Mom? Xiao he looked up at her mouth vaguely call way

Wenchi revealed a delighted smile lovely daughter, you will finally call niang! Call again!
Mom! My girl waved her hands and shouted
Eleven months ago, my daughter would have called dad, but she could spell out a few complete sentences, but she couldn’t call mom … Today, in this heavy atmosphere, she crossed this hurdle and instantly diluted the dissatisfaction of Cai Yan.
The child’s mother smiled and stopped complaining about the upcoming return to her hometown.
It’s not easy to call a mother. The Story Of Diu Sim smiled and pulled Xiao Yue’s little hand.
Yueer fluttered, and once she grinned, Mom!
Cai Yan slapped her face. What are you yelling about!
Xiao Yue turned to Xiao Zhao and Xiao E instead of giving up learning a language because of her mother’s arrogance.
Two younger sisters hurriedly turned around.
夜网论坛Have Shuang’er gather together to come and call me …
Yueer cocked her nose and sniffed, then patted the meat carefully and tooted her hands. Sister!
I snatched my daughter from Cai Yan’s arms. What are you yelling about?
She put her arms around my head and grabbed my ears with both hands.
I have hugged my daughter! It’s hard for a young father to ask for sex from his daughter.
Public in Liaodong must be very hard … Xiao Zhao finally said.
I took my daughter out of my head and planned to speak to her. I know what you want to say, but I won’t let you go with me this time …
Xiao Zhao looked at me stupefied and asked in dismay, Really? I’m glad she didn’t have tears in her eyes this time.
I nodded. Going to Liaodong this time is more dangerous than going anywhere. I won’t take a woman in the army.
The army? Hasn’t the tiger leopard ride been removed? Cai Yan perceive my words.
Yes, it’s not called butch riding now. I fiddled with my daughter’s feet. You can also help me think of a new name.
Isn’t this a trick? She’s a little worried. Will it be all right?
I will go to Luoyang to ask for the recruitment of rural volunteers. No one should be entangled in this matter. I don’t care much about drilling the imperial edict.
Xiao Zhao is not afraid of the cold in Liaodong … This side has not given up.
I was moved to put my arm around her slender waist. I know you are not afraid, but I love you dearly. There will be another war in Liaodong. How can I let you suffer with me?
Is there a big war? The Story Of Diu Sim a face cut expression.
I can’t deny that Gongsun Du’s separatist regime in Liaodong County will definitely not bow down and move his knife and gun. I also patted her thin shoulder to comfort her. I was born to work hard and don’t take more achievements when I was young. How can I support this family?
You’re only ten years old, so you don’t sound like an old man! Cai Yan showed a smile at the corner of her mouth.
What about Shuang’er? Another idle girl also came to ask
This also said? I shrugged. Of course you’re with your sister!
I’m going to Liaodong to see the snow! She found a good reason.
It will snow in winter in Luoyang … My knowledge of geography is still better than her for centuries. Oh, no, ten centuries. You can wave our rations when you go to Liaodong!
She injustice pie pie somebody else has learned to cook! Especially porridge.
I touched her round head and said softly, Good boy, if I cook porridge, I will do it myself … Just go back to Luoyang.
Don’t people have anything at all? She buried herself in my arms and tried to grab the position with Xiao Yue.
Cai Yan’s eagerness to protect her son stopped her from taking a step. Be careful!
Xiao Yueer smiled and patted Shuang’er’s chest Sister!
Shuang’er bowed their heads and looked at his chest shouted a face upwards lying down.