Su Wen and Xiao Jia got into the car together, and Xiao Jia did her duty to help her set her hair.

Zhou Xiaochuan noticed that Xiao Jia asked her, Do you look familiar as a stylist?
She was busy explaining that this is not my stylist, but brother Feng
Zhou Xiaochuan is even more surprised that everything in the circle is ambiguous, and there have been many such scandals before. This is really a taboo.
Because Zhou Xiaochuan, the exclusive stylist of Tianwang, is also kind to Xiaojia.
She took another call. It was Liu Zheng from the airport.
As soon as Su Wen picked up her mobile phone, she turned her face away. Did you get off the plane?
Well, I want to see you. The man’s deep voice is sexy and magnetic.
Su Wen’s face turned red and her voice became smaller. Work later.
Shall I pick you up?
No, it’s inconvenient. You just got jet lag. Have a rest first.
See you later, then. The man was spoiled by Nai.
Hang up the words, Su Wen is still a little dazed. Zhou Xiaochuan looked at her for a long time and she didn’t respond.
Is the girl in love? He suddenly asked
Ah? Su Wen was suddenly startled to deny don’t talk nonsense
Zhou Xiaochuan ha ha a smile, It’s good not to, or your company will know that the broker has to repair you.
He was joking and threatening her, but her face was really white
Xiao Jia stared at her thoughtfully, and her heart was miserable. Brother Feng, I’m afraid you have to pay for this by mistake.
In the evening, Su Wen, a banquet hall of a starrated hotel, appeared in the heart holding hands in jakieyang’s customized gift, and they had just made a green play and announced that they had entered the hall, so they dispersed separately to find acquaintances to get together.
Su Wen naturally followed Xue Shaofeng to see her come in with Zhou Xiaochuan, but instead of saying anything, she showed her approval. The girl knew who she could fry noodles with.
Xue Shaofeng is really loyal enough to introduce everyone. This is our company. Younger’s singing and acting are very powerful and promising. Please take more photos later.
Su didn’t ask many questions, but she was natural and graceful and smiling, and everyone didn’t resent it. Everyone thought she was a fledgling little sister and gave her a hand if she could.
This kind of activity is really meaningless. The rich second generation wants to take advantage of the rich second generation’s potential to benefit each other. Although this kind of activity is often mixed with a certain color and followed Xue Shaofeng for a circle of faces, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and her face was almost stiff with laughter.
Xue Shaofeng measured her, Let’s get something to eat while you are tired.
That’s what she wants. She changed her clothes from the store and came here. She hasn’t had dinner yet.
Worried about cakes and soft drinks, someone called her Miss Nie behind her.
As soon as she looked back, she was forced by a sense of oppression. She is not short. Today, this pair of highheeled shoes is at least inch, or it is overwhelmed by the northern male momentum in front of her.
Xue Shaofeng was not far away, and immediately came to her rescue. This is Mr. Yan, the city’s Yan Jiagong. Today’s banquet exhibition jewelry is Mr. Yan.
Su Wen nodded and they knew each other. Before she could speak, Yanbei said, Miss Nie and I are friends.
This change Xue Shaofeng a face of surprise.
Su Wen smiled, which is regarded as the default to say that friends are really her highs. At most, she met him once through Liu Zheng as a boyfriend friend … which is also a friend.
Lu Zheng returned to China today, didn’t he? Yanbei took the waiter’s hand and casually she chatted.
Well, if the plane just passed, it should be jet lag now.
Yanbei took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to her, explaining that there is the address of my Yanjia jewelry counter in Beijing. Sometimes I ask Lu Zheng to take you around. Take a fancy to which one to sign my name and count me as a gift for my younger siblings.
I’m really flattered to say this, Su Wen. It’s not that I don’t accept my business card in my hand, nor that I don’t accept it.
Yanbei probably saw her naked today, and she was not afraid of losing the battle among her actresses. However, Su Wen really couldn’t afford those expensive jewelry gifts, and it was impossible to say that people borrowed jewelry again.
