Alonso came to the restricted area and saw the shooting angle. The ball didn’t adjust and went straight to the goal!

The football went straight to the right corner of the goal, and goalkeeper Armuna did well this time and fell to the ground calmly to block the ball out
Fullback armand traore pushed the ball out of the baseline under the pressure of Kuyt.
Liverpool get a corner kick.
Alonso ran to the corner area to prepare for the corner kick, and the Liverpool defender rushed to prepare for the header.
Alonso glanced at the situation in the restricted area and raised his left arm after thinking about it.
This is a simple signal to tell his teammates how he will figure out where the corner kick will fall.
The players have a clear mind.
Gerard Torres attacked Alonso at the front of the goal when he was about to take a corner kick, and Arsenal defenders immediately rushed to the front of the goal to block it.
But Alonso’s corner kick surprised Arsenal defenders.
The root is not the front point of the goal!
But behind the goal! to be continued
[The first volume of the sword has become a tactical knockout before it is drawn]
Alonso took a corner kick and flew to the back of the goal. Oh, there was Qin Xiong there!
Arsenal’s defenders in the restricted area were very scared. Qin Xiong didn’t dare to say that he missed it, but it was just physical confrontation around him. Qin Xiong could not be compared with Walcott!
Qin Xiong is actually very awkward? ? `
If the football will land in his place, he can easily header the goal.
It happened that he visually observed that the football landed behind him!
That is to say, it is definitely unrealistic for him to turn back and run and then turn to face the goal.
So he can step back step by step, and when the football finally falls, he can’t head the ball.
Before handling the ball, he saw the chaos in front of Arsenal’s door and the players were rushing towards him again.
So he made a decision.
Head ferry!
He headed the ball back to the front door!
Gallas stopped at once, but he couldn’t come. He could watch the football fly over his head and behind him.
And behind him was a header relay attack!
Armuna consciously swung his arm to block the ball, but he also stopped the football from flying into the goal behind him!
Carragher header! Liverpool captain Tie Shuhua Liverpool reextended the lead by two goals through a corner kick! Qin Xiong headed the ferry to assist Carragher to break the door!
Carragher rarely scored a goal, and in such a key battle, he was surrounded by his teammates before celebrating. Everyone congratulated him on his goal and cheered each other on? `? o? m?
The morale of Liverpool fans in Anfield stands is even higher.
Once again, a twogoal lead will make the fans feel more confident.
Many Arsenal fans have been shaking their heads and staring blankly at the stadium.
Qin Xiong assisted again. After the record, Qin Xiong assisted Mei twice in the game.
Who is the master of the game?
There is no doubt that it is Qin Xiong!
But he is the former Arsenal double king who is now at Anfield to lead the revival of the Red Army so that he can wear the crown of the Red Army!
Arsè ne Wenger should review that Arsenal will be criticized for the poor defense of setpieces. At Anfield, Arsenal lost a key ball, which was one goal behind, and now it has become two sets. If Arsenal is reborn, it will almost tell all opponents what their weakness is.
Arsenal’s generals are unwilling, and they are a little emotional after the game is resumed? ? `
They are young, full of vigor and passion, but they lack the ability of calm, top resistance and pressure resistance!
Arsenal have not won a game in the last six G4 games!
桑拿按摩  title=The low ability to fight hard almost labeled Arsenal as weak!
Today seems to be no exception, but they are not weak, but it is difficult to keep the team players absolutely calm, rational and correct to face the game.
Fabregas tried to speed up the game and make it in a state that reduced Liverpool’s control over the game.
In the fifth minute of the game, Fabregas Sania Nasri made a cut attack and advance in the right half.
Everything looked smooth before stepping into Liverpool’s defensive danger zone.
But when he stepped into the danger zone, Fabregas knew it was difficult for Arsenal to really threaten on the right, so he decisively tilted the ball to the middle of the penalty area. Arshavin thought about what to do before the multiplayer doubleteamed Arshavin to touch the ball.
He kicked the ball and gave it to the little tiger Walcott.
Arsenal’s attack has finally shifted to playing on the left.
But Liverpool are ready to deal with Walcott’s shock calmly.
In Alonso Johnson’s doubleteam, Walcott beautifully dialed the ball from Johnson to the direction near the baseline, and then broke through Johnson’s defense with his own advantage. Finally, he couldn’t stop the car before the baseline and was kicked out of the baseline.
Arsenal’s attack was thus ended and Liverpool’s attack immediately returned.
In the 63rd minute of the game, Liverpool patiently cut the attack from the backcourt to push the attack. When Gerrard controlled the ball 40 yards away from the goal, Qin Xiong cut the position and came to the restricted area line.
His movement attracted the attention of Arsenal defenders. The defenders around him could not help but move closer to Qin Xiong and surrounded him vaguely.
In this way, Qin Xiong restrained some of Arsenal’s defensive forces by moving. Gerrard tilted the ball to Kuyt on the right side near the penalty area before encountering Denilson and Fabregas in the frontcourt.
Gerrard rushed forward immediately after the ball was thrown!
Denilson immediately retreated to the restricted area and the restricted area. Torres, a very threatening figure, was suddenly full of people in the Arsenal restricted area
Fabregas shifted his target to force Kuyt and armand traore came to help, and then Arsenal had a big trick in front of the penalty area
Dirk Kuyt nudged the ball behind Fabregas before he came at him.
Fabregas turned and looked to see Alonso rushing around angrily and the ball was a cold shot!
Alonso deliberately suppressed the football. When the football flew from Gallas and Torres, Alonso thought it had a great chance of rolling into the goal!
Armuna’s line of sight is easily blocked, but he just saw the ball and shot it at the left corner of the goal.
He fell to the ground and threw himself out, because Alonso’s shot was so powerful that Armuna could block even if he touched the football!
The football bounced in the restricted area. Just as Armuna was about to get up and hold the football with both hands, someone rushed forward and blasted the ball into the Arsenal goal at hand!
Armuna was shocked, and his eyes were wide open. After seeing the player who scored the goal, he closed his eyes in despair.