Tell me if it was your fault that my brother died in the previous great turmoil.

No, absolutely not.
We can take the oath of heaven. Absolutely not.
It’s Ling Susu, the woman with this quota, who let your brother blow himself up and want to catch the Qian Shan Xueyan people.
Everything is Ling Susu, a snake woman, who has hooked up with Qian Shan College. If you trust this group of people, you will definitely follow in the footsteps of your brother.
Four people denied it in a stack.
Oh, really? Jun Kuang was ready for this favor, and he was sold.
Ling Susu came to attack them, and the scroll of antiquities had already been handed over to sake and others by him, so now there is no even the most basic evidence; The residual energy outside is, of course, the explosion of the man in Shangsiyuan, which I believe is clear to the three people in Shangsiyuan; The four people arrested in Yuanfeng College, however, can prove that the status of Yuanfeng College is much higher than that of Ling Susu.
Chapter seven hundred Joint 2
If the senior brothers in Shangsiyuan think it’s me, I can argue. Ling Susu stuffed the hand dragon into Fan Luo’s arms.
I thought that the four people in Yuanfeng College would not recognize the pot, and I was ready to be crazy by you. Now I feel a little disappointed. She is not secretly annoyed that she is too worthless and easily bought off.
It is not difficult to see from the comments made by a few people just now that they have a long-standing feud with Ling Susu. It is impossible to collude, let alone save the United States, right? Jun said with laughter. Ling Susu is a Xu person, let’s not talk about it for the time being. Do you think she can make such a big storm alone?
Three people in Shangsi Hospital can almost burn people through their eyes and stare at Ling Susu. Don’t they start thinking when they hear this?
They blindly recognized that Ling Susu, who had repeatedly attacked and harassed various colleges, was the first figurine, but they never thought about the ability.
A monk, who is ordinary and powerful, can’t have such a strong power, and it is even more impossible to provoke a weak shock in the ruins of the whole god burn; This situation may be that there is an array plus explosive energy, which is probably the beginning of driving array.
They entered the Shenhuang ruins almost at the same time and arrived at the open-air tournament. It is reasonable to say that they will not be much worse, so Ling Susu will arrive earlier at most.
And more than ten days before the great turmoil, it was said that Ling Susu’s preparation time was limited so short. Is it really possible to create such a strong array with personal ability?
Even if an individual has the ability to make such an array, even after entering the ruins of the God Burn, he will start to decorate his roots and make contact with others. What’s worse, his brother has been walking with Ling Susu for a long time, and his love for Ling Susu is definitely not an illusion.
It is not difficult to see that Ling Susu does not have the ability to prepare such a powerful array, but it is more likely that the other four people will frame him.
I’m waiting for one thing but I don’t want the girl to solve the problem. Rong Yu gently coughed. My brother and girl will be in the hands of the four of them again.
Things developed to the point that Ling Susu didn’t suddenly understand and cooperate with this crazy monarch to arrange drama for her. On that day, we were attacked by four younger brothers in our college, and I was slightly injured. He chased after it from now on.
Ling Susu’s tearful performance won the sympathy of the three people in Shangsiyuan, and the three turned their hatred to the four people tied together.
Four people, a cold shiver and a pile of arguments. Four people speak together and say that the voices overlap, which makes people feel very noisy and not interested in listening.
Since all of you in Qian Shan College can bury the hatchet with Miss Ling, we are not petty people. In the end, the most reckless character also nodded, I still hope that the girl will be good after herself.
These are the belongings from their bodies. Jun Kuang will hand over the contents such as the spirit device from four people to Reilly. I have given your brother’s things to Ling Susu as relics. If you want to get them back, let her take them out.
Smell speech is still boss courtyard three people exchanged a glance, color by the oldest ChaoShi to this is not necessary, brother gave us all the good things, otherwise we wouldn’t be according to this, these things will be left to miss ling to do a good job.
They are not stupid.
No matter how good the other disciples are, they will all be rivals in the future, and maybe even turn against each other. Every day, for them, the means to save their lives must be grasped more.
Some of the things collected from Yuanfeng College are one-off, but after all, the attack power is strong enough to serve as their cards; And you dare to take it out and tell them that people in Qian Shan College can’t look at these things. Their enemies in Qian Shan College are not wise.
It is better to be well-informed than to deal with these people and make others unhappy. It is obvious that only by maintaining the necessary peace can we leave.
Then it’s a date. Jun gave them a laugh. These four people were left to Ling Susu.
I have a discussion elder brother Fan Luo glanced at Jun Kuang with a smile. Some people involved in this matter don’t know when to speak properly.
If you have anything, just say it. It’s a big deal. Jun Qian’s half-open joke succeeded in making the three people in Shangsi Hospital change their faces.
Seeing Fan Luo’s bone fan in his hand, he gave two smiles and looked at the three people. It is said that after our four colleges are divided into high schools, there will be various big doors and aristocratic brothers to join in. He coughed. Our four colleges have always been deep and it is not wise to consume each other at this time.
桑拿As you mean, Rong Yu hurriedly asked.
It is very simple that we should learn to unite with our four colleges to compete with the patriarchal clan and aristocratic families.
Fan Luo’s proposal can be said to be very bold and very leap forward, which even monarchists have to admit.
However, people from Lingcheng College didn’t show up today, and it’s not clear whether Brother Zhenchen agrees with us. Raleigh’s eyes flashed a hesitant look at Chao and Rong.