However, Su Wen didn’t expect that Yan Bei, who was taciturn, also had a dark side. Through this sister in law, he automatically upgraded to someone’s elder brother …
When Liu Zheng knew the truth, Xiu Chang’s eyebrows slanted and he smiled, but he directed the counter salesman mercilessly. This whole set and that one are all wrapped up … Yes, remember your general ledger.
It is said that the sales of Yanjia Jewelry showed a negative growth in that quarter …
After Yanbei left, Xue Shaofeng asked her, How do you know Yan Shao?
She thought about it and euphemistically said, Friends are not particularly familiar.
What did he talk to you about?
Nothing, just gave me a business card and told me to visit their counters. Su Wen honestly gave the business card to Xue Shaofeng to have a look. This is her brother in her eyes.
Xue Shaofeng saw at a glance that Yanbei gave her this personal business card, which is obviously different from the business card submitted by the general banquet occasion. Seeing her eyes is not much a few minutes.
Give her the business card back. Xue Shaofeng said, Since you are a friend, you can keep it, but if someone gives you jewelry later, remember never to accept it.
Don’t worry, I haven’t received any gifts except fan gifts. She still knows that there are some things that I really dare not accept.
It was very late that day when the activity was over. When Su Wen came home, he knew he had come back when he saw Lu Zheng’s shoes in Xuanchu.
Changed slippers and crept into the room. light in the bedroom put out a big bed with his back lying on his side.
After a busy day, I came home knowing that I was not alone, and suddenly I felt very calm and my mouth was unconsciously raised.
Knowing that it was hard for him to adjust the jet lag, Su Wen didn’t wake him up. He went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed his pajamas and got out of bed quietly from the other side.
Just lying on a long arm, I passed through her waist and held her warm breath firmly. Her neck was intoxicated and beautiful in the dark night. Come back?
You didn’t sleep? Su Wen turned to the darkness and wanted to see him clearly.
Lu Zheng kissed her nose. How can you be willing to sleep before you wait?
Fiftyseven cold war
a brief separation makes the couple feel like honeymooners
夜生活Last night, the passion made Su Wen feel a little flushed in retrospect, probably because she really missed her own initiative. Both of them were a little carried away with a kind of ferocity that was bound to drain each other. It was like playing crazy all night in college and forgetting the entrance guard until Li Shi was sweating and hugging each other.
Early element asked to get up first because there was nothing to do, so I took a shower and cooked in the kitchen. At about noon, Liu Zhengcai woke up and sat in the bedroom big bed, looking at the busy little figure in the kitchen and smiling.
He got up and opened the drawer of the bedside table, where there were two boxes of condoms. When he first moved in, they bought them at the supermarket together one day, but this kind of thing felt like it was not the second time that they could stop living together for so long.
Watching her stay with her like a little wife, cooking and putting bath water on her own, sometimes she will be careful to please herself, and she will have expectations unconsciously.
Maybe they can always go like this, always together.
Maybe they want a child so that she won’t leave her again …
Hungry at noon, so suddenly, my mind slowly became warm.
Lu Zheng walked out of the bedroom, asked Su Wen, and set the table to see him up and immediately beamed. It’s just right to eat, so go and wash up.
Broke out in a sweat. Liu Zheng simply took a shower and changed his clothes. When he came out, Su Wen was not in the living room. He turned into the bedroom and saw Su Wen squatting to pack his suitcase.
Even the small alarm clock she likes to put on the bedside table is no exception.
Where are you going?
The abrupt sound startled her, and she looked at him with dark clouds under her eyes.
She tries her best to organize her language quickly and rigorously. Lu Zheng, there’s nothing I haven’t told you these days. I don’t think it’s convenient for us to live together like this …
Before she finished, the haze in Lu Zheng’s eyes became thicker. Where is the inconvenience?
It’s not inconvenient, it’s … Su Wen began to talk incoherently.