You won, but that’s it. When my master kills you, I’ll be there to enjoy the scene. I’m leaving. Your roots can’t keep me! He took a step back and continued to maintain the power of mental storm. Even though he couldn’t kill the heroes, the ordinary people on the ground were so shocked and bleeding that the damage caused by mental breakdown was by no means lower than all the damage caused by natural disasters in the First World War.

Grom was also greatly affected on the ground. He was so painful that he couldn’t hold the handle of the blood roar axe. Blockx easily sold the Grom weapon and kicked the other side to the ground.
Before striding, the Orc Death Knight grunted Your time has come to Grom and he raised the rune axe.
I … won’t give up!
Dalkan himself will leave easily, but behind him, Angel Yan and Zhi Xin endured the pain of mental collapse and forced the hammer stone to come over.
The distance is enough Hammer Shiyin is not as crazy as before, but with unprecedented dignity.
Be sure to win!
It’s up to you!
Two angels entrust way
I won’t miss. Hammer stone waved his hook and sickle twice and threw it out.
The hook and sickle flies in the direction where Dalkan retreats. No one knows if Dalkan will hit the sickle when it flies back faster than ordinary people.
Jiang Weihan saw the hammer stone operation out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to do something to distract the stacking and avoid Dalkan’s first detection.
Darkan, your Lord Archimonde and Kilgardan were chased and played by me in the distortion! They run away like dogs, and there is no future for you to follow them!
Dalkan’s one leng is a bit long, and its meaning is even more intriguing. He is inevitably distracted, but Archimonde is so powerful that a siege by Jiang Weihan and others during the Sunwell War failed to resist him. This is obviously a lame lie!
品茶This joke … Darkan was about to make a satire when suddenly his waist tightened and he was caught by a hook and sickle! There is a strong pulling force at the other end of the chain, and Jandard can’t get away.
Bingo! Hammer Shiyin became crazy again, and his eyes were more excited than mine.
Right now! Jiang Weihan’s eyes burst into an unprecedented look. Behind him, a light wing force, a distant Syndra, also drove his strongest mind. These two forces blessed him with a series of phantoms that were indistinguishable to the naked eye and rushed to Darkan near.
No one can save you now! Jiang Weihan roared, a silvery white trial bloomed with the strongest sacred flame, and with a forward momentum, he split the past at the neck of the Lich King to be continued.
Chapter 171 Slay the Lich King ()!
After Darkan obeyed orders and went to Gilneas, Arthas, the lich king, became the actual commander of the scourge of ghosts. He and Anatheron, the fear Lord, led the Burning Legion, and the demons were storming Zuaman.
Before they burned the war here, in fact, the black witch Farina and the dirty Hilgai had brought a lot of trouble to the forest trolls.
Farina stole some herbs from the troll witch doctor, and Hilgai needed them. The undead scholar refined them into plague poison. They secretly poured the plague poison into the troll drinking place, and a few days later, thousands of trolls were infected into ghouls.
The two secretly ordered these servants to make trouble everywhere, which made the troll very headache. The ruler Zurkin was in great flames while suppressing chaos and looking for these hateful mice.
Hilguet and Farina carefully hid their hideandseek with trolls. Except for the first poison, the subsequent actions did not bring too much loss to trolls, but they made the trolls nervous and afraid of eating unclean things.
Zurkin ordered the sacrifices to summon animal godsa bobcat god with a keen sense of smell and a giant eagle god with extraordinary vision. With the help of the two animal gods, the two poisoned mice were finally trapped in the four corners, and Zurkin finally caught them!
But at this time, the Burning Legion has destroyed eversong woods and turned the war into here. The ghosts are full of arson demons all night.
Not only do the elves love the forest, but the trolls burn the forest in this life. It is the trolls who put up with their anger after completing the law. Zurkin ordered his sorcery Lord Malakas to lead an army to kill these demons and undead, but no, they went to the devil to trouble the other side and took the initiative to knock on the door. The army of undead and demons directly entered the territory of Zuaman.
The forest troll who just joined the battle immediately realized that the Burning Legion was powerful, agile and cruel. The troll soldiers came to be the jungle killers and the best soldiers, but they were completely stunned by the minions of the Burning Legion. Countless armies of undead descended from the sky to guard the bloodsucking Nasrezm strong abyss demons … each kind is a deadly enemy, and they have never seen and experienced each kind.
On the first day, relying on the gate to defend the trolls, thousands of heavy casualties were paid, and the Zuamman sacrifices had to summon more animal gods to help them.
Arthas personally led the army to fight in the front line. He chose a giant bobcat opponentthis beast is quick and cruel, and its claws have killed hundreds of natural disasters.
After a fierce battle, Arthas won. He stepped on the convulsive giant bobcat and pulled out the sword that was inserted into the beast’s chest.
This bobcat is a bobcat god summoned by trolls. The beliefs of Haraz trolls are very complicated and strange. They often give the souls of the ancestors of dead trolls or the souls of strong beasts. After absorbing their faith, they may become the gods who protect them (loa gods). These patron deities have absorbed incense and naturally have the righteousness to protect them. Troll believers can summon these gods when trolls are in crisis.
But the gods are not necessarily powerful enemies. In fact, many loa Lwa L’wha (LOA gods) are even more powerful than ordinary heroes, but there will still be some powerful people, such as the bobcat god Haraz, whose physical strength is not weak. Unfortunately, it has touched Arthas.
That’s all. Arthas sneered contemptuously and kicked the body of the bobcat god. The forest trolls in the distance looked at him with fear, sadness and despair. Their patron saint was killed right in front of them!
Kill them all! Arthas sword shouted
Several undead and demons rushed to the gate of Zuaman. For thousands of years, the high elves and the alliance failed to break through the troll fortress. The legion was burning and the front was crumbling.
At this moment, Arthas suddenly felt that his control over the Scourge was weakened. Some of these undead … seemed to be a little grumpy and attacked demons around him regardless of friends or enemies.
It’s Darkan. He’s … dead? Arthas guessed the answer at once
Only when the Lich King dies will the undead get out of control. Arthas, after all, came from another world and was able to control some natural disasters. After all, it was Indar who granted this world the name of natural disasters belongs to the real Lich King Dalkan, and most of his power was not lost. It is not right for Arthas to wear this helmet himself, which was destroyed by Illidan.
Arthas guessed the answer immediately after he felt this grumpy mood.
Darkan’s spirit can sense the power of this sword, and he has many ways to avoid it if he is not hooked by the hammer chain.
But the real ending is that he is entangled in the hammer, stone, hook and sickle and can’t even raise his hand.
Death Judgment Hammer Stone gave this hook a cold name. Being hooked means death!
Jiang Weihan felt that his spirit, qi and spirit were highly unified, and this sword broke out with unprecedented power. A blue flame crossed Dalkan neck and drew a beautiful arc.
The Lich King’s head has left his body, and the fire in his eyes, which was once weaker than the vigorous soul, seems to be extinguished at any time.
The skull wearing the lich king’s crown fell to the ground, and Jiang Weihan followed suit.
The helmet collided with the ground, and the skull wrapped in it tumbled out. Jiang Weihan came to the skull of Dalkan, and the other party came up with an idea that contained regret. He ignored the fact that he held the hilt with both hands and stabbed it directly.
The white trial broke the skull and the skull trembled, and then the soul fire inside was completely extinguished.
Calcas stole the soul, and a powerful soul floated in. There was a flash name on the page.
Lich KingFall!
The heroes came back to the ground and shouted, but it’s not yet time to be happy. The undead are out of control, and they are in chaos. They are rushing towards the front line. They are even more crazy and bloodthirsty. At this moment, the pressure on the alliance and tribal front is even greater than just now!
Grom, who had just been influenced by the power of mental storm, almost died in Blockx. The axe was rushed to save him with the pain of Saurfang’s brain explosion. But even at that time, even the two of them were able to resist Blockx’s power and violently attacked two orc soldiers in Blockx. Even though they tried their best to resist and dodge, they were still scratched by the rune axe. Blood was pouring out.
The situation is very critical. They may collapse completely at any moment!
It was not until Dalkan’s head was cut off and the power of mental storm disappeared that Grom and Saurfang got a break.
When Jiang Weihan completely killed the Lich King, the natural disaster fell into chaos, and Blockx was greatly affected. He lost the spirit of induction with the Lich King and immediately fell into the void. However, it was also at this time that he found that he had an independent will! He no longer fights the Lich King, but he fights himself!
Grom said to chop Blockx rune axe roared Blockx your Lord is dead! Now it’s your time!