Defending champions Liverpool have established an advantage at home and now they are moving towards the Champions League final for the third year in a row!

Defending champions Liverpool have established an advantage at home and now they are moving towards the Champions League final for the third year in a row!
夜网论坛  title=If Chelsea are struck by lightning, they rely on strict defense!
In the first leg of Barcelona, Chelsea beat Barcelona 10 at home and drew 22 away.
It can be said that Chelsea have no advantage at home in Barcelona except that Torres finally put a lot of pressure on Barcelona at Camp Nou to get a single knife to tie the score.
The same is true at Anfield.
But the worst thing is that Chelsea conceded the goal first!
Koman immediately made a gesture to the team to defend and counterattack after the team led!
Liverpool contract as a whole Steven Gerrard retreats to play the edge guard Cabaille retreats to play the center guard Qin Xiong and Suarez play the forward.
Liverpool immediately changed ranks.
Dimatteo didn’t expect Liverpool to change so fast and so utilitarian!
Fight against the counterattack immediately after taking the lead.
This is driving Chelsea to the wall!
I’m afraid Chelsea will run out of luck if they want to play positional warfare.
Dimatteo dare to gamble?
Dare to gamble at Anfield?
Dare not!
Chelsea people don’t dare!
Liverpool will naturally not care about whether the team’s play is too utilitarian at this time because they want to compete for the championship.
Chelsea continue to defend Liverpool closely and shrink their defense.
This makes the game extremely boring.
Almost both teams infiltrated the other team’s restricted area to create a threatening offensive.
The scene is extremely dull.
Intense confrontation is more than offensive threat.
After halftime, the two teams returned to the dressing room. Coleman gave the team instructions simply, just hold your horses!
How severe the environment of Liverpool’s team is now.
A little carelessness may lead to line collapse.
Steven Gerrard and Qin Xiong also delivered speeches.
They have worked hard for a season and overcome many difficulties. If they fall down at this time, no one will be reconciled.
So everyone continued to defend and counterattack at half time.
Chelsea wanted to see if Liverpool would pursue the goal of expanding the score at halftime, but Liverpool showed a foursteady posture for Chelsea to do.
Liverpool fans in the stands continued to cheer for the team, and they did not have any complaints about the team’s play.
On the sidelines, Coleman carefully observed the changes in the game.
It’s enough for him to know Chelsea for a long time and control Liverpool. He thinks it’s enough to kill Chelsea with one goal!
It’s a ball leading and then playing against it!
It’s not how bad Chelsea positional warfare is, but if Chelsea take the initiative to attack, then Liverpool’s fast break and counterattack will definitely defeat Chelsea’s defense!