Who is stronger while the iron is hot?

Houston rockets looking for McGrady!
Ji Guoshi gave the Black Parker Clippers a quick break and counterattack immediately after the basket beat Argentina’s older rookie Scola to get the rebound and land.
Quick counterattack is a point that old Deng Liwei emphasized today. The Rockets’ line defense speed is slow, which the league knows; Rockets guard line McGrady’s defense awareness is bad! The alliance also knows this; Battier and Alston can come back to defend, which leads to the lack of defensive strength when the Rockets switch between offense and defense. It is the most vulnerable team in the western region to be hit back.
Black Parker dribbled all the way to the top of the Rockets’ threepoint line. Alston stopped to get the ball and immediately threw the basketball at the basket and made a relay …
Ji Guo’s shame is not fast enough. Scooby Artest is fast enough to kill the ball from the back row and catch it easily. After dunking with both hands, he hangs his body in the basket and seeks cheers from Clippers fans.
Staples Arena immediately sounded deafening cheers and alarm sound effects after the slam dunk of Ji Guo’s shame. The rocket field was filled with a basket by two brothers in two rounds, which made the majority of rocket fans in China feel very complicated.
After coaching the Rockets, Adelman was criticized by the Rockets fans for his onthespot reaction. The fans always felt that his onthespot reaction was slower than the other team’s.
Clippers fans feel the same way in this situation.
In the eyes of fans, the stars are all good at other people’s homes; Coaches are also good for others; Even the cheerleaders are from other people’s homes, and their bodies are better!
Adelman didn’t call for a timeout. He hasn’t figured out how to solve it. In fact, Adelman is not without a way to get McGrady back, but he can’t and can’t do it. Don’t worry, and the Yali Mountain Conference is the first to jump out and stop them from playing. They have strict requirements for McGrady, at least not less than 36 minutes, that is, the third quarter.
Moggi, who is good at calculating, thinks that it is unforgivable that the seating rate of the leading star is not good when he enters the stage for less than three quarters, and the tickets will not be sold.
To be honest, McGrady’s offensive end is now a mess of assists and shooting percentage. After there is no sharp breakthrough, it is easy for defenders to defend him. It is difficult to judge how fast the clippers’ backcourt is composed of Artest and Posey. It is difficult for backcourt stars to get high scores against the Clippers, not to mention that there are less than half of their skills.
Percy let McGrady go. McGrady didn’t force him to play pickandroll with Yao again
Yao made a header when he followed McGrady after covering. It was a wonderful goal.
品茶Ji Guoqiu and Yao defense. He didn’t rush to reach out and break the ball. McGrady’s ball skills are not inferior. It is not easy for some excellent point guards to break the ball. Once they fail to break the ball, they will let Yao people defend it.
The panda warrior clung to Yao, but when the little giant made a push, the panda was immediately pushed to one side. After Yao caught the ball, he easily threw and hit the board to get two points.
I can’t handle a Scola in the double bag alone.
Ji Guoqiu directly turned to his younger brother for help after Yao scored the goal. He could limit Yao by going around, but if the little giant hit the roll, he would be able to do it. In the final analysis, his health was too bad. If he had to weigh 25 pounds, he wouldn’t be so easily knocked aside.
This time, the two brothers doubleteamed Hans Robert Jauss Cora to get a shot in the middle of the two wings.
Adelman is not without foresight. Scola hasn’t started the Rockets before this game. The starting power forward has always been Hayes, but if you let 19m Hayes start his toes today, you can imagine what game it will be.
Scola’s comprehensive strength is far stronger than Hayes’s. The Argentine didn’t adapt to the rhythm of nba at first, but now he has gradually adapted to the intensity of nba confrontation after more than a dozen games. Adelman gradually gave him more minutes.
Today, the distance between Scola’s wings hurt the Clippers very much. In the first quarter, Scola was killed by two shots in the middle distance by Argentina. Scola also succeeded in singles in the low post. The Argentines carried him with gorgeous back steps and made dreamy steps in the low post. Ji Guoshame easily turned around and made a basket.
In the first quarter, 3 minutes and 2 seconds, old Deng Liwei called a timeout.
The score is 12, and the Rockets lead by two points. Yao has not been replaced, and he is still on the scene.
Adelman said that he didn’t like Yao’s letting Yao play more than 36 minutes every game since he took over the Rockets. It can be seen that Adelman died regardless of the little giant’s physical problems.
Yao has averaged 3 minutes per game this season. JVG has never let Yao play for such a long time in previous seasons.
After losing his job, Fan Tu has become an espn commentator and commentator. He has discussed this issue several times. He thinks that Yao has too many small giants on the court and should be controlled for 35 minutes. Overdrawing and overworking will make Yao more vulnerable.
Old Deng Liwei doesn’t have this problem here. The two brothers’ physical strength is very good, and their recovery speed is faster than that of the small players. They play 36 minutes in each game. There is no problem at all. Instead, they deliberately control the twoperson field and worry about injuring the two brothers too much.
This is the difference between the first and the second. Yao is not Adelman’s place, but he is dead or alive. For Adelman, the socalled including McGrady is also a terrible thing!
Make up the defense quickly. Ron and James make up the Scola file. We have to rotate … and run. Old Deng Liwei is not satisfied with his team’s rotation speed. Doubleteam Yao will encounter a loophole in the number of defenders and actively rotate to make up for the number disadvantage. He can’t give the Rockets a chance to shoot.
The players of the two teams returned to the court, and Yao did not rest. Adelman wanted the little giant to play the first quarter.
Boss Yao is getting bored. Am I going to doubleteam?
This is not the fourth quarter. Yao is not so fragile.
Ji Guo smiled in his heart. When it comes to the fourth quarter, the rockets are always in fear every time they watch the rocket game in the fourth quarter. I wonder if we will make a big comeback in the fourth quarter today?
Ji Guo Qiu Yu asked, What should we turn over? Wouldn’t it be better if we were ahead in the fourth quarter?
The Clippers’ frontcourt ball, Ji Guoqiu’s heart, and the slightest sign suddenly made a direct relay out of bounds …
Ji Guo’s shame suddenly started, rushed to the threesecond zone before the Rockets responded, and then quickly took off and reached out to the lieutenant general’s basketball. A little orange elf immediately obeyed and bounced off the backboard into the box!
Staples Stadium is boiling again, so that they can often be seen in the league, which is both ornamental and demoralizing. This is the exclusive tacit cooperation between twins.
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Chapter ninetynine Experience
After Ji Guo’s shame landed, he raised his hand to signal the Clippers fans to speak louder.
Scola was so cunning that he quickly picked up the basketball serve when he encouraged the fans to be ashamed of Ji Guo.
The rockets attack quickly, and Houston people are ready to take the opportunity to sneak a sneak attack while Ji Guo’s humiliation is on the sidelines.
Ji Guo shamed hurriedly and awkwardly to speed up the catchup. Fortunately, Yao couldn’t run fast enough to catch up with the little giant, so they played a lot.
The Rockets couldn’t fight back quickly with Yao, and McGrady wasn’t fast there. Two slow guys made the Rockets fall into position again this attack.
Yao is a little slow this time, but he is finally in the right position. Experience will firmly stick Ji Guoqiu behind him and raise his hand to ask his teammates for the ball.
Alston waved the basketball twice and directly gave it to McGrady, the latter …