for several grandchildren.
She makes every decision by herself, and the master can see that she is really farsighted
I have to say, this is really a strange girl who is in a dilemma.
If you don’t have enough courage, you will never slow down at this time to have a second child belonging to her.
After all, she has a very good son now.
Even if you don’t have children, you don’t worry about afternoon problems