It’s simple for him to kill people, but he has to keep people, even a black widow, so that people have to get Chen Mo’s consent

The fleet stopped in Chen Mo and didn’t let the fleet move on.
Further forward is the activity field of the pink skull pirate group, and the fleet is easy to be discovered by the red skull pirate group.
As soon as there are four warships in their own territory, everyone will be wary. Before finding the skeleton island, Chen Mo does not intend to disturb the pink skeleton pirate group.
The fleet stopped at Chen Mo and personally searched with Lei Shou at the bottom of the sea.
It is reasonable to find an island with limited vision at the bottom of the sea, which is much less efficient than looking at the sea.
But this is not the case. As Lei Shou grew up, Lei Shou’s ability became clear.
桑拿会所In addition to its powerful thunder capability, the ancient sea beast Lei Shou radar capability is also very strong.
Lei Shou’s moving speed in the sea, if the radar ability is not strong, it will bump into the obstacle in front every minute.
Li Lei Shou radar capability Chen Mo can easily know whether there is an island at a farther distance than the sea view.
With Lei Shou’s powerful radar capability, Chen Mo finally found an island after searching for a long time near his predicted sea area.
And Chen Mo hid in who observed for an hour and confirmed that the island was a skeleton island.
On the way in and out of the island, he clearly saw a ship that had appeared on the Xizeguo route.
It was confirmed that Chen Mo was not in a hurry to get back, and he followed these boats in the water before leaving quietly.
Will do this? Chen Mo is going to get rid of the red skull pirate group in one fell swoop at sea, or they will shrink in the skull island and not come out. Chen Mo will have to make great efforts to defeat them.
After all, it’s the lair of the red skull pirate group. You can tell from the outside that it’s not comparable to the poor island of the hurricane pirate group.
Skeleton island will have all kinds of defense settings if you don’t think much. If you lose the Black Flag Pirates, you may not be 100% successful.
And if you want to take it today, it’s already coming. Chen Mo continued to ambush near the skeleton pirate group, and made a more careful reconnaissance of the situation before returning to the Deep Sea before dark.
After returning to the Deep Sea, Chen Mo called the Black Flag and detailed his battle plan for one day.
Black flag smell speech nodding.
the next day
Skeleton Island Several ships set off from Skeleton Island for a new day of piracy.
And the female pirates in the ship didn’t expect that four warships were quietly approaching them.
First Geng
Chapter seven hundred and twentytwo Giant sea beasts
Sura, head of a fleet in close to us! Pirate ship!
As usual, the pink skull pirate group is on the route and heading for today’s destination.
But only one hour after the departure, the ship was in charge of reconnaissance, and the sailor sent an alarm to a female pirate on the high side.
Interestingly, this female pirate wearing a slightly upturned pirate hat and wearing a tight black leather suit is also like a black flag with a blindfold and a oneeyed eye.
Fleet? How many black widow Sula smell speech light asked without any panic.
Four ships! And the Ministry has never seen a warship! The lookout sailor answered quickly.
Four warships are no small force in this sea area. You know, even the red skull pirate group has three warships. Usually, there is a black widow. This main warship is dispatched and the other two are parked in the island port.
Four strange warships? Where did these people come from? According to the truth, there are four warships in this sea area that will not come to die.
Black widow smell speech slightly thoughtfully.
Other people don’t know, but pirates who are active in this sea area all know that the biggest pirate group in this sea area is the Pink Skeleton Pirate Group. No other pirate group is definitely no match for the Pink Skeleton Pirate Group even if its surface strength is strong. They finally got warships and won’t come to her to die.
Leave them alone. Let’s move on and let them follow us.
Curious in my heart, but the black widow didn’t pay attention to the fact that the warship behind was still moving according to the original plan.
yes! Colonel!
The head of the team is so mighty!
The lookout answered loudly while the eyes of the female pirates were full of admiration.
Black widow with a dashing posture is like a hero in the eyes of teenage pirates.
Mom, the root of the red skull pirate group didn’t look down on us. It found us but looked down on us when we were away!
No, it’s just a big warship bigger than ours. Except for one warship, the others are better keel ships. When we chase them, we will definitely give her a good look!
Rushing after it, I found that I was underestimated by a group of female pirates, and all the members of the Black Flag Pirates were indignant.
Even the black flag tickled his teeth, and he remembered the disdainful eyes of the black widow.
chase! The highest speed to let them know that we are powerful!
The black flag roared
I’m bent on giving those female pirates some color. Look at the black flag pirate group. The Qi Xin cooperative ship is moving fast
Finally, they caught up with the red skull pirate not far behind, and the red skull pirate has entered their shelling range.
If you stop and don’t stop, we will be fired!
Someone shouted at the black flag warship
And it seems that their roar took effect, and the ship department of the red skull pirate group stopped.
Not long after the Black Flag Pirate Corps drove past, some members shouted and threatened, We are the Black Flag Pirate Corps, and we will give in without restraint, otherwise we will not be rude!
Where did the Black Flag Pirates come from? Just a few warships dare to run to our site to behave in such a way.
The frog at the bottom of the well doesn’t know where the boat was stolen, and it’s not good to investigateis our red skull pirate group so good at robbery?
In the face of the threat of the black flag pirate group, the female pirate group of the red skull pirate group laughed at each other.
Damn these dead women are so arrogant!
If you catch them later, you must let them know!
Members of the black flag pirate group will panic when they get close, but I didn’t expect them to be laughed at so much when they come.
Let your head black widow come out!