This is not a group that makes people feel relaxed. South Korea and Saudi Arabia are all participating teams in the 2010 World Cup. Although China also went and ranked higher than Saudi Arabia in the final ranking, it does not mean that China can now. Saudi Arabia can say that the gap is not obvious, and the strength of South Korea has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people since the World Cup.

The AFC Annual Awards Ceremony officially ended.
When getting up and preparing to leave, Qin Xiong saw the officials of the China Football Association talking together in a dignified manner.
Whether the grouping situation is good or not can’t be seen separately. If there are four teams together, everyone can accept it calmly.
It is understandable that China Football Association officials are in a heavy mood when they take a look at the grouping situation of Group B.
Japan, Iran, Korea and Bahrain
If you compare Iran with China, it is estimated that the officials of the China Football Association will smile.
Qin Xiong was invited to take a group photo with some AFC officials. He knew it was inconvenient to push for entertainment. He took his two trophies to take a group photo with wave after wave of big shots as a souvenir.
In the interview area, a reporter also suggested that Qin Xiong take a photo with Sylvia. Qin Xiong generously called Sylvia to his side, and Sylvia took his arm and smiled with him.
Qin Xiong doesn’t mind the outside world knowing that he has a woman aboveboard and not breaking the law.
Before leaving Kuala Lumpur, Qin Xiong went shopping for Sylvia again. He specially bought Sylvia some warm clothes and then took her to London.
Sylvia asked for leave from school and Freddie went to Holland to pick Georgia up and go to London for Christmas at the end of the month.
Cold and humid London Arsenal is now the most watched team in Europe.
After the unbeaten record of 56 league games was refreshed, it was only two games away from the unbeaten record of five major European leagues in Milan.
In the final round of the Champions League group stage just concluded in the middle of the week, Arsenal sent a substitute team, and some teenagers played a very dazzling role to help the team beat Rosenberg 51 in Highbury.
In the group stage, 5 wins and 1 draw, Arsenal showed a stable strength that frightened the European giants. I am afraid that no team would like Arsenal to meet in the Champions League knockout draw.
[The first volume of the sword has become the top battle of Feng 317 before it is unsheathed]
Fifth watch
Jogging along the park path in the morning, Qin Xiong wore ordinary sportswear and a hood to cover his forehead. He didn’t want to be recognized by passersby. He needed to concentrate more on adjusting his state.
夜网论坛After returning to London yesterday, he slept in his apartment. He left Sylvia, not because he didn’t care about her feelings, but because he didn’t care about each other. Sylvia was the hostess of his apartment.
At the same time, Sylvia also urged him to go to bed and rest, leaving it to herself.
She went out alone to buy a day and cleaned the house. Although the weather in London was obviously unpleasant, she was in a happy mood at last.
She also cleaned the kitchen to be a housewife during the period around Christmas.
Qin Xiong slept for more than 12 hours and got up early in the morning without disturbing Sylvia. He went jogging alone.
Traveling to and from Asia brings fatigue, which requires him to have a full rest, recover his physical strength and adjust his physical condition.
The good news is that Arsenal’s weekend league game is the latest.
This will give Qin Xiong more adjustment time.
When he was in Asia, he was sometimes praised by many stars, but when he returned to London, he returned to the role of an ordinary star.
This is normal, and he has no psychological gap.
Among Arsenal, Henry Vieira, Pires Campbell and others are not more famous than him.
Even he won the Asian Footballer of the Year news Fleet Street was not interested in reporting.
Instead, Qin Xiong led Sylvia back to London in the tabloid headlines.
Fleet Street doesn’t care whether Qin Xiong is the African Footballer or the Asian Footballer. They care more about whether Qin Xiong is a gay. Obviously, the latter brings higher news effect.
When Qin Xiong came back to the apartment after jogging, she was surprised to see Sylvia had prepared breakfast, wearing a robe and a blonde shawl. She ran to Qin Xiong and offered a kiss, then urged Qin Xiong to push his back and said, Go take a shower and have breakfast.
Qin Xiong took the stairs and suddenly turned back to Sylvia and said, You are really like a housewife now.
Sylvia deliberately put a straight face with her hands akimbo and said, Be obedient and take a shower! Ha ha ha ha
With that, she gave a sweet smile herself.
Qin Xiong went upstairs to take a shower with a smile and felt particularly comfortable.
No matter how bad the weather is in London, it makes him feel that it is a beautiful day.
After breakfast, Qin Xiong is going to train him and ask Sylvia to clean up a guest room and come out to buy some days for Georgia. After a week, let the little guy come here for Christmas.
Qin Xiong, who returned to the club for training, was first asked by Fabregas in the corner.
What did you go back to Asia for?
receiving the prize
What award?
Asian footballer of the year
Oh, I see. Is it true that the newspaper said you brought your girlfriend back to London?
Well, we live together now.
Fabregas was relieved.
Before the question, he didn’t care about the professional players in European football, and he probably didn’t care much about who the Asian Footballer of the Year was. The award was really light and insignificant, and it had no influence in European football.
Qin Xiong stared at Fabregas strangely, and his expression puzzled Qin Xiong.
You seem suddenly relieved to become very relaxed. What?
Fabregas hesitated for a moment and replied evasively, You are happy that you have a girlfriend.
I have always had a girlfriend. I said that a long time ago.
Who knows whether it is true or not! Robin said that you didn’t have an affair with any beautiful woman in Amsterdam, and I doubt whether you are gay after all, since you are not, that’s great!
Qin Xiong was right!
I also have to say that even though the world is becoming more and more gay, once a gay male player is confirmed in professional football, he has an option to retire.
That is to say, coming out of the closet also means bidding farewell to the professional arena.