It was the blind monk who fought wild in the red side who suddenly appeared behind the emperor before everyone could reactthe dragon wagged its tail!

Chapter two hundred and eleven VN the speed of light QA!
The emperor’s body was suddenly flown to the grass in the river. When the emperor was still in the middle, the blind monk’s Q skill had been hit. When the emperor landed, the blind monk had posted the second paragraph of Q.
The blood of the emperor was consumed by the fox, and the blood of the emperor was not much. The blind monk also took away the head of the emperor and immediately left.
R flash!
Swing kick!
In q!
Take away the emperor and turn away!
This column of exercises is overwhelming. Looking at Dihuang’s body, Chen Wei has not responded at the moment.
Everyone in the internet cafe didn’t shut up at this time.
I am a blind monk. This wave is 66666.
I am afraid that the blind monk will not be proud if I give a full score and one point less!
I haven’t even reacted to the Rspin kick!
Don’t insult me. I like blind monks. If they can’t flash, they are called blind monks!
The blind monk finally showed up, and I was beaten by Pan Sen. After two waves of opposition, he managed to rise!
I want to know how big Pan Sen’s psychological shadow area is now. Haha, he didn’t react at all. What happened? His teammate died!
Ouyang Yu’s sweet voice sounded in the internet cafe, and she was worried about how to explain it to make the game more ups and downs. Now is the opportunity.
Do you like the League of Legends audience just now? Ouyang Yu’s sweet eyes show the crescent moon to the audience and laughs
Show flies! They don’t care which team wins. What they want to see is a gorgeous show and flying exercises.
Seeing that everyone’s emotions were mobilized, Ouyang Yutian also said with a smile, The wave of exercises just now by the blind monk told us that even if his development was suppressed, he could kill people as well. Now that the blind monk has reached the sixth grade, I don’t know how wonderful the blind monk will be.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you will see is a wonderful massacre of four dozen wild gods with diamonds! Ouyang Yutian’s voice just fell and there was a deafening scream again in the Internet cafe.
The screen of Huang Xian’s brain in the battle zone of five wolves in the wind is still gray. Just now, Yu Le also saw Yun Xuan’s set of flowing exercises, which made Yu Le watch and nodded his head with admiration.
However, Yu Le didn’t feel a little scared because of this. Yu Le turned to Chen Wei and said, You should pay attention to the movement of a blind monk when Viagra takes over. He will definitely target you.
Smell speech Chen Wei nodded slightly without saying anything.
Huang Xian didn’t lose money in this battle in the middle of the road. Although he was killed, he also got the fox’s head and equipment, so he won’t lag behind the fox. Chen Wei should pay attention.
Because the blind monk’s hand has been stained with blood, once the blind monk kills someone, it is difficult to stop.
Ten minutes later, Pan Sen was serenaded on Lanfang Road when the blind monk from the red side came over to fight against the wild. Fortunately, he inserted his eyes and saw it before Pan Sen did, but he still showed a battle.
Although no one died in this wave of battles, the audience in the Internet cafe can see that Pan Sen has been faintly defeated by the blind monk now.
You know, Pan Sen is passive but can resist an attack. Rao is so incredibly still in the wind.
Now the summoner’s wild situation in the canyon seems to have changed. The blind monk invaded the blue wild area crazily, and Pan Sen was harassed more than once.
Fortunately, this situation did not last long because the road broke out again!
Yu Le controls the night hunter and finally can’t help but kill. At this time, the two sides’ lines are at war, but the night hunter doesn’t pay any attention to the line damage W skill, and the holy silver bolt is shot in Jinx!
Holy silver crossbow to wash the blood!
At this time, the night hunter is like a huntress with a shotgun. Her prey can’t escape death. The crossbow is launching one ring and two rings.
The robot starts the W skill and moves at its own speed and rushes to the hands of the night hunter. It is constantly beating. If you want to fly the night hunter to Jinx, you can fight against it.
But at this time, the W skill in the hands of Wind Girl has long been lost to the robot, and the moving speed of the robot has suddenly slowed down, so close to the night hunter but so far away.
Walking A, the figure of a night hunter is like a ghost, avoiding the robot’s Q skills. When I hook up, two crossbows will rush to my hand in vain, and I will shoot the first flat. A Jinx will play the second third ring.
Everyone in the internet cafe was shocked to see this scene. Were they wrong just now?
What’s the matter? I just saw that the night hunter seemed to shoot two holy silver crossbows?
You see? I also saw what happened. Is this a buff or a foot?
It should be buff. It’s a game. How could it make your feet?
There are also some people who are surprised to see this scene, but they are not surprised, because they can do it.
Ouyang Yutian saw everyone with a puzzled face. Ouyang Yutian also smiled and said, The night hunter is exquisite. You can know that the night hunter must often play the night hunter, otherwise it will not use Q light speed A.
The speed of light qa What the hell is this?
In fact, it is not just Raven who is the speed of light qa. Many heroes can use their own speed of light qa because they are not as gorgeous as Raven’s three consecutive qa.
And the night hunter has a little detail that I want to like. Players pay attention to the fact that when the night hunter approaches the wall, her Q skill evades and her A skill is almost instantaneous after she gets up.
That is to say, when you face A flat and then get up against the wall quickly, you need your hand to be fast enough to almost hit qa and flatten A, and the threering damage is almost hit in the blink of an eye. This is the night hunter’s speed of light qa.
At that time, the audience of the Internet cafe were all stunned, and they didn’t expect that the night hunter had such a small detail.
When Ouyang Yutian finished speaking, Jinx, the third ring of the night hunter, died before he could type it out.
Jinx’s W skill is almost useless when there is a line of soldiers, and E skill can’t stop it from being so flexible. Jinx, a night hunter, wants to go with A, but the third ring damage of the night hunter is too high.
Although Jinx consumed a lot of blood of night hunters, he was eventually killed by night hunters.
After killing the red Jinx, Yu Le finally had a chance to pick up the robot next to him. Although the robot has already walked to the front of the red tower, it is not without a chance to kill him.
Xu Q skills hit him! Yu Le looked at the brain screen head also don’t turn and said
品茶good! Xu Ying’s Q skill went to the robot and rolled it up. The robot was suddenly hit by the night hunter. qe 2 even stared at the robot on the first third ring of the wall and hit it out.
At this time, the blue road wild area, that is, the wall next to the red tower, suddenly appeared a naked figure, and the blind monk kicked the night hunter with a Q skill, and the night hunter hid himself and escaped the blind monk’s Q skill